avatar for rattdog
New York

Comments by rattdog (page 45)

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3 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
"So, what brings you out tonight?"
using a randy macho man savage impression for the reply. "well you know something? check it out!!! i had to go and leave the house for a minute oh yeah. the three girls at home are just really stinking up the place oh yeah yeah. they all been dead for quite some time now and macho man needed to step out out of that element and enjoy the fresh air and view. anyway ooh yeah you look oh so nice and grown oh yeah!!!! want to go to my place? i live up the road. house in the back of the woods. a tree stump with an axe on top standing by the side of the road. let me tell you something it will be to die for oh yeah!!!!!"
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3 years ago
avatar for ChesterCheetah
Dedicating my life to finding out Eliza-icees stripperweb handle
Dirty Talk
"It all worked out. I apologized like a true gentleman, all was forgiven and yes we had some fun that night. But I wondered if this made me look like some kind of beta male pussy." shocking that girl continued with providing you stripper service. a vey forgiving type. consider yourself real fortunate. most strippers would have stormed to security and at the minimum would have asked you to vacate the premises. at the maximum the bouncer(s) would have bounced your head on the pavement or concrete like a basketball. question: dude-what the fuck would made you say something like that, even to a stripper ho as you called her that above? you hating that much?
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3 years ago
avatar for nicespice
cashman, i just checked out that article. i've seen many girls on SA from montclair. even though most of those were girls were in the 7-8 looks range, there was something about their profiles that just didn't vibe well with me. from the article montclair is described as living in park slope brooklyn, with the benefit of owning a backyard. now i know why i feel those shitty vibes. girls/women from park slope are uptight, stuck up, entitled cunts. their shits don't stink. shits so nice they dropping out bouquets of roses and ice cubes with the perfect circles inside. i can see monclair being the central karen capital of new jersey. hoboken would be a close 2nd.
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3 years ago
avatar for TheEckster
Wanna go clubbing?
The Safest and Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S.
that's right. chicago is not on the list as well. so i can safely assume that the fbi is reporting faulty and false data?
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3 years ago
avatar for TheEckster
Wanna go clubbing?
The Safest and Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S.
along with camden, nj, i'm a bit surprised that bridgeport and new haven, ct are not on the danger zone list as well. maybe all 3 cities have experienced a decrease in crime rates within the past several years?
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3 years ago
avatar for whodey
Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
ronnie wod: right instrument but wrong band. he did play bass on the jeff beck group before joining the faces and then the stones. the last place i would rely on for a rock music history information would be from CNN.
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3 years ago
avatar for whodey
Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
sucks. bunch of legendary drummers from the rock world passing away within the last few years. neil peart lee kerslake
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3 years ago
avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
Good TV Shows - Know of Any?
take a shot with this one: bad blood https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Blood_(TV_series) kim coates is a real underrated actor.
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3 years ago
avatar for Tetradon
I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
OnlyFans Cracks Down
they cracked down on pornhub not too long ago as well. i found out the hard way as i was looking for a go to clip of some girl. turns out all of her videos just disappeared.
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3 years ago
avatar for DennisKe
Hottest Classic Era Stars
a little past the classic era but here are a couple more blondes to check out: teresa ganzel rhonda shear
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3 years ago
avatar for DennisKe
Hottest Classic Era Stars
joey heatherton
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3 years ago
avatar for DennisKe
Hottest Classic Era Stars
wow - not one mention of katharine ross
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3 years ago
avatar for rattdog
New York
i wonder if this lucky kid eventually wind getting real lucky with her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuezGn8Dyis
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3 years ago
avatar for JasonBurray
new fetish? jerk off to deep fried goat?
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3 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
Sandra Bullock vs Julia Roberts
sb gets my vote. never got why the mass appeal for jr.
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3 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
SJG's frenzy-posting to nicespice's threads
neuroduvergent. is that a word colleges are teaching the students to describe a person who is generally a flake?
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3 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Where Do Twentysomethings Shop?
tfp - i hope u didn't go to your mother's room and did this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfZAERH8rSM 1:09 mark
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3 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Where Do Twentysomethings Shop?
i've seen victoria's secret mentioned a bunch of times. what? no one likes frederick's of hollywood anymore? always that they had hotter girls and way sexier outfits than VS. my friend's girlfriend would receive the catalog via mail, and my friend and i would look forward to checking out like checking out issues of playboy or penhouse.
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3 years ago
avatar for misterorange
Kamala, you're FIRED!
So-long Cuomo
"Some may find it bafflingly how these powerful dudes fuck up like this" this is simple: a powerful guy like that can display off the charts levels of creepiness that women will find very off putting.
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4 years ago
avatar for DH721
Pay attention to what day it is?
sometimes one can lucky a day or two after rent is due. hot girl may not not have made enough to cover so she has to go hustle and make up for the remainder.
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4 years ago
avatar for DH721
Pay attention to what day it is?
some of the clubs post up a weekly schedule. i'll notice there are girls that only work from sun-tues. and more often than not those girls are way hotter than the the girls that work on thur-sat. what sucks the most about that is if there is a club i go to that's real far away and there is a girl on the club's website with a pic. i would have to take a day off on say a monday to meet her. not a chance in hell will i ever meet her during the weekend.
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4 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Indiscreet Girls
i'm assuming you're next encounter with the new fave is to attempt some type of damage control. if futile then yeah start searching for a new fave. maybe try and bag a new fave maybe within a few weeks or months instead of years?