
Dumb Dancers Can be Very Sweet :) . . .

I think normally and rightfully dumb is seen as a negative. But, IME some of the slower dancers have been very sweet and gave great dances. Even the conversation wasn't bad because I tried to it geared toward their interests.

The one super bright dancer, Felicity, was a total trip. :) I could definitely get use to a dancer with her brains, beauty, and blissfulness.

The dumbest of the dumb probably had a mental capacity of an 8 year old if that. She was nice because she was capable of having a good time. It was wonderful to see her smile and laugh and just enjoy herself. Her body was a PERFECT 10. I'm sure some people with sexual hangups will object to a person getting dances from a dancer who is so slow . . . better she live in a convent or only be surrounded by other idiots in an institution? I think sex should be a positive. Yes, I worry about pregnancy and disease . . . but, other than that it seems very positive if you cut out the cultural BS.

On average, I would think a highly intelligent dancer would be a negative as far as her being able to positively handle the business in the emotional sense. Dealing with so many pea brained customers seems like it would extremely grating to her. Before too many years it seems like a sure recipe for a "stripper web dancer." :(


  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Is she was technically retarded or borderline retarded, not sure if I would be comfortable with that in a dancer situation, however when they are simply on the low end of the Bell Curve, but still within the normal ranges, and happen to have great beauty, and they are sweet with a nice attitude, I have no problem with that.

    I know several like the type I've described above, and sometimes they will ask you a question and you have to sometimes put your hand over your mouth to avoid laughing to avoid being rude, because I'm so used to dealing with super-smart very savvy women that would never ask such absurd questions. Of course sometimes they catch you laughing and you have to make up some excuse that you were really laughing about something else to spare their feelings
    17 years ago
    I've hung out with a couple of strippers who were gorgeous but dumber than a fence post, and lost interest rather quickly because they were boring. My ATF is probably the smartest stripper I've ever met. Nuff said.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi FONDL,

    I hope you're not equating dumb with being boring! ;) One can be intelligent and be more boring than drying paint.

    Now, if you're going to talk with one of these dummies about politics than more likely than not it would probably be pretty boring. I'm not into "poetry," but this one very slow dancer showed me some of her work. I didn't care for it, but her focus was interesting. It was all about a dream man. Protective, brave, loves children, intelligent, etc. Another slow dancer, did some really good songs which will probably never see the light of day----mainly anti-drugs, family values, god, etc. She was taking medication and she said it really interfered with ability to think. Her partial solution was song.

  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "I've hung out with a couple of strippers who were gorgeous but dumber than a fence post, and lost interest rather quickly because they were boring."

    agree with Jarblake the level of boringness doesn't always equate with intelligence per se, but its important they have at least common sense and a good attitude, plus with some if they're truely interested in learning new things e.g movies or music or whatevever - its great because you can get a first impression response

    When you are lucky enough (as many in here are) to have an ATF type that truely likes you (no not the "in love" SS b.s.) and you sense she enjoys being around you exclusive to other club customers - then that can really make up for alot of things I've found

    Of the 3 of the 4 ATFs (all entered dancing later in life) I know the timeframe spent when one would have been going to college late teens/early 20's for them - was taking care of one or more of their children. One I know for sure is bright anyways, and of the other 2 I suspect they have alot more potential but were tied up with other things during their lives

    Kids can take nearly all your time as everyone knows

    Note: for some college is irrelevant anyways, and for those self-learning could be a substitute, however with these dancers they were really just too busy anyways
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I once noted that stupid people think that smart people are being mean when my perception is that all they're being is smart. There's a kind of associative thing going on among the less-than-sharp tacks, where the "brilliant" get points taken off for "caring too much" or "having unreasonable standards" or something. In the converse, this can mean that smart people might think that stupid people are being sweet when in reality all that they're being is stupid. Maybe. :P
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "In the converse, this can mean that smart people might think that stupid people are being sweet when in reality all that they're being is stupid."

    Yup, I think you've hit on something there.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago

    I dunno, I often can see straight through people, smart or stupid. But then, I can't push their buttons at all to get them to do what I want them to do. But some remarkably limited people, intellectually speaking, are able to just work other humans like a sponge to squeeze out whatever they want. Doesn't sound very "stupid" to me ...
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I haven't noticed any correlation between people being nice and people being dumb. I've met more than my fair share of dumb who are just "mean" because that is their culture or their genes. By "mean" I'm thinking NO compassion or even deriving pleasure from hurting other people or a lack of real empathy. Not the BS empathy where you put another person in your shoes . . . the empathy where you try any imagine that you were in fact the other person.

  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I agree, Jablake, and that was the point I was trying to make. That some people seem to think that nice/mean is parallel to dumb/smart, seems pretty ... umm ... dumb to me. :)

    I do think that there are some really back-stabbingly shitty people out there in the world. But they're really few and far between. Most people are just looking out for themselves, often in a passive-aggressive way because they're insecure enough that they aren't comfortable with a more direct-aggressive method. And if they were REALLY secure they'd probably realize that aggression wasn't necessary in either form ...
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    I met a very unusual dancer last night - she wasn't dumb at all, but I noticed that when she danced onstage her rhythm was a bit off, like she was always a step or two "behind" the beat, and she also seemed to spend alot of time on the floor. She was cute as hell, so I looked for her after her stageshow. Turns out she is deaf! A deaf dancer! I had never run across that before! She said that she "feels" the music thru her body, which is why she spent so much time on the stage floor.

    Her laps were AMAZING.
    I think I'm in love.

    Sorry to go OT there.
    Now back to dumb but sweet dancers.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Lopaw, there was a fairly successful favorite of certain posters who was hearing-impaired, who worked at a club in Memphis. That club was shut down but has sister clubs in the South. Maybe you've met her. I don't recall the specifics, one of the old Memphis hands can enlighten you ...
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Over at the old Baby Dolls there were 2 hot sisters. One was definitely deaf--at first I thought she was just retarded. It has been so long, but I think her sister was deaf also. It was genetic problem assuming you view deafness as a problem (not all deaf people due). I thought she was retarded because her speech was so poor. Once she realized I was listening she did work to speak more clearly.
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Former ATF had B.A. and M.A. degrees from a major and respected university. Started college at 33, newly divorced, with two young children. Now working on modeling and acting career while keeping her dancing as tight a secret as possible. Great conversation, bit aloof. Tells me that many dancers barely finished high school. Pregnancy, controlling boyfriends and tough living standards made young woman look for an easy way to make quick money to try to further education in something. Many dancers, according to this more mature woman, know that they better get something going before it's too late. She tries to tell them that starting college at any age is wonderful, but don't wait. Public libraries are still free. (Thank you Benjamin Franklin, before he became just "The Benjamin.") She tells them to read at least one newspaper a day and try to finish one book a month. Her lesson is--some customers will spend more time and money with a reader or thinker--so it's good for business to be smart. And start with one class on your day off and work up.
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