Comments by jablake (page 93)

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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Texas "pole tax" law, what do you think?
    I don't think there are enough taxes and I don't think they're high enough. Also, as far as I'm concerned they can throw the money away starting some more wars or spend it on health or whatever. Ideally the government should own all the means of production in a "democracy."
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    17 years ago
    OK YOU WIN IM OUTTA HERE Shadowcat its all yours
    Hi wondergrl5, My 2 cent opinion is that you seem too sensitive to be a stripper---at least at the low end dives that I'm use to. Those dancers take extreme abuse (more than I could take) and the best ones don't let it impact them at all or so it would appear. Anyway, best of luck and happy holidays. BTW, yes stripperweb is nasty. :) And, I don't care for many of the opinions on this board e.g. a dancer has to be focused on the dollar because it's her job (the one size fits all mentality is fairly common and I doubt any harm is meant by it). I do agree that people should be skeptical that you're a real live female----too many males who are desperate to be females are out there . . .
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    17 years ago
    Well, if you survived the Italians that is impressive. :)
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    17 years ago
    I would think there is a significant difference between stupid nasty folks in the office and customers at strip club. At least those customers at a high mileage strip club. A customer grabbing your "privates" and being Mr. Nasty as well just seems a lot worse, imo. Doesn't have to be worse----just that generally I think it would be considered far worse. A young woman at Burger King takes as nasty customer's order for a Whopper and fries and a Coke. Bing, boom, bang, he is history after probably NO more than 60 seconds. That same customer grabbing snd drooling on you for 5 minutes or longer seems a hell of a lot worse, imo. (Angels is a club where the dancers take pride that they're super sluts, but heck even at that club some droolers (nice droolers, btw) aren't welcome unless the dance price explodes upward.) Even worse maybe are the nice customers falling in love with you! You let a dumb customer feel your titties and he thinks that means you two are getting married! Damn, Walmart is looking better all the time if they'd just eliminate the smiling requirement and up the wages a couple dollars per hour. :) A friend who is intelligent outside of strip clubs was all upset that the dancers didn't love him even though he spent good money on them. I couldn't believe he was for real because he is intelligent in business. With women he looks like a lost puppy dog that had his favorite toy confiscated. :( The dancers would probably be shocked that *his* buying dances somehow equals a future romantic relationship. He didn't really talk with them at all. Just non-stop grabbing . . .
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    17 years ago
    Dumb Dancers Can be Very Sweet :) . . .
    I haven't noticed any correlation between people being nice and people being dumb. I've met more than my fair share of dumb who are just "mean" because that is their culture or their genes. By "mean" I'm thinking NO compassion or even deriving pleasure from hurting other people or a lack of real empathy. Not the BS empathy where you put another person in your shoes . . . the empathy where you try any imagine that you were in fact the other person.
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    17 years ago
    Hi wondergrl5, You violated the sacred most highest law. A law not only painted in blood, but carved into diamonds. For dancers: IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! Simply put you're not allowed to have any other values except the almighty dollar. It isn't too late too confess and admit: 1. You're a guy (NO woman could be so sensible) and 2. The dollar is your God. Just teasing with you. I hope you don't get upset. I'm not a very friendly person; generally. Have fun with your dancing, but it does seem like a tough job because so many of the customers are just stupid and nasty.
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    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    There isn't any need to pay to post on this site. I hope that doesn't get me in trouble with the founder. I don't see where Yoda is coming from, but heck apparently he doesn't see where you're coming from or at least pretends as much. Another point, I think some posters may have difficulty reading. So it may take you 10 seconds to read one of your posts while some poor bloke is taking a half hour or more and even then it may be beyond his comprehension. Anyway, thumbs up to Yoda for putting you in his ignore file. I appreciate when posters take that route with me. :) Finally, I think it was pretty pathetic for Yoda to urge you to join the "discussion" over there. That is one nasty place, which would be fine except that it is a moderated nasty place. Anyway, for what little its worth I read your posts and their length hardly seems worth commenting on unless you're hostile to the poster's pov or you have difficulty reading.
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    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    Hi FONDL, Thank you for the explanation. I agree with you. I was thinking in terms of my success or lack thereof as well as other peoples. It would have been easy to make a lot more money if that was the end all be all. Don't get me wrong. I consider myself to be a money grubber, but imo that doesn't mean making the dollar gets first billing. One of my bosses believed he had a right to steal and in some cases I definitely agreed with him, but those are rare limited circumstances. His opinion was that if you break one law then you should be willing to break all laws. He was a tough bright man, but I found that thinking brain dead and immoral. Anyway, he was ripping off a customer and of all the people for the customer to horse collar he chooses me. :( I told him that I was just a laborer, but he said that wasn't true. Anyway, I explained that the boss must feel there was some legitmate reason for stealing. IOWs, What did the customer do wrong? As it turned out the customer didn't do anything wrong and the boss just over promised and thought he could bully his way out of the situation. I was very disappointed in him and after a yelling match with plenty of threats and cursing he did complete the job as initially agreed. It just stunned that he believed that he had the absolute right to steal. He was stunned that I didn't agree with him because I have very little respect for the law. In my old age I've gotten so bitter that I was thinking maybe the boss was right afterall. :(
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    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    Yeah, even slaves can be very happy. I'd rather be unhappy if that is your idea of finishing first. IME, there are an unusual number of low lifes at the top. Yes, there are good guys like my former employer--but, he seemed like the exception. Another exception was a Mr. Herman Chanin. He actually created wealth for himself and others--a real shock. Oops, he got screwed in the end thanks to the courts. I think he might have kept some of his wealth---I guess some people would consider that finishing first. He told me before the courts he really liked people, which was very easy to believe, and now he is much more distrusting and fearful.
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    17 years ago
    Dumb Dancers Can be Very Sweet :) . . .
    Hi FONDL, I hope you're not equating dumb with being boring! ;) One can be intelligent and be more boring than drying paint. Now, if you're going to talk with one of these dummies about politics than more likely than not it would probably be pretty boring. I'm not into "poetry," but this one very slow dancer showed me some of her work. I didn't care for it, but her focus was interesting. It was all about a dream man. Protective, brave, loves children, intelligent, etc. Another slow dancer, did some really good songs which will probably never see the light of day----mainly anti-drugs, family values, god, etc. She was taking medication and she said it really interfered with ability to think. Her partial solution was song.
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    17 years ago
    Welcome JayADay . . . Practical Advice for Increasing Mileage and Reducing Costs
    If you think the $5 tip helped, then it was a wise investment. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Welcome JayADay . . . Practical Advice for Increasing Mileage and Reducing Costs
    Hello again, 2 for $20 ain't bad. Well, you probably won't care for the suggestion but one way to reduce costs is cut out the tip. As far as increasing mileage go with ugly or better yet old---30 years and up. Or, you could always follow Shadowcat's lead and always ask for 2 for 1. If the girl says NO, then unless you're crazy about her or have very high standards you haven't lost anything. Another way of increasing mileage is just getting to know the dancer over time---again not too popular if you want a lot different dances. OK, I'm drained of what little wisdom that I might have possessed. Good luck. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The age old question : Looks or Mileage
    Looks 100%. If the woman isn't attractive, then I'd rather spend my time at Burger King or watching President Bush give a speech.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Super Bitch's Revenge :(
    Definitely he smart thing to do is avoid the club for a minimum of 6 months. However, I'm lucky if I can make it 10 days. Yes, there are other clubs. But, I know a lot more people at my favorite club. Coco's has some really stunning dancers, but you have to go at the right time and the music is loud. RolLexx is a little far and too many police. Secrets is a little far and too many police. Tootsies is a joke. Solid Gold is a joke and mainly it is stocked with east European dancers, which I didn't really care for them.
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    17 years ago
    Super Bitch's Revenge :(
    Hi TessieV, The "free" handjobs do make some financial sense for the dancer who is all about the money. It is like a loss leader and even better it definitely can interfere with some strip club customer's ability to say NO. Fortunately at my favorite club most dancers are just "wanna dance" types so it is easy for me to say NO. However, a few dancers give "free" handjobs and then at least for me it is very difficult to say NO for a number of reasons. There is a history with this dancer. I swear she just wants to be a super pest! I had developed the ability to say NO when she would ask for a dance because she gave me one too many bad dances. Did she leave me alone? A little bit . . . but, then she learned that if she gave me a free handjob, my ability to say NO was pretty much gone. :( She does know how to give a good dance, but she doesn't want to. Also, she can make more money from other customers *if they show*----I don't do VIP and apparently she has customers who are VIP regulars. Ideally she would just ignore me ALL the time. She also has a little bit of competitive streak. One time I was getting dances from a lot of hot dancers------NOW, she wants to give me great dances. Heck, even then I was happy with all the other hotties, but a least she really did a great job. Another time (happened more than once) my favorite dancer showed so she tried to start a fist fight with my favorite dancer (she would have beat the favorite up, but I basically kept them apart). Bottom line she could have made a lot more money from me, but has other issues that apparently are more important to her than making $$$ although she does say with pride that she's all about the money.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Newbie here
    Welcome. :) Regular In Love. All Time Favorite. Just click on the Glossary for further definitions.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    >>>"Well, I read it. I read every word. I'm new here. I'm trying to figure out how to improve mileage while cutting costs. This tread didn't help in that regard."<<< Don't be a nice guy, then! For whatever reason there are strippers who prefer a true asshole . . . how does that improve mileage while cutting costs? Make being a true asshole a true part of yourself and you should find out first hand! NEXT! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hi David9999, I use to meet lawyers all the time. Heck, probably met more lawyers than strippers at stretches. :( I think you'd be surprised how many lawyers here aren't that sharp----maybe it's the South Florida heat or arrogance. :) Anyway, you're changing the argument. :) You said "strippers are usually as dumb as ROCKS." You later posted a "true conversation" to show a dumb as ROCKS stripper. I posted a portion of a story from the Miami New Times to show a dumb as ROCKS lawyer. *I do think the average lawyer is more intelligent than average U.S. citizen.* But, that ain't saying much!!! :) Anyway, the strippers that I meet generally aren't as dumb as ROCKS. Who knows maybe my perception is off or this is just a strange club. Could be anything. Most people, imo, are dumber than ROCKS at least in certain areas.
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    17 years ago
    ****At the time he agreed to represent Joe Blake in his case against Public Storage, George Garcia himself had already shot and killed a man. During a home-invasion robbery of his uncle's house in 1994, Garcia shot two intruders, killing one of them. Miami police deemed the shooting justified, and no charges were filed against Garcia. The cranky old lawyer-hater and the attorney unafraid to defend himself with lethal force quickly found themselves at loggerheads. After a particularly frustrating court date on January 23, 1996, Blake hopped in his beat-up 1986 Cadillac Cimarron and followed Garcia back to his office. When he got there, he says, he told Garcia he was firing him and demanded that Garcia return his case file. Garcia's office is a tiny, two-room affair, including a small reception area. Blake says he hovered over Garcia for some 40 minutes, moving between the two rooms as Garcia worked on other things without giving Blake the file. Finally, Blake says, he confronted the younger man in his office. Garcia was behind his desk, Blake in front of it. "I pounded the desk and said, 'Damn it, George, I want my goddamn file and I want it now.'" Garcia then reached into his desk drawer and pulled out not Blake's file but the Glock 9mm semiautomatic pistol for which he had a concealed-weapon permit. It was loaded. Glocks do not have a safety. Blake claims Garcia pointed the gun at him and ordered him out of the office. "I said, 'Go ahead and shoot, George, but I'm not leaving without my file,'" Blake recalls. Garcia then put the gun back in the drawer, gathered up Blake's file, and gave it to him. Blake says he went to a nearby gas station, took a good twenty minutes to calm himself down, then called Miami police. Two patrol officers accompanied Blake back to Garcia's office and called for a detective. According to the cops' sworn depositions in the case, Garcia admitted pulling out the gun and said he felt threatened by Blake. "No matter how nasty he can get, you can see [Blake] is a feeble old man who has a lot of health problems," patrolman Brendan Monroe stated in his deposition. "There's no way a young, vital male is going to be threatened by him." Garcia also denied pointing the gun directly at Blake. Even so, the officers and the detective (ironically, a detective who had worked on the home-invasion homicide case in which Garcia had been cleared a year before) reached the same conclusion: It still sounded like aggravated assault. They arrested Garcia. Blake has not seen his former attorney since that day. But two months after the aggravated assault charge was filed, the case took a turn for the weird. During those two months, Garcia's attorney worked feverishly to get the charges dropped, or at least reduced to a misdemeanor. By March 1996 it was clear that the State Attorney's Office was ready to proceed. On March 25 Garcia called police to complain that a client of his, a homeless crack addict named Rafael Hernandez Palacios, had assaulted him in his office and was trying to extort money from him. He told police where to find Hernandez. Hernandez told police a different story: Garcia had given him $400, telling him to hire someone to kill "the old man." In a 330-page deposition, Hernandez said the same thing, that Garcia had talked to him about the aggravated assault charge Blake had filed. "If his case was not dropped, something must be done to that man," Hernandez stated. "He began to tell me it was an elderly person, that he was about 80 years old, and that person had charged him with something, and that he did not want to lose his license [to practice law]." Hernandez goes on to say that Garcia was hoping the assault charge would go away because of Blake's criminal record: "But if the case were not dropped, he needed my help. I asked him what kind of help. He said, 'Any kind of help. I don't care if I have to kill him, as long as I do not lose my license.'" Police looked up the pending assault charge against Garcia. Particularly telling was that Hernandez, who lived on the streets of downtown Miami, knew where Blake lived in North Miami -- though he didn't know Blake's name. (Garcia later told police that Hernandez must have seen Blake's case file in his office.) In his deposition, Hernandez maintains that he never intended to kill "the old man" or to hire anyone to do it. He just pocketed the money Garcia gave him and spent it, mostly on crack. The police found Hernandez's statements convincing enough to arrest Garcia for solicitation of first-degree murder. The State Attorney's Office is still pressing that charge, along with the aggravated assault. Because the alleged assault involved a firearm, that charge carries a mandatory minimum sentence of three years in prison. The maximum sentence for the solicitation charge is also three years. *** This lawyer was truly *brain dead*. BTW, he ended up getting 7 years probation with adjudication withheld. The judge that presided over the case was also *brain dead*. Anyway, yes there are strippers who are as dumb as ROCKS. And, there are lawyers that are as dumb as ROCKS. The sentenced lawyer was complaining to his defense lawyer about being "forced" to give $1,500 to some disabled childrens charity. That $1,500 "donation" was repeatedly praised to high heaven by the presiding judge, which was the whole point of the "donation." Also, though the New Times doesn't mention it, I believe the sentenced lawyer also killed--gunned down--a second man in Ohio a few years before he killing--gunning down--a man in Coral Gables . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hi David9999, That hasn't been my experience. Maybe the dancers at Angels have more smarts than the norm. :) Let's say that strippers are usually as dumb as ROCKS. And, where does that take us? PLs are even dumber? Strippers don't need brains to make good money? ROCKS are capable of thinking up SS? I hope it isn't headed to the dancers are overpaid argument . . . what are some paintings worth? 1 million, 10 million, 100 million? IOWs, value is in the eye of the beholder. Some of my friends can't comprehend that I value good looking women far more than ugly women----again and again I hear that a hole is a hole or just turn out the lights or that's "superficial" or etc.
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    17 years ago
    >>>"IMHO I still believe the majority of dancers are in fact as dumb as rocks (or bricks)"<<< It seems like the majority of people are dumb as rocks (or bricks), IMHO. :) Even bright people can be dumb as rocks in certain areas. Is it "dumb" for a stripper to prefer a young man whose income prospects and non-incarceration hopes are bleak over a successful young attorney? Is it "dumb" for an attorney to prefer a young man whose income prospect and non-incarceration hopes are bleak over a successful young attorney? My 2-cent answer to both questions is NO. To put it in better perspective: If a man loves 300 LB muscular women is he "dumb" for preferring that over women that most men drool over? Like Goofball related those rappers with all the money love BIG MOMMIES--a better place to hide from the police. ;) Perhaps those rappers are just more in love with $$$ and realize the BIG MOMMIES are generally less expensive than the HOTTIES.
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    17 years ago
    I liked watching a dancer squirting everyone and even got the opportunity to make a few shots myself. :) Wouldn't be interested in sucking on them unless it was a real realtionship. The squirter did a phenomenal business. The customers couldn't seem to get enough of it and new ones were showing up like it had been broadcast at least locally. As far as the baby she says it tough rotten world so better he learns young. :)
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    17 years ago
    100% Agreed FONDL. I don't care for the shoes at all, but who knows maybe the dancers have ugly feet. A favorite dancer got down on her knees for me and unfortunately when she got up her knees were black. :( She loved to go barefoot, but that is one of the few BIG NO NOs at the club. Talk about hyper management and security! They love those high heels better than Freedom Fries and Coke!
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    17 years ago
    Super Bitch's Revenge :(
    Hi SuperDude, Yes, I think you're right. It is the walking away part that is more difficult as long as she thows me a few crumbs. The funny thing is she prides herself on just being about the money. I told her that is wonderful. Sell me what I need and make more money! She'd rather be a pest and earn a lot less. It isn't even like she is a "good" girl. She is and considers herself to be 100% hoe! She just needs to be a hoe that is more interested in earning money. Or, even better a hoe that completely ignores me. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War between the Dancers - has begun
    Pink Site =