Apparently strippers are taught to ask this on the first day of Stripper 101. I give the only possible answer I can see that there would ever be: "Uhmmm, naked women?". They smile or laugh uneasily. Like, uh-oh, that's not the cue for any of my pre-recorded sales pitches. What do others say? I know not all strippers ask this, but I think they're the ones who sleep late and miss every day of stripper class.
Why overthink it? Its an opening line and nothing more. My response if I like her looks is: "I planned on spending some time with you"; which always elicits a smile, and if I don't I just say: "I'm really stoned and staring off into space with your mouth open is more acceptable here than other places". That makes them think I am demented and they leave.
If I want her to stick around - I was feeling horny and I had too much cash in my wallet so I thought I would come here and solve both issues.
If I don't want her to stick around - I figured this was the best place to nurse a beer and ogle the naked women on stage and I had just enough to pay the cover charge and get this bottle of beer.
@Bharlem OK that makes sense. I'm one the just wants to go straight to the couch when I like a dancer, but I forget that most customers seem to want some big prelude.
Fortunately it's been a while since I've had any dancer just sit down with me without asking first. So I can say "thank you but I just came to watch the stage show" if I'm not interested, and that's that. But sometimes dancers who remember my name ask me why I'm there, I'd think they'd know.
They ask coz most men go for a reason. To celebrate something a guys night out to see if they're locals. The bulk of strip club customers aren't looking for hookers
I usually reply with lame small talk about just deciding to drop in. But one time I was in a wise-ass mood and told a girl I was looking for someone to help me put on a condom. Her reply was that if I took her to VIP she would put it on with her mouth.
No they don't. Most come in for a fee drinks and to enjoy the eye candy.
The ldk customers are creepy af and the tricks are always obvious. Then everyone has a laugh when they go with the "extras girls" . It's not a respected thing.
And here I thought my standard response of "cold beer and nekkid girls" was somewhat original.... I'm going with desertscrub's "high hopes for an hj" from now on
Gotta admit, I could give a fuck about respect from the other losers who actually hang out in strip clubs for companionship. FYI - at normal bars you can talk to women and don’t even have to tip them!
Going back to your thread about whether or not strippers are 'extra annoying', it seems like a lot of guys (or at least guys on here...) walk into the club looking for reasons to be annoyed. And that's not the dancer's fault.
(Or, I don't know, maybe they walk into every single place like that, which is really sad.)
She's trying to break the ice with a complete stranger. If you don't want a "Wanna dance?" line, then it's going to be some simple opener like "What brought you here tonight?"
And it doesn't have to be a "big prelude". I've had dancers ask me something like that when I'm on a tighter schedule, and I've replied "Well, I'm here for dances with a sexy dancer." And then we talk briefly about prices and options and we're off to the races.
I don't understand guys who whine and nitpick about hot nearly-naked young women walking up and talking to them.
I don't hear this question much anymore, but when I do it's almost always from a baby stripper. I usually respond with something like "still trying to figure that out.'
When she's not my cup of tea, a more effective option than "I'm just here for the stage show" might be "I came to ask if you're accepted our lord Jesus as your personal savior".
Next time try this: "Cops got a warrant out for me. My dumb ass roommate gave his side piece a black eye so when I rolled up to the crib there were all sorts of cops outside and one of them ran my license and it was on. I just outran the popo and left them in the dust. Did like 140 on the freeway. Figured I'd hole up in here and let the heat die down, parked my car in the back. What about you?"
Pistola that's awesome. Would probably immediately like you (or laugh awkwardly and leave if she was new to dancing haha).
Others have already said it in slightly different and more direct ways, but you could always say that "there's only two jobs in my life I've ever liked and I can get both of them here". She'd probably either figure it out or ask you if you liked being a bouncer (or perhaps bartender I guess) or a DJ more!
"I just needed a break from all the screaming and yelling coming from the trunk of my car"
On a serious note, I get "How long are you here for?" She is sizing up whether you are worth the investment in small talk and/or whether you are a VIP candidate.
I even had one ask me how much money I planned to spend today. Nothing like the direct approach. She was a bottom of the barrel girl that parked at my table. I told her quite a bit but she wasn't my type of girl. She said she could be any type of girl I wanted. I got her to leave by saying "No, you can't"
I've often said "eh coming here is more entertaining that staring at the walls in my hotel room." Hint Hint - that lets them know that 1. I am staying in a hotel available for OTC and 2. I am not a regular/local which often works to my advantage.
I waa a regular at a place for 4 years or so...difference was I was there to see mainly one dancer and knew when she'd be in (she was the rare unicorn with an actual schedule she stuck to and always let me know if she would be out of town/or just not working for a day or a full weekend). Anyway I used to let them know I was in for said dancer. Sometimes they'd say oh I love her, she's so nice. Usually my atf would say she remembered the dancer I spoke with, but sometimes that dancer would be new to the club and my atf would have no idea who the dancer I spoke with earlier was. Imagine that a few dancers lied to me haha.
It was a good thing when it was happening because if I liked the other dancers that approached before my atf arrived (I'd usually get there 15-30 minutes before she would), I'd spend time with them and even got to really like a few of them (a couple worked same days and would come in earlier than my atf on a continual basis).
"if it's not a 'wanna dance' girl, it's a 'want some company' girl Dancers ask the same questions. not because they want to run game, but because they are in auto-pilot. most won't even remember anything about you including your name once they move on.
1) what's your name 2) where are you from 3) what do you do 4) come here often 5) are you having a good day so far
the girls that make the most money remember every last detail about you, and ask about you when you come back in."
Illbbaicnl, suggested asking a stripper if she’d accepted Jesus. That reminded me of a time a stripper asked me the exact same thing.
As to being asked what brings me out tonight, I usually just tell them I’m horny and sometimes ask what brings them out tonight. Regardless of how she answers, the response is often interesting.
using a randy macho man savage impression for the reply.
"well you know something? check it out!!! i had to go and leave the house for a minute oh yeah. the three girls at home are just really stinking up the place oh yeah yeah. they all been dead for quite some time now and macho man needed to step out out of that element and enjoy the fresh air and view. anyway ooh yeah you look oh so nice and grown oh yeah!!!! want to go to my place? i live up the road. house in the back of the woods. a tree stump with an axe on top standing by the side of the road. let me tell you something it will be to die for oh yeah!!!!!"
When your son is of age, you should sit him down, hand him a beer, and make sure he knows that it's much harder to get served in a paternity suit if they don't know:
1) what's your name 2) where are you from 3) what do you do
last commentI know it may be redundant but it is a polite way for a stripper to ask “am I your type”.
So just play along. The alternative is her waiting for ques that she may not quickly get.
"Oh, I was kinda bored and running low on ______ (insert preferred booze here), so I figured I'd just go out for a drink instead".
"And get your face smashed into some tiddies?"
"Yeah, that's a bit of an added bonus."
They jam my head into them, and when I'm allowed up for air, I inevitably ask if they want a drink... because that's the gentlemanly thing to do.
If I don't want her to stick around - I figured this was the best place to nurse a beer and ogle the naked women on stage and I had just enough to pay the cover charge and get this bottle of beer.
If I like her, I might say beautiful naked women and alcohol.
Not going to overthink this.
A simple reply is usually best. If the dancer doesn’t speak much English - a snarky retort won’t help.
You're rong. Well half rong. Most strip club customers are looking for hookers best case but dont wanna pay or want to pay the bare minimum.
The ldk customers are creepy af and the tricks are always obvious. Then everyone has a laugh when they go with the "extras girls" . It's not a respected thing.
(Or, I don't know, maybe they walk into every single place like that, which is really sad.)
She's trying to break the ice with a complete stranger. If you don't want a "Wanna dance?" line, then it's going to be some simple opener like "What brought you here tonight?"
And it doesn't have to be a "big prelude". I've had dancers ask me something like that when I'm on a tighter schedule, and I've replied "Well, I'm here for dances with a sexy dancer." And then we talk briefly about prices and options and we're off to the races.
I don't understand guys who whine and nitpick about hot nearly-naked young women walking up and talking to them.
“Just checking for any illegal activity” would go over well?
Others have already said it in slightly different and more direct ways, but you could always say that "there's only two jobs in my life I've ever liked and I can get both of them here". She'd probably either figure it out or ask you if you liked being a bouncer (or perhaps bartender I guess) or a DJ more!
On a serious note, I get "How long are you here for?" She is sizing up whether you are worth the investment in small talk and/or whether you are a VIP candidate.
I even had one ask me how much money I planned to spend today. Nothing like the direct approach. She was a bottom of the barrel girl that parked at my table. I told her quite a bit but she wasn't my type of girl. She said she could be any type of girl I wanted. I got her to leave by saying "No, you can't"
Unless you say “I’ve got $1,000 that I want to spend on you.”
It was a good thing when it was happening because if I liked the other dancers that approached before my atf arrived (I'd usually get there 15-30 minutes before she would), I'd spend time with them and even got to really like a few of them (a couple worked same days and would come in earlier than my atf on a continual basis).
If not, then "I'm here to see my CF, maybe I'll see you next time"
"if it's not a 'wanna dance' girl, it's a 'want some company' girl
Dancers ask the same questions. not because they want to run game, but because they are in auto-pilot.
most won't even remember anything about you including your name once they move on.
1) what's your name
2) where are you from
3) what do you do
4) come here often
5) are you having a good day so far
the girls that make the most money remember every last detail about you, and ask about you when you come back in."
As to being asked what brings me out tonight, I usually just tell them I’m horny and sometimes ask what brings them out tonight. Regardless of how she answers, the response is often interesting.
"well you know something? check it out!!! i had to go and leave the house for a minute oh yeah. the three girls at home are just really stinking up the place oh yeah yeah. they all been dead for quite some time now and macho man needed to step out out of that element and enjoy the fresh air and view. anyway ooh yeah you look oh so nice and grown oh yeah!!!! want to go to my place? i live up the road. house in the back of the woods. a tree stump with an axe on top standing by the side of the road. let me tell you something it will be to die for oh yeah!!!!!"
1) what's your name
2) where are you from
3) what do you do