
Comments by kingcripple (page 19)

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    12 years ago
    Was it Really Love?
    Was it really love? for you maybe. for her.... only love of the money you gave her. however i dont think her not working there anymore had anything to do with you so chin up
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    13 years ago
    Ten Things that Annoy Me in Strip Clubs
    I love these. I assume you will be doing more soon. Might I suggest top 10 craziest stage names that you have personally encountered (might be short, but adding some commentary on what you thought was going through the girls mind when she chose the name would be interesting) or 10 craziest SS stories(I am a master at seeing past that personally)
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    13 years ago
    Ten Things I wish all Dancers Knew About Me (and Customers Like Me)
    Jackson- great points. #6 is something all dancers should know. this probably should be #1. it is on my list: 1. I am not made of money. I am a 26 year old college student with bills. I would assume many of you dancers are too. 2. Like Lucky, I am human. I do find certain woman attractive. If I find you attractive and you actually take the time to talk to me, I may develop a crush. I doubt seriously I would try to ask you on a date, but in the VERY rare occasion that I would (this has never happened), reject me tactfully. Tell me you are a lesbian or something, doesn't sting at all if you tell me that. 3. I know I am ugly. Don't lie to me. 4. Being honest upfront gets you major points. Unlike Jackson, I don't care if you tell me have an SO. This helps me not to develop said crush in #2. 5. If you have some sort of drug problem, and are currently high, hide it. It really creeps me out 6. Don't grab my chair get 2 inches from my face and ask me if I am ready for a dance, ask to sit with me first. This has happened to me multiple times, multiple days, multiple times in the same day, from the same girl. 7 Take a hint. If I avoid eye contact with you, don't continue your approach. Don't sit down. If I do make eye contact and politely decline your invitation, go away. 8. If i say "come back later", I most likely would like a dance from you. Don't take it as rejection. I am just scoping out the room and trying to pick between multiple girls. Read #1. If I could get dances from all of you, I would, but i ain't made of money. 9. Come up with better stories. The whole single mom thing ain't gonna cut it. Neither is saying you are paying for school. Alot of you are attractive and know it. You obviously thought you were attractive enough to be a stripper(though there are some baggers). Can you honestly say that you do not have a boyfriend, husband, girlfriend, sugar daddy, or sugar mommy taking care of your ass? 10. I am too polite. I likely wont touch you out of respect or fear of getting my ass kicked. Don't be offended if I dont try to stick my finger in your ass
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    13 years ago
    How To Pick Up Strippers - 10 Tips
    I cannot believe anyone actually believes it
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    13 years ago
    My Top Three Annoying Stripper Types
    @joesparty- i hate those too. i had to tell this one fat black girl to come back three times before she left. ugh! @sucker4ladies- the only type of the three you listed that i hate was the air dancer. never encountered the pain girl.
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    13 years ago
    You got the dances, now pay up!
    Funny thing about this article is that the other article you are refering to is right under this one. Like literally it was the last article posted. I still have never seen this happen, nor have I ever done it. I will never not pay a girl. Strange thing is, usually after I get a dance the girl stays and talks with me a bit. OK, that's not the strange part, but here is: every time i reach for the money to give her she always says "ohh no you don't have to pay right away". Now, I ask you Heidi, what the hell is up with that?
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    13 years ago
    Take it from a Stripper: Strippers are Awesome
    i happen to agree with you 110%
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    13 years ago
    Being a Stripper without Doing "Extras"
    "this is not a rant by any means" no, you're wrong, that was most certainly a rant. I, to an extent can understand why you feel the way you do. To me dancers that give out "extras" are the difference between strippers and whores. Guys who actively seek out extras are the difference between patrons and PLs. On another note girls that give out extras are not only the difference between strippers and whores but the difference between strippers and PLs. I dont go to a club to get extras and I would be a little worried if i was offered any (i have been). I just don't touch unless I am really comfortable and the girl at least APPEARS to be ok with it. But I don't like girls that are absolute prudes either. Kind of a conundrum
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    13 years ago
    Guys (Clients) Who Rip Off Strippers
    Personally, I have never heard of guys ripping off dancers. Never seen it either. I have, however, heard of and been a victim of a dancer ripping guys off. Myself included. I remember my first visit to a club. I was 19 and a dancer told me I gave her an extra dollar for the dance. I told her she could keep it, thinking it was just only a dollar. Keep in mind this was BEFORE the economy went to shit, so a dollar didnt mean much to me. Turns out it was a $20 bill. My last visit i was at a club during their 2 for 1 day. I got a dance from a girl, who to her credit had been working there for a month. But she told me I had to pay full price when I asked her how much for the single dance. This was on a 2 for 1 day. Oh well. Live and Learn I guess
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    14 years ago
    Significant Others and Strip Clubs
    its not just the women who dont work at strip clubs, its the ones that do as well. where do you think the term PL came from? the strippers. anyway you cut it, men get in trouble no matter what we do
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    14 years ago
    BBBJ and HJ STD Risks
    i believe the risk of HIV is almost nonexistant for both HJ & BBBJ. and personally i have never heard of anyone getting anything from HJ. maybe if the giver had a cut on their hand and the reciepiant had something and got on the hand. maybe but i doubt it ver seriously
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    14 years ago
    When the Music Stopped
    What a way to close out the year
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    14 years ago
    How to be a less pathetic PL
    bmoreshowgirl- so much name calling. not by just you but by the guys posting in here as well. at least you have the common sense to apologize. for me, dating a stripper is a fantasy in that i would love to walk in the club my girlfriend would be working at and look to the guy next me while she is on stage and say, "see that? i get to see that whenever i want". its an ego booster. not that its ever happened or will ever happen, but its fun to think about. other than that, i don't see what the big deal is. if only it were to really happen. on the other hand i only want what i cannot have and when/if it happens i don't want it anymore.
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    14 years ago
    A Guide to Pushy Dancers
    depends on the club. there are two clubs in texas i have been to. one is upscale and the dancers are never pushy. the other i was afraid to go in. one dancer kept hounding me for a dance. the first two times she was polite. the third she rolled her eyes and scoffed at me. i just didnt want to tell her she was fat and i didnt dig fat girls
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    14 years ago
    Getting a Stripper's Number
    this has been said 1000 times, but if you are looking for OTC, then no need to be this nice. nice gets you along way, but for OTC purposes, be forward However, if you are trying for more than OTC then I would say this is sound advice. except this: "If you like her, resist the urge to go back to the club regularly just to see her." I would like to add something to that: if you do go back, resist the urge to buy dances. instead buy her drinks. of course she is there to make money, so a tip for her time would be appropriate. that shows that you are interested in talking to her rather than getting her naked. Hell, she might appreciate it.
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    14 years ago
    A Guide to Pushy Dancers
    this happened to me once. i was dragged to this piss poor club by a friend. all the girls were ahem, big and one came up to me and i said "not now, thanks" she was polite at first. second time too. the third time however she gave me a dirty look and scoffed at me, walked off. it didnt hurt me at all. i thought it was funny. im always polite when refusing a dance but i could have, and probably should have been meaner to this fat chick. my God....