How To Pick Up Strippers - 10 Tips

avatar for robvegas626
<p>A lot of guys on this site seem to accept the popular wisdom that it's virtually impossible to pick up a dancer at a strip club, unless you're willing to proposition them with a fistful of cash. Well, this simply is not true. My friends and I have picked up many of the hottest dancers at the clubs in Las Vegas. Yes, they may be &quot;on duty,&quot; they may be looking to make money first and foremost, but at the end of the day, they're still women.<br />
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And if you've got solid &quot;game&quot; and understand how to make strippers STOP viewing you as a customer, you can get phone numbers and line up dates with them -- just as you would with any girl you met at a bar or regular nightclub. <br />
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If you want to skip ahead and watch a FREE VIDEO on how to pick up strippers, just click here:<br />
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<a href="http://www.stripclubseduction.… To Pick Up Strippers</a></p>
<p>Anyway, let me share some of my insights on this. Pickup artists don't go to&nbsp;strip clubs&nbsp;to&nbsp;spend money on sexually frustating lap dances. They&nbsp;view strip clubs as target-rich environments FILLED with beautiful, available women. (These are also a great place to work on your game and become comfortable flirting with &quot;high status&quot; women in other settings -- the types of girls who get hit on constantly, and require&nbsp;a special approach.)&nbsp;</p>
<p>Are strippers looking to making money off you? Of course. It&rsquo;s their job -- but ONLY if you behave like a customer! This is why you&rsquo;ve got to flip the script, make them STOP perceiving you as a customer, and make them play YOUR game instead of playing theirs.</p>
<p>Do this, and you will&nbsp;make real connections&nbsp;in these clubs -- sometimes even EASIER than if you were macking on women in a bar or &quot;regular&quot; nightclub.</p>
<p>Here are a few of my secrets for strip club success:</p>
<p>1. Walk in with the correct mindset. If you've studied pickup (and especially if you've read my book &quot;Mack Tactics&quot;), then you can be confident knowing you are way more skilled and original than the vast majority of men who go to this club.</p>
<p>Strippers spend most of their shift having tedious conversations with lame, boring, and predictable men. Once you&rsquo;ve demonstrated your confidence and playful humor, she&rsquo;ll be GLAD to chill out with you (for a little while) and let you work on her.</p>
<p>2. When you enter the club, walk around with your head held high, like you own the place. Don't linger in the corner or mill around, like you are not sure where to sit down. Find a place to sit down -- if possible, next to a speaker. (I&rsquo;ll explain why in a moment.) DO NOT sit near the stage and start ogling the girls (they call this part of the room &quot;pervert row.&quot;)</p>
<p>3. When a stripper you're interested in approaches you, don&rsquo;t let her sit on your lap. Make her sit beside you. (&ldquo;Whoa, easy there...have a seat next to me until we get to know each other a little better.&rdquo;) YOU must initiate and control the physical touching. Otherwise, you're allowing her to run her game on you.</p>
<p>If she immediately offers you a dance, deflect it playfully. (&ldquo;Are you sure you can afford me? I charge $100 for three songs, and no touching below the belt.&rdquo;) Then get her to sit down, engage her in conversation, and control the flow.</p>
<p>If you&rsquo;re sitting in a loud area of the room, tell you &ldquo;let&rsquo;s move somewhere quieter, I want to be able to hear you.&rdquo; This shows you value what she has to say, and gives it the feel like a &ldquo;mini date&rdquo;: you&rsquo;re taking her somewhere, even if it&rsquo;s just to the other side of the room.</p>
<p>This also demonstrates dominant behavior -- very important for putting a hot woman &quot;in check&quot; and letting her know you are running this. (This is why I recommended earlier that you sit down next to a speaker.)</p>
<p>4. Keep your eyes off of her body and maintain eye contact. Never comment on how good she looks; if anything, call her &ldquo;cute.&rdquo; (&ldquo;I have to say, not only are you cute, but you can actually hold an intelligent conversation. I guess there's more to you than meets the eye.&rdquo;)</p>
<p>5. Break her out of her routine. Dancers, like salesmen, have canned routines that they use to make customers feel comfortable and ready to spend money. When she asks you your name, or where you&rsquo;re from, ignore it. Launch into your OWN conversation pattern (as I explain how to do in the Mack Tactics book) and guide the conversation. The idea is to get her out of &ldquo;work mode&rdquo; and into &ldquo;chat mode.&rdquo;</p>
<p>6. Be respectful of her profession. Never refer to it as &ldquo;stripping&rdquo;; the term to use for her is &ldquo;dancer,&quot; and the place where she works is a &quot;gentlemans club.&quot;) You also want to demonstrate FAMILIARITY with her profession, and show that you're not judgmental about what she does for a living.</p>
<p>You could use one of these...</p>
<p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s too bad I swore off dating dancers, because I can tell you and I would get along. I get the sense there&rsquo;s more to you than meets the eye.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&quot;My friend Jennifer used to dance in one of these clubs. She used to tell me the funniest stories about some of the customers. Crazy stuff. So tell me one of your stories...I know you've got one.&quot;</p>
<p>&quot;My friend Lisa used to dance in one of the big clubs in Las Vegas. She stopped dancing last year, and now she's the top saleswoman in a big company. It turns out that her experience as a dancer made her incredible at making sales, because she really understands how men think, and how to make them spend money. &quot;</p>
<p>You get the idea. There are tons of examples in the &quot;Strip Club Seduction&quot; program :</p>
<p><a href="http://www.stripclubseduction.… To Pick Up Strippers</a></p>
<p>The idea is, you're letting her know that you are friends with strippers, you hang out with strippers, and you understand what this &quot;game&quot; is all about.&nbsp;</p>
<p>7. Befriend the staff: bouncers, coat check, bus boys, DJs, managers, owner, etc. When you visit, staff members should know and greet you. This gives you high social value (or &quot;social proof&quot;) in the eyes of the dancers; you&rsquo;re not a typical customer.</p>
<p>Befriending a male staff member is easy. Buy a bottle of water, or a Red Bull, and bring it over to the DJ or the bouncer. Say, &ldquo;Dude, I figured you could use this,&quot; and give him the drink -- and then tell him, &quot;you&rsquo;re the envy of every guy&mdash;hanging out in a club full of beautiful, half-naked women and getting paid for it. You make me want to consider a career change. By the way, my name&rsquo;s ______.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Now, you've got a new ally in the strip club. When you return, that guy is going to be glad to see you -- and the strippers notice when an &quot;insider&quot; shows up. They know you're not a chump customer. You are SOMEBODY...and they will be curious to find out more about you.</p>
<p>(The &quot;Strip Club Seduction&quot; program contains a KILLER technique for befriending the manager or the owner. It's really simple and it works every time...seriously, I met all the club owners in Las Vegas by using this move, and whenever I show up, I get free drinks and tons of social proof.)</p>
<p>8. Respect the fact that she is working there to make money. Go on slow nights when there aren&rsquo;t a lot of customers vying for her attention. After you&rsquo;ve been chatting for a little while, it&rsquo;s okay to buy a dance from her -- but don't touch her while she's dancing. Act bored. After a minute or two, tell her she can sit back down. Tell her lapdances &quot;aren't your thing&quot; and then resume the conversation. (Again, always behave the OPPOSITE from a typical customer.)</p>
<p>9. During the conversation, ask her things that encourage her to share things about herself (quirky details). Use Hypotheticals, i.e., &ldquo;If you could teleport right now to anywhere in the world, where would you go?&rdquo; (The Strip Club Seduction book contains a ton of these.) These will spark interesting conversation, get her to reveal intimate details about herself, and allow you to &quot;plant seeds&quot; in her head about your own positive qualities.</p>
<p>10. It might take a few visits for you to &ldquo;close&rdquo; the dancer you like (getting her number, or meeting her after her shift). If you&rsquo;re not buying dances and she has to go, encourage her to go make money. (&ldquo;I can see there a lot of lonely, desperate guys in here who&rsquo;d love to pay for your company. I'll text you a little later, so watch your phone. There's a very cool bar right down the street, I'll be there later on, I'll have my buddy John the bartender make you one of his world-famous margaritas.&quot;</p>
<p>My team and I have been&nbsp;hanging out with (and dating) strippers&nbsp;for years -- in the big Las Vegas clubs, in New York City, Los Angeles, and in clubs in Europe, Asia, South America...we have field-tested these techniques and gotten this down to a SCIENCE.</p>
<p>The Strip Club Seduction program is jam-packed with tips and techniques that cover every possible question you've ever wanted to know about dealing with strippers, getting them into bed, and how to manage these relationships (if you're looking for more than just casual fun).</p>
<p>Check this out, and you can download a free book right now:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.stripclubseduction.… To Pick Up Strippers</a><br />
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Your Wingman,&nbsp;<br />
&nbsp;<br />


last comment
avatar for Georgewalker
15 years ago
I fancy myself a player with similiar game as the author. I am very impressed by this article and cannot agree more with this game plan.<br />
The only thing I would add is to dress to impress. Be well groomed as if you are taking a girl out on a date.<br />
I alwys find that throwing on a casual sport coat makes a huge difference in the quality of dancers you attract.&nbsp; It beats just a plain golf shirt anyday.&nbsp;<br />
avatar for Vivienne
15 years ago
I give this article an 'A' for ingenuity.&nbsp; However, the part about making her sit down in the missle of a dance is pretty put-offish.&nbsp; You may be controling the game, but she should still feel valued and appreciated.&nbsp; If a guy said that to me I'd think 'damn, maybe he thinks I suck at this' and it would make me self-conscious and unattractive (and I am NOT insecure about my dancing skills).&nbsp; Sorry, but even outside a strip club, no woman wants to feel unattractive.&nbsp; Just a thought.&nbsp; Play on!
avatar for Vivienne
15 years ago
MIDDLE of a dance...brainfart typo.&nbsp; :o)
avatar for Officer
15 years ago
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
After getting to know them, I just make them an otc offer to go to&nbsp;motel for FS&nbsp;- usually $200 if I am interested in seeing them otc.&nbsp; I am not interested in making a huge infrastructure investment in time and money in one&nbsp;to find out if&nbsp;she will&nbsp;fuck.
avatar for trainergirl
15 years ago
&nbsp;Why in the world would you want to go through all this trouble to date a stripper? &nbsp;The girl who has many, many men vying for her attention and the girl that touches many, many men every night?!!
avatar for alycast
15 years ago
<p>I have had a few customers who apparently read this silly article.&nbsp; I quickly regained control of the situation.&nbsp; I don't work for conversation, I work for money.&nbsp; I had a guy try the whole &quot;Whoa, easy there...have a seat next to me until we get to know each other a little better.&rdquo;&nbsp; I got up, apologized, giggled and told him I will be back....I want to give you a chance to get a drink (even though he had a drink) and walked away.&nbsp; That whole &quot;mini date&quot; doesnt work.&nbsp; If you want to take me somewhere quiet, you can take me to VIP.&nbsp; And believe it or not, most strippers avaoid the guys that seem to know the management and other staff....guess how many times we hear, oh its okay, I know so-and-so or Im friends with the owner can I get a freebie.&nbsp; Its annoying guys, dont do it.&nbsp; I love when they ask me to tell a crazy story (especially when I know their motive), I tell them about the guy who came in the club and&nbsp;showed me an article he wa reading called how to date a stripper, and how it had all these stupid ideas in it like don't buy dances and how to say your friend is a stripper yadda yadda and how stupid I thought the article was and that most guys don't understand that our time is money, and we are similar to therapist....hehehehe, you can't talk to them for free, same rules apply.&nbsp; Then I tell them how we ripped up the article and had a great night in VIP!&nbsp; Then I laugh about it and say &quot;yeah, I meet alot of interesting people here&quot;&nbsp; I must admit, its easier to snag a stripper in Europe b/c the girls love Americans, but at your average neighborhood club, I wouldnt try it.&nbsp; And remember guys: although it seems at time us strippers hate each other, we do talk about &quot;bad&quot; customers to each other, and you WILL get ignored ALL night.&nbsp; I know you've read where guys say they were ignored....I wonder why.</p>
avatar for thatbeachguy
15 years ago
I would add that such advice should be treated as a general outline of an example case rather than as a blueprint for success. There are factors in any social interaction that go beyond what you say. Confidence can't be gained by reading a book.

That said, I agree that most of the things mentioned are good advice *as a general guideline* in dealing with women used to playing their own game, with the goal being to bring them off track, thus off guard. It's about control.
avatar for Foxxx
15 years ago
This is amusing.
avatar for CourtneyRose
15 years ago
Not all strippers are available. Many have boyfriends or husbands.
avatar for kingcripple
13 years ago
I cannot believe anyone actually believes it
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