
Taylor Swift

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life

In my many years on TUSCL, the one fact that I have learned, and it cannot be disputed, is that my eyes have been opened that there is no concept of universal beauty. We all have different tastes.

Just an example from a recent post: “gorgeous tall, tattooed, short black-haired woman”

Too me, that’s sheer nonsense. Tattoos + short hair cannot mean gorgeous, but I digress.

Taylor Swift seems to be the hottest thing in the news cycle. Do you find her attractive? She may be pretty or cute. But IMO she’s far from HOT. Not even close. Not even in the same universe with woman I find “hot”.

Let the arguments begin.


last comment
avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

I think she's hot. (or maybe that should be hot enough.) there are other girls that are even more hot. and a lot that are not. a big ass is not hot to me. I like a natural ass and a girl with curves. Nice flat tummy and preferably C or D cup. but I do admit that when I've had enough adult beverage that my taste is more inclusive...

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

Maybe there should be another category like meh but with lots of talent or charisma, I think that in the case of many of the female pop stars it’s more of a charisma, or personality thing than an actually god she’s gorgeous thing.

avatar for shadowcat
1 yr ago

I'm not a Swifty. I find her cute in a girl next door way but I wouldn't recognize her singing voice. I did in fact go to You Tube to listen to her voice. It was not earth shattering for me. It sounded a little country which I guess is where she got her start. Would I fuck her? Yes. Would I spend money to go to a concert of her's? NO.

avatar for Studme53
1 yr ago

I think she’s pretty and has a nice body and long sexy legs. She not a super model but she’s very attractive and has loads of talent. I don’t think many people would call her a sex symbol.
I rate her and Beyoncé about the same in the looks department. Both very good looking but not in the Megan Fox / (prime) Pam Anderson league.

avatar for Huntsman
1 yr ago

I think she is fairly hot. As Shadow said, GND type. Having said that, I don’t think she is in the sex symbol category but I sure wouldn’t turn down a date with her.

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

Cute, not hot. She’s like 6’4”

She grew up as a wealthy kid in NY. I always thought she made up her whole persona as the nerdy kid who made it. Just listen to her songs, she’s always putting herself down. She wears cardigans instead of stilettos because that’s who her audience is. She has the potential to be hot but you’ll never see her do it. If she did every Swifty would delete her songs from their playlists.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

She’s hot. Is she as hot as people whose job it is to be hot, like actresses or models? No. She famous for singing and performing and is also very attractive.

@shailynn, I’m pretty sure she was an Abercrombie model at one point and has also been a guest model and walked the runway at the Victoria’s Secret shows.

Also, this was funny “She wears cardigans instead of stilettos”. I got a mental image of her walking around with sweaters on her feet. Lol

avatar for rattdog
1 yr ago

all morning today all i've been hearing about is travis kelce and this girl might become an item.

on any weekend night in nashville there are at least 75-100 girls that would blow away taylor swift.

avatar for rattdog
1 yr ago

the nfl network just showed a pic of her with all of that fancy makeup in her face - she looked real good there - i could get it up for that and splooge all over her country folky face.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Travis Kelce is one annoying fuck.

avatar for EastCoaster
1 yr ago

I always thought she was attractive, though I was disappointed when she had her boobs done (I like all-natural girls, myself). By the way, she's 5'11", not 6'4".

I've followed her career since she started, and as a songwriter, she's the real deal. Very talented.

Like shadowcat, I would definitely fuck her (if I ever had the chance, that is), but I would not pay to see her in concert. For what it costs to see her, just think of all the strippers I could fuck. (I am in Tijuana right now, so the math is really in my favor on that. 😁)

avatar for Studme53
1 yr ago

^ I agree - he is.
I live in the Philly area. I can’t tell you how many people have asked me, “Have you see Kelce documentary?” (Jason Kelce plays for the Eagles of course).
I say “Not yet”, but want to say, “Fuck no. Both those guys are overexposed and I’ll watch them play but don’t need to hear another fucking word from them.”

BTW - I saw Jason Kelce out indulging in our hobby one afternoon a few years back with several of the other white Eagles. He seemed like a normal guy.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

Just as a comparison - it seems Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood came into the public eye about the same time. And Carrie Underwood is a goddess. She’s way more my type.

I wouldn’t know a Taylor Swift song if I heard it. Except she did cover “American Girl” Tom Petty.

And Carrie Underwood has covered Guns n Roses, Motley Crue, Heart and Skid Row.

avatar for captainfun
1 yr ago

Agree with most of the comments here. From a background standpoint Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood are from very different places. Taylor’s dad was a major company executive and they were loaded. Carrie was raised in Oklahoma (I think) and her door was opened via American Idol. Guessing she was from middle class or less but not positive. Too lazy to look it up

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

The old saying is you “can never be too rich or too thin”

Well, I don’t think you can ever be too rich but you can definitely be too thin.

I’ve seen some pictures pop up on my Facebook feed and Swift in some of them looks way too thin. Girl needs to eat a few cheeseburgers and milkshakes

avatar for Studme53
1 yr ago

In the last 5 minutes Taylor read thread, her feelings were hurt, and she wrote a hit song about it.

avatar for Brahma2k
1 yr ago

One thing I don’t like about Taylor Swift - she has way too much money to have any need to be working at the SCs I frequent.

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

Based solely on her looks, I probably wouldn't buy dances from her if she was in a strip club, but she'd get a second look and if she seemed fun I could see myself giving her a whirl. Again, based solely on looks, I also probably wouldn't kick her out of bed if I came home and found her there.

I'm pretty indifferent to her music, some of it's a bit catchy but mostly not really my style. I'll still give her credit for being talented. And I've seen a few little videos from her concerts and agree that again while it's not my style you can't deny she puts on a good show for her fans.

If you include her success/wealth, I'd date her in a heartbeat if given the chance. She's plenty cute enough.

But, is she some sort of smoking hot epitome of beauty? Fuck no. There's plenty of chicks hotter than her at any number of strip clubs nearby. She's probably not much better looking than any of the soccer moms I could legitimately pick up either.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

She's not what I would call my type, but she's cute on the hairy edge of hot. I mean, if I had to "settle" for her, I'm pretty sure I could make it work.

avatar for JamesSD
1 yr ago

Taylor Swift is Tall, slim and blonde. She has reasonable curves for a woman so slim. She's attractive and very fuckable.

That said, she also is the kind of woman you might say "whoa!" the first time you see her without any makeup. Her face is probably pretty plain under that professional war paint.

avatar for JamesSD
1 yr ago

When she was 25 she easily could have been the hottest girl in the club most day shifts and competitive with the night crew. There was a dancer with a similar body and worse face that was super popular.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

Na not my type. Not bad looking though.

avatar for gSteph
1 yr ago

She's good looking enough.
Easily fill out a roster at most clubs.

She CAN sing. Lots of people can sing, it takes brains and ambition to turn singing into a billion dollar tour. I suspect if she chose stripping, she could turn 'good enough looking' into a profitable endeavor.

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

No, but she’s talented and that makes up for looks. Maybe she’ll do what Carrrie Undewood did and start bulking up with workouts and tone up. That’ll increase her stock, especially if she around a professional athlete like Kelce.

avatar for Cowboy12
1 yr ago

Taylor is NOT hot. Sexy, trim figure, nice hair, but unattractive face....she's very overrated.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

she is pretty!

avatar for booty_lover92
1 yr ago

She is attractive, almost like that cute girl from Sunday School but I don't find her drop-dead sexy as she is not my type ( tall and slim).

avatar for booty_lover92
1 yr ago

My favorite Blonde singer is Lainey Wilson. Take a look at her, she has curves out of this world.

avatar for funonthaside
1 yr ago

Swift falls into the category of "attractive until she opens her mouth". I'm a huge fan of her tights-covered legs, though.

avatar for funonthaside
1 yr ago

Taylor's next song...."The losers on TUSCL, they think they can bang me, but I say uh no-no-no....uh no-no-no....this coochie, it's not for sale."

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

Princess Tay-Tay would never sell her coochie.

Count this rick among her devoted fans. If you ever go to a concert and see a lion wearing a suit and holding a bottle of Jack come on by and say hi. But be respectful of the princess’ performance. ROAR!!!

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

I’m no Swifty, but kudos to her for her mass appeal.

After she attended the Chiefs-Bears game on Sunday to see her new beau, KC tight end Travis Kelce, Chiefs jersey sales spiked 400 percent and the game, despite being a lopsided blowout, was the highest rated Sunday game.

avatar for sushiman
1 yr ago

Well, the Swifty/Kelce ruined my going to the game this Sunday night versus the Jets! Once they showed her on TV and as of Tuesday, ticket prices went thru the roof! They announced on the NFL network those prices (at least for decent seats at MetLife) were at an all time high! I think her music is okay, her looks are okay; however if she was a redhead or had brown or black hair, then I would do her in a New York minute! Love those tall ladies, as I'm height challenged. Nothing like going up on a woman!! :)

avatar for chiefwiggum
1 yr ago

I think she's pretty, definitely hot GND type, but emphasis on GND. I also think she's prettier without makeup (I'm also sort of anti-makeup). I would definitely get some laps from her. Ideally, she needs to gain a few pounds for me, but they would have to be in the right places. The flat tummy and long legs do her well. I would rate her an 8, but perhaps a 9-10 in someone else's book.

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

An 8! WTF?!!

On a 1-10 scale Princess Tay-Tay is a frickin’ 11. ROAR!!!

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago


11 ???

I don’t think there is enough “meat on the bones” to satisfy any real carnivorous beast.

She’s so skinny in some pictures I don’t think she can even cast a shadow

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

Al Bundy is great.


avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

She is talented and can sing well. She hires the best songwriters in the world and contributes one line so she can say “I wrote this” so she’s not really as talented as she’s like you to believe. Looks wise there are hotter girls in any bar, at any SC, at any gym. But I’d get a lap dance from her for sure. I like white trash girls with a that surprised gape mouth expression.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

drew. dang funny comment. but I think she's better than that. I give you an attaboy anyway.

avatar for stripperlover777
1 yr ago

I Like The Song "Style" From Taylor Swift!!!

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