Maximizing OTC Options When Traveling
The following is solely a portrayal of a fictional character and is provided for entertainment purposes only. Nothing in the following article should be construed as representative of any experience of, or activity conducted by, the author. All too often, I read that it is difficult or impossible to find girls that will provide "takeout" in this city or that club. While there are indeed some clubs where it is difficult, for the most part this is complete crap. The reality is that, with the rare exceptions of some small town, one-off clubs in the boonies, wherever there are dancers there is takeout. I travel extensivley across the country and I would estimate that about 35% of all dancers are open to it under the right circumstances, though the ratios may fluctuate a bit from city to city and club to club. This is particularly true now when times are tough and these girls are not making what they used to. Many of them have kids to support, which makes the thought of an after-hours cash infusion that much more appealing to them. Before we venture further, however, it is important to note that this is not for everyone. If you need to be "loved" by the stripper, are looking to make a long-term connection, or are just timid then move on. This is purely about how to get her from the club into your hotel bed, which is always something I am on the lookout for. I don't care about making any type of connection, nor am I really interested in wasting time in some crappy lap dance area, so if I think a girl looks good on stage then she would look great naked in my bed. Now to the meat of the matter:
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last commentNicely done....hypothetically of course.
Great article, super read. A good thing for a Strip Clubber to have a print out of along with travel plans.
Well Played, Sir! This not only works for OTC but with some modification it can apply to any bar scene. IMHO, the take home value for anyone reading this is to be "confident", "calm", and "friendly" and not just ACT the part. I can promise you that confidence is a f*cking aphrodisiac to most women... PS be careful about a "bait and switch" with the stripper and her boyfriend who may be lurking outside the club to pick her up.
All good points. I agree dressing nicely is definitely the key. I usually wear dress or casual pants and a nice button down shirt, and dress shoes, and regularly get hints from the dancers about extracurricular activities outside the club.
I echo the prior comments... good job. You hit upon some good hints, some of which I know work, 'cause I practice some of those techniques.
The only one that I am NOT good at, is turning down the dances... I like to play at the club, too... but that hasn't eliminated OTCs, it just makes it more challending and also tends to make it a little more difficult to turn the corner and get to the bed... but it's not impossible.
Damn good read rick.....I will def use this in my pick up game thanks for the good info
Good stuff. I am going to apply these tips .
What do you think about Florida clubs?
Great thread.
What a faggity System!
rickdugan wrote:
" If I am forced to forego some nudity in order to be able to drink, I will usually do so. Truth be told, most dry clubs that I have visited have weird, quiet pervy vibes to them. I am not really too interested in hanging out in places often filled with old guys in gym shorts carrying around bottles of water. "
I think now we are getting somewhere. I am finally starting to understand.
Consider San Jose's Pink Poodle. No alcohol, but some awesome hotties showing it all. You just can't touch 'em. Is this pervy? I don't think so. They just have to follow the state alcohol laws. And some of the girls do do OTC.
Then consider the S.F. Crazy Horse. No alcohol, young hotties, and you can touch 'em, and also they will take you into a booth, and the place is known as a "Jack Shack".
Is this pervy? You betcha it is!
It's just like the old video arcades and the quarters until you have DIYed. Except instead of quarters it's $20 going into reverse ATM machine and a girl to HJ / BJ you.
It is pervy because that stops short of real sex. The girl is not really giving anything of herself, except for some elbow grease. So you are learning to get off without any emotional connection. It's not that you are doing too much sex, its that you aren't doing any.
Not my cup of tea at all. But, having said this, the CH dancers are some of the most interesting young women you will find on the planet, especially if you are comparing them to the more typical sort of shit head white strippers.
So just for that reason, to get to know those women, I would play along with them, as it is offered there.
Now what about alcohol clubs, like the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, at night time. That is loud and raucous, and completely alcohol powered. It is about male bonding, and they need the girls there just so they won't appear as though they are gay.
So Mr. Dugan likes to set up OTC's. But he is not into ITC ejaculation services. I'm not either. But he is not into FS-ITC, like on the floor of the VIP room.
Well, hotels and motels are better. We have lots of ground to cover to get things that good at the American strip clubs, but I believe that we can do it. Many types of laws are not enforceable if people refuse to capitulate.
Subraman had detected a flaw in The System (tm), in that sometimes you can't really engage in much front room intimacy with a girl, and sometimes she needs you to buy some dances, otherwise she won't go for OTC.
He was not aware of the fact that Rick Dugan had already posted an addendum to The System (tm), for such situations.
And thanks again to Founder, for letting Articles sort by date of last discussion, as Discussions already had. I am sure that this will result in more people submitting real good articles, and lots of in depth on going discussions of them.
Right here, Rick Dugan, inventor of The System (tm), giving us an addendum:
San Jose Guy on a tear! lol
SJG->"Consider San Jose's Pink Poodle. No alcohol, but some awesome hotties showing it all. You just can't touch 'em. Is this pervy? I don't think so. They just have to follow the state alcohol laws. And some of the girls do do OTC. Then consider the S.F. Crazy Horse. No alcohol, young hotties, and you can touch 'em, and also they will take you into a booth, Is this pervy? You betcha it is"
I have to tell you, I don't pick up the same vibes, SJG. I walk into Pink Poodle and practically need to shower after. I don't think it's much less pervy than CH. By contrast, Gold Club, Penthouse, Condor, Hustler, all have a completely different feel, way less trenchcoater, much more "regular guys enjoying titties" vibe. Maybe Pink Poodle is marginally less pervy than CH, but the clubs that serve alcohol tend to have a completely different vibe ... excepting the small clubs on broadway, which all have gross vibes
Yes, nothing pervy about Pink Poodle, I agree. It's not just the alcohol law, as Pink Poodle does not even have alcohol. Its local ordinances, and the extreme way that our DA's office interprets PC-647b.
Pink Poodle is an old fashioned place, very high stage, making for easy supervision, and it is not even that easy to talk to the girls. Really, management does not want you talking to them. They know that talk is how OTC is set up, and that is what draws negative attention to the club.
San Francisco used to have two of those Lusty Lady behind glass type places. Very old fashioned.
S.F. Crazy Horse, yes that is as pervy as it gets. That place was designed for Mr. LDK82. But there are lots of artsy and very interesting girls working there.
And Pink Poodle, for a longtime that was our only nude club. Now it is one of two. At the other one, Cheetahs, formerly Kit Kat Club, the girls can mill about and they can sit with you and talk. Just hands off.
It is our alcohol laws, local ordinances and tough LE and DA. They are afraid that if they are not tough, it will become just like San Francisco. But this is why I have always liked our underground clubs, and have preferred GFE-FS in AMPs.
Well yes, you list the alcohol clubs in San Francisco, agreed much more natural and free flowing, easier to talk and relate to the girls.
San Franciso can be broken down into:
Then everything else is Deja Vu
Branded Deja Vu, no alcohol nude, in my view a wanna dance place, a clip joint, Centerfolds. For tourists who are looking for the DV name.
Non-branded Deja Vu, alcohol, topless, Subraman's places, reported good front room mileage, back room unknown. But still, easier to bust a place which has an alcohol license. Civil proceeding, not the greater protections of a criminal proceeding.
Non-branded Deja Vu, no alcohol, nude, could have potential for great front room and back room mileage, but at this point lacking specific information. These are the places I plan to go to, 20's, Eden, Darlings, and New Century.
Any underground, new clubs opening? Might be just perhaps be a hooker bar. Maybe such in Oakland too?
Good post Subraman, thanks to founder for letting articles bump like discussions.
As far as The System (tm), that would be best for our own local no touching clubs, or other low cost low mileage clubs, easier to talk to the girls when they can't just say, 'wanna dance?'
Still need way of easily getting links to specific posts, without having to do View Source.
And sometimes the locals posting reviews keep their mouth shut so that no tips are given to anyone trying to shut a club down.
You don't have to wear a suit or pay a dancer for time or avoid lap dances to hook up with her outside the club. You may have to give the impression you have money. I bet my job description does that without me saying anything else every time a dancer asks what my job is. A LE crackdown in the area will make many dancers much more cautious or the more escort types might move to greener pastures if they can easily move. They will move to Atlanta, Detroit or somewhere less restrictive. Out of the taliban zone around Greenville sc.
I am not sure this "system" can work in 100% of the cities of the USA, but I do think there is a lot of wisdom in the initial post. The post is about maximizing OTC, and in so far as that is your goal, I think I can agree that it's an excellent starting point. Modify accordingly for given locational specifics, you'll probably be as well situated as anyone for maximizing the likelihood of OTC.
But for me, OTC isn't always the goal. I do like a good OTC or ITC service, every now and again, sure, like most guys. But often what I want is an ITC GOOD EXPERIENCE, and for me, that term doesn't necessarily mean extras-service. If what I'm seeking is guaranteed extras in the back room inside the club, I think the best reference material is probably on-line reviews and discussions and then private messages with other mongers. That's one type of experience, and it basically follows rules similar to the those posted for OTC above by Rick Dugan, of course with modifications depending on the "I" versus "O" factor, naturally.
If, however, my goal for the night is not necessarily ITC actual service, things change. If I'm simply after a GOOD NIGHT and intend to experience the good fun and the good sexual enjoyment while not leaving the club, I guess you'd have to call it "ITC" because I'm certainly "IN" the club. But it transgresses the borderlines. Since a lot of what might be FUN for me, is not necessarily an expense or a service for the girls to give out, sometimes I can just get what I want in terms of this kind of fun by simply having fun! She'll be chary about handling my weenie without the right amount of payment and without the right degree of sense of safety about her manager and law-enforcement and so on. But she won't necessarily dislike sitting on my lap and laughing at my jokes. She might do that all fuggin' night for free!
What I'm saying here, is, you can enjoy yourself on the basis of any of a number of different goals and obstacles. If you really have to have a blowjob, and you really have to experience it OTC, well, there are strategies for overcoming the various likely impediments. But if you change your mind, and allow yourself to stop thinking "this must be a blowjob OTC", you can probably find a satisfying experience that is based on any of a number of other kinds of services. Including "not really a service at all" types of services from the girls.
Just a thought. I don't disagree with the original, I'm just augmenting it for discussion's sakes. :)
Mostly I think our resident expert Mr. Dugan is saying two things:
Don't call escort ads, meet your women f2f.
Try to avoid spending money on 'dances' and on anything other than high quality FS. And that means OTC. And don't be timid about trying to set it up.
His practice would make the most sense in low mileage places, like for example our Sunnyvale Brass Rail. I think Mr. Dugan normally wears a suit anyway. I can attest to the certainty that it does have an effect. You get girls focusing their attention onto you like a laser beam.
The down side is that he doesn't seem to want to also maximize the ITC experience, which would be front room makeout session, and then whatever can happen in the back room. If not FS, then DATY her. I have found that that always goes well, because they don't really like the ejaculation service guys.
Getting the girl just as you found her dressed and painted up is a real trip. And then you can continue with her OTC and in continuing visits.
Here, RickDugan demonstrating his The System (tm) in action. I think it has great merits. Sure beats these idiots buying dances.
Look at my list of questions and Dugan's detailed answers. I think Dugan has got it right.
good food for thought. the original post is something to consider when i get into that otc mode. until then i'm "hanging out in places often filled with old guys in gym shorts carrying around bottles of water."
bottles of water?
I undertstand, but I really think RickDugan deserves credit for scientifically perfecting a method for getting great FS quickly, from mid to low mileage clubs.
This forum is filled with Dance Buyers and LDKers, marks waiting to be separated from their money.
The System (tm) is the antidote to that.
Also, I don't think age plays as large a role in this as you seem to think.
Here is where Subraman exposed a potential flaw in The System (tm)
But here on this thread, Rick Dugan gives us an addendum to The System (tm).
It all sure beats the chumps looking for LDK or otherwise buying dances. And it is so much better than using escort or AAMP ads, where you cannot build any rapport with the girl before the obligation to session is established.
Here is that addendum, to The System (tm)
So here, Rickdugan shifting more to home clubs instead of road clubs, and lightening up on the system, on its exclusive preference for OTC instead of ITC.
And also, thanks Founder for letting these article threads stay open to new posts.
So many new people posting stuff about meeting girls via the Internet, Seeking Arrangement and Escort Ads. They need to study this thread, The System (tm)
Actually the author, Rick Dugan, never called it "The System". That was left to Dougster, so that he could make fun of it. Then he even said that it was "just paying hookers for sex".
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I have to admit now that Rick Dugan was right about one thing, the source of the problems in my marriage, "not enough sack".
I needed to be in a different situation. But in general, to make a relationship with a woman work, I needed to be better at directing my own life. Sometimes that means career or education. Other times it means cutting a woman off.
I was assuming that she was going to be with me. And she was not and is not capable of such. So she needed to go, and go much earlier, and really I should not have ever been involved with her.
Women will eat a man alive, if they get half a chance.
Lifeboat Forum, in case there are ever any disruptions:
Save the above info some safe places, like in emails to yourself and on paper.
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What about watches! Good article