Comments by Electronman (page 72)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Trip to the barren West
    Can't offer any advice on Holland but Grand Rapids is your closest large city. For a large city, Grand Rapids has a remarkably boring strip club scene. GR does seem to have a fairly active spa and escort scene but I don't have any direct knowledge that I can share. If strip clubs are of interest, I concur with the above post--- Angels in Kalamazoo is probably the best strip club in the area and Heartbeats in Battle Creek gets a runner up nod. Both have decent talent but don't expect any extras.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    College towns and strip clubs
    Dougster makes a good point-- at more selective universities, the female students may come from higher SES families and thus have less motivation to dance at a strip club to supplement their allowance. BUT--- that would also suggest that the male students at the same university might have more disposable income, and what better way to invest your disposable income than on strippers? Thus, there should be a market for strip clubs in most of the college towns that I mentioned-- maybe my list was biased in that I selected a few major university/ medium sized town combinations that did not have a strip club -- after all there are exceptions (Lawrence, KS) to my broad generalization. Steve-- proximity to a nursing school? --- maybe if the nursing students want some extra credit for hands on experience in male anatomy?? Better indicator might be proximity to an education program-- some of those aspiring teachers might need to supplement their income.
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    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    College towns and strip clubs
    Zipman: Good observation about the different axes (social, economic, free speech, inclusion) that could be involved in the concept of liberalism. For many years, I've been convinced that we should drop most uni-dimension classifying schemes (for example, liberal vs conservative and certainly democrat versus republican) because two people who call themselves "liberal" (or two who self-label as conservative) often disagree on specific social and economic issues. There are much more fundamental values (especially the importance of individual rights versus collective rights) that underlie a person's position on specific issues (e.g., abortion, gay marriage, prostitution, religious tolerance, welfare). These nuances cannot be captured with a single label or dimension. For those who are interested, Jonathan Haidt has written about this issue in the Righteous Mind and talked about it in a TED talk ( Just Google Haidt if this link does not work. Enough of the academic stuff, now back to strip clubs, naked women and sex.......
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    College towns and strip clubs
    Lots of good comments. I agree that there are some exceptions to my proposition that college towns have fewer strip clubs than one would expect. For example, Lawrence, KS seems to have far more strip clubs than I would expect given its size. I also agree that some college towns are served by strip clubs in adjoining cities (Madison and Ann Arbor are examples). I'm not sure about the hypotheses involving college towns being liberal and that liberals (or women's studies feminists? who are presumably liberal) would be opposed to strip clubs. I could make the case that a "liberal" should be interested in protecting and enhancing individual freedom. That philosophy would seem to be compatible with the position that women should be allowed to do whatever they want to make a living or "have fun" as long as they are not coerced. Those rights should extend to working at a strip club and to patrons having the right to seek out entertainment at a strip club. Maybe I'm confused as to where liberals and conservatives fall on specific political issues.
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    10 years ago
    Age to Stop
    good one zipman! My golf friends refer to putts as "Nelson Rockefellers," when the putt dies in the hole.
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    10 years ago
    Age to Stop
    I'm hoping to die in a strip club, maybe in the manner of Nelson Rockefeller.
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    10 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Off topic - Disney shaft
    That's two strikes against Disney. The first strike was when they used their family-friendly values and economic clout to force all the strip clubs in the Orlando area to require that dancers airbrush all signs of a pussy and nipples off of their bodies and avoid physical contact with any male patron. Orlando strip clubs are among the most boring in Florida. Thanks for nothing Mickey.
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    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Wish there was a ROB report on TUSCL
    It would be valuable to be at a strip club trying to decide which lovely lady to pay for a dance (or more?) and to have a web resource that could be pulled up on a smart phone to help you make your selection. Of course everything posted on this and other similar web sites are works of fiction so the advice and reviews would need to be interpreted accordingly.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Not Another 'Dancer Name' Thread!!!
    I've met dancers named: Blondie Tush (recall the ZZ Top Song) I'm trying to imagine the stage introduction for a dancer named The Police.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit Airport Area Recommendations?
    There is much to like about the Cricket but it has two down sides. The talent can be very inconsistent (especially in the afternoon) when compared to Flight Club, Landing Strip and BTs. Also, the VIPs are very cramped, if extra curricular activities are relevant to your selection of clubs. I recommend Flight Club if you can afford a moderate uptick in cost or the Landing Strip if you don't mind a smokey club.
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    10 years ago
    Best Vegas Club
    I seem to recall a discussion thread that provided a synopsis of Vegas clubs but I'm having trouble locating that thread. Anyone have any better luck with the search feature and can post a link to that synopsis of Vegas clubs. I'll be in Vegas early next year but it sounds like the strip club scene is pretty weak when compared to high mileage metro areas such as Miami, Detroit, Toronto, etc. Is that a correct assessment? If so, I might skip the strip club scene completely.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost my beer goggles
    Cataract surgery can be change your world view from soft focus to high definition. Pretty cool but some parts of the world looks better in the soft focus, my own face included.
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    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    What's the worst news a stripper ever told you?
    When she said, "turns out those bumps on my pussy were more than a shaver burn. You might want to get checked for STDs."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    where is a good place to work?
    Mons Venus, but you need to be hot and comfortable with nudity.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    No Oral For You
    I agree-- #2. I've had a dancer tell me no kissing or BJ because they had to save something just for their significant other. This was after providing FS in multiple positions in a club. I guess everyone is entitled to enforce their own rules, no matter how idiosyncratic and counter-intuitive those rules appear to others.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Sometimes the Good Guy Wins
    Excellent article about the owner of Mons Venus. Great to see a person stand up for civil rights against legal and political attempts to impose restrictions on personal freedoms.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What is the most you’ve spent on one dancer on one visit ?
    Up to $300 but my typical expenditure is between 150-200. Some of you guys could have plenty of fun and still save some money if you booked a trip to Detroit or Tijuana.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    good or funny strip club names
    How about the Snatch, Clean and Jerk, a strip club for weight lifters?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancers with Butt Plugs
    Obviously a PR stunt, hoping that some customer would put in a plug for her on TUSCL or some other media outlet.
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    10 years ago
    Hand sanitizer/ rubbing alcohol on penis after sex with strippers/escorts
    I carry 3 or 4 individually wrapped wet wipes into the club and use them for clean up. They don't sting and they do kill germs. I'm not sure how much they lower the microbe count, but it is better than placing my cock in an autoclave after interactions with a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Sundowner- Niagara Falls
    I agree with Longball (generally attractive naked women, lap dances, alcohol) unless you are hoping for extras or high mileage lap dances. The Niagra clubs used to have a reputation for extras but they've reined in the fun over the past several years. In contrast, Toronto (near the airport) is still pretty lenient on the extras dimension.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is Detroit in danger of becoming just another city w/ avg SCs ?
    Raids in Detroit are infrequent and thus the risk of a customer being involved in a raid is quite low. Furthermore, most of the raids seem to focus on checking for dance cards, outstanding warrants and drugs rather than focusing on the customers. It almost feels like the raids are designed to send a message to the club owners rather close down one of the more successful sectors of the Detroit economy. That said, the raids are a terrible waste of police resources and abuse of police power (ski masks, really?). I wonder if we'll ever see a U.S. city (something bigger and more accessible than a cross road in the Nevada desert) that is gutsy enough to legalize and regulate prostitution? It would be an interesting experiment in economic development.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit raids
    I've read reports of raids last week at the Coliseum and Scores (8 Mile Road in Detroit). I've never been in a club when a raid occurred. Maybe some of our TUSCL members with some legal or law enforcement background can comment on the liability to customers during a raid. It is my impression that the risk to customers is pretty low (raids are infrequent and mostly target dancers and owners)--- but I could be wrong. I am however annoyed that the Detroit police would use gestapo like tactics (ski masks???) to raid a club and check for dance cards and ticket girls who were wearing too few clothes when they got off the stage. In the post-Ferguson era, I'd like to see more scrutiny of police priorities and enforcement strategies. Many of us cannot be too public with advocacy efforts because of job and family issues, but if any TUSCL member would like some help crafting a letter to their local newspaper (such as the Detroit News or Free Press), I'd be happy to help with the writing.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    No cabaret liscense Metro Detroit area
    Better yet, post a few photos. You might get plenty of business "partners."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Most Leaniant States for Strip Club regs/restrictions
    Interesting history SJG! With the recent events in Ferguson, MO and the increased concern about law enforcement priorities and tactics, I wonder if this might be a good time for people to lobby for some limitations on the reach of LE and for common sense in prioritizing the focus of LE activities. I mean, why invest taxpayer money in preventing consenting adults from having sex, even if money (or rent or marriage licenses or dinner and a movie) is involved in the agreement. Even though Detroit is amazingly (and hopefully permanently!) tolerant of strip club activities, the Detroit police periodically raid strip clubs, while wearing ski masks. Most of the time, they check for expired dance cards, outstanding arrest warrants and sometimes even give out a ticket for indecent exposure (WTF?). On very rare occasion, they find an underage dancer (I too find this unacceptable-- I'm OK with nearly anything between consenting adults for not underage or coerced activities). None of these "offenses" seem to present a major threat to public safety. I wonder if ACLU (known for taking on unpopular causes in the interest of protecting civil rights) or other civil/individual rights groups have a position on this?