
Follies at Follies?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 11:14 AM
This review was an interesting read. I especially liked the part about the bouncers helping a dancer shake down a customer. Guess that's why he only gave value a 9 rating. [view link]


  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    steve, This brings up a good point. What do we do when confronted with the same scenario? Defend whet we believe to be correct, object and risk the shakedown or something worse, just pay and forget about it, never return, call LE, etc.? I would imagine for this sort of thing to happen, the customer would have to be a newbie in the club. I can't imagine it happening to a regular.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    My replies: 1) Hell no, can't afford you baby. C-Ya !! 2) The guy being held and robbed ? Manager and dancer try this with me and they better have a trauma team outside as they're going to have multiple broken bones, abrasions, contusions,and lacerations.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    well if i ever experienced something like that i would surely drop the value down to nine. {rolleyes:
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Follies is my favorite Atlanta club. It deserves it's #21 spot on TUSCLs top 100. I have been there 5 times in the last year. Hardly a regular. I have to disagree with the reviewers ratings. Club is NOT a 10 physically. It is too small and the VIP rooms lack total privacy. The dancers are not 10's. More like 5-8's. Value probably rates a 10. You cannot get better table dances anywhere else in Atlanta. Lots of two way contact for $10. I have gotten FS on my last 3 visits for $142. snowtime & vincemichaels can verify this. As to the altercation. Sounds like a "he said, she said" thing. Peaches does have a bad reputation but I have had no experiences with her. If the dude was overcharged, he should have stood his ground. I would have. If he cheated her, then he got good value for his money. I am going to give the club another shot next week.
  • goldmongerATL
    14 years ago
    You are probably right on the the club rating. It should be about an 8. Yes, the VIP is not totally private, but it does not seem to hamper the activity! I do not rate the dancers on just their looks (probably a 7 or 8 that day) but also on what they offer. Besides, if you read my review, the rating on MY dancer experience was a 10 that trip :-) that is, if you are interested in a dancer sitting on your lap while you play wiggle the finger for 12-15 minutes for FREE. The guy that got "reminded" how much he owed probably would have rated it much lower! As for value, you cannot beat the prices there. The value rating is a 9 because it can be hit or miss in finding the right girl. 50% are 10+ on value in the VIP, but the rest are only about 6-7. Same goes for the floor dances. They range from 7's to 10's.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I vaguely remember Peaches from the time shadowcat and I were there a month or so back. I'll definitely avoid her the next time we go there, but shadowcat is correct. I haven't been back in the VIP as shadowcat has, but I don't doubt my friend had a great time back there with his friend. It's a good place to go in Atlanta, just mind who you get dances from.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    That guy was either drunk/high or should sue the club for assault. It sounds like he did try to stand his ground but "when all of a sudden two dancers grabbed one arm and a big dude grabbed the other. Peaches starts screaming at him, turns all his pockets inside out, grabs the wallet, grabs what looked like all the cash in it and runs to the dressing room!"
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Hey VM, how is Peaches doing from Flight Club?
  • fishhook
    14 years ago
    I must say I am a regular at follies and I have had my time with peaches. She promised me the moon in the VIP and did not deliver. She and Heaven are about the same. I would recommend plenty of distance between the customer and either of them. They just do not deliver in a place that has more than 1/2 of the girls that will at a minimum do what they say in the vip. follies is the best club in atlanta by far in my opinion. I used to think that OGE was the best, but not anymore!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    samsung1, I haven't been to Flight Club after 9 pm in a long time when Peaches generally starts working, so I haven't seen her in a long, long time. If she is still working there, you'd have to ask someone that goes later on in the evening. For the most part these days, I am in the clubs in the afternoon.
  • 10inches
    14 years ago
    never had a problem with club or dancers. maybe cause i stick with the ones i've dealt with before. VIP may not be as private as you like but have been able to get hj or bj on each visit if i wanted it. least amount of action in VIP has been FIV
  • sparksiam
    14 years ago
    Value wise it is definitely a 10.. Other factors included i think it should be around an 8.5.
  • bunnyx15
    11 years ago
    Please don't judge the club on Peaches alone. She is notorious for causing drama with customers and other dancers, as well as management. In fact, we were once friends and she visited my house while I wasn't home, my roommate let her in and she got into an altercation with him and started throwing my canned cokes all over the house, causing them to bust and make a huge mess. I had to pay the apartment 1400$ for the damages done to the carpet and walls. Enough about that, honestly I don't know what happened but I would not hold anyone accountable other than Peaches. She strives for attention and makes sure she gets it, whether its negative or positive. She doesn't care. She is fired to the best of my knowledge, this time for stealing a girls wallet and pouring it out all over the dressing room floor. Hopefully she won't be allowed to come back this time!! The thing about the bouncer grabbing the man was probably something mandatory for them to do, as there job is solely to make sure everything goes smooth and when things get out of control to protect the dancers. The whole shaking down of the pockets doesn't make sense at all to me, because everyone knows Peaches is a liar and a problem starter. All she does is trick people into going to vip and paying her alot of money then goes to the bathroom every five minutes to avoid doing anything (even dancing), and then goes crazy and pitches a fit if you do try to do what SHE said she would to in the first place. Mind you, SHE offers it. But I guess I should quit talking crap. Thought you guys might want to hear that she did get fired and hopefully this time its for good!!!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I know bunnyx15, she knows her shit and is a very good dancer.
  • disgusted
    11 years ago
    seriously? dogging on a girl because she wont compromise her morals and fuck around with you nasty perverts? I use to work at a strip club a few years back NOT follies but I am appalled about reading the things I am, I mean come on fingering girls on the floor doing drugs getting fucked and sucked in VIP, seriously This club needs to be shut down, I have always heard bad things about this place but didn't realize how bad until I read this shit. This right here is what gives all strip clubs as well as strippers a bad name. these clubs are a place to go have some drinks and be entertained by fantasy, a place where lonely men who would never have a shot with a girl like that in the real world can go and feel special for a little while. a place for having a good time with friends, even a place for the sick perverts to go and get a little attention for their money, and where the girls can make money for their families, school, their self whatever the case may be but its NOT suppose to be a place to openly talk about and do drugs Not a place to get fucked in any way shape or form, and its absolutely ridiculous that so many girls are doing these things and even worse that management is letting it go on that a girl would be ragged on for not doing this shit, come on people have some morals, and I really hope this club doesn't stay open for long its certainty no cheetah actually it doesn't even sound like a strip club it sounds like a brothel
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    ^^^^^ Spoken like a true stripperweb member.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Having the morals and not doing certain activities isn't the issue or conversation. The issue is telling someone that you will do something for a certain amount of money, getting that amount of money, and not providing the agreed upon service/product. That's the definition of fraud. How about a little moral conviction about that? Of course this is coming from someone who has never gotten extras so take it for face value.
  • disgusted
    11 years ago
    first off I was never a stripper I was a bartender, and secondly I feel sorry for this girl because she works on a place were every girl is basically prostituting so how is she suppose to make money to compete with that? if she doesn't wana "party" or get down, so she may make it seem like she is that type of girl because the competition is but when it comes down to it she cant compromise her self respect to do things that are not only illegal but just down right nasty. I've seen it first hand the strippers that are whores ruin it for everyone, because when it comes down to it a girl that is fs could easily get the same amount of money for just dancing or talking to the guy, so really there's no reason for it all but it does ruin the girls money that wont do such things because of self respect. I was apart of this industry for a long time and am now a lawyer, but this was apart of my past and I think this club gives Atlanta a bad look its fucking nasty and should be closed down everything that goes on in there is in fact illegal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    So why were you working in a place that you found so disgusting? Sounds like you were prostituting yourself. Going against your morals for the sake of a buck. You just sat back and reaped the benefits of working in a place that was popular because there were prostitutes there. Now that you are a lawyer you are probably fucking the rest of us for money.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Based on writing style and punctuation, I hope her paralegal is writing her briefs... If she's a lawyer...
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