
Comments by motorhead (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    But not too old!
    Advice to Strippers
    Strippers are a lot like kittens. They are cute and fun to play with. But trying to get them to obey your rules is impossible
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    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    Not sure what to think. The Putin remark was disastrous but then I thought he was better than I expected. He obviously lost his train of thought several times and said “anyways” to move on. And he ended poorly by calling Harris “Vice President Trump”.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Evil Lair
    Alec Baldwin Shoots his cinematographer, movie director
    The Alec Baldwin trial began this week. Thought it was appropriate to bump this thread. Oh the irony of an ardent anti-gun activist killing someone with a gun
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    Actual Facebook post I saw this morning by a Biden supporter. People who don’t respect/use “correct” gender pronouns should be subject up a $30k fine and 6 months in prison. Delusional thinking by left wing terrorists. This is scarier than the rants of crazy orange man.
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    2 months ago
    Playhouse Lounge - Why a Disproportionate Number of Posts?
    lol. I’ve noticed the same thing and have been thinking of creating a similar post. There’s a lot of “Do you know where [insert dancer name here] works now? She used to be at [insert club name here].” by new/unfamiliar names making me believe it’s the same stalker. Who didn’t bother to read the FAQ’s btw.
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    2 months ago
    You can go back in time to any era...
    I guess as long as one was white, and not a minority, post WW II 1950’s seemed like an interesting time. The post-war economy was booming. Seems like everyone could buy a home. And if you can believe movies, although prostitution was illegal it always seemed to be available. And if that wasn’t your thing, seems like there were always dances and mixers to help everyone find a partner
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    2 months ago
    You can go back in time to any era...
    Studme: You didn’t go to Duke, did you. 😊
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    “Gonna take a break, the saddest thing is I'm on another international adventure, yet debating politics on a strip club board” — I don’t think it’s a stretch to debate politics here. There’s a deeper discussion than “Orange Man Bad” or “Old Man has Dementia” There’s a myriad of topics pertinent to clubbing - Inflation. Let the fact that $50 for a three minute lap dance is reality in some places -Immigration. Are Cubans, Mexicans and Brazilians changing clubs? Good or bad? Probably more but tired of typing
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    What Are Your Numbers?
    ^^^ In the early 80’s when I first went to clubs, in my area the action was at the tip rail. For a dollar, you got a 20-30 second DFK from a stunning dancer. Not the same as lap dance but pretty cheap fun for a buck. Then Rock Hudson died of AIDS and everyone got scared.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Do you believe the GOP will ban Strip Clubs ?
    No. Stop trying to stir up shit you idiot
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    What Are Your Numbers?
    5 decades I think only 9 states
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    3 months ago
    What was the last great meal you had out?
    Finished a project in Chicago last month and the team went to a high end steakhouse. Didn’t enjoy it as much as expected. I used to love a good steak. But enjoying it less as I get older. I think there’s truth to the saying that tastes change as you get older.
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    3 months ago
    What was the last great meal you had out?
    The posts are making me hungry
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Is it high time we start holding strippers down and force feeding them?
    Don’t know what strip clubs you’re going to, but modern strippers are beginning to reflect Americans as a whole - getting fatter
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    FUCK IT!
    Destroyed Fantasy, Bridget Fonda Edition
    Ran across a YouTube montage of how Marisa Tomei has aged beautifully over the years. Whatever she does, she should bottle it and sell it. And she’s only about a month younger than Fonda.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    College Football Is Coming - Ready To File Bankruptcy?
    I didn’t see it in this article (I just quickly skimmed it) but saw in another article that much of their debt stems from an aggressive building spree over the last decade. Are all these new shiny buildings necessary? When I went to college we didn’t even AC in the dorms or in many classrooms. Many of the buildings were constructed in the 20’s and 30’s. Gave the campus style.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Layoffs 2024
    Now you got me reminiscing down nostalgia lane. The old Rexall Drug Store on Main Street (literally true in my hometown). Maybe you did have an hour wait but the pharmacist knew your name and if you were short on cash you still got your prescription or least a partial
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    3 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Layoffs 2024
    I’ve only recently seen ads for Amazon Pharmacy but they’ve been around for a few years. If they gain traction, that would probably be the end to the few remaining independent mom n pop drugstores.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    Some people are severely misguided Did you know that 72% of Palestinians supported the terrorist attack by Hamas that took place on October, 2023? Who voted the terrorists in?
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Layoffs 2024
    Similar situation to Dolan. No layoffs - just a hiring freeze and for now not replacing most who quit or retire.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    caitlyn clark in the wnba playoffs. good or bad?
    “Who fucking cares“ — lol. I get what you’re saying. But if you read all the WNBA posts on line - there’s a lot of deeper sociological / demographic that says a lot about the mindset of the country. By most estimates the league is 60 to 90% lesbian and CC is getting attacked because she’s straight. She’s not a member of the boys club. But most revealing of all - the true racists in the country are not who would guess. Hint - it’s not the old White MAGA dudes holed up in some militia group in Idaho.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Is Joe Biden going to be the Democratic nominee?
    Yeah, I think Biden will still be the nominee. But I sure wouldn’t bet the farm on it. I think there’s a chance the power players in the Democratic party watched the debate and whispered amongst themselves “we are fucked”. Sticking with Biden will guarantee a win for Trump. There might be a strong enough voice to force him to bow out.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    caitlyn clark in the wnba playoffs. good or bad?
    I’ve watched every Fever game. And no - I’m not a CC bandwagon jumper. I’ve closely followed women’s college basketball for almost 30 years and to a lesser extent the WNBA. Did you watch last week’s game between the Chicago Sky and the Fever? Indiana had a huge first half lead but Chicago went on a second half run and made a comeback and won. The two coaches had an extended conversation after the game (rather than just the quick handshake) which sparked conspiracy theorists to believe “the game was fixed”. Indiana had won the first two meetings and I guess the belief is that the league needs to spark the Reese v Clark rivalry even more so they had Reese win a game. This directly refutes your argument the league shows favoritism towards Clark. The Fever began the season with a brutal schedule. Both in terms of the quality of the teams played and number of games. More than other teams in the league. The WNBA did no favor in making the schedule for the Fever. And the team has started to play better. You have to remember there was very little practice time between the draft and the first game. If you watched every game like I have, you can see the progress the team has made. There is no fix to get the Fever in the playoffs. The team is playing remarkably better and the schedule is balancing out.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Songs that don't seem to get old
    Take Five - Dave Brubeck Quartet Mack the Knife - Bobby Darin Help - The Beatles Paint it Black - The Rolling Stones Gimme Shelter - The Rolling Stones Spirit in the Sky - Norman Greenbaum Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross Make Your Kind of Music - Mama Cass Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin Paranoid - Black Sabbath The Weight - The Band Turn the Page - Bob Seger November Rain - Guns n Roses Jump Around - House of Pain Ace of Spades - Motorhead I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Bill Burr - ya or nay?
    First comedy special I ever watched I didn’t particularly like him. But the more I watch of him, the funnier he gets. Now I’m a fan.