South Carolina
Comments by Shekitout
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Should have described the lewd activity!
discussion comment
13 years ago
Please use a spellchecker before you post your review.
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13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Many years ago where I worked a little ole lady made a knit penis with balls to help raise some Christmas money. One of the employees who showed the item to a female coworker got suspended for 2 days.
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13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Many years ago where I worked a little ole lady made a knit penis with balls to help raise some Christmas money. One of the employees who showed the item to a female coworker got suspened for 2 days.
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13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Many years ago where I worked a little ole lady made a knit penis with balls to help raise some Christmas money. One of the employees who showed the item to a female coworker got suspened for 2 days.
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13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Have not had any problems using Windows 7 with IE9. Are you using Microsoft Security Essentials, Spybot, Superantispyware, Malware Antimalware Bytes to scan computer for virus, bugs, etc?
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Have not had any problems using Windows 7 with IE9. Are you using Microsoft Security Essentials, Spybot, Superantispyware, Malware Antimalware Bytes to scan computer for virus, bugs, etc?
discussion comment
14 years ago
I have spotted dancers at Kmart, WalMart, convenience store gas pumps, drug stores, landscape office, video poker place, department stores, etc. I usually don't say anything to them. Sometimes they have acknowledged me. There is one such dancer I have seen twice recently and boy she's a lot better looking in the dim light of the club!
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14 years ago
I've walked out with glitter on my arms and shirt causing the need for washing it off when I get home and throwing the shirt in the washing machine.
One time I went back to work and had a big lipprint from one of my ATF right smack dab in the middle of my forehead! Ladies at the office told me about it lucky for me.
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14 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Highest price I've paid is $150 OTC at her place when she was still dancing. Now that she's not dancing, she's cut the price to $100 but I have to pay for the room since she now stays with a sister who has a live-in boyfriend. I found a room for $40. She even split the room fee on most recent OTC. Recently saw a place advertising rooms for $32.95 + tax but of all things-no microwave or refrig!
discussion comment
15 years ago
Not being afraid to ask the dancer is very helpful in getting what you want-nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say.
I have experienced ITC 3 times and the 3rd time being the best but it still seems rushed unlike OTC where you can take your time and be a lot more comfortable.
Some of my OTCs have been at the dancer's place and some have been at a motel where I paid for the room. For my next OTC, the dancer has offered to split the cost of the room-I will deduct the amount from her fee.
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15 years ago
What's the aversion to all caps? I know it's supposed to equate to shouting but sometimes I find all caps easier to read.
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15 years ago
Troop-you need to go to North Myrtle Beach(used to be called Ocean Drive)and I'm sure you won't get mugged or shot at. I live in Columbia and have heard or read nothing about out of control crime in MB!
discussion comment
15 years ago
Horny old bastard.
Forgot about a club in Charlotte, NC called The Library.
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15 years ago
Horny old bastard.
A long gone club here in Columbia, SC was Chippendolls. It was a totally nude club but city fathers wouldn't issue alcohol sales license so you could bring your own beer & wine. Grocery store across the street sold more beer & wine than any grocery store in the state I heard.
The owner's daughter danced at the club sometimes.
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15 years ago
Friend of mine got a virus from this link so be careful.
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15 years ago
Shadowcat PM'd me about Guam dancers & but for the life of me I can't remember the dancer from Platinum Plus in Columbia, SC who went over there several times. Like Sahdowcat said, she was always broke. She told me that her parents had run up lots of bills-mortage, utilities. etc and since she lived with her folks, she tried to pay them off. She made lots of money but it sounded like the shit parents ran up bills faster than she could pay them while she was in Guam. I do remember she was Hispanic and lived in a small town down the road from Columbia but that's it.
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15 years ago
Found Club Fantasy listed in North Charleston.
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15 years ago
No Club Fantasy in Charleston listed.
discussion comment
15 years ago
samsung1: He's talking about Columbia, SC not Columbus, OH.
casualguy: Not aware of Club Fantasy in Chaleston but will check the listing on TUSCL.
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15 years ago
Ad must have been for Fantasy Island on Two Notch Road, a black strip club-not that there's anything wrong with that!
discussion comment
15 years ago
Atlanta suburb
OK, 'cat, what in the hell is metional?