…I've hated this stupid fucksack since he further infringed on the 2nd Amendment. Then he killed all those elderly people in nursing homes. Playing grab-ass with a few staffers is probably the least offensive thing he did but led to his downfall. I'll take it.
Would love to see him answer criminal charges, but I'll bet he cut a backroom deal for that as a condition of his resignation.
last commentI wonder if his enabling brother will be asked to resign from CNN next?
I've seen how flirtatious civie women act around power. Puts dancers to shame.
Any perception these honeys are timid wall flowers is incorrect.
this is simple: a powerful guy like that can display off the charts levels of creepiness that women will find very off putting.
I’m glad he’s going to be gone, but there’s plenty of others who’ve acted just as bad if not worse yet they get away with it over and again.
Not that I think what he did was any worse than a lot of other people have done. But I am so glad his arrogant @$$ is gone !
My friends and coworkers from NYC have had many run ins with his brother Chris, and said he is the most arrogant prick, even starting fights during pick up basketball games. Those Cuomo fucks are so engrained in old school politics that it only seems fitting to oust his ass, considering the “Me Too” movement and Oprah saying how a lot of old white guys are going to have to die before actual change can happen. By the way, Randumbmember at least pays his 20 year olds while his old ass gropes them. Something 85% of the members on this site admit to doing; so at least you have that going for you.
Trump didn't quit coz of his sexual deviance
Most of the crap about Trump came out BEFORE he was elected in an effort to get Hillary into the White House "by any means necessary" and he won despite the mostly fabricated bullshit. The Cuomo stuff happened DURING his governorship, a result of his freewheeling abuse of power. Plus it was Cuomo's own party putting most of the pressure on him to step down. Two different situations dummy.
How do so many of these politicians end up with ugly wives?
I hear this book (…) and this shirt (…) are about to go 75% off.
That's been rummy's standard MOA since she escaped the black hole of calcutta and joined TUSCL. The kool aid is very intoxicating in rummy's world. Lol
Two words.
Monica Lewinsky
The thing I hold against Wild Bill the most is that it was Monica. JFK had Marilyn Monroe. The best he could do was Monica?
+ AFAIK his first accuser didn’t come forward until the day after the 2020 presidential-election – i.e. after Cuomo was no longer useful as a Trump body-puncher
+ from the get-go Cuomo’s biggest critics were the far-left radicals in his party like De Blasio and AOC; i.e. Cuomo was old-school and not radical/woke enough so they wanted him out to be replaced by a far-left woke radical – I heard De Blasio and and Al Sharpton were already eyeing the next governatorial election
+ that fat-pig NY AG loretta lynn went full-board after Cuomo like she does after every politician she doesn’t like b/c it’s an open-secret she too sees herself as a future NY governor (Giuliani, and other popular AGs, have parleyed their AG career into bigger political positions)
Cuomo has likely been doing this for decades and it was probably an open-secret – the Dems took him out of power b/c he doesn’t fit the party’s radical direction – this is gonna be the case of the “cure” likely being worse than the disease were NY ends up with a radical leftist that ends up being way-worse than Cuomo.
If this stupid fucking piece of shit nipple-ring-wearing pervert wasn't radical/woke/progressive enough, God help us. Apparently he thinks the 2nd Amendment has something to do with hunting. "No one needs 10 bullets to kill a deer!" Yeah, true. But I need at least 20 to kill the gang of MS-13 home invaders coming to bust down my front door. Fucking scumbag jerk. I hope that resigning means he loses his security detail and has to live like the common folk. I wonder what kind of arsenal he has at home.…
He was a neo-liberal. He was involved in that tax give away thing to amazon. I was pleased when A.O.C. I think somehow got it terminated.
They have a Democrat taking over, so I am pleased.
I want Gavin Newsom to resign for his role in COVID hysteria and let a Democrat take over.