No cabaret liscense Metro Detroit area

avatar for Rayge1
So I really want to become a dancer but I don't have a liscense and I think it's 300 bucks to get one. I don't have that type of cash right now and I was wondering if there were clubs close to detroit or in Detroit that don't require a liscense just so I can get started because after that id be more than happy to buy one


last comment
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
The Inkster clubs don't require a license nor do the clubs around Ypsi.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
Depending on how you look I might be able to cover your cost. PM me for details. If you are hot enough I know you will earn it back and pay me back.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
Some clubs have been known to give "license loans" to dancers. They understand your predicament. They take a small amount of money from you each time you work until the loan is paid off. If you find a club you like that requires a license, you might ask them about a license loan.
avatar for ReiDetroit
11 years ago
It's only $175 (with all clearance checks and the card itself). Not $300. It takes about half a day because you need to go to three different locations.
Some clubs will let you work without one and "loan" you the money to get one. If you need info about where to go and how much money to bring to each location, pm me for the full details.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I’m not sure; but I recently read in a review that Dearborn clubs do not require licenses.

BTW – this is a customer site – you may want to post dancer related questions on since that is a site for dancers.

Best of luck w/ everything.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
"Depending on how you look I might be able to cover your cost. PM me for details. If you are hot enough I know you will earn it back and pay me back"

@bvino - you considering a new line of work? Lol
avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
You don't want to be on stripperweb. They will lead you astray with all kinds of falsehoods. Stick with us and we can tell you how things really are.
avatar for Electronman
11 years ago
Better yet, post a few photos. You might get plenty of business "partners."

avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
I have a license
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Me and my Detroit buddies situations just like this. We stake you the upfront fee and you just pay it back when you can. Interest free....well sort of.
avatar for Caprisun69
11 years ago
^^^LOL I am one of his buddies I do the initial scouting
avatar for ReiDetroit
11 years ago
Just pm me. I know the process.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Put down the knitting, the book and the broom
It's time for a holiday
Life is a cabaret, old chum
So come to the cabaret
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
My offer is sincere and this is not a new line for me. I have grub staked many entrepreneurs to our mutual advantage.
avatar for Rayge1
11 years ago
Alright here's the deal too many of you are commenting on here, so far I'm working at Henry VIII and it's super raunchy there it's getting me money there but what other clubs are hiring dancers that all the customers coming in are asking for extras..? Cause I'm not that type of girl you can look but you can't touch sorry extras aren't worth it. Anyway that's besides the point. If you can hook me up with a good club closer to my house and help me with the liscense bit leave your number and I'll send you pics btw so there's no misunderstanding I'm a black beauty, so hopefully that doesn't offend anyone. Thanks -FoxxiRayge
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