Comments by jablake (page 92)

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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pride in Poverty
    As long as I'm blowing off steam: She wins in the trial court. Had the money taken away by the appeals court. Finally, had the money returned by the Florida Supreme Court. It is so rare the Florida Supreme Court will hear even excellent cases. Normally, she would have been screwed at the (district) appeals court level. I'd be stunned if the Florida Supreme Court heard even 1% of the good cases where they're petitioned for relief. So she got extremely lucky and that is definitely how her attorney felt. Meanwhile the poor bastard on the other side got screwed royally. Who is to blame? Real easy. A corrupt court system. There is absolutely no freaking excuse for those hoodlum judges to be bouncing the case around for years especially since both sides were agreeable to having the case decided by a judge without a jury trial. The woman that won did have merit, imo, and the man that ultimately got screwed had merit, imo, also. It is just insane and sickening that this case wasn't scheduled for a couple hours with the judge then giving a written decision with findings of fact and conclusions of law. IOWs, cut out the all the years of bs work at hundreds of dollars an hour. The system is a total fraud. Oh, and in my case I can't even get a jury trial but it still took years of litigation. It wasn't a complex case, either. And, I'm supposed to support or believe in this hoodlum operation? No I'll let the moronic flag wavers do that. They need to get screwed by this corrupt country, but I think they'd still be flag wavers. Those nitwits in Iraq? Are fighting for my freedoms? LOL! They're fighting for some fat cat judges and crooked politicians to rip people off big time. The country is garbage. :( Yes, I understand if you have been ripped off then it is no big deal. I understand that real easy. And, I will blame the garbage society everytime. Apparently, it doesn't like to take responsibility for its frauds and criminality.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pride in Poverty
    A couple months back, I provided a link to a case where the trial judge decided one way, then the appeals court made a different decision and finally the Florida Supreme Court made yet another decision. The woman that ultimately prevailed believes in the system because she won. I'm so unimpressed. Just as easily she could have lost and been financially devastated for a good 10 years or maybe for life. What morons can't comprehend is that the case took years of litigation. Morons may ask well what is wrong with years of litigation? Well, for starters none of the courts actually answered the main question which was how did the realtor cause the sale to take place (it was an unusual contract) or would the sale have occurred regardless? Hell, the trial judge said he could rule either way. When he did rule, he failed to address THE ISSUE i.e. how was she the procuring cause? And, the higher courts pulled the same bs. Essentially, you have a case where if a judge spent a single day thinking about the case it would have been outrageous. No, instead years of litigation take place over nothing. The case just wasn't that complex. I wonder if the woman that won would still be in love with a crooked court system if she lost and was financially destroyed. Think about it---YEARS to decide if she is the procuring cause as required by the contract. That facts weren't even in dispute! The high point was the judge urging the parties to "split the baby." He said a few times he could rule either way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pride in Poverty
    For the record, I don't mind the stripper telling me her sad story at all. Doesn't matter if it is true of false. If that is what she is selling, then it is the sales job that I'm interested in. BTW, sometimes it is true and a close relationship may ensue. Who has more value to a stripper with a depressing past? A successful attorney from a wonderful background or some loser with the same background? If money is your god, then I would guess it is the successful attorney. In reality, a stripper may feel much closer and be able to have a more satisfying relationship with the loser. That shouldn't come as any great surprise. Especially, given how many successful people look down their long noses at strippers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pride in Poverty
    I definitely blame society. It is a extremely corrupt and brutal. And, worse a bunch morons support these criminals; actually they'd support whatever criminals happen to be in power. Well, maybe not all morons, but they truly must have no clue as to how the system actually works. My $400 per hour attorney was lecturing on the law. I must have told him 10 times that I believed he was correct and that other attorneys had given me the same exact advice. Where I disagreed was that if a judge wouldn't allow me to have a jury trial, which all the attorneys claimed was my right, then why would the judge feel bound by other legal rules? The response was that in the unlikely event that the judge didn't follow the law there is the right to appeal. Well, the appellate court isn't too impressive, imo. Worse, the trial judge in my case was supposed to be a good judge. Yeah, right . . . a good judge who refuses to give a written opinion with findings of facts and conclusions of law. The whole system is a piece of crooked sh*t. So let me repeat: I blame this nasty corrupt society. I asked the judge exactly what did I do wrong? He says you didn't listen to your attorney. That was completely nutso; my attorney told me that he would only take my case if I agreed it was HIS WAY! I agreed because he is the expert and I wanted success or failure on his shoulders. Believe what you want, but this is truly a corrupt country and I would never *voluntarily* lift a finger to help it or support it or even work to change the garbage. Oh, later my attorney says the judge is good, but he is from the criminal division and doesn't understand civil law very well. What bullshit, imo.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Crazy Horse --- Miami
    I think there was a Crazy Horse with male dancers years back, but it didn't have any interest for me. :) The only place with male dancers for women that I'm aware of here locally is Solid Gold------half the club is for women customers, but I'd even know if that is still the case. Generally, women don't have a real interest in seeing good looking men strip on stage. Now, there is a transexual club on 79th that I'd be interested in checking out, but I have a very strong feeling the dancers aren't very attractive.
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    17 years ago
    Crazy Horse --- Miami
    Hi clubber, My buddy kept insisting that it had male dancers and was for women customers only. As usual he was dead wrong.
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    17 years ago
    Crazy Horse --- Miami
    Temptation got the best of me. :) I visited the club from just a little before 3 PM to just a little before 5 PM (12/26/07). It is embarrassing to say, but I missed the club on my first attempt. It is just a stone's throw from Tootsies, but it is in an industrial area abutting the west side of I-95. In fact, it is easy to see from the expressway. Like Tootsies it is a big club. I think the furnishing here are much nicer and I would describe it as more upscale than Tootsies. There is a sushi restaurant on the second level, but it opens at 7 PM. There was some other coffee place as well, but I was focused on checking out the VIP suites. Very nice. The bouncer informed there was a dress code so really I shouldn't have been on 2nd level. I was told the dances there start at $300 and go up! There was some good variety for the VIP rooms as to both size and furnishings. One of the rooms looked like it probably was $2,000 or more, but I'm not good at prices for upscale establishments. I've never been on the 2nd level for Tootsies so I can't compare the 2 upper levels. Initially, I saw 5 dancers. One black and the others were white. I would rate them as 8s. The only one who was a little over weight was the black dancer. She could stand to lose 5 to 7 pounds, imo. By the time I left there was about 12 dancers working--10 whites and 2 blacks. Most were 8s. There was a 9.5 to 10. Beautiful small white girls with blonde hair and blue eyes. Perky medium tits. One tat. No fat at all; just nicely shaped. Another white dancer would also have been a 9 to 9.5, but she had a very unattractive vagina. She was tiny almost school girl like with a beautiful face and smile. Carlos the assistant manager was cazy about Hazel--a different dancer-- and rated her a 10. If she was younger, then I'd have agreed. Small, in shape, pretty face, a hot latina without the blubber. Because she was about 30, I'd rate her an 8. Carlos also told be that the club had been open for 2 months. It was difficult getting girls for the holidays, but that he expected 20 dancers for the night shift. I didn't see a single fattie on this one visit. Also, I learned that the ownership is the same as that of Pink Pony and Gold Rush. I expect them to be around a good while. I would have had a very nice time, but I can't enjoy myself when dances are $25 min. And, I think there might be additional costs such as couch rental--$25 for a half hour. It was all sort of vague about the prices except that be prepared to spend some $$$. If you're wealthy or don't mind spending, then I think it is definitely worth a visit because hell it is so close to Tootsies that you haven't lost anything, imo, by giving it a try. One thing I very much appreciated on this visit is that I didn't notice any fake tits. Some visits at Tootsies it seemed like that was a requirement. Oh, one other point. The DJ was much less of a pest than at Tootsies. Maybe because it was earlier in the day and later he would morph into a pest?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Crazy Horse --- Miami
    Hello again, I may not be making a visit after all. I called their phone number---305-999-9500----to get basic information and it is definitely a gentlemen's club. I pretty much knew this was the case from their website: . It looks more upscale and cozier than Tootsies based on the web photos. The woman that I spoke with says the hours are from 11:30 AM to 5:30 AM. After 7:30 PM there is a $10 cover charge. The cheapest dance price is $25. It looks like a very attractive fun place, but that is just way out of my budget. I would also add that at those prices you should be able to see hot dancers at ALL hours. One of the benefits of a gentlemen's club should be that the club makes sure hot dancers are available during club hours even if the club has to pay hot dancers initially to show up. Club Diamonds, also a gentlemen's club (also a black club), actually didn't consider dancer quality to be important all. One reason given was that customers have such different tastes. Mileage was supposed to be the holy grail.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Crazy Horse --- Miami
    Hi gatorjoe2, Unfortunately, I haven't been there. Now, I will make the effort to stop by. It will probably be a gentleman's club which means that it will be out of my price range. The type of clubs that I like (or can afford) doesn't appeal to most strip club customers. Going to a club during the day can be 100% different than going to a club at night--usually the night is much better, ime. And, even the quality of a day visit can vary drastically for the same club. Club Diamonds had some hotties during the day, but management surprisingly didn't value the attractive dancers. One of the managers was asking my opinion and was surprised that I was so focused on looks--He had assumed mileage would be more important. And, the uglier girls he said were easy to work with and expected less. Anyway, their dayshift I think doesn't even open anymore--they were really scraping rock bottom as far as looks, but excellent mileage was available. At least every time I've made a visit I couldn't even get in because no one had showed up! One time a dancer showed up just as I was leaving and was surprised the club was closed and she come in a taxi from Miami Beach (expensive). She was an unhappy camper.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why Afghans Don't Need Stripclubs . . .
    "Indeed, if a Muslim male dies in the cause of jihad, he will enjoy a blissful union with virgins in paradise (Suras 78:31, 37:40-48, 44:51-55). And for those Muslim warriors for whom women are not of interest, there will be young pre-pubescent boys at their service -- and they will be like 'scattered pearls' of 'perpetual freshness' (Suras 52:24, 56:17, 76:19)."{D51B2383-01A0-4896-B174-19F115EC0942} Like I said, I don't know if there is any truth to this in the least. A true truism is about repeating a lie often enough it becomes accepted as the truth.
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    17 years ago
    Why Afghans Don't Need Stripclubs . . .
    Hi Book Guy, I thought the Taliban approved of young boys (at least those with facial hair). :) Of course, I could be mistaken or this the following link may just be phony baloney American anti-Taliban propaganda: Boys of the Taliban By Jamie Glazov "But there is a curious rule that the Western media has typically ignored. Rule No. 19 instructs that Taliban fighters must not take young boys without facial hair into their private quarters."{D51B2383-01A0-4896-B174-19F115EC0942} Actually, I think the Taliban approved of young boys as long as the boys DID NOT have facial hair. IOWs, there has been a serious misinterpretation of the all important Rule No. 19. Actually, I think it is Rule No. 3 depending on the particular governing Taliban authority. ;)
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    17 years ago
    New Years Resolutions
    Hi casualguy, I can't remember ever having any. Good luck with your resolution to make more money. :)
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    17 years ago
    The Trap was "Ghetto" Last Night . . .
    Well, table dances wasn't to be taken literally. :) I had a dancer do that to me over at the Take One on 79th Street. I said I wanted a table dance to relate that I wanted the $5 dance and not the $10 dance. She got hyper and said she wasn't getting on NO table for $5. :) I explained that I wanted high 2-way contact for $5 a song. She says why didn't you just say that! :) Anyway she did a very good job. :) I think I remember the name of the bartender with the tats: Sonya. I liked her a lot. You probably weren't aware of her "Klan" ties seeing you only went to The Trap a few times a year. Another batender with "Klan" ties was the small adorable blonde with good size natural tits. Damn, I liked her. She got pissed with me for being nice to blacks. Interestingly, she liked and was very nice to elderly blacks. Oh yeah, she had the paw print tats and spent good money to try and get rid of them. When I questioned the costs, she said it was very expensive and took many visits.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Texas "pole tax" law, what do you think?
    NO, The United States can never be headed in the wrong direction. Torture? Hey, let call what it really is, enhanced information gathering for the safety and security of U.S. citizens. Blowing up families? Of course not. That's merely a little collateral damage. Income? That's a tad more complicated so the U.S. courts have decided it is up to the Congress or the IRS to give meaning to that term, but the important point is that one can never be overtaxed. Due process? That means you go to prison or the government reclaims its property e.g. your home and life savings. Freedom of Speech? That means you get to say that America is a wonderful freedom loving country and wave the flag proudly. Jury Trial? That means enhanced penalties and attorneys' fees. Illegal Immigration. That just proves America is the greatest. Sorta like when an 18 year old hottie is sucking off a 90 year old man it demonstrates that the old man is a total stud. I do agree that Government is only supposed to tax (and print fiat currency) for basic revenue needs. Giving money to farmers is a no-brainer when it comes to basic revenue needs. (Some people like blubber butt dancers!) The war on drugs is obviously essential as is the war on terror. Welfare? Absolutely essential. Education? Again absolutely essential. I can't think of a single government program that doesn't relate to basic revenue needs. Maybe a few thousand dollars is misspent? Whatever. Bottom line to would be freeloading stripclub customers: It is your duty and patriotic to share the wealth. A $5 per head per visit tax seems too reasonable. Maybe that is just to get the ball rolling. A progressive lap dance tax based on income seems fair with a minium tax of $2. IOWs, a man living on social security income alone would pay a $2 tax per lap dance and someone like Bill Gates might pay a $100,000 tax per lap dance. I think in one of the advanced countries of Europe a wealthy man paid the equivalent of $150,000 for a traffic infraction; a poor man might have paid the equivalent of $15.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Some dancers seem to take rejection a bit too hard
    "However, many dancers who aren't all prima donnas or poor at business calculations consider dances to be a limited resource, because each dance takes its toll on their psyche and body. They'd rather wait for somebody to offer enough to make it worth their while." Very well said. And, a "few" dancers don't see much difference between giving a lap dance or chatting with friends. I'm not a dancer, but I think it would take a toll on me even if the women customers were very nice. But, heck I'm just not a people person.
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    17 years ago
    The Trap was "Ghetto" Last Night . . .
    Hi clubber, She was there for a fair amount of time. I got a few dances from her when she changed her look drastically and then she was gone. She said the reason that she changed her look was for $$$. Too many customers, including me, didn't like the goth look. She said that although she was making more money she wasn't as happy. Goth was who she was. I was actually looking forward to buying more dances from her in the future and I think the reason she left is that the tradeoff wasn't worth it to her. She was a fun person so I can imagine that cape came in handy. :) (I only bought table dances.) A tatted chick at The Trap had a similar problem. The "better" clubs didn't want a walking billboard so she was reduced to working dives. And, she says she made the decision to be tatted knowing it would cost her big money. Worse, imo, is that she was going to double the amount of "damage." And, she thought when she was done she might not even be able to work as stripper.
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    17 years ago
    Dumb Dancers Can be Very Sweet :) . . .
    Over at the old Baby Dolls there were 2 hot sisters. One was definitely deaf--at first I thought she was just retarded. It has been so long, but I think her sister was deaf also. It was genetic problem assuming you view deafness as a problem (not all deaf people due). I thought she was retarded because her speech was so poor. Once she realized I was listening she did work to speak more clearly.
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    17 years ago
    The Trap was "Ghetto" Last Night . . .
    Well, that is definitely the right time frame. She was very attractive, imo, but I didn't do much business with her at all because I really dislike the goth look. I didn't know many names. I knew Audry, but no one else knew her real name so I had to try and remember her stage name, which I kept forgetting. Some months back I ran into one of the old dancers from 80's and she was still working and she looked old. She didn't save any of the big money she made from those days. She didn't like the new format of the club in any manner. Charging the girls for giving dances to the quality of the customers. She said it was like her life: Started out wonderful and went to hell. :( I didn't remember her name when she was young and I don't remember it now that she is old. (She was a very friendly non-concerned about money when she was young.) Unfortunately, I have very little interest in older dancers e.g. 30 years plus.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Some dancers seem to take rejection a bit too hard
    I wouldn't care much about the $5 on the $1,000 stereo because I wouldn't consider it a recurring expense. Now, if I was buying the stereo every day like I would with a newspaper, then hell yes I would care! :) It is like this lady friend of mine who lives in the wrong area code. I think it cost something like 25 cents. Well, considering she liked to call all the time it added up quickly. At least a buck a day so that is almost $400 a year. Yep, I can get finicky about recurring costs especially locked in ones.
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    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    Evolutionary theory applied to behaviour is very interesting to me. And, I think it has practical applications e.g. day to day. I've met very sweet women that don't need a "bad" boy, but they definitely needed a dominant male. Being a nice guy would only get you friendship or a mercy fuck at best. The dominant male could be a police officer or a drug dealer. The attraction is to the assertive personality and behaviour. Being "unfaithful" for a dominant male is just one way manner in which he asserts himself i.e. a go getter. So does the woman really need a man to seem like he's a player? It helps the spark/chemistry, imo, because it feeds to her competitive instints. However, a stripper who I became extremely close to was crazy about me in one respect that I liked very much same old, same old. She just thought it was too good to be true that I was focused on her and even when she wasn't around my interest was in her. I should also add that I was extremely aggressive---I didn't see myself like that. I saw myself as just a normal guy. It turned out the people I was raised around weren't standard issue. I didn't realize that. Yes, I knew there were weirdos -- who believed in equality or civil rights, but I believed they were the minority or from other areas of the country. And, generally they seemed like pussies i.e. anti-gun, turn the other cheek, let the government dictate your basic beliefs, etc. etc. etc.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers Berating me for $1 Stage tip . . .
    Hi Jpac73, The position taken is that $1 isn't any money at all. Most of the customers away from the stage show don't even watch. Most pay (a few refuse) the $1 just to be nice or to get rid of her ASAP. She is dancing and more likely than not didn't get any tips while on stage so the least a customer can do is pay her a small amount even if he didn't watch the show or wouldn't want to watch the show. I can't imagine what type of work a 300 pounder could do that would make me want to tip her more than a $1. So, yes, some (probably almost all) would definitely be willing to work . . . but for me, I don't want her working unless it is working to not be seen!
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    17 years ago
    OK YOU WIN IM OUTTA HERE Shadowcat its all yours
    Hi Yoda, So she is suddenly going to be able to take a lot of garbage because there is a payday? Maybe. I think she'll more likely end up like many sweet young women and throw in the towl rather than accept all the abuse. And, a message board, imo, is tame compare to some of the bottom end dives. Maybe you could Paypal her a few bucks so she'll stay. :)
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    17 years ago
    Dancers Berating me for $1 Stage tip . . .
    I don't know. At Angels they tried that BS (over a year ago or more) and I was very aggressive because that is a club where there has, imo, always been a lot freedom (excluding risk of arrest). Anyway, it seems like a dead issue at Angels. Part of the problem is that in addition to the extreme fees the dancers are required to pay to the club they also have to perform a certain number of stage shows. Some dancers, the ugly ones normally, love doing the stage shows because that is there chance to go around the room and collect money. Some of the hotter dancers just see it as a complete waste of their time and energy especially for a $1 tip. So more of the hotter dancers do the required stage show and then don't seek tips. Doesn't bother me except that it is harder to buy dances from them. Now some of these ugly dancers that were fighting for the $2 tip minimum at Angels were quite aggressive at first citing the minimum wage law and other similar government garbage. I told 'em hell the government ought to mandate a minimum wage of $500 per hour as well as price controls for destructive "professionals" such as lawyers. But, that $2 is way too much when I'd rather see them keep their clothing on and the more of it the better!
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    17 years ago
    The Trap was "Ghetto" Last Night . . .
    Hi clubber, Did she have long blonde hair? And, I think she liked the "goth" look and she was slim with perky tits. A few days earlier I ran into one of the OLD old men from The Trap over at Walmart. He was like I know you! But, I'm so sorry I don't know where I know you from. He was very generous and very nice at the club. He became very sad talking about what had happened to The Trap and explained that I didn't understand, but that he really really like all the people at The Trap. I told him that I stopped going as often because of the huge price increases. He said he didn't care about the prices (easy to believe the way he spent money), but that it was the blacks that drove him away. Then he corrected himself and said not all the blacks. The first blacks were very nice and fit in well. It was later, the rough type blacks that for him took all the fun away. He use to be there almost every day. A lot of the guys could be counted on to be there day after day. It was a lot of fun. His eyes just lit up when I told him one of the old dancers lived about 10 houses down from me. Also, one of the motorcycle dancers who he said was the greatest got killed by crashing her bike. :( (But, I think that was many years ago.) I doubt he has the slightest clue as to how the government (the law) work to kill The Trap. He probably thinks it was the "free market" (LOL) or a changing neighborhood. I asked what he was doing now and he got more depressed and said he hasn't been feeling well and just stays in the house. He asked me if I knew of any other clubs like The Trap. Of course the answer was NO. Get a free market --that means real freedom, not whatever filth they're fighting for in Iraq or wherever-- and that club could be easily recreated right across the street and YES with plenty of hot dancers to spare! Oh well, at least my days are dwindling down. :) A strip club has to be about the almighty dollar. SHEESH! :(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OK YOU WIN IM OUTTA HERE Shadowcat its all yours
    Hi wondergrl5, Lying is common whether to sell a dance or for any reason. Guys desperate to be women especially are prone to lying. Dancers who have given up trying to sell me a dance will lie just to be more interesting or because they enjoy telling harmless stories.