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Comments by Dudester (page 29)

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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Bouncer Gets Probation In Strip Club Death
There are two branches to law- criminal and civil. There has been a criminal conviction, a judgement in a civil court should be a slam dunk.
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14 years ago
Strippers Tatted
A pair of porn stars I fancy have a tat "Slippery When Wet" just above their kitty (above the panty line). One day they'll have kids......I'll let you contemplate that.
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14 years ago
avatar for whoever
just a little help here...
Gee Officer, I don't know.
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14 years ago
avatar for farmerart
Language Faux Pas And The SC Experience
Once in speaking to a Russian dancer, I mimicked a phrase I heard in "The Hunt for Red October", meaning "I speak Russian" (or so I thought). It turned out that I got the verb tense all wrong and she was half offended. I ended up getting no lappers from her. Moral of the story-stick with the language(s) you know.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Vivid Names Top 10 Celebrity Sex Tape Wish List for 2011
Of that list, the only two likely to surface-Tom Brady and Giselle. The other-at this point, Lohan needs a sex tape to get back in the game (plus some B movies where she's nekkid).
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Sex doll is to blame for crash
That was a set up prank. Teens don't always think through all the ramifications of their pranks. There's still an open case from almost twenty years ago where someone re-arranged the pylons at a highway contsruction site. The resulting head on crash (both cars doing 50), killed two. No one has ever been identified as the loser who did that. Hell of a thing to live with. When I was a kid, I was scolded by mom for loosening the tops of salt shakers. My other prank-caught in the act while spitting on car seats (through open windows).
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Girls forced into prostitution, feds say
Once the other inmates know what he did, well...he's going to wish for a tabe of lube.
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14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Strip club nutrition
Breakfast- granola & fruit Lunch- Burger w/fixins & juice, or soup & juice Dinner- salad-beef or chicken, potatoes or rice-mixed vegies-jello
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14 years ago
avatar for Lewis1975
Do you feel guilty when you turn down a dance
Lewis1975: "Do you feel guilty when you turn down a dance" Look at it this way, when a cereal box at the grocery store is dented, it's marked down. Some clubs/strippers should think about "red label specials." Is a 50/60ish old wrinkled stripper worth 20 bucks a song ? How about some porker with acne who reeks of tuna ? How about my favorite trio of strippers-Tweaker, Shamu, and Ratso ? Not in my book.
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14 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
You ever notice that in brighter light, most dancers in a club don't look nearly
The most extreme example I can think of is a GF from my military days. When we were first involved, she wore makeup. The first time that we were alone to be intimate in a hotel room, she went in the bathroom and took off the makeup. UGH !! Talk about a buzzkill.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Vice cops: Norfolk a hotbed for Web prostitution
She had just under 10k in her car. Okay, let's do the math. 11 Officers work the operation, at say 40k a year X 11 = 4440,000.00 a year. Logistics for the operation, let's say 10k in equipment. Whereas, in a legalized setting, she's made 10k in one trip. Take, say, 10% in taxes, + 100 in licensing. Instead of the fuzz busting people on morality charges (Thought Police), the community could make 1,100.00 from her.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Chinese prostitutes resist effort to rescue them from Africa
The best way to understand the mindset of these women, watch the movie "The Girl From Hunan." In rural China, you are locked into poverty and all you do is work. Sometimes you're married off when you're only 2 years old (yes, two years old). There is no divorce, and if something happens to your mate, you can't ever marry again. You can't ever have intimate relations with another human being, ever, period. They have something similar to Sharia Law. If caught breaking the code, you are severely punished. An unmarried couple having sex in the movie-his legs are severely broken. She's stripped naked, dragged through the town square-taken out on the lake with an anchor around her neck, and thrown overboard. That's what would happen to these women. They are better off in Africa.
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14 years ago
avatar for ThreeJ
A TUSCL Glossary
OTC-Out of The Club- You talked a stripper into meeting you for a hotel date. ITC-In The Club ROB-Rip Off Bitch. She promised you pussy for 300, but didn't let you anywhere near her kitty. PL-Pathetic Loser-How strippers refer to every customer. ATF-All Time Favorite-You go to the club to see her. She is doing you ITC, and sometimes OTC LE_Law Enforcement-the fuzz-the Popo-Five Oh
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14 years ago
avatar for imnumnutz
livin' with hef...
Ever been in one of those steakhouses, which in the late 50's, erly 60's, was the place to be ? Place has a funk to it. I've been in a couple of those places. This story reminds me of that. Go into one of those places and the waiter, instead of being some high school/college kid, it's a guy in his 60's. He's been working there since he was in high school. You see him and wonder just what happened to his life. Poor ol hef. He doesn't realize that he's beome a punch line.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Police: Hotel Charges Drug, Prostitution Fee
I hate it when the oh so holy types stumble into this kind of thing. The media is having a problem because there's pretty much a 5.00 cover charge to get some pussy ? Have they been in a SC lately ? Oh, never mind.
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14 years ago
avatar for GoVikings
New Year's- anyone thinking about going to an SC?
As a onetime cop/volunteer firefighter, new years eve was always busy-working accidents. The tragic part is that the drunks are rarely injured, but their victims are horribly injured. Also, house fires go way up on the two days leading up to new years because people are clearing their yards and burning the debris. As Superdude said-it's amateur night.
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14 years ago
avatar for steve229
Follies at Follies?
My replies: 1) Hell no, can't afford you baby. C-Ya !! 2) The guy being held and robbed ? Manager and dancer try this with me and they better have a trauma team outside as they're going to have multiple broken bones, abrasions, contusions,and lacerations.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Crystina Becerra: Penthouse Club Stripper Wanted After Putting Two Patrons In Ho
I know her. She worked at my former workplace-lasted a week. Then she worked at Houston Dolls. During my lapper with her, I was amazed at her physical strength. It spooked me so bad that I stopped her mid dance. I've fought men who didn't have her stength.
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14 years ago
avatar for harrydave
New Jersey
William Faulkner Reincarnated
Gotta love those who failed English types. I'm having trouble with a nephew who wears his ignorance like a crown.
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14 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Another shooting in Phoenix.
buck asked:"why would dumbasses go to a club with a gun or act a fool to get shot ?" Because these mental midgets haven't found out that there is nothing worth dying for in a SC, or worth killing for.
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14 years ago
avatar for Player11
Ever had a Stripper live with you?
I live next to one right now (recently wrote of it here)and it's no picnic. This morning, her mom happened to be over and she caught me on the stoop. Her mom asked me to give her toilet paper. I gave her a roll. She doesn't have a car, so I don't know how she gets around, although the other night she ran out to get a ride with someone parked at the convenience store around the corner. We were going down the stairs at the same time and she gave me a load of bullshit about who and what she is (strippers don't just do SS in the club).
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14 years ago
avatar for RapturousOne
World's oldest profession
Once upon a time he was relevant. Now, he's a punch line.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
1 man dead and security guard hurt in Phoenix strip club shooting
"Latu fired several rounds at the security guard and struck the guard several times in his ballistic vest, which may have saved his life, he said. The security guard then reportedly retrieved his sidearm and returned fire. Latu was hit several times and fell to the ground, Martos said. when one of them ran over Latu." Good. Saves the taxpayer $$$. Live by the sword-get it shoved up your ass.
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14 years ago
avatar for HomerKilroy
Cell Phone Cams??
Unless your stripper says "Go ahead" on screen, what you've done is illegal in some states. Would you like your most intimate moments recorded and put out for the world to see ? How about your last bowel movement ? How about when something in your nose bothered you and you thought no one was looking ? Grow up.