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Comments by Kimi

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Your Average TUSCLer...
8 years ago
What's a DS?

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8 years ago
Extras at 390 and Atlantis too but it's $$ and very girl dependent.

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Escort experience
8 years ago
K, all those things sound great. But getting to that point is hard. At least in my experience.

It sounds like the midpoint between an actual gf and an escort.

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Escort experience
8 years ago
Subramam check your PMs

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Escort experience
8 years ago
Subraman...not that time is wasted, but rather if you get a ROB or promised not delivered, it's frustrating. You also have to have the skills/personality to have a stripper do OTC with you. At least that's my experience. and not everybody is capable of doing that.

So to me, all that money that I spent and didn't get what I wanted is wasted. Or cost of doing business. again, could be market/skill.

I do enjoy strip clubs and they are fun, but at least in my experience (and it could be just Chicago) it's hard to get what you guys describe. I would probably feel otherwise if I had more luck.

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Escort experience
8 years ago
So first of all, I don't want to come in here and say I know better or that strippers are worse than escorts or whatever. I am sharing my experience and at best providing food for thought.

Here as some responses to K's post.

"1. Window shopping strippers is far easier and has fewer surprises than looking at pictures of an escort. " - true. But this agency has very lightly edited pics. This girl looked better in real life.
"2. I already know the stripper isn't a cop."- sure. I knew this too. Agency with plenty of reviews. You can never be sure I guess, but it'd be a LOT of police time and effort to fake this.
"3. Stripper sex is cheaper and better than escort sex." - wouldn't know if it's better, but cheaper is debatable. If you count all the wasted time and money you spent on steippers that didn't put out, it's not that much cheaper. At least that's my experience. I've wasted a lot of money not getting what I want.
"4. They stay longer. Often over night." - no argument here
"5. They actively participate and usually expect an orgasm or two." - I'm of the thought they all fake it and do it for money. And I'm there for me, not them. That's why I'm paying. I think this is a wash.
"6. They rarely charge extra for kink. If you want a specific kink and negotiate it up front, expect to pay more. Once the session starts what ever happens is covered by the already negotiated tip. " - I got nothing. Seems very dependent on the girl.
"7. Strippers are easily impressed by dinner at a nice restaurant, or a good show and a good bottle of wine in the room." - again, I got nothing. Not concerns of mine but sure. I can see that.

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Escort experience
8 years ago
I've tried that once or twice. Texted the girl (stripper) and no response. It's a lot of leg work to get to that point. At least to me.

Could be part of the fun/challenge yes, but I feel there is some skill involved.

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LA Dallas or Jacksonville
8 years ago
Change of plans - down to LA or Dallas. Any specific clubs I should look into in LA/COI?
8 years ago
So I've given this more thought after reading the comments. I think it might have been a case of their "I'm not a slut" mentality.

Incidentally, both mentioned a story where a bouncer/manager walked them into a VIP room and there was a guy there expecting sex. If that's true, I have trouble believing that a bouncer would send a girl who doesn't do that into that room. Almost sounds like she doesn't like the way she was asked/presented?

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9 years ago
I'll be there a few days for work so I'll have laptop and all in the car. But that's why I can't make it back to Follies during the day.

I'll check out reviews on Oasis again, as well as the other two. hows the talent level at those two, looks wise?

What about the one downtown? Forget the name - the more upscale one. Is is strictly air dance central?
I've never been to a club with a girl but I've been going to 390 lately and see some couples come in.

I also have to disagree on Blackjacks. Maybe I just got lucky and not all the dancers are thag frisky but the one I saw twice was great.

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Day shift stripper shit?
9 years ago
They don't coordinate to tell you that you have a big dick, are sexy or that she gives the best dance in VIP, but they all say it anyway. That's what I meant. Didn't want to get suckered into something but it seems this isn't blatant SS.

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Day shift stripper shit?
9 years ago
Suck or fuck ITC is not possible in this club the way it's set up. It really isn't an extras club at all so I can't try that. I'll probably go in 2-3 more times, spend minimal money and see where it goes. Drop it after that.

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Day shift stripper shit?
9 years ago

I've never actually set it up before, but have been exploring it. I have been offered extras before without asking. I do vaguely remember they wanted to meet a few times inside first before going out though. But I figured if I can get extras first time, OTC should be available too.

Good to know.

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My first day shift visit
9 years ago
Shadowcat...I'll be planning my trip to Atlanta so that I have at least one off day during the week and can visit Follies.
9 years ago
Why is night shift at Follies bad exactly?
9 years ago
Is tattletales a strictly black club?
9 years ago
I'm more into white/Asian/Latina chicks. Not so much black. Last time I was in town I went to Oasis but I picked a bad girl/didnt negotiation right up front and left unhappy.

I'll be working during the day so can't do day shift - unless it's Saturday.

Haven't heard Tattletales mentioned before. I'll look it up.

For Cheetah - is it at least two way dances or not even that?

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Best US strip club city
9 years ago
Any particular in Miami? Or a few that are clearly better than the rest?

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Best US strip club city
9 years ago
To clear it up...outside of Detroit and outside of Tijuana. Not feeling adventurous enough to cross the border.

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Twin Cities, MN
9 years ago
Looking for mileage. Believe it or not, south burbs of Chicago aren't bad for that. Not Detroit but they're not bad.

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Kissing a stripper.
10 years ago
Ya I'd say Polekatz is not an extras place. She was making out with you in the couch dance area?

Hm. Maybe I should go back there. I've been visiting Atlantis.

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Club Recommendations
10 years ago
In Chicago, Atlantis or if you're into black girls, Arnies. Never been to Arnies though.
11 years ago
As for the next meet...there are at least 2 clubs in Chicago where you guys would have fun. Arnies and Atlantis. Club 390 might be passable. And there are a few other in that area (far south suburbs and northwest Indiana) that could provide entertainment.

So I say Chicago.