Escort experience

avatar for Kimi
This is nothing ground breaking but I wanted to share my experience and get a discussion going. Basically some random thoughts of mine.

I've been going to stip clubs for a while. I don't think I have the skills/experience/time/money of some of the guys here but I've gotten some extras. But I've had more undelivered promises and disappointments than good experiences. Could be a product of living in Chicago.

Anyway, I decided to visit an escort. While the time spent was shorter than at a strip club, I got excatly what I was promised. I was able to "window" shop because this agency has realistic pics and plenty of reviews.

But the main thing that I couldn't stop thinking about when thinking of the comparison, is some comments I read here about escorts being a lot less attractive than strippers. And I did not find this to be true. This girl would be a top 3 talent at any strip club I've been to.

Plus/minuses of escorts:
- Less chance of being mislead
- Girls from this agency are new to the business (none more than a year from the review site)
- not jaded/drunk/high which are all turn offs for me
- don't have to deal with girls you find unattractive

- less time to build up/get to know her
- even more business like feeling
- a lot less private because of the screening process
- potentially more expensive (420 1 hour was the demage)

Clearly the experience was different, and I'll continue going to strip clubs. But variety is the spice of life, and at least for me, there is something to be said for escorts.

Anyone else have positive/negative experiences?


If you want to see strippers outside, in effect letting them be your escort, then that should not be a problem.

Always available, even in the zero mileage clubs in my area.

F2F first meetings always better, build rapport with the girl.

avatar for Kimi
8 years ago
I've tried that once or twice. Texted the girl (stripper) and no response. It's a lot of leg work to get to that point. At least to me.

Could be part of the fun/challenge yes, but I feel there is some skill involved.
Girls where I am definitely do OTC, and regularly, and some go out of their way to advertise this.

-->" I was able to "window" shop because this agency has realistic pics and plenty of reviews... But the main thing that I couldn't stop thinking about when thinking of the comparison, is some comments I read here about escorts being a lot less attractive than strippers. And I did not find this to be true. This girl would be a top 3 talent at any strip club I've been to. "

Your experience is your experience, and if that's what you found, that's great. That said, even in fairly heated discussions on boards where johns and PLs uneasily co-exist, it is not at all a controversial statement that as a whole, strippers are far hotter than anyone else in the sex industry. Everyone who has experienced both pretty much nods their head and moves on. Or, the other way I'd put it: I could go to the club with the hottest girls in my city (Gold Club) on any random Saturday night, and see 20 girls who are as hot, or hotter, than the hottest escorts or bodyrub girls that I (or my buddies) have seen in the past 20 years. And that's just ONE Saturday night... every Saturday night, week in and week out, that's true.

Moreover, in my experience, there's no such thing as "realistic pics". They almost always use professional pics, and pro pics are always better than reality. The few times they don't use pro pics, they at least pick the most flattering pics they can get. You might think they're realistic, but I doubt I would... Again, it's uncontroversial when johns and PLs are going at it, that the usual best case for johns is that their escort is only slightly worse looking than the pics; usually, it's a good sized bump down.

That said, there are other HUGE advantages of strippers. For example, my last OTC with a stripper, last me about 4 hours and cost me $200. That's because with strippers, I just negotiate for the sex, and then they're willing to come out and part for however long without being on the clock, as long as I"m paying. An escort that's not half as hot, would cost me $350 for a single hour, or at least triple that for 4 hours. Hell, with my very fave ATFs, often they'll sleep over, all for the $250-$300ish fee ... what does a 9+ escort charge for an overnight, $1500 at MINIMUM? There's just no comparing the economics: even if you think escorts are as hot as strippers, the fact that escorts charge for every minute and strippers often charge for just the sex act and everything else is off the clock, makes this not even a remotely fair comparison... at least to me

Pics are not window shopping!

A front room makeout session is the best way to select!

avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
1. Window shopping strippers is far easier and has fewer surprises than looking at pictures of an escort.
2. I already know the stripper isn't a cop.
3. Stripper sex is cheaper and better than escort sex.
4. They stay longer. Often over night.
5. They actively participate and usually expect an orgasm or two.
6. They rarely charge extra for kink. If you want a specific kink and negotiate it up front, expect to pay more. Once the session starts what ever happens is covered by the already negotiated tip.
7. Strippers are easily impressed by dinner at a nice restaurant, or a good show and a good bottle of wine in the room.
Also, besides just interviewing her and checking her out, you can start to build rapport with her, flirting, coming on to her.

avatar for serrano
8 years ago
I never try an escort. Just sound like trouble and lot of false advertise.

Best chemistry is with American stripper cute girl. But you have to find her (the gem) among all the ROB strippers, then visit club a number of time likely, and spend on her in club prior to finally reach a cuddle and sleepovers wit her. But result is best I believe.

Best option for quickest return on investment and absolutely best value is legal German FKK, especially if you adore young Romanian girl. There is flat 80-90 euro entrance fee to club. You meet girl in FKK like would at strip club. Then 60 or so euro to the beautiful young 20 year old Eastern European of your choices. Within 5 minute you will be with her in private back room to enjoy her company in many different way for 30 minute. Problem is these girl are more dirty and most not nearly as charm as American stripper I find. I may kiss the American stripper who do occasional sleepover for a distinguish subset of client, but not FKK girl which sound dangerous to your health. Always a protection on!

I'm just glad I not having to romance my large ugly wife anymore!!
I also prefer OTC dancers to escorts for all the reasons K posted, although I have a 'future g/f' who used to be a BP escort. She hasn't advertised since she moved to a very small town, but she's returning to my area soon (Chicago burbs). I just met her for the first time last Sat. and no, I haven't had sex with her yet. We will on the second date though. I even bought condoms!
To each their own I suppose.

I had thought about escorts at one point. But it always seemed to me I would prefer to know what I'm getting. And SC provided that for me.

But I suppose others are able to find a nitch for the escorts. I just preferred the clubs.
K has a good list of reasons why strippers are better. I've never tried a non-stripper escort and i seriously doubt that I ever will. There is just no reason for me to even consider it. I laugh at most posts about the problems with escorts because the answer is always the same -- fuck strippers instead.
avatar for Kimi
8 years ago
So first of all, I don't want to come in here and say I know better or that strippers are worse than escorts or whatever. I am sharing my experience and at best providing food for thought.

Here as some responses to K's post.

"1. Window shopping strippers is far easier and has fewer surprises than looking at pictures of an escort. " - true. But this agency has very lightly edited pics. This girl looked better in real life.
"2. I already know the stripper isn't a cop."- sure. I knew this too. Agency with plenty of reviews. You can never be sure I guess, but it'd be a LOT of police time and effort to fake this.
"3. Stripper sex is cheaper and better than escort sex." - wouldn't know if it's better, but cheaper is debatable. If you count all the wasted time and money you spent on steippers that didn't put out, it's not that much cheaper. At least that's my experience. I've wasted a lot of money not getting what I want.
"4. They stay longer. Often over night." - no argument here
"5. They actively participate and usually expect an orgasm or two." - I'm of the thought they all fake it and do it for money. And I'm there for me, not them. That's why I'm paying. I think this is a wash.
"6. They rarely charge extra for kink. If you want a specific kink and negotiate it up front, expect to pay more. Once the session starts what ever happens is covered by the already negotiated tip. " - I got nothing. Seems very dependent on the girl.
"7. Strippers are easily impressed by dinner at a nice restaurant, or a good show and a good bottle of wine in the room." - again, I got nothing. Not concerns of mine but sure. I can see that.
-->"So first of all, I don't want to come in here and say I know better or that strippers are worse than escorts or whatever. I am sharing my experience and at best providing food for thought. "

Just honest difference of opinion and different experiences. No harm no foul

-->""3. Stripper sex is cheaper and better than escort sex." - wouldn't know if it's better, but cheaper is debatable. If you count all the wasted time and money you spent on steippers that didn't put out, it's not that much cheaper. At least that's my experience. I've wasted a lot of money not getting what I want. "

That's kind of the crux in the different attitudes. I don't think of one dime I spent on strippers who didn't eventually agree to OTC as "wasted". I enjoyed every minute. That is really one of the fundamental differences between johns and PLs, IMO -- if you don't think of a trip to the SC as fun regardless, you're probably better off as a john. But again, once you DO find a stripper to go OTC, the price difference can be ORDER OF MAGNITUDE difference. 5 hours of fun for $250, versus escort $350 per hour, or maybe you get lucky and she has a 5-hour $1200 package deal. Overnights for that same $250, versus escort $2000 overnight package. There is just no comparison here -- up to order-of-magnitude less expensive (for girls who I claim are far hotter, and where the sex is 10x hotter because I'm all revved up from seeing her in the club).

-->""7. Strippers are easily impressed by dinner at a nice restaurant, or a good show and a good bottle of wine in the room." - again, I got nothing. Not concerns of mine but sure. I can see that. "

Again, I think the fact that that's not a concern of ours, along with a few of the other things you've mentioned above, just re-emphasize that you probably found your calling. You think of money spent in the strip club as "wasted", you're fine with escort-level quality as far looks, don't care about any other socializing, don't even seem to care that it's not affordable to spent more than an hour or two with an escort. There's nothing wrong with you feeling that way at all, it just means that being a PL was maybe never really your thing... if you don't care about those things, being an escort john might be just the ticket for you.

The one thing K didn't include is the experience of teh vast majority of us, PLs and johns alike -- on any saturday night, you can go into any mid-range strip club and find 20 girls who are as hot as the hottest escort you've ever seen. I realize that for your tastes, that statement isn't true (which again, might make escorts just a way better choice)... but it's an uncontroversial statement even on escort forums, it applies to most of us.
Kimi, the one other thing I"d note -- you seem to have a grand total of 1 escort experience. Even if I just completely take you at your word, about finding a stripper-hot escort and having an amazing time, you should realize that if you talk to your buddies who see escorts, or read forums, you can't get this lucky all the time. You WILL be opening the door to escorts who are less (often, far less) attractive than their pics most of the time, for example. Getting lucky once doesn't mean that that's the common experience -- it's definitively not. Not trying to talk you out of anything, I think it seems clear that escorts are more to your liking than SCs, just pointing out that 1 experience does not a trend make
avatar for Kimi
8 years ago
Subraman...not that time is wasted, but rather if you get a ROB or promised not delivered, it's frustrating. You also have to have the skills/personality to have a stripper do OTC with you. At least that's my experience. and not everybody is capable of doing that.

So to me, all that money that I spent and didn't get what I wanted is wasted. Or cost of doing business. again, could be market/skill.

I do enjoy strip clubs and they are fun, but at least in my experience (and it could be just Chicago) it's hard to get what you guys describe. I would probably feel otherwise if I had more luck.
avatar for Kimi
8 years ago
Subramam check your PMs
The OP's opinion seems mostly based upon some great escort service that he's found. But my guess is you just got lucky, and like subra said that luck is not likely to last. Beyond that, you cant expect such a business to last any longer than you can expect a bowl of gravy to last at Lloyds house. LE will soon shut that business down. If you found it, the cops will too. Maybe you'll get lucky and the cops won't learn that you were a patron, or maybe you'll be unlucky and will get caught up in the inevitable disaster. However the downfall goes, it's a bunch of shit that you could easily avoid by going to strippers.

Beyond that, I care about the girls personality as well as her looks, and you can't judge personality from a picture. I take these girls to dinner, shopping, etc, and the great ones go on long trips with me. I also go for the girls that work at non extras clubs, and that rarely do otc with customers. Plus I like them 18-21. It's almost impossible to find an escort who meets my criteria.
@JohnSmith69: "Beyond that, you cant expect such a business to last any longer than you can expect a bowl of gravy to last at Lloyds house."

You might be surprised. There's an agency here in Louisville that's been operating here for almost as long as I've been here. I've seen their ads for 15 years at least.

There's a couple more in Cincinnati that have been around for quite some time as well.
avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
If you enjoy the escort experience, great. You found your thing. You will get no complaints form me. I hope it continues to be good for you.
My comments were general. A particular escort experience could be far superior to a particular stripper OTC experience
Expanding on my comments above.

1. Windows shopping a stripper allows me to see how she moves. I can touch her. Does she have bad breath? You can't see that in a picture posted on line.

2. In your specific case you have high confidence but in general it is safer with a stripper.

3. I enjoy my time in a club and do not consider it wasted time nor wasted money. I have had entire weekends of sex with a stripper for the cost of an hour of lap dances. She had nothing else going on and was enjoying herself. An escort will not be cheaper.

4. Staying over night is a good thing. I like morning sex. An escort would charge a fortune to stay over night and even more for making out in the shower and a quick fuck before checking out. if she would even consent to that.

5. Active participation is nice. Who doesn't feel better knowing his partner is enjoying herself? I get off on knowing I made a woman come. This participation also gives me time to recover and fuck her a second and even a third time. Is she faking it? maybe. But consider one of my recent sessions. After a great BJ with a swallow (would have been extra with an escort) she lay back and told me to kiss her pussy. she would have come quickly and been done at one if she was faking it. Escorts always come at the same time as the customer. That rarely happens with a stripper. I often have to finish her orgasm with my fingers. Some of them get annoyed if you don't take care of their orgasm. For these and other reasons I don't believe they fake it often.

6. I use kink in a loose manner. If a stripper swallows she isn't going to charge extra. If I slip my finger in her ass while eating her pussy, she isn't charging extra. An escort is going to charge for all of these.

7. Strippers know only one way to show their appreciation, by letting you enjoy their body. I enjoy the socializing aspect as someone else noted but I also know they are more likely to provide me with a much better time if I take them to a nice dinner. I usually get more and better sex than if I had paid her two or three times the cost of dinner and a bottle of wine.

8. This wasn't in my original list. If people know you fucked a stripper you are a hero. Even if you paid. Fuck an escort, even if for free and you are a low life degenerate .
avatar for Kimi
8 years ago
K, all those things sound great. But getting to that point is hard. At least in my experience.

It sounds like the midpoint between an actual gf and an escort.
avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
That is not meant as a joke. Girlfriends are more expensive, more work and less sex.

Getting to this point isn't that hard. Go to a strip club. Talk to a woman you find attractive. Ask her if she would like to meet up outside the club. How best to ask is covered in a few other threads.

^^^^^ :)

Do you get makeout sessions as good as with civilian GF's?

I can understand the OP's POV - it just looks like he has not been able to get a handle on the strip-club game - some of his points are valid such as dancers not delivering due to flaking-out or baiting-and-switching - one almost needs an advanced-degree in strip-clubbing in order to make the most out of it - many on TUSCL have been SCing for years and have been TUSCLarly educated and thus have been able to find success; but for many SCers they may have things going against them such as:

+ location - low-mileage area where most dancers see themselves purely as "entertainers" - the OP mentions he's in Chicago which can make it harder since not only is it usually a low-mileage area but seems there are a lot of lightweight SCers that are content w/ spending big $$$ for low-mileage thus perhaps the dancers do not need to engage in extras/OTC?

+ extras and OTC are not a matter of just saying I wanna do that and I'm willing to pay - many dancers are not into-it; and many that eventually do require some work - often times successful OTCers are regulars of a club or particular dancers and a dancer may soften-up as she gets to know a PL and sees he's a good spender - getting OTC is not as simple as showing up to a club on a particular night; getting some dances from a dancer; and then sealing the OTC deal - many dancers are understandably wary of meeting a custy OTC

+ may will say dayshift girls may be more apt - at the very least if one visits on peak weekend nights when the club is packed probably harder to build a rapport w/ the dancers; i.e. pick a slower weeknight where she'll have more time to spend w/ you and you can perhaps work something out

If you are going to a known non-extras club; then forget about getting anything in VIP no-matter what the girls may insinuate - and getting OTC w/ dancers does usually take more work and there *is* usually a higher failure risk but many on here seem to have fine-tuned their game so it can be done, you may just not be going about-it the right way or you're just in a bad area and need to find different clubs with more willing-and-able dancers.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
Although we seek the same outcome, the adventures of escorts and strippers are vastly different. I have had very good experiences with escorts when I am in the mood to research a specific provider and I'm willing to set up a specific day & time to her incall. This takes a bit of advance planning and is the opposite of spontaneity, which is what stripclubs generally offer. I overall prefer stripclubs over escorts because I enjoy the hunt, and want to "window shop" when I'm there.

AFA looks go - I have been fortunate in that all of the escorts that I've seen looked just like their photos (I prefer more reliable sites like TER to browse thru providers sites) so overall the escorts were in the 9 - 10 range where it's not unusual to only find 6-8's on a dayshift club run. With escorts you're basically picking a girl from a catalogue so you know what you are getting. At a club it's always very random.
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