
Girlfriend Versus ATF

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 12:45 PM
<font size="2"> <p>OTC Gal asked why I date strippers as opposed to women who aren't strippers, some reasons why, using an ATF seen OTC as opposed to just a stripper in a club.</p> <p><u><b>ATF</b></u></p> <p>You know that you'll get the sex.</p> <p>The sex is guilt free.</p> <p>Most likely, you'll never meet her relatives.</p> <p>She's at your beck and call.</p> <p>Most likely, won't want you to dress a certain way.</p> <p>Doesn't see your place, unless you're stupid (like I was ).</p> <p>Will travel with you and enjoy it.</p> <p>Might discuss you with her stripper friends, but you'll never hear about it.</p> <p>Doesn't care what you eat, unless you fart on your dates with her.</p> <p>Is fine with you just as you are.</p> <p>You can budget what you'll spend on her.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><u><b>Girlfriend</b></u></p> <p>Sex can be iffy.</p> <p>Sex carries with it, an emotional price tag.</p> <p>You must meet her relatives, and pretend to like them.</p> <p>She wants you accounted for 7/24.</p> <p>After a month or two, wants you to wear unmasculine clothing.</p> <p>Wants to reorganize and redecorate your place.</p> <p>Trip? Oh you'll get her input as to where to go, and what to see.</p> <p>Ran a poll on you with her friends, and lets you in on every gory detail.</p> <p>Will regulate your diet at some point.</p> <p>Her eventual goal is to emasculate you and carry your nuts around in her purse.</p> <p>Will nag you to meet certain financial goals and will tell you how to spend her, I mean your money.</p> </font>


  • Houndguy
    14 years ago
    I've heard this term ATF recently and call me&nbsp;a moron if you want.&nbsp; But what the hell does ATF stand for?<br /> <br /> WFFM I get.&nbsp; RAGF I get....ATF?<br /> <br />
  • John206
    14 years ago
    ATF= All time favorite???&nbsp; Someone enlighten me please...
  • thatbeachguy
    14 years ago
    Adult Temporary Fling?
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Great post - I knew there was a reason I prefer meeting my ATF for sessions vs a traditional GF.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Wow! Every point is for ATF and every point is against a GF. Could it possibly, possibly be that you are just a complete loser who can't land a girlfriend and is trying to make a virtue out of your necessity here?
  • earlyriser60609
    14 years ago
    Very funny post...too bad that they are misinterpreted by some..<br /> &nbsp; Keep up the good work as I enjoy a good laugh at lunch when I'm reading these...
  • woodenclock2
    14 years ago
    wtf is atf?<br /> escort?<br /> <br type="_moz" />
  • RBTAL1977
    14 years ago
    i agree,i love all my atfs
  • babehunter90
    14 years ago
    ATF=<u>A</u>ll <u>T</u>ime <u>F</u>avorite<br type="_moz" />
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Ony an idiot would try to attach a stigma for paying for pussy.&nbsp; Its no different than paying for food IMO.&nbsp; I have found many guys who knock paying for pussy really don't have any money.&nbsp; Consequently, they can't even get in the game LOL.
  • Reddbehrens
    14 years ago
    Many times a relationship with a&nbsp;girlfriend can be complicated.&nbsp; She&nbsp;might be looking for someone to take care of her.&nbsp;&nbsp;She might be looking at you as someone she can change or mold to her idea of what a potential husband should be.&nbsp; She might try and take over your life.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> A &quot;friend with benefits&quot; might be someone who you have fun with and no strings sex.&nbsp; You see each other&nbsp;just for short periods of&nbsp;time and have fun.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I would say the stripper I have been seeing is &quot;A friend with benefits.&quot;&nbsp; There are not strings attached and the sex is great!<br />
  • AliLandryFan
    14 years ago
    &nbsp;Life with women is very simple if you follow a few simple rules so as &nbsp;to be able to hold onto all the power<br /> <br /> 1) &nbsp;Dont get married until you have already had &nbsp;90% of the sex that you EVER want to have in life. &nbsp;Because lets face it : once you married you are only going to have 10% &nbsp;more ever &nbsp;between your lack of desire and lack of opportunity. &nbsp;<br /> <br /> 2) &nbsp;Dont get married. &nbsp;Live with her, &nbsp;Love her, tell you love her, give her a huge rock, pledge you fidellity, be faithful, be a good man to her. &nbsp;Just dont get married. &nbsp;Once you sign the paper and make it legal, &nbsp;then she knows, whether subconsciously or not, &nbsp;that she can do whatever she wants and if you dont like it, &nbsp;you have to pay dearly to get rid of her. &nbsp; &nbsp;If you arent married, &nbsp;you simply walk out the door.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> 3) &nbsp;Dont be pussywhipped. &nbsp;If you arent pussy whipped and dont marry a girl, she has absolutely no relationship power. And thats where we want them.&nbsp;<br type="_moz" />
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    <p>Well of course sex is better when the woman actually likes you as opposed to when she is just pretending to because she needs to be paid to support her drug habit. Unfortunately, Payer11 has never had sex with a woman who&nbsp;actually liked him, so he doesn't know the difference. To use the food analogy, Payer11 is saying there is no difference between a Big Mac versus prime rib.</p>
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