Idk what’s up with the recent chester🐆 trolling on wives, but hey I’m going to jump in on it too.
So for the past few years, “Karen” has become a derogatory title for those who are nightmares when it comes to customer service. Or calling the police/posting in NextDoor app over young people with melanin who are minding their own business.
Here is further backstory. Thanks to the rise of Karen as a slur, new parents don’t want to name their babies that anymore.
The peak of the popularity of that name was for those born between ‘51 and ‘68, or those currently between 53 and 70 years old. Which would be a decent chunk of this board.
Anyways, anybody here married to somebody who exhibits tendencies to get into “Karen” mode if something is going wrong, perhaps you may even join her to help speak to the manager against the snowflakes? If not your wife, are there lots of Karens you know in your personal lives? Or do you believe the label is a bunch of sexism and ageism nonsense?
So for the past few years, “Karen” has become a derogatory title for those who are nightmares when it comes to customer service. Or calling the police/posting in NextDoor app over young people with melanin who are minding their own business.
Here is further backstory. Thanks to the rise of Karen as a slur, new parents don’t want to name their babies that anymore.
The peak of the popularity of that name was for those born between ‘51 and ‘68, or those currently between 53 and 70 years old. Which would be a decent chunk of this board.
Anyways, anybody here married to somebody who exhibits tendencies to get into “Karen” mode if something is going wrong, perhaps you may even join her to help speak to the manager against the snowflakes? If not your wife, are there lots of Karens you know in your personal lives? Or do you believe the label is a bunch of sexism and ageism nonsense?
But do I know people who loudly and proudly exhibit a high degree of simultaneous ignorance and entitlement? ... sure. But I just call them "assholes". It is a term that has served me well for decades, and I don't have to explain it to anyone.
Wikipedia on the term "Karen" as slang:
Meanwhile, the "Chads" of the world quietly and nervously wait for the other shoe to drop ...
He's an old friend of mine, so I tolerate this behavior to a certain extent, but I refuse to eat at a restaurant with him. In fact, if he's coming over my house and offers to pick up take-out food, I tell him to get his own food and I'll get mine from somewhere else.
Take it from a guy who worked in a restaurant all through college, YOU DO NOT WANT TO FUCK AROUND WITH RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES. Let me repeat that: DO NOT FUCK WITH RESTAURANT PEOPLE!!!! And if a member of your group ever does, don't even think about eating anything else they bring to the table. The stories I could tell you might actually be too vulgar for this website.
I was the guy with the bandana and a friend of mine was the waiter. Because I was a cook and had all the most disgusting ideas, and he had an uncanny ability to serve up my creations in a professional manner without cracking up.
Entitled white people have been the mainstream of US society from the get go. Entitled to other people's land and labor for free. Not sure why entitled white women are out-memeing entitled white men so much on social media.
How it's acceptable to throw that term around but other racist terms will get someone thrown in jail is beyond my understanding.
When I see videos of Karens having a meltdown I'm filled with sympathy knowing what a miserable sad life they must have.
These Karen's are often bullied during these meltdowns which I find pathetic.
Lone Wolf makes very important point that Karen is an inherently racist term, since it is universally defined as an entitled white female. There are far, far more black Karens in this world than there are White Karens. I also have encountered disproportionately high numbers of Karens from the Indian subcontinent. Male Karens are more predominant in Latin, Asian, and Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern cultures. Don't get me wrong, I have had more rounds with Caucasian Karens than I care to remember, but the limiting of the term to older white women is racist, sexist, and ageist.
We have these Neighborhoods Groups. People photograph street hookers and post them and lean on police to bust them without evidence.
Most of what they want is directly tied to real estate prices.
During the 1920's, the one who had been the first wife of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright, was going around Chicago, campaigning over "girls ruined by jazz", and she had a list of names.
The American "Modern" story (c. 1914) demonstrates how crime, moral puritanism, and conflicts between ruthless capitalists and striking workers help ruin the lives of marginalized Americans. To get more money for his spinster sister's charities, a mill owner orders a 10% pay cut to his workers' wages. An ensuing workers' strike is crushed and The Boy and The Dear One make their way to another city; she lives in poverty and he turns to crime. After they marry, he tries to break free of crime but is framed for theft by his ex-boss. While he is in prison, his wife must endure their child being taken away by the same "moral uplift society" that instigated the strike. Upon his release from prison, he discovers his ex-boss attempting to rape his wife. A struggle begins and in the confusion the girlfriend of the boss shoots and kills the boss. She escapes and The Boy is convicted and sentenced to the gallows. A kindly policeman helps The Dear One find the real killer and together they try to reach the Governor in time so her reformed husband will not be hanged.
I named my car Lucille...I had just watched Cool Hand Luke on the old folks movie channel.
Sadly, the automatic car washes around here don't wash it the way Lucille did...
it’s probably considered a white person thing too just because there are more older white people than younger. Median age of a white person 43.7 and Hispanic 29.8 Not fair maybe, but I think that’s the reason for it.
Idk, I admit to profiling people, because I’ve worked in customer service jobs before. Maybe it’s not right but can’t help it. The last vanilla job I had definitely had a TON of what could be called classic Karens. It was considered the worst in the chain amongst ourselves. Somebody who grew up in Denver area though said the neighborhood we were in has always been like that reputation wise. A year ago when the social justice rioting was going on, I really wanted them to target there but noooo they just stuck to wrecking havoc downtown. The people I directly worked with were pretty cool though, so at least that made it easier.
On the other hand, I remember going to Wisconsin once and was absolutely floored by how amazingly sweet the older white women there were. They would look over and I would wonder if trouble was coming my way, but all they wanted to do was pet my dog and give him love. 🥰
Black women of any age get hit with the Angry Black Woman stereotype.
East Asian women of any age meticulously watch their weight cause they live to walk on your back.
Young Latinas are all Cardi B. Older Latinas spend their time in church, watching telenovelas, compulsively maiding, and throwing their sandals at kids when they get bratty.
The linked article is long - but it’s about a local Karen. It’s honestly bizarre and sad behavior from a woman who basically lost an argument. She realized her argument and she pulled out the physical assault card. It’s sad and it’s wrong, but it continues in our communities.
I like where I live. But, I know there is a fair amount of entitlement in many families, and it can lead to folks believing their view is all that matters. It’s wrong.
i just checked out that article. i've seen many girls on SA from montclair. even though most of those were girls were in the 7-8 looks range, there was something about their profiles that just didn't vibe well with me.
from the article montclair is described as living in park slope brooklyn, with the benefit of owning a backyard. now i know why i feel those shitty vibes. girls/women from park slope are uptight, stuck up, entitled cunts. their shits don't stink. shits so nice they dropping out bouquets of roses and ice cubes with the perfect circles inside. i can see monclair being the central karen capital of new jersey. hoboken would be a close 2nd.
That's funny, of the two Todds I can think of immediately, both were great guys and one was multi-racial.
The only Karen I've known personally was a ginger born in the 70s. Freakishly tall, fairly smart, somewhat attractive, but a real bitch.
Only Karen I interact with on the regular is very sweet and kind.