
Does your auto insurance cover you for STD's?

Atlanta suburb
Friday, June 14, 2024 1:57 PM


  • Puddy_Tat
    4 days ago
    Another dumb bitch who wants a payout because she can't take responsibility for her actions. Ladies and gentlemen, the state of modern society.
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 days ago
    Good to know. Do OTC in her car, so her liability insurance will refund your money when she doesn't do anal like she promised.
  • Dolfan
    4 days ago
    We need penalties for people who do this shit. I rarely root for insurance companies, but I hope they counter sue and win all their expenses back. And I hope their lawyers have all their meetings and depositions and shit "catered by Gold Rush" so the expenses are nice and high.
  • twentyfive
    4 days ago
    ^ Blame the lawyer that came up with this idea for a lawsuit
  • dickdecker
    4 days ago
    Absurd. How can you ‘prove’ you got that STD from a specific partner? Could it have been someone she had sex with at an earlier time? Perhaps a 2011 Buick Verano?
  • Book Guy
    4 days ago
    I'm impressed with the creativity. What about home-owners insurance? Does my wind damage policy cover blowjobs?
  • Book Guy
    4 days ago
    @dickdecker -- as I understand it, genetic signatures and mutation-rate comparison now can, theoretically, demonstrate provenance of some STDs, especially the rapid-reproducing ones like HPV. Plaintiff would probably have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the gene sequencing, so it probably wouldn't be practical for a lawsuit, but keep it in mind for the future! :)
  • shailynn
    3 days ago
    #1 - it’s it believed that up to half the adult population has HPV? #2 - how can they determine her getting HPV caused her brain cancer? #3 - how can they prove she didn’t get HPV from someone else? Was she previously a virgin?
  • misterorange
    3 days ago
    The irony here is that "M.O." is afforded the privilege of anonymity while the real victim, Martin Brauner, has his name exposed and will probably never get laid again.
  • Puddy_Tat
    3 days ago
    Also, HPV is not associated with brain cancer. A virologist or oncologist expert witness could bust that case in minutes. [view link]
  • ClubFan81077
    2 days ago
    Where is that Jake guy when you need him...
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