Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Comments by Book Guy (page 12)
discussion comment
5 months ago
It's frustrating that USA-SG and other internet resources aren't keeping up with the info usefully any more. There was a time when the internet had reliable info about AMPs and similar outlets, but more and more you can't really get the info or trust it if you do get it. BTW I'm personally not sure in specific about the LA area, that's not my territory at all, the info could be quite good or abysmal, I wouldn't know.
I've seldom found the AMP experience to be as good as it might seem at first. There were some places in the sticks East New Orleans in the range of 2000 to 2010, but they've changed hands and modified; the French Quarter and downtown places have always been rip-offs.
There are places near-ish the Airforce Base in Tampa that are reliable but when I lived near there I would prefer to attend the "lingerie modeling" studios in Drew Park instead. It wasn't that I would not prefer an Asian woman, I'm mostly a race-neutral-poundage monger, I'll bang anything as long as she's hot enough. Rather, I felt there were signals that the AMPs bordered on exploitation. The women didn't always speak fluent English and might not "want" to be doing what they were doing in the same way that it seemed the lingerie girls had full choice. I couldn't confirm true exploitation or trafficking ever, but I felt unpleasant enough that I steered away from anything that had some of the signals, just a "spidey sense" response.
Over my mongering career I've had good service from most AMPs. Excellent times in Houston, but I always arrived well armed with clear and (seemingly) reliable reviews in advance. Toronto rub-and-tug places and "nuru" places are dime-a-dozen, rather inexpensive, very reliable (TUSCL reviews some of the fancier ones). I don't patronize the New Orleans ones any more.
discussion comment
5 months ago
... sidering. (WTF? happened with the post button?)
discussion comment
5 months ago
This Rodriguez starlet looks better now than when she was young and flawless, IMO. The facial wrinkles, though minimal, give her a degree of character that seems lacking in her younger pictures. I'd "smash" fer shure, she appears very physically fit, which is always one of my first criteria.
@wallanon I think (in my warped view of the world) that women are more able to move around along "the continuum" from heterosexual to homosexual (and back) depending on the individual partner(s) they're con
discussion comment
5 months ago
ROFL @ Jascoi ... I wonder if I personally could muster the chutzpah to be so cynical as to make ridiculously salacious low-ball offers. "So, do you do anal for less than $50? On the main floor? Because if not, then I'm unlikely to have much interest." Could get you thrown out of the club, of course.
At one club which I frequent, there's a super-chatty annoying girl who is above-average (for the club) in looks but definitely does not have an appearance that fits my personal style at all. She has very "stringy" tits, which she keeps bundled way up in a push-up bra and seldom reveals to onlookers. At this club, dances for stage sets aren't topless though for privates they generally are, so she's able to keep them secret. She chats and chats and chats about ridiculous annoying shit, very logorrhea-type verbosity, gets dances that way.
I always intercept her early, "I'm not interested but thanks anyway," at which point (I am not making this up) once she replied, "Oh, you've already seen my tits?"
discussion comment
5 months ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Dang, I grab women all the time and I'm not even slightly famous. Should I run for office?
discussion comment
5 months ago
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
@Angle42 I stand corrected on the Portland question doh! thanks.
discussion comment
5 months ago
I like to have generic lines ready as "script" statements to say. I guess maybe I'm poor in off-the-cuff social situations. So I try to keep some of these lines handy.
"Sorry but I'm really not interested."
Really, that's the sensible line. You can add, "thanks for coming by" or "thanks anyway" depending on the type of politeness and style you want. Be pro-active about stating it a little too early in the interaction. Of course, if that isn't your cuppatea, below are some serious bullshit lines you might also spin --
"I'm only waiting for a few of my friends to send me a text about whether or not they're coming to the club."
"I just had a few excellent mind-BLOWing dances with Trixie so I'm really not going to be in the mood for a while." (Emphasize "blow" with wink-wink nudge-nudge gestures.)
"I'm actually waiting for my favorite dancer, Minxie, to do her stage set; do you know if she's working tonight, I thought she was working, but now I don't see her. She's so hot. I love her." (Speak as though you genuinely think she will date you civilian-style outside the club. Behave as though you genuinely believe that you're taking Minxie to your Senior Prom. She will wear a puffy-sleeved green satin dress and you will rent a tux and give her a pink carnation after meeting her parents, you hope.)
"I'm sorry, I'm looking for a couple of other dancers."
"I just got here. I might get silly drunk later, in which case you're welcome to try again."
"I didn't bring a lot of cash so I'm not going to be doing any dances." (Her automatic response is, "There's the ATM." She will say this 99% of the time. The other 1% of the time she will quote prices anyway.)
discussion comment
5 months ago
spend too much on dancers 🤯
I generally share your preference for strippers over escorts. The observation, pre-transaction interaction, and overall sense of heightened "chase," are all appealing to me.
Nevertheless, you may be pleasantly surprised by the Canadian escorts. Relative to what's probably the norm in the USA, the difference between advertisement and reality tends to be less in Canada, since escorting is generally more tolerated and closer to legal there (though I'm not sure of technical legal status and won't venture to advise).
Montreal is often considered a city with plenty of "sex for sale" opportunities. Beware, however, that this can mean that the city (like Vegas) simply bilks clueless tourists with low-service high-price events in which the customer gets too much glitz and not enough real activity.
I have enjoyed my (many) times in Toronto, where over the course of the last three decades many of the strip clubs have offered fairly well guaranteed full-service and handies and blows in the back rooms for reasonable prices. Some clubs were clean, some clubs were intolerant, some clubs were tolerant, and some clubs practically required dirtiness. I presume Montreal is at least somewhat similar. Read the reviews going back a year or so for all the clubs in the region (don't forget "down province" like Chez Diane etc.) to get a sense of each club's trajectory. Armed with knowledge of what is reasonable to expect, then cling manfully as though holding onto your dick to the following dictum: YMMV.
discussion comment
5 months ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Probably from the 2006 interviews?
discussion comment
5 months ago
I think there are at least two related issues here. One is, what's the story with customers learning Spanish to improve communication. Another is, what are the attitudes of non-English-speaking dancers.
For me personally, I've been decent at learning foreign languages generally, but I haven't tried Spanish lately. I picked up a lot of Spanglish on the sandlots playing soccer while growing up but I don't think it would serve me much in trying to negotiate service prices with dancers. "Izquierda! Derecha! Pelota! Penal penal golgolgol GOOOOOLLL ..." not.
I'm a bit disappointed when a dancer doesn't give a hoot about communicating. Or seems that way. Especially being in a club in the USA, it's reasonable to expect that most of her customers are probably English speakers. There's a type of mercenary coldness to any failure to even attempt English. I don't mind if the girl is simply unable or still a beginner, but I tend to be turned off if the girl is showing instead a disdain or refusal to try. Trying is cute! It's a sweet gesture! And really I'm always at the club in search of cute sweetness, not just mercenary service. Other guys may want something a bit more toward the wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am end of the spectrum, in which case their desires may be less hampered by language barriers. Or more hampered, since they can't adequately identify service and price? "Izquierda"?
discussion comment
5 months ago
spend too much on dancers 🤯
I like that line from some comedian or other (Eddie Izzard?), we tend to think of drinking as getting invisible. A little buzzed means nobody is looking at me, and really wasted means nobody can see me even if they are looking at me.
article comment
5 months ago
District of Columbia
I also am an "intimacy seeker" rather than devoted to a rapid efficient finish. There are times when I want the finish, but generally I've found that the direct-service girls leave me a bit disappointed even if I do finish. I'm glad the places which offer reliable finish still exist, and I wish I had ready access to them (they're in other cities from me), but I continue to seek the "girlfriend for an hour" experience instead. I suspect I would pay at least the same, maybe a good deal more, for it, too.
I agree that clubs are changing toward the efficiency model. I think the internet is part of what is changing clubs overall, as Minnow mentioned. I also think the new prevalence of the "incel" phenomenon, as a movement and a sub-culture, is something to consider. Whether or not there are a lot of actual real "incels" or not is largely beside the point for me. Instead, just the fact that we know what that thing is, and the fact that it is rumored to exist at all, is enough to indicate that there's an increased lack of sexual release in our society. In the good ol' days, every college guy could get an Ugg or Fattie to bend over at a frat party. He might not have been proud of it and he probably didn't want to be seen dating her through the course of the week, but he was probably getting his rocks off. Now campus and young adult culture are so prevalent in the anti-male and anti-sex crusades that it's often the case that males aren't actually getting any outlet at all. In more Victorian times, men learned to expect female resistance, and learned to deal with it, by either overcoming it (there's cajolery, there's violent wrong-doing, there's charm, there's marriage, there's cheating on a marriage, etc.) or accepting it (not expecting sex and not getting it, is a LOT easier than expecting it and not getting it). To the contrary, in our times, we pretend that there's little to no resistance and that therefore there's no need to develop any skill at either overcoming or accepting resistance, when in fact that IS still a need to develop that skill. So it's not really that people are getting laid less, it's that there's a greater maldistribution of lays and of information about sex than ever before. The hypocrisy is really killing the kids. Consequently, the first order of business is getting the rocks off at all, in the first place. Hence increased prevalence of efficient rock-offing services.
So it seems to me. I could be wrong. But I'm sympathetic to the plight of the "incel" (though I don't really agree with any of them, their anti-female rants are simply misinformed and tend to assume that the author himself is the victim of wrongdoing). I think these young boys are having harmful initial experiences and need the leadership of strong older men to direct them through the minefields. The absence of such leadership, and the plight of those who therefore remain leaderless, is a general cultural shift toward disconnection. This change in clubbing, which the article outlines, is IMO part and parcel of that cultural change.
discussion comment
5 months ago
spend too much on dancers 🤯
Skibum & Crosscheck -- ok so when he erased all the drunk driving tapes he was able to get out of the drunk driving prosecution, but then didn't someone bring charges of trespassing, burglary, tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice, ...
I guess with breathalyzers, the courts have found no problem with the self-incrimination (5th Amend.) issue, by reasoning that the defendant isn't TESTIFYING against himself, but rather, the scientific data (and the officer who collected it) is testifying against him. So goes the theory as I understand it. I do see that this reasoning is kinda thin, but not half as thin as a lot of other pin-head dancing angels in our jurisprudence. Or was there something else you were finding wrong about it? When I'm wearing my Civil Libertarian hat I object to the very idea of any officer ever invading my bodily autonomy by taking samples of my blood or breath or brainwaves. Sphygmomanometer my ass.
As for the science, one thing I've learned is that "slurred speech" and "glazed eyes" and "what you look like" are rather un-related to blood-alcohol level --you can have high BAC and no glazed eyes, or vice versa. Furthermore, neither is necessarily a guarantee of impaired driving skills -- some people with low-ish BAC have greatly reduced reflexes, other people with relatively high BAC don't see much detriment to their reflexes. Changes to the detriment level can be due to tolerance developed over time, or due to such factors as the most recent hours' diet, mental activity, and exercise. None of it is 1-to-1, it's all generalizations. The assumption that 0.08% is significantly blotto is useful for hiding the subjectivity. It looks scientific because it has a number and a percent sign in it.
Now would you like to discuss the scientific evidence behind fingerprints? :P
@stripperlover77 I can't figure out what you're trying to say, there's too much Uppercase and too little punctuation.
discussion comment
5 months ago
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
@Hank Moody no, I invented AND REJECTED those theories, to make the point that the theories DON'T FIT. You and I actually agree, that these theories fail to explain the data. Anyway, glad to learn about Houston and Dallas's political leaning, so maybe that accounts for their good strip club culture, just like Austin ... NOT.
After reading all the discussion I'm leaning toward Hank Moody's micro explanation and From978's explanation's reliance on individual political leadership. Can we export those helpful guys from cities that have good strip club culture to cities where the club culture is pathetic? Are they geographically transferable skills?
discussion comment
5 months ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Same girl second view. Are you posting this just to see whether we notice?
First thread
First view of the girl
Second thread (this one)
Second view of the same girl
discussion comment
5 months ago
At a "lingerie modeling" place in Houston about fifteen or twenty years ago I chose a girl from the line-up who turned out to be definitely autistic. Her interactions, her verbal style, her demeanor entirely gave away the fact, I have no doubt. But it wasn't a poor choice. She was up front and rational about everything, she explicitly described services at dollar amounts without hesitation, she had no reticence about adding or changing behaviors, basically she was a fine "scientist" about her "ministrations" to the patient. I'd see her again (except it's been so long). I think she probably was among the less favored girls because most guys would be put off by her demeanor, but what the hey I got a good FS session for the right price!
I do find the comments convincing, that Autism may be unlikely because the sales maneuvers on the floor for strippers require a lot of interpersonal subtlety, in reading and in performing for the customer. You have to know small social cues and not get them particularly wrong or you won't ever get started making money. As I understand it, Autistic people are likely to lack exactly those skills.
discussion comment
5 months ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
This is my new favorite club (where is it?) and I will simply have the good sense to bring up my desired level of alcoholic buzz before getting there. I have done exactly this sort of thing at the famous Mons Venus and 2001 Odyssey (Tampa FL) many times.
For a while back in the early 2000s, the rules about alcohol were so wonky that the city essentially required drunk driving. IIRC it went something like this. A. If a club served hard alcohol, then the dancers had to wear pasties. B. If the club only served beer, then the dancers did not have to wear pasties but generally did anyway. C. Any club that served beer had a liquor license that allowed it to serve liquor, and therefore SOMETIMES the management would announce beer-only times as opposed to liquor-and-beer times. Usually the hard liquor was available during the off hours -- weekday afternoons, f.e. -- on the theory that this was a good way to draw in customers who otherwise wouldn't attend. Though it seemed sensible to management, it of course seemed backwards to the customers, who would have preferred their hard liquor on the weekends. D. Any liquor clubs (pastie or not) were limited in the amount of hard liquor they could sell per week (so many orders per bartender per hour, etc.). Consequently, if the weekday liquor sales went poorly, they would ALSO be able to sell liquor late on Saturday night to maximize the use of their weekly allowance. But if they did this, then they had to shift from non-pastie to pastie. E. Generally, private booths had been constructed inside all types of clubs, but they were only allowed to be used when the club was in non-alcohol (note: I did not say "non-liquor") mode. Most clubs ignored this requirement but might crack down on it during the liquor period of time. Or might not. F. Clubs in suburban areas to the East (and North) of Tampa proper were under a different (county-wide) set of requirements that made things a bit simpler to understand. G. The hottest girls and the best lap-dances were either in those extended-drive clubs East of town, or on Dale Mabry at Mons and 2001. Those two clubs were both non-alcohol clubs at the time. The girls at most pastie clubs were generally unappealing to me, especially compared to the Mons girls. Oh and, H. all the clubs, whether on beer or liquor or no alcohol, charge an entry fee.
The solution to all of the above was to choose your poison. If you want to have alcohol, it seems that the city is saying, "Please, Mister PL, we beg you, do drive drunk." So, there was the first option, you could go to a dive and get your alcohol, be generally turned off by the women, then decide drive to Mons. At the dive, you wouldn't get just lightly buzzed, because you knew that once you leave, you have ended your entry fee access, and you have ended your alcohol access. So you drank like hell to make the most of your time inside the drinking establishment. Further, if the beer establishment upped their ante to liquor later at night on Saturday (to maximize weekly allowance, see above) then you'd guzzle. You knew it was for this special moment only, so your "fear of missing out" kicked in and, even if you had already drunk a pitcher of beer on the expired theory that there would be no liquor available, you nevertheless felt like you should also drink a pitcher of Jaegermeister. So it wasn't just "please drive drunk," it was also "please mix your liquors."
Or, if you didn't pick that poison, you picked the other poison. You went East of town (or North) to one of the big warehouse clubs. There, you would encounter fewer women, but a good fully stocked bar serving all the time, easily, and from the girls there was also serving all the time, with readily available full service generally speaking in the privates. "Please just go to the brothel in the first place." Or you could hit one of the four or five reliable FS "lingerie modeling" places in Drew Park, the neighborhood near the airport. Drunk as a skunk by that time, of course.
Are things still as screwed up? The service options at strip clubs have migrated away from Tampa and to the Pinellas side of the Bay now. Back then it was the other way around.
So yeah, I've dealt with getting alcohol in one place and strippers in another.
discussion comment
5 months ago
from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
Yes I didn't mean to run off on a tangent about camera history (Hank Moody's comment sanctioned tangents, after all!), but mostly the concern is (and should be!) the worry over a customer (or dancer) getting the unpleasant surprise of seeing himself (or herself) on the internet in someone else's films.
discussion comment
5 months ago
spend too much on dancers 🤯
I'm counter to most of this thread. I drink and deliberately get buzzed.
I go to strip clubs in order to be marginally inebriated. I am not interested enough in the girls, or in spending money on privates, unless I am feeling warm about it due to some alcohol. For me that is two, perhaps three cocktails, each at one shot of premium liquor like Jack Daniels. So that's three shots over the course of the entire evening. I do not enjoy more. I also do not enjoy less. Halfway into the second drink I start to want to interact with (and grope) the strippers.
I don't tend to drink alcohol anywhere else. It's not that I am officially abstaining on any organized program, I'm just not very interested in alcohol for any other reasons. I have one wine at the neighborhood Christmas party. There are hard ciders in the back of my fridge that have probably been there five or six years.
I do like fine beers, but only as a gourmet experience, and will have a properly pulled vom Fass Stout or Bock with the proper chef's meal if called for. But otherwise I have no reason to drink beer at all, especially not North American rice-fake-beer, especially especially not the greenish yellow piss-water sold as beer at strip clubs. Almost no Lager or Export brew has ever pleased me, not even the original Budweiser at the Budvar Budejovicky in Prague.
Then there is flavored liquor. Schnapps-type, in particular. A story. I used to go to that Pony place in Memphis, around the year 2005 or so. ("Pink Pony" was its name? Maybe? Can't remember.) Tons of stellar-looking girls, really just a lap-dance factory, lots of OTC available, ultimately got shut down for too much drugs and prostitution in about 2010. Anyway. They allowed bottle fee, so I'd arrive after along drive from my home well South of there with a fifth of Jaegermeister. I would usually share it with the girls or give it away to a table of college kids later in the night. But one evening I didn't pay attention and instead finished the damn thing all by myself. I genuinely did not realize how drunk I was until.
Until I awoke, in the driver's seat of my car, which was facing the wrong direction in the middle of one of those six-lane suburban Memphis major roadways. I had been awakened by the sound of my tires screeching because, as I passed out while driving, I had somehow rotated the wheel enough to spin a 180 donut. The road was empty. I was next to a defunct Wal-Mart. I shakily parked my car, used the standing (functional!) pay phone to call 911, from which the operator sent a taxi cab instead of an emergency crew. I quit Jaeger and drunk driving and lived to tell the tale.
Hey Skibum609 I used to try to defend drunk driving cases. Here in the New Orleans area nearly all turn out to be roughly indefensible, but the clients are required to have an attorney present when they plead to a misdemeanor. At the time, I was doing it essentially as a "favor to the justice system" to be present and get my name remembered at City court. I would mail the client a bill for an hour or two of work and only expect that half or a third of them would be paid.
discussion comment
5 months ago
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
@ilbbaicnl Yes, your suggestion sounds roughly like my present strategy. Chat a bit, stage-tip, initiate flirtation / conversation. But then drop it. Really I wrote my post not to learn a solution, but just to indicate that there are difficulties of interpretation running in both directions. Dancers would find many men in the club to be confusing, "does he want me or not?" but men find the dancers similarly difficult to interpret.
discussion comment
5 months ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
My preferences seem to run counter to the trend.
For this present one, I'd smash her, yes, though not necessarily too enthusiastically.
She's a bit rough around the edges, not "turned out" well, but (to me) her shape is feminine and desirable.
For the previous one that I saw from the same OP, no.
This person is extremely well "turned out" with very glamorous make-up, but I find her body type reminds me of a line-backer. A male line-backer. I guess some of you PLs go for the line-backer type but I don't at all. She just seems SO un-feminine to me.
discussion comment
5 months ago
Atlanta suburb
@dickdecker -- as I understand it, genetic signatures and mutation-rate comparison now can, theoretically, demonstrate provenance of some STDs, especially the rapid-reproducing ones like HPV. Plaintiff would probably have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the gene sequencing, so it probably wouldn't be practical for a lawsuit, but keep it in mind for the future! :)
discussion comment
5 months ago
Atlanta suburb
I'm impressed with the creativity. What about home-owners insurance? Does my wind damage policy cover blowjobs?
discussion comment
5 months ago
from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
I think that nearly every "private" booth I've been in, has had the potential to have mini-cameras in the upper corners filming everything. I have seen actual cameras on many occasions. I know they are at my two or three main clubs. I just don't know if they're turned on. I must assume the filmed activities could incriminate ownership and dancers just as much it could harm the reputations of customers. It's an excellent way for management to know how much of a rake to demand off of each dancer, by identifying what level of service she gave. And it can serve as a nice front for public-relations purposes toward the morality police, giving management a plausible claim that the presence of the cameras is a deliberate deterrent to wrongdoing, helping to keep the unruly dancers more in line with the local jurisdiction's requirements. "Look see, Miss Bible-Thumper Battle-Axe, we got cameras, so you know Minxie ain't gettin' away with nothin' in 'dere."
Now'days, camera risk is simply part of daily life. In strip clubs or not. Way back in the 80s when I first attended clubs, many of them had side-entrances where you could really hide your face on the way in, so nobody could identify you. The parking lot and entry-way layouts of old-school clubs (and adult movie theaters) was often arranged with this kind of privacy in mind. Also the gay bars in New Orleans were connected by back routes through courtyards and mid-block key lots, often accessed via the restaurant's kitchen. All those old mid-block courtyards are now classy condominium garden grottoes, but they used to be destinations for vice trade. People could avoid prying eyes.
But now, cameras are small enough, that they could easily be hidden in potted plants and you'd never know. It's almost silly to ask customers to never bring a camera into the club, any more. We all have our phones. I have seen a few clueless customers try to point and shoot from their waist (sometimes they forgot to turn off the flash, DOH!). Dancers have to know, that surreptitious films are almost impossible to avoid now. By about 2005 the window girls in Amsterdam were starting to give up on the water-bombing that they had traditionally used against photographers for decades, since cameras had grown prevalent. Now they simply charge a fee to take a picture.
And just as likely that a girl can get photographed, so you can get photographed too. If your likeness appears in a production that is distributed for profit, you have a right to prevent its distribution (if you can catch them beforehand) or demand part of the profits and legal remedy (a.k.a. money damages from a lawsuit!). It's illegal "appropriation of name or likeness" type law, usually codified in most jurisdictions. But if they blur you out, they can go ahead, usually.
@ Hank Moody and the trajectory of a TUSCL thread -- haha good laughs