how many of you out there are into strippers feet. are most strippers comfortable with guys who like feet. tell your best stories of what a stripper will let you do to her feet!
On your way to the club stop at a drug store and go to the travel size cosmetics bin. For about a dollar you can buy a small tube of lotion for foot rubs. Keep it in your jacket pocket and surprise her with a foot massage in the VIP. You will have a friend for life.
I have no interest whatsover in feet. Well, I hope they look normal but that's about it. Sometimes I feel like the guys who may be sexually excited by that may be more easily exciteable. I never understood how you could be that excited by feet.
I have no particular interest in feet either but I do prefer a dancer in bare feet, mainly because the silly shoes look so stupid. If you're going to get naked, get naked - feet included.
100% Agreed FONDL. I don't care for the shoes at all, but who knows maybe the dancers have ugly feet.
A favorite dancer got down on her knees for me and unfortunately when she got up her knees were black. :( She loved to go barefoot, but that is one of the few BIG NO NOs at the club. Talk about hyper management and security! They love those high heels better than Freedom Fries and Coke!
Nude dancers look absurd with shoes. I find it very sexy to see a dancer without anything on, not even shoes. Admittedly, I get turned on by a well pedicured, high arched, dainty foot, but there is more to it than that. Naked with shoes just isn't natural. Barefoot or maybe flip-flops add to the youthful look.
I remember a dancer at Roxy's explaining that even in her Catholic school girl uniform the management wouldn't let her wear saddle shoes. She had to wear stripper shoes. Sometimes its management's strict adherence to preconceived notions that prevents the girls from being fun and creative.
One big reason I pay attention to the foot area is to avoid getting hit by those spikes in their heels. Those things look dangerous especially when the shoes are flying around in the air during a stage tip.
I remember one dancer once apoligized for wearing army boots. I told her I don't think I would have even noticed if she hadn't said something about it.
Ummmm, uhhhh, wait.... oh feet! Where are they located again? Let's see, face, breasts, tummy, pussy, legs, legs, pussy, tummy, breasts, face,... damn! Missed them again! :-)
I don't really find feet "sexually fascinating" as much as just beautiful as any part of a beautiful woman could be. Many women have ugly hands, a few have very beautiful hands. So too with feet (though, if they're stinky and poorly maintained, and perhaps covered in calluses, then their natural beauty may be tarnished). This attitude of MINE is just "beauty" finding. An upper arm can be quite nice, on occasion, if done well. :) So too feet.
There are other people who find feet MORE stimulating than other parts. They're rightly called "fetishists" in some form. Them I don't understand, but hey, whatever floats their boatses ...
I like feet as long as they are attached to legs that go all of the way up to where the pussy is. Other than that they help women to not make snail tracks.
last commentI wonder if you will get a response from a "stump" fan? And you KNOW they are out there!
A favorite dancer got down on her knees for me and unfortunately when she got up her knees were black. :( She loved to go barefoot, but that is one of the few BIG NO NOs at the club. Talk about hyper management and security! They love those high heels better than Freedom Fries and Coke!
I remember a dancer at Roxy's explaining that even in her Catholic school girl uniform the management wouldn't let her wear saddle shoes. She had to wear stripper shoes. Sometimes its management's strict adherence to preconceived notions that prevents the girls from being fun and creative.
I remember one dancer once apoligized for wearing army boots. I told her I don't think I would have even noticed if she hadn't said something about it.
There are other people who find feet MORE stimulating than other parts. They're rightly called "fetishists" in some form. Them I don't understand, but hey, whatever floats their boatses ...