
Comments by earlyriser60609 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    That's not my Name
    Shadow, that is funny...when I use it, I'll make sure to foot note it, thanks!
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    15 years ago
    That's not my Name
    You want to make a jaded stripper laugh? When she introduces herself to you as "Precious" or "Candy" or whatever stage name she uses, tell her your name and then while still shaking her hand lean in close to her and say "But that's just my club name, my real name is "Mercedes" (or fill in your fave)...see what her reaction is....
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    15 years ago
    Here's my $.02 worth on tipping: Wait staff - I round up and generally that is well received. For example is a beer is $2.75 - $3.50, I throw her a $5; if I'm in a high end club at a mixed drink comes to me at $6.50, I throw her a $10 spot. My rational is I want the waitress to remember me, keep my drinks filled and help navigate through the ROBs. Door woman - $1 - $2 depending on the greeting and cover charge; Dancers - If I want a dancer's attention I give her a $5 and if she's stunning and I want her to sit with me, it's a ten-spot. I don't do this routinely...routinely it's $2-$3 bucks one time during her set.
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    15 years ago
    Your New Year's SC Resolutions
    1. If my bonus comes in = more, otherwise the same 2. See # 1 3. My ATF yet to be determined :-)) 4. ROB with sob stories...tell someone else ladies...I just wanna see you naked...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    End of year awards ?
    Here goes: 1. Ritz in Houston - very decent looking women but a bit pricey 2 Pink Pony in Atlanta - very decent looking women and PLENTY of them(of course nothing compares to Adelitas or Hong Kong) 3. No comment on best new club... 4. Moulin Rouge Cabaret - hole in the wall with some decent talent recently 5. We have to talk privately 6. Hands down - Cheetah in Atlanta Thanks for the questions...Happy New Year!
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever have a stripper shock you with knowledge, intelligence, common sense?
    Strippers with college degrees? Really? I've got some land in Florida for sale if you believe that...talk about "stripper shit"...how many times have you heard "I'm a college student"..."I'm only doing this part time"..."I work as a para-legal"...what crap...Hey, I really am not interested in their career goals just what can you do for me to make me happy today in return for some dough? I think "pompatous" (thanks Steve Miller) hit it on the head with the lines he heard..can there be anything more outlandish?
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    15 years ago
    How can you put a price on happiness? Seriously, I think if you're spending more than $200 a trip and you're going more than once a week........Dude, I want to hang with you!! What is more fun than watching half naked women, drinking beer and having a big screen football game on the plasma?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Stripper Smoke Breaks
    Same in some Houston clubs ...lots of chatter going on in the area outside the club but the smokers are down in numbers....fortunately for them it's artic when it hits in the high 30's <grin>
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "I don't know what my natural hair color is..."
    &nbsp;Steve229: shame that line was wasted on a stripper...that was funny...next time save it for &nbsp;a stripper from the 80's.....20 year old girls are impossible to talk to if you are over 40<img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif" />
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    13 years ago
    Strip Clubs in San Diego Suck
    screw SD - listen to your brethren on this discussion. Drive, cab or take the tram to Tijuana - then go to Hong Kong or Adelita's or Chicago's and have the time of your life. Go with a buddy or two and you'll have memories to talk about when you're 80!
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Rhode Island
    RI AMPs (updated January 2010)
    <p>Dude, I'm impressed!&nbsp; Can we get this kind of authoritative and indepth reporting on the Houston, Atlanta and Chicago scene for those travelers?</p>
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    14 years ago
    Girlfriend Versus ATF
    Very funny post...too bad that they are misinterpreted by some..<br /> &nbsp; Keep up the good work as I enjoy a good laugh at lunch when I'm reading these...
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    14 years ago
    My "Top List": Part 1 -- Literature
    I'm not sure I'm biting on this post about&nbsp;English Lit&nbsp;from the very erudite WhiteSide...not discounting his intimate knowledge of the subject but hard for me to buy that any stripper in any club could have any cogent conversation on his level.&nbsp; Most girls are airheads with low self esteem looking for an easy score...if they want a discourse on &quot;The Bard&quot; they certainly won't get it inside a nude/topless bar.&nbsp; I do appreciate the attempt to reverse the dumbing down of the clubs patrons (that would be me)
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Maximizing OTC Options When Traveling
    &nbsp;Well Played, Sir! &nbsp;This not only works for OTC but with some modification it can apply to any bar scene. &nbsp;<br /> IMHO, the take home value for anyone reading this is to be &quot;confident&quot;, &quot;calm&quot;, and &quot;friendly&quot; and not just ACT the part. &nbsp;I can promise you that confidence is a f*cking aphrodisiac to most women...<br /> <br /> PS be careful about a &quot;bait and switch&quot; with the stripper and her boyfriend who may be lurking outside the club to pick her up.&nbsp;<br type="_moz" />
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    15 years ago
    New Jersey
    Browsing TUSCL (and other web sites) Safely
    Clearly any moron that works in an office environment that uses a company computer to visit certain sites should be fired but the poor guy who has to travel on behalf of the company, alone in a hotel room, separated from his family and friends at night, is he to be punished too? &nbsp;isn't there a distinction that can be made given browsing history and cookies are deleted? &nbsp;I don't know, just asking...