
Bachelorette buzzkill

Was at my fave club last night and this happened twice. The big problem the club has us that the stage is small, poorly lit and new rules don't allow dancers to touch guys who are tipping. So they've pretty much taken away incentives to spend time sharing the singles and test-driving dancers. This leaves most of the seats open. Two different packs of bachelorette parties last night cruised in and snatched up the stage seating. They don't tip much, but get a lot of personal attention from the dancers, even touching. Just when you think this could be going somewhere interesting, the customer chicks back off and we're left to dream about what could have happened. What on earth would possess a club to think this is a good way to operate?


  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Sounds like the civie chicks think its a good way to operate.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Strip club managers rarely seem to have good business sense. Greed and their egos tend to get in the way of smart business decisions. The Strip Club Hound talks about this a lot:

  • Otto22
    10 years ago
    Seldom enjoy having women customers in the club. Recently, however, I observed something interesting. In this case a couple (man and wife) came in and took a veteran dancer to the open VIP area. The wife remarked that she admired the dancer's fancy bra whereupon the dancer told her to try it on. And she did! The woman stripped off her shirt and bra and wore the dancer's bra for the six dances they enjoyed. Then she stripped the bra off and returned it to the dancer. Got to see two sets of bare boobs for the price of none.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Yeah – I’m not a fan female custy spectators.

    I was at Tootsies on a Fr night a couple of weeks ago and it felt as if 1/3 of the damn club was female custies just sitting there (saw one group of 4 fems and the rest seemed to go with male companions either couples or groups of guys and fems).

    Most of them don’t look like lesbians to me (not that I would be able to easily tell). To me I think they think it’s just cool or somehow “naughty” to hang out with their man in a SC.

    They take up all the damn good seats and just sit there and watch.

    And even worse is when the fems start treating the SC as a dance club and spend all night dancing on the floor to the music and acting silly w/ the dancers but not spending shit.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    The dancers are there to make money and if possible have fun while doing so. My ATF and other dancers tell me they've never made significant money from bachelorette parties or other packs of females. However I've been told that some couples can be very generous in VIP when a couple is looking for a 3-way tryst.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Lowpaw took issue with me in another thread when I said the male dominated clubs aren't great for most women, and I stand behind that. If it's just one or two women in the club it's fine, but when a whole bunch show up, I leave. It's a huge mood kill.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Rockstar- I believe in that other thread you made some broad generalizations about women in clubs that I took to apply to individual customers as well as groups and I also stand by my response there. But I also remember that you clarified yourself in a follow up post to better define your thoughts. FWIW I also dislike large groups (of either gender) in strip clubs as it does change the dynamic. If a large bachelor party arrives or is there when I arrive I will leave the club since I know that they will monopolize the dancers and gather most of the attention and the rest of us will be sitting around alone.
    Well at least with the bachelorette group chances are they won't be hogging up the dancers :)
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @ lowpaw: I never worry about dancers becoming unavailable; I was more speaking to the vibe of bi/heterosexual women acting worse than 14 year old boys when they see their first bare breast. Men in small groups are well behaved as a rule (despite media portrayals to the contrary) but you get 4-5 women in a club and I'm out the door due to the noise and general disrespect they have for the dancers, other customers and wait staff.

    A broad brush? Perhaps, but that's been my experience.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago

    Lol sorry....couldn't resist :)

    I agree about the bachelor party thing. I'll usually bail if there is a large party since its true they usually will get all of the dancer attention on the presumption that there is money to be had there. Leaves the rest of us high & dry. Sometimes I'll stick around to see if they take the groom to be onstage to beat the shit outta him. That can be entertaining.
  • chessmaster
    10 years ago
    its not just women, its large groups in general.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I think women customers in strip clubs are a negative effect. This applies to straight women who come in for one reason or another, and it applies to lesbian women too.

    Someone got really mad at me when I post these views before.

    I also have a problem with lesbian dancers. They are not what they try to appear to be, and this does surface if one tries to pluck their strings a bit.

    Yes, some dancers classify themselves as "bisexual", but mostly this just means that they like to do girl on girl action for a male audience. These are displays of girl power. They are okay though because often they involve DFK, and so they likely will DFK with the guys too.

    For a woman to engage in sex acts with another women, has one kind of meaning. But sex with a man means much more. So if she starts DFKing with a man, she is showing readiness for FS.

    So the girl on girl show is constructive, towards the ends of FS with a man. So this kind of "bisexuality" is quite constructive.

    Real lesbianism is something entirely different. Of course these women have the right to live as they choose, but they contribute nothing constructive to strip clubs.

    You don't see many lesbian customers in brothels wanting sessions with women. So as strip clubs continue to "improve", it will be better if they don't have lesbian customers, or dancers, or too many straight women customers.

  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago

    I'm sure all of the bi and lesbian customers dont want you there either.
  • Prim0
    10 years ago
    Try looking at a bachelorette party as an opportunity. Try to get in with them and try to find a willing girl. Try to turn a negative into a positive.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    I remember that thread where you had your ass handed to you about this topic, san hose guy. You back peddled pretty damn quick when you got called out there and now you pretty much repeat that post here. Looking for a new audience? Lmao!
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @SJG -- I suspect there are many bi dancers that really are bi. I wouldn't consider a chick basically oriented toward males that happens to fool around with other strippers for the benefit of customers to be at all bi. I think they are straignt but willing to bend a bit for a bigger tip. Also have no issue with lesbian strippers. Strippers are selling a fantasy. Don't care if they are actually into the guys they dance for. Many straight or bi dancers probably have zero interest in the dudes they dance for. No different.

    I think the OP is right about bachelorette parties being bad news. lopaw (see...no W) is right regarding big groups being bad for solo custies and overall degrading the experience. But bachelorettes are double bad news. A bunch of chicks who probably haven't been to a SC and have little same sex attraction (for most of the women) going out for a one night walk on the wild side. Fun for them...not fun to watch.

  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Personally, and I'm sorry to Lopaw for raining on her parade, but I feel uncomfortable with women customers. Not as bad with just a couple coming in, but a bachelorette party instantly means I'm leaving. And if I ever did see a single woman customer sitting next to me, I'd feel uncomfortable.

    Feel free to call me whatever name you'd like, but I think many guys feel the same way.

    Strip clubs are for men. And I don't like when women feel they need to come in to male establishments, for whatever reason. To prove equality, to find out "what those nasty men are doing", or whatever. Sometimes guys just want to be alone to oogle girls and have fun. So let us. Don't rain on our parades.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Lmao jerkoffson. I doubt that lopaw (or anyone else for that matter) gives a shit about you or anything that you write. Rain on someone's parade? Don't flatter yourself.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    Yes, strippers are selling a fantasy. But, they are also presented as ordinary women, who are selling that fantasy. They are not presented as actually being titanium skinned fembots.

    You wrote:
    "Don't care if they are actually into the guys they dance for."

    Every good experience I have ever had with a stripper is precisely because she does go for me, and because I have plucked her strings some and been able to get beyond her on the job persona, and because she has allowed me to do this.

    When I try to do this with a dancer who I find out to be lesbian, it does not work, of course. In one case I was really getting a dancer heated up just by looking at her and giving her $1 tips, as she moved from one stage to another and did her total of 8 songs at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail.

    She was starting to feel something as she was showing me doggie views ( with her panties still on of course ) and watching in the mirrors as I was watching her, and then my turning to look at her face. She was starting to get off on the fact that I was being turned on by her. With most dancers, just a little bit of that kind of stuff gets them eating out of my hand.

    But this one instead reacted differently. She left the last stage and proceeded towards the dressing room. I had sat down at a table, intending to hand her $1 more and to say something to her. She saw the situation and moved fast, getting hold of my wrist and pinning my arm to the table. Then she thanked me very nicely for following her from stage to stage, but the meaning was that she did not want to proceed further. This was not about money, it was about letting me develop a sexual tension with her.

    About a year later I encountered the same dancer at another club. I asked if she remembered me and she seemed not to. I had her dance for me, as it is done at that club. But again, in trying to get under her skin, there was a wall, the same sort of wall.

    Her current partner was another one of that club's dancers.

    I could go on and on. In San Francisco, at least for a time, about 50% were lesbian. Many were the sterotype of the blonde bombshell big hair wig on top of the blue buzz cut. One such woman gave me a nice dance, tities in the face, and done real well. I told her, that was better than I expected. You gave me an endorphin rush.

    But sex between two women is not the same thing as sex between a man and a woman. When a woman looks at another woman it is not done in the same way and it does not mean the same thing as when a man looks at a women. When a woman is exposing her privates to a man, it means much more than it ever could if she was exposing herself to another woman.

    Lesbian dancers have decided to wall off a certain potential area of experience. But it is exactly that area that a male customer wants to explore.

    I want the dancers to be getting off on me, not just off on my money. I want to be able to pluck their strings and get them to the point where they are ready to be whatever I want them to be ( whore, girlfriend, wife ).

    Lesbians have a long term commitment to preventing this, and so trying to interact with them as strippers always goes no where.

  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Wow san hose gay- your ignorance is almost beyond belief.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    @ shg- sorry but you about as delusional as they come. I'm actually embarrassed for you in what you posted. You obviously have NO idea what you are talking about when it comes to lesbianism. What makes you think that you know what is going on in the mind of lesbians? Who the fuck are YOU to presume that when we look at women it is any different? And what makes you think for a nanosecond that any dancer would have any interest in you? I got a news flash for ya, pal - you ain't "plucking any strings" with them. They are taking your money and having a good laugh at you behind your back in the dressing room later. Dancers are there to work and make money regardless of their sexual orientation. They don't give a fuck about you - just the contents of your wallet......and as soon as that is depleted you are just a non-memory as they move on to the next target. So you plan on making them your wife or GF? Oh really? If I didn't know better I'd think that your posts are written as a joke - for your sake I hope that they are, because no one could be as out of touch with so many things as you portray yourself to be. I'd recommend some basic courses in human sexuality for starters, then perhaps you can take some advanced classes in alt lifestyles because your lack of basic sexual awareness is embarrassing and quite disturbing.

    @jerikson - no you aren't raining on my parade. You are incapable of doing so. Nothing you post here has any bearing or impact on my clubbing or my life. You club where you want to, and I will do the same.

  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Lopaw sez: "Dancers are there to work and make money regardless of their sexual orientation. They don't give a fuck about you - just the contents of your wallet......"

    Wow. That's harsh.

    And for some reason, when I say something that is almost verbatim what Lopaw says, I'm a buzzkill and raining on people's parades and an asswhole and every other name that people can think of.

    But when she says it it's fine...

    Yeah, I get it..
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    lopaw for the win!!!!!
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Primo- Great advice.

    I've lucked out when large groups(men or women) hit up my favorite club. My favorites there are smart enough to know not to ignore the dudes who keep them well fed. A smart stripper doesn't want to lose guaranteed money over possible money.
  • curiositycat
    10 years ago
    I usually leave when there are any large groups of parties not interested in the dancers. I enjoy looking at the women and the way they dance, it is kind of a buzz kill if a customer is there for other reasons because then it detracts from the experience because it is usually obvious they aren't there for the same reasons.
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