
Comments by motorhead (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Mom & Pop strip clubs and interactions with their owners
    I saw Redner at the MV once. I wish I had a chance to talk to him. Seems like a regular guy. Came in wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Went to the back grabbed a cookie or a brownie in the dressing room and came back out to just chill for a bit. The owner of the Hip Hugger in Kokomo IN doesn’t look like your stereotypical club owner either. Only just ever exchanged “hello” with him. The dancers seemed to like him. There was a small club out in the middle of no where in Michigan that got shut down for prostitution. I only ever went there once - never even offered a dance. You definitely needed to be a regular. The owner supposedly was a woman but the word on the street was the money came from Chicago mobsters. I always thought it odd that a club that got busted for prostitution was run by a woman
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    a year ago
    Famous Quotes
    These days I find myself de-stressing by getting absorbed in a good TV series rather than a strip club. I think this season’s “Your Honor” is in someways better then the outstanding first season. I love the direction they’ve taken with Hope Davis as the mobster Jimmy Baxter’s wife. I know this is out of context but so far this is one of the most dramatic scenes I’ve seen in any show in awhile. https://twitter.com/Showtime/status/1628061986587279360?s=20
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    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    College Football Chaos
    “Big 12 wants to add UConn and Gonzaga basketball only. Maybe even St Johns” — That’s my fear I don’t want to see happen. Now you’re gonna end up with schools in one conference for football and another for basketball. I know Gonzaga and St John’s don’t have football but it’s a slippery slope. Let’s say the SEC wants Clemson for football but not for basketball. That’s going to really be a mess.
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    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    College Football Chaos
    The typical fan doesn’t care but the Big 10 is more than a football conference. But university presidents and professors do. It’s actually an academic alliance where research, knowledge and expertise is shared. Some less popular courses are cross listed amongst the schools. That was always a selling point the Big 10 used when they were trying to woo Notre Dame years ago. I can’t believe that highly regarded schools such as Stanford and Berkeley are going to be happy being relegated to a place like the Mountain West when they could be part of the Big 10 academic consortium.
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    a year ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Texting with Chicas without revealing your phone number?
    Seems like you’re rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. TJ has double the murder rate of notoriously dangerous US cities St Louis and Detroit. FSW with STI’s hover around 50% and a quarter are heroin users. The cartels are fighting over the brothels and strip clubs and whacking people. And you need to be aware of pickpockets at every corner including the dancer you’re with. And you’re worried about your phone number?
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    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Should we make it official?
    Looks like she made it to Stage 5 — chandler 16 years ago The life cycle of strippers posting actually follows a very predictable 10 Stage course: Stage 1 - Toe-Dipping: Tentative initial posts. Nothing earthshaking. Only indirectly identifies herself as a stripper. Stage 2 - Gaining Traction: Posts something that sounds "refreshing" from stripper perspective, gets positive feedback and begins to gain confidence. Stage 3 - Basking in the Attention: PLs trip over each other to enter into dialog with a real, live online stripper. (Ooh!) Pepper her with questions, sing her praises for deigning to answer. Stage 4 - Payoff: Discloses where she works. PLs on pilgramage report back how she's every bit as wonderful in person. Stage 5 - Holding Court: Now a board celebrity, she attains full princess status. Threads are titled after her. Every word receives gushing praise. Stage 6 - Backlash: Some cynics get sick of all the fawning, and the princess gets bored with both the cynics and the ass-kissers. Big ugly turmoil ensues. Stage 7 - Rehab: Every life cycle should have this stage. Not sure what happens here. Stage 8 - Diminishing Returns: Begins to realize the first wave of pilgrims are as good a payoff as she's ever gonna see for all her slumming with the boys. Stage 9 - Fade Out: Only posts you see for a while are occasional "I'm still here" reminders, then nothing. Stage 10 - Beatification: After some time, we notice she's not around anymore. Then, it's, "Remember Princess? She was wonderful. How come we never get dancers like her to post here anymore.
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    a year ago
    Text Bombardment
    The Dowding System defense network helped the Brits fend off the blitz. Maybe Ms. Stripper has her Muddy-Stalker-Radar turned up to 10
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    a year ago
    Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in '24? Does Trump take GOP?
    I’m not much of a news watcher - but finally saw an interview with Ramaswamy. Very smart. Very polished. Hopes he’s not too polished for the Republicans. In my entire lifetime, the Republicans have never put forth a real charismatic candidate in the likes of JFK, Obama or Clinton. Reagan was called “The Great Communicator” - but he had a folksy appeal, not super polished which I always thought odd since he was an actor
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    a year ago
    So let me get this straight on voting
    Trump is a slime ball douchebag. Even many conservatives like myself will agree on that. That aside, I think in today’s hi-tech society can’t some genius like Elon Musk develop an app to prevent voter fraud. Heck, I need my my fingerprint on my phone just to pay my electric bill. You need an ID to buy booze, cigarettes and even get into some strip clubs - it isn’t beyond a reasonable expectation to need some kind of proof to vote for a president
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    a year ago
    Question for MLB Baseball Fans
    I’m curious why you think Gibson corked his bat? I hate the Dodgers so not arguing, but I’ve never even heard of hint of that allegation before. And he auctioned off the bat to raise money for his charitable foundation - I don’t think he would have risked that with a corked bat And almost all of the corked bat incidents happened after Gibson. The famous Sosa one wasn’t until 2003
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    a year ago
    GA/FL PAWG Hunter
    House strippers: Good time or Ripoff?
    Two words: Duke Lacrosse
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    a year ago
    November 27, 1985 - On this day in history .........
    “@gamma - Seriously dude, turning every thread into a petty argument over nothing is getting boring” — Yep gots to agree. Let’s move on. Let’s not start a SJG/Icee/Dougster vs Everyone flame war. We’re all here to have a little fun dreaming about Phoebe Cates on the diving board
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    a year ago
    November 27, 1985 - On this day in history .........
    Up in the cold north we never had neither bikini hot dog stands or topless donut shops….but in that simpler time, topless shoeshines were quite popular…..but you really didn’t your shoes shined. :)
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    In Metro Atlanta, what clubs/shifts are the best $ for dancers?
    The only $10 club I’ve ever been in was the Hip Hugger in Kokomo Indiana and it’s been almost 10 years so not sure what their model is now. The place is a bit of a dive but generally had pretty white girls. $10 dances, no house frees unless you were late. The place made money on drinks and the jukebox. If the dancers were smart they begged money from the customers to feed the jukebox. At least on weekends, I’m sure the hardworking dancers made good money because they often went non stop. We often talk about lazy dancers - but I will give a lot of credit to the girls - one needed to be in pretty decent shape to go at it with minimal breaks
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    a year ago
    Worst States to live in
    FDR came from one of the wealthiest families in New York - his neighbors were the Astors, the Vanderbilts, and the Rockefellers. Hardly someone I want in charge of redistributing the wealth. His aggressive expansion of the income tax code actually burdened the working class far more than the wealthy. Only about 10% of the population paid income prior to 1940. After FDR implemented his brand of socialism, 90% of the public paid income taxes. FDR’s progressive reputation is a myth. His policies actually resulted in a war on the poor
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is History Actually Taught Anymore or Just DEI?
    “What I find more disturbing is more people are interested in the barbie movie.” — Winner winner! A friend went to see Mission Impossible over the weekend and “Barbie” was playing at the same multiplex. She said there was a huge line - mostly all older women (read again, “old”) dressed in pink. I’m a boomer but that’s weird. But I wasn’t a boomer girl.
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    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Not-too-obscure movies where AI threatens humanity:
    I thought M3GAN was a pretty good Saturday night popcorn flick. Rather predictable but enough humor mixed with horror to make it quite watchable. And we actually aren’t too far from this reality
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    a year ago
    Worst States to live in
    “Watched the old 1984 movie "War Games" The older I get, the hotter Ally Sheedy looks in that movie. When I was younger, I thought she was cute. But I watched it recently and she looked damn fine
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    a year ago
    Question for MLB Baseball Fans
    Above comment is spot on. I watch a game almost every night and the antics really aren’t that prevalent. It’s mostly just ESPN outtakes
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    a year ago
    Clubs where the bar regs are friends
    I’m dating myself - but I friended a regular at one club back in the “MySpace” days pre Facebook. You could make up user names like TUSCL. Unfortunately he couldn’t be trusted and revealed private discussions between us with some dancers like a 9th grade school girl
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is History Actually Taught Anymore or Just DEI?
    “Lemme guess, they should know the names of all the presidents in chronological order“ Lol. Apparently my college history professor thought so. He warned us the day before the final exam that one of the questions will be to list the presidents in order. I had a knack for memorization so I spent a little time go into. Got an A in the course. And it’s been more useful than knowing who Charles Drew was
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    a year ago
    Worst States to live in
    Hank is right We need more posts like “Where’s Amber. She wasn’t at the Playhouse last night”
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is History Actually Taught Anymore or Just DEI?
    I would encourage everyone to skim thru the American History AP link nicespice provided - and then comment on whether students are being steered towards a specific agenda. I read thru the WW2 section. No mention of Robert Oppenheimer or the Manhattan Project. Students were only encouraged to write about the morality of using the atomic bomb - without any facts leading up to the decision. Topics for study included The Tuskegee Airmen, Japanese Internment Camps, Navajo Code-talkers. Many mentions of the military industrial complex, racial segregation, and Rosie the Riveter. An African American doctor who worked on a blood bank was mentioned - but not one mention of Oppenheimer, Patton , Halsey, Montgomery, Bradley or Rommel. I’m not suggesting topics such as the Tuskegee Airmen not be discussed - but it seems the curriculum left out important historical events, dates and people solely to promote an agenda of the mistreatment of women and POC. It’s no wonder anyone under 40 going to watch “Oppenheimer” might think this is just another MCU film
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is History Actually Taught Anymore or Just DEI?
    ^^ I guess the argument will always be “how to teach history”. I’m always fascinated when I watch a movie from the 90’s called “School Ties” that takes place in the 1950’s at prestigious Ivy League prep school. There’s a scene where the history teacher is unmercifully cold calling on students to remember dates and events. Memorization of facts seems to have given way to critical thinking. I was taught the old school way - but perhaps the new way is better. However, it seems if modern day students are not aware of the realities of WW II and Robert Oppenheimer then pedagogical methods should be reevaluated. I’m just afraid CRT is now more important than facts and dates
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Discrimination against non-black dancers?
    I always found it odd that in Detroit / Lansing / Kalamazoo a majority of the white dancers have black baby daddies but avoid black customers