Getting a Stripper's Number

One thing that I believe that the majority of heterosexual men have in common is that we like strippers.
Now say what you want about how they may not necessarily have the morals or personality you want in a girlfriend, but I don't think many out there will deny how damn sexy they can be when they dance for you. In fact, I believe that deep down one of the driving reasons men attend strip clubs is for that one chance in hell that you may leave there with a phone number.
Now I'm not the most suave of the Don Juaners out there, but I seem to have a skill for attaining this most coveted phone number. In fact, I think this is easier than asking the average woman for her number, because you are her customer and it is her JOB to be very friendly and flirtatious with you.
They are always coming to you to find if you would like to dance, and even if they are just wondering about your pocketbook, they have still made the first move, which makes the whole thing that much easier.
Now if you are happy with your wife or your out-of-town girlfriend and all you really want is a dance, then forget the following and just accept or decline her offer. But if she's cute and you want to talk to her later, the worst thing you can do is say "yes" when she asks you if you want a dance. If you do this, then she will get naked, take your money, and move on with maybe 30 seconds of conversation to pass the time as the previous song ends.
Instead of saying yes, say "Probably in a little bit," or something along those lines. By this you indicate that you would like a dance (which can be interpreted that you like the way she looks, which is complimentary). If you simply say "No," then she'll again move on and leave you alone. But if she thinks that she has a chance at making some money, even if not in the next 5 minutes, then she'll be nicer to you.
Either way, if you don't say yes she'll probably begin to move away so you have to keep her talking (remember, it's her job to flirt back). Ask her what her name is if she hasn't said it already, and introduce her to your friends (if you attend strip clubs alone something is wrong). By doing this you show you aren't her typical asshole customer here to look at boobies and are willing to hang out and relax.
If you ignore your buddies completely at first, you don't seem like that great of a guy. But after introductions feel free to ignore them. If you pay more attention to the homies she won't feel special and will move on to where the cash is greener. You see your buddies every Friday, so try to make the girl feel special.
Ask her if she goes to school because most strippers are young females trying to work towards some future goal. Not too many strippers want to hold that job forever.
By now you have some initial small talk going and you should be able to carry on a conversation seeing as how she made the move. And again, it is her JOB to flirt back. But don't keep her talking for too long. After about 5 minutes is when you want to pull off the most important part.
When conversation is still going well, say something like, "I'm sorry to keep you so long. I know you have to work, but swing by later just to chat a little more."
This will surprise her because you have already shown your interest and are now willing to let her go (again it's that ambiguous behavior approach). This will stand out the most to her because now you seem like a genuine decent guy who didn't come here to watch her breasts bounce but to actually just talk to her and get to know her. 90% of the time this will impress the hell out of her. It also shows that you understand her situation and realize that she isn't some cheap slut but rather a hard-working woman.
If she bugs you about buying a dance, then I'm sorry but you probably didn't succeed. If she is always coming back to this then she doesn't want to talk to you. She will continue to flirt but she is still looking for some cash rather than conversation. But this is the rarer of the possibilities. Most likely if you have pulled off everything I have just told you, she will smile a genuine smile, and agree to come back. Congrads, you are almost home.
If a stripper says she'll come back, she will come back. Again, you are still her customer and if she didn't come back it would be like a waitress refusing to bring you water. She'll go make some money to pay her bills, maybe for 10 minutes, maybe for an hour, but she will be back.
While she's gone, do whatever it is you do at clubs. Order drinks, talk with your buddies, buy dances, whatever. But have all that done before she comes back so when she does you will be ready to go.
When she finally does return continue the small talk. It will be easier this time because by now you know her name. (Another smooth move is to ask if the name she gave you was the real name or her stage name. It was probably her stage name but by asking again you show genuine interest and she will smile and tell you her real name.)
This time though, don't talk for much more than 90 seconds or she'll again start nagging for a dance. Simply entertain her for a minute then tell her, "Sorry, but my friends and I were just about to head out, but I would like to talk to you sometime outside of your club. Do you think that I could possibly get your number?"
By making a point that you want to talk to her OUTSIDE of the club you confirm one more time that you aren't just interested in seeing her naked.
When I was 18 I made this mistake. I did everything correctly and despite still being in high school I managed to get her number. Only problem, rather than setting up dates, when I wanted to see her I went back to the club. This wasted my money and time and instead of appearing to be a great guy she may well have thought that I was a creep or a stalker.
If you like her, resist the urge to go back to the club regularly just to see her. But say that you would like to talk to her again outside of the club. Then she will really begin to realize that she has found a great guy and you pretty much have a 50% chance of getting her number.
I promise that she likes you by now, but she IS a stripper and it isn't always safe to hand out her number so she may instead ask for yours. If she asks for yours directly, give it to her and expect a call. She probably gets 20 or more numbers a night but if she asks directly for YOURS then your odds improve.
Write your name, your number, and something to remember you by. If you talked about how much you two both hate the San Francisco Giants, write "Greg, 555-2351, go San Fran!" This is your chance to be creative because if you're digits don't stand out from the other 19 at the end of the night, she won't call.
If she simply declines her number and doesn't ask for yours, you can still offer it but she ain't calling. But if you have done everything right there is a damn good chance she'll give you her number.
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last commentI always do the same way you do but when she says she will be back she never do.
Look, if a dancer wants to meet up for OTC she will give you her number, if she dosen't she wont. There is no need for game. Just indicate you might be interested.
"if you attend strip clubs alone something is wrong"
Really Freud, do explain, I am sure the thousands of guys who attend SCs alone would like to know what's wrong with them...
Solid advice Maniacs, work's every time. It's about respect (on either side), & you got it right on the money.
What a bunch of self aggrandizing bullshit.
I'm sorry kids, but if you take this article for gospel then there's no helping you. You wouldn't even get halfway through the stuff mentioned here before she decides you're just there trying to pick up strippers for OTC extras. The only person it may work on is a genuine newbie, but you have no idea of knowing if a girl that says she's "new" is really or new or if that's just her game to get more money out of you ("I'm new and you're one of my first, etc etc etc)
If I hit it off with a dancer during LDs in VIP and I want OTC, I simply ask her if she's up for that during the last song. At that point you get the # or you don't. The advice here is far too complicated. Folks, OTC is a business transaction. I don't think it's important to "get to know her." I prefer anonymity and there's only trouble ahead when emotions get involved. It's the surest path to the end stage of PL syndrome.
this has been said 1000 times, but if you are looking for OTC, then no need to be this nice. nice gets you along way, but for OTC purposes, be forward
However, if you are trying for more than OTC then I would say this is sound advice. except this:
"If you like her, resist the urge to go back to the club regularly just to see her."
I would like to add something to that: if you do go back, resist the urge to buy dances. instead buy her drinks. of course she is there to make money, so a tip for her time would be appropriate. that shows that you are interested in talking to her rather than getting her naked. Hell, she might appreciate it.
LOL! I only made it about a 1/5th of the way through his article. "Now I'm not the most suave of the Don Juaners out there, but I seem to have a skill for attaining this most coveted phone number." Please, I was a bouncer at a Strip Club in Miami, those girls almost never go out with guys that go there while they're working. Your best bet is to get a job at the club, where you can actually talk to them as equals, or you can hit the gym and promise them them the time of their life if they let you take them home. It would be awesome if these girls meant the things they said, but the truth is they make money by making guys feel good, making them feel like they have a chance. The guy who wrote this article has been going home with 6 digit phone numbers and then decided he was the authority on picking up strippers. Thanks for the ridiculously long and ill-advised article.
Maniacs made some good points. If most of the people reading his article are experienced SC hounds, or have worked at Miami strip clubs, then it was a waste of his time - but he still made some good points. I can tell you from visiting many clubs in Florida and in small Midwest towns, there are lots of different kinds of strippers - and customers - out there.
Probably directness and the demonstration of a willingness to spend money on the girl are going to pay off better than the convoluted approach described by Maniacs -- but I would recommend his approach to anybody new to strip clubbing who wants to broaden his horizons. Remember, there are new SC hounds joining the hobby and reading these articles every single day.
Maniacs made some good points. If most of the people reading his article are experienced SC hounds, or have worked at Miami strip clubs, then it was a waste of his time - but he still made some good points. I can tell you from visiting many clubs in Florida and in small Midwest towns, there are lots of different kinds of strippers - and customers - out there.
Probably directness and the demonstration of a willingness to spend money on the girl are going to pay off better than the convoluted approach described by Maniacs -- but I would recommend his approach to anybody new to strip clubbing who wants to broaden his horizons. Remember, there are new SC hounds joining the hobby and reading these articles every single day.
It's better to be direct than to try innuendo. If you want to see me OTC tell me. If it's s afe right situation I'm usually game! If not I'll tell you!
This is a very good article, and I agree with the gist of it.
I was aghast when I tried to talk on TUSCL about the importance of talking to dancers and trying to get to know them, before doing any dances or anything else like that, and of ultimately getting on good enough terms with them that you can see them outside ( civilian or P4P ). People were dumping all over me and saying that none of this matters and it is just a waste of time because it doesn't effect what will happen in the booth. So guys go to these clubs and treat the girls like vending machines, dispensing "extras". I don't go for this at all.
You have to find your own way and play them out some. Maniacs ideas are basically right, but you just have to find your own style. Most important, you need to show respect for the dancer as a hard working person. Maniac is right on about this. She works for tips, but this does not mean that her favor can be bought with money.
You want to show her that you are able to talk with her and able to build rapport with her. For myself I like to approach the dancer first. This carries weight with her, short term and long term. I treat all women as civilians, in all situations, no exceptions.
Now, if you want to gain favor with her, I still say that you need to do some dances with her, whatever that entails at that club. You have to spend some money on her. But no reason to have her make you cum via "extras". You want to keep the sexual tension there, until FS happens, or until it is understood by both parties when it will happen.
Try to act upon the dancer's body, DFK, DATY. Get to her that way.
Otherwise just talk and do some air dances to show her that you like her.
I always like to tip them when they are on stage, before doing any dances. The stage is a low cost way of interacting with them.
Best is to play them out and try to get them completely off of script. Remember, you are not a Pathetic Looser, you are King of the World. You dispense money because you have it, but you are not actually engaging in P4P, you are just playing along with it. You want to get her responding to you, instead of the other way round.
PAWP4P ( playing along with pay 4 play ).
As far as names, I never ask for real names. If she wanted me to know her real name she would tell me. If she gives me another name, that is probably even more fake. So I just accept the name she gives me as the name I should call her by.
I have had dancers ( smart black ones ) tell me their name, and then say, "Oh you mean my stage name." Just go along with it and don't question it. Only time I have ever questioned their name is when they have given me a phone number, "So when I call this number I will be asking for "Luscious"?
Now, as far as phone numbers. When I started all women were more careful with phone numbers. It often was not possible to get a stripper to give you her number, not until maybe after you had a safe date with her.
Now, because of cell phones and caller id, and because so many do P4P OTC, getting phone numbers is not such a big deal. But as Maniac insightfully shows, the real issue is not getting her number, it is what are you going to do with it once you get it. And definitely do not keep going to the strip club once you have her number. Put it to use.
My first fraternization with a stripper, Cathy at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail went as follows. I was totally new to the environment. To me the girls looked like rednecks, even white trash. Cathy was all of those things, but I could also see her as a farm girl, someone I could relate to. Of course with my being new to strip clubs, Cathy was the same age as me.
I was expecting Cathy to be out of my social reach, like a guy learns from reading playboy. The women like centerfolds, fashion models, and movie actresses, are out of reach. Here Cathy was being held up as a sex symbol. Would she just brush me off?
So following the local custom, I asked her to sit down with me and have a drink. I talked some about myself, the things girls want to know. I had no rehearsed pitch or PUA stuff. I was just matter of fact and self effacing. I suggested we might go out sometime.
"I don't go out with customers."
I assumed she just meant that she had to be careful. I did not realize that she was having to contend with OTC offers all night long. But I still felt that my honor had been challenged.
So with no plan, I just instinctively wrote my complete name and home telephone number on a cocktail napkin and handed it to her.
She took it, now standing up and holding it down at arms length and said, "Well okay. You don't understand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night."
Again I took this as a strike at my honor. I did not understand that Well Okay basically meant that I had her. I did not understand that by 50 guys she mostly meant OTC offers. It did not like the comparison because I did not see myself as a pickup artist or anything like that. But I was still very very far in over my head.
I had gone through college and had extreme frustrations, just like the kinds of things this Elliot Rodger who tried to shoot up the sorority house talks about.
So I went to work the next day, and then came home late, having forgotten about the matter. I pushed the button on my mechanical answering machine and there was Cathy's voice, "I want to SEE you." She was at the Brass Rail.
It was already 10pm and I had to sleep. She would get off at 2am. It almost sounded like she was ready to show up at my front door. I was not prepared for how to deal with this at all.
I should have thought this through more before I tried to get her phone number. I should have explored with her what "going out" might look like, considering schedule and life style differences. That would have also shown her more that I was sincere. It might have gotten me her phone number.
But as it was I was indeed just another one of those 50 guys. I was not prepared to follow through with what I had started. Though I would see her again at the Brass Rail, it ended up with situations that really hurt her feelings. Cathy was not like the college girls with their insulating social pretense. It was not that she was a dancer, it was that she was working class. Here I was, a guy with a good job who was not treating her like a prostitute. But I was totally inexperienced. Cathy's emotions were raw and close to the surface. One black hooker who came in under cover of the amateur contest was pushing herself up against me and asking me to buy her a drink and Cathy got mad.
What I learned was that dancers are often very available, it is just that people treat them disrespectfully, or they are like I was, and not really prepared to follow through on what they start.
Good article Maniac.
is FS-ITC so good that it replaces escort sessions?
legal issues in raising SC service level
Blue Balls? rejecting the "extras" model and instead acting upon the dancer
DFKing, why wait for the VIP Room, do it in the main room
More than just test driving, get her completely off script
so I gave her just a little kiss
Founder, it would be better if Articles could be viewed by date of last comment, like we can do now with discussions. Articles are supposed to be of longer lasting interest anyway.