
Liberals on how to fix America

“Hey I know! Let’s flood it with illegals! That’ll do it, yeah!”

“OMG, Genius!”


  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    What are your you talking about muddy?
    The border is secure,just ask the bride of fester.

  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    What's really surprising to me is a leftist talking head on leftist cnn is actually questioning her as opposed to nodding and agreeing.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    I got a better idea how about we shut down the government and furlough all the workers that work in homeland security and make the rest of them work without pay.
    OMG Genius
  • mogul1985
    a year ago
    ^ this makes no sense.

    How about we take the money being used to put-up illegals in hotels and finish The Wall (there is more to it than just A Wall) project rather than auction off the unused materials worth $500M for pennies on the Dollar. Anything that doesn't include this is just pissing Taxpayers' away as it doesn't resolve the problem. When you have leak in the house you call a plumber to fix it unless you want continued damage. Wait til winter sets into NYC....
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
  • Studme53
    a year ago
    As Adam Carolla says, leave your back door wide open every night when you go to bed and see how that works out for you.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    “Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.” - G Patton

    Maybe the old warmonger’s quote will turn a few right wing heads, you guys seem to get boners for military shit.

    Put another way… if a Mexican can swim, drive a boat, dig a tunnel, or bribe a trucker, he’s getting across the border. A wall does jack shit to stop illegal immigration. At best it points them to the next easiest entrance. And you ought to be glad about it, you’d never eat a salad for less than $75 again if there weren’t hordes of underpaid illegals bringing in every vegetable we eat. That is, if you eat salad.

  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    Drew, from my perspective this thread isn't about a wall, it's about the adminstration's policies of letting anyone and everyone in without vetting them for criminal records, diseases, etc. and shipping them off all over the country where there will be as many or more of them that will be draining the system through various programs that were set up for citizens than there will be, to use your term, vegetable pickers.
    It's become so bad that even the liberal mayor of nyc is frustrated by the problems that have been created.
    BTW, there aren't many fruit and vegetable picking jobs in nyc.

    And yes even if there was a wall many would still sneak in but not in the same overwhelming numbers that are taxing city and state governments.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Massive stupidity and hypocriay being contributed by the leftists and liberals in this conversation.

    A wall, floating buoys, and increased patrols are a small part of stopgaps and long term diversions. What we need to do are enforce the laws we have and reinstate practices which worked. Remain in Mexico. Detain, imprison, and deport all illegals found in this nation. Defund and punish renegade states and cities which will not enforce the laws. Allow/empower landowners to defend their land. International rules stipulate that asylum sheets must seek asylum in the first nation they arrive in. Any non- Mexican found at the Mexicam border should not be eligible for asylum.

    The democrat party will not do this because they have a plan to use asylum and voting rights for illegals as a means to perpetual power in all levels of government. They don't give a fuck about the working class, about the regular citizen, or about representative government. They hate the heritage of this nation and those who embrace that heritage. They want to destroy America to build dysfunctional dystopia where they watch from their ivory towers while everyone not in the inside fends for themselves.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    Why don't we electrify the Rio Grande and anyone making it across is shot on sight.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ Machine gun nests every mile across the Rio Grande, with clear lines of fire, Brilliant!
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    Was flipping thru the channels last evening and even though the Republican debate is of zero interest to me, Nikki Haley caught my attention. Dang, for a 51 year old woman she is well preserved. You may not call her hot but she is one fine looking female.

    I saw about 2-3 minutes of Tim Scott spouting the same rhetoric of creating 10 million jobs, blah blah blah. That’s 80’s thinking. What’s the urgency in creating more jobs when we are having trouble filling the jobs we already have?
  • WiseToo
    a year ago
    "The democrat party will not do this because they have a plan to use asylum and voting rights for illegals as a means to perpetual power in all levels of government."

    Yep. And how about another round of stimulus checks (aka Economic Impact Payments) to buy votes. Oops, my bad I mean to help those get through difficult times.
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    Of all the political topics that get the least amount of intelligent discussion, illegal immigration is probably at the top of the list.

    Every time there is a Democrat president, like clockwork Republicans dust off their playbook and howl that "illegals are flooding the country". No doubt, stats have proven this is an effective rallying cry to get Republicans to vote. Rather than provide a wholistic view of the issue, the right wing peddles a narrow set of facts and their commentators pile on with various narratives, some of the results of which are on display here. Brain-dead comments from the OP, and emotional rants like the last paragraph from gammanu.

    You would think the left would counter these narratives with more facts, stats and counterpoints to the discussion, and get more of the story out. But they haven't done much of that. So on this topic, I'd have to give Biden and most other elected Dems an "F" on the messaging.
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago

    Except for the f rating, wild4testes is a delusional kool aide drinking leftist shill.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    “The democrat party will not do this because they have a plan” … always with the elaborate conspiracies. Maybe the democrats let the starving assed Mexicans in bc it looks nice being sympathetic to the world. Pussies, not evil overlords. Definitely not both.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    Tatas is one fuckin retard and a shitty liar. Illegal aliens overrunning this country is the death knell. You don't succeed by importing the useless with their hands out.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    lol I'm stunned some of y'all are still down with cause, cause the cause sure ain't down with you. Wait until they come to YOUR neighborhood, you'll flip in less than 2 seconds and that is guarantee. It's not a mother with 3 kids in desperation. It's a bunch military aged males hanging out with NOTHING to do.

    Also I'm sick of hearing this BULLSHIT argument it's good for the economy yeah no. Na the reality many of these folks are coming from very violent countries with a ton of poverty. And we're damn well going to be absorbing some of that violence and poverty. Many of these folks, not all but many will be on government assistance for duration of their lifespans. We don't have the resources, we don't have the money for it. That being said federal government is going to print money to pay for this bullshit, destroying the American dollar, and then we wonder why shit so expensive.

    Also fentanyl keeps coming over the border killing a lot of young Americans, number 1 killer of that age group. More Americans killed last year by fentanyl then troops lost during the entire Vietnam war.

    Deport all. We have a front door in the country. Time to use it.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    The MS-13 gang is here due to illegals flooding the country and every single person they kill we're killed by democrats; all of you.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    Also we all see what they are trying to do. Change Texas demographically so it turns blue then Dems will never lose the presidency again. IDK how the American taxpayer can sit there and be good with all this crap, but they'll be paying for it. But hey we're all racist pieces of shit. Good thing Greg Abbot is an American LEGEND. Keep up that bus therapy, people are waking up and it's good to see.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    Instead of the usual way both parties propagandize immigration, my suggestion is lock up our legislators , for intentionally refusing to do their duty.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    ^ Yes let us equate the murderer (democrats) with the victims (Americans) of scumbag illegals flocking here.
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    >lol I'm stunned some of y'all are still down with cause

    What "cause" ? That Dems are intentionally encouraging and allowing illegal immigration to get more blue votes? Do you have any evidence of this age-old right wing conspiracy theory?

    See this is the problem with the discussion, many right wingers are so indoctrinated by the spin from Fox News, Breitbart, etc. that they can't step back and look at all the facts and come up with different opinions.

    I agree we can't afford to support an endless number of immigrants with public dollars. 100%. But we need more data and facts to understand how current numbers are trending vs. historical, and what unique events are happening today to explain the numbers. There are many efforts being taken to reduce the number of illegal crossings, so we know the "open border" rhetoric is a lie.
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago

    I swear this fool is the reincarnation of randumb 'rumdummember'
  • rattdog
    a year ago
    "But we need more data and facts to understand how current numbers are trending vs. historical, and what unique events are happening today to explain the numbers. "

    really? and who exactly is going to come up with those numbers? an alphabet agency working for the current gov't who the average and aware person absolutely abhors? washington post or another publication of that ilk? both?
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    the terrorist government of Biden admitted to 210,000 last month. 210,000 too many,
  • Dolfan
    a year ago
    We should just vote in Ali-G: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie5H8Ki3…
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    Started by illegal aliens from El Salvador, to protect illegal aliens from El Salvador.
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    @rattdog - numbers from government, obviously. Federal, state or local as the case may be depending on the stat. They are the ones tracking it.

    For awhile now I've been trying to find some kind of article like "The Immigration Issue Shown in 9 Charts", with government data from this year (or last) and going back two decades, covering a range of statistics including border encounters, deportations/expulsions, border guard numbers, illegal immigrant population growth, public funding costs, etc. I haven't found exactly this type of article, but various different articles with pieces of information. It's a complex issue to connect the pieces together. Clearly, recent reports like those out of NY show there is a significant issue, but it's important to try to put it all in context. Only a fool would take the right wing narratives at face value.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    ^"For awhile now [he has] been trying to find some kind of article" that supports his blatant and incessant lying. wld4cock is utterly deranged and whole-heartedly committed to enabling, lying for, and excusing the infinite failures of the democrat party. The most contemptible of the liberals' useful idiots.
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    ^ Name one lie, or be known as the liar yourself
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago

    wild4testes, anyone with half a brain, which you obviously come up short on, can see that all you know is the party lines that kool aide drinking liars repeatably repeat over and over. Verdict, you are the liar here!
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    @ski: "Started by illegal aliens from El Salvador, to protect illegal aliens from El Salvador."

    I guess that is technically true, but it's misleading. They emigrated as children along with their parents, grew up in LA, learned gang culture from us, took it back to El Salvador and now they are back here with it. They seem pretty extreme in comparison to most US gangs. But we're the starting point for that little mess.
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    >the terrorist government of Biden admitted to 210,000 last month. 210,000 too many,

    @skibum - Those are 210,000 migrant apprehensions. A key question is: how many of those have or will result in expulsion, deportation or repatriation?
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    ^ zero will be expelled; people being apprehended are being released into this country and Biden should be charged, tried and executed for treason. Drew they didn't emigrate as children. Their thieving cheating scumbag parents snuck in so they could raise criminals on the taxpayer dime. Asylum and other forms of immigration need to be stayed for 10 years and every illegal hunted down and expelled. Rather pay $10 for lettuce, which is gross anyway, than 25,000 a year in social security for these rats.
    Name one lie asshole? "numbers from the government, they are obviously tracking it". Go fuck yourself boy.
  • Longball300
    a year ago
    You don't need numbers or stats or historical perspective... just look at the streets of New York, Chicago, LA, San Fran and even places you'd never expect like Asheville, NC. These "entrants" (I'm sorry did that word offend anyone?) to our country know exactly where to go to be coddled, protected and given 3 hots and a tent, or hotel room with no contribution back to our society. Winter will be worse. Criminal elements will exploit and utilize these people, many who are innocently being pushed along and enough who are not; it will get ugly.
  • rattdog
    a year ago
    a theory here: i'm guessing that these migrants are going to team up with blm, antifa and other similar groups to be libtard and government foot soldiers. let's just say that god forbid they do prevail. well then once again history will have to repeat itself once again won't it? don't these stupid libtards realize that they are enabling for their demise? being on the side of people that most of them already hate you for being american born white, black, asian, etc. once they win you're the first ones they are going to go after. they use you until the main objective is eventually met and in turn discard you to the shitters.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    “ Drew they didn't emigrate as children. Their thieving cheating scumbag parents snuck in so they could raise criminals on the taxpayer dime”

    Not correct. Their parents came to this country escaping a war, and brought their children with them. You can’t possibly know each of their intentions, so saying their intention was unanimously “to raise criminals on the taxpayer dime” is speculative and improbable. You have no way of knowing this.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    All of this back and forth is exactly what the political parties want, these fuckers need to be locked in a room and work out an equitable solution to our immediate problem and our longer term problem as well. There needs to be an accountable entryway, this bypassing of our security controls is nothing but chaos, there absolutely needs to be penalties for this unlawful and unacceptable inflow of undocumented people.
    I blame the politicians of both parties this isn’t a legitimate left right issue and reasonable people know this is the truth.
  • Longball300
    a year ago
    ^ +1
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    Blaming liberals or conservatives for immigration is baloney. People move around, and unless you’re North Korea you can’t keep people out 100%. If there’s something they want on the other side, they’re going to find a way. Vandals crossed the Rhine when it froze in 406 and Mexicans crossed the Rio Grande last week. It’s been happening forever and will continue to happen forever. Nobody likes the new guys, that story is old as the hills.

  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Is anyone else noticing that when liberates cannot shift blame, they claim it to be a bipartisan issue requiring firm action and that both parties share equal responsibility? Anyone who parrots those lines is full of shit. 25IQ, wld4cocks, and drewcary$500chj are full of shit.

    Republicans have been battling this issue for decades. Some may remember and others will be too young, but Reagan had a deal with the dems for universal amnesty in exchange for full border security and comprehensive immigration reform. Illegals got their amnesty, but the dems refused to honor their side of the bargain.

  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ What are you 12 years old, your age is obvious to anyone with a lick of sense, you’re not a conservative, you’re an anarchist, with suicidal tendencies. You weren’t even born when Reagan was president yet you make statements that just show how ignorant you truly are.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Typical libs. Now, they want to say both sides are to blame and must be held accountable. They want them locked up in s room to make a deal like an episode of Parks n Rec. Bullshit. We have immigration laws. Enforce the laws we have. No catch and release. No sanctuary states and cities. If a mayor or a governor refuses to work with ICE, arrest them for aiding and abetting, obstruction, and all the rest of it. Detain illegals in at makeshift prisons at the border, not sent to 5 star hotels on the coast. Dems are the party of illegal aliens, defund ICE, tax the middle class to pay entitlements for illegals, and sanctuary cities. Republicans want to.enforce the laws that have ALREADY BEEN PASSED! Stop lying. The democrat party owns this mess.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Wrong on all counts, you ignorant, impotent, deaf, blind, demented old loser.
    You can't beat me, just take your medicine and fuck off.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ calling me names doesn’t change the fact that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, like I said you act like a twelve year old child.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    “Republicans have been battling this issue for decades”. Sounds like it’s their problem too, and they’ve been not solving it for decades. Either they don’t want to or they’re not very good at it.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    @drew: are you serious? Liberal presidents, congress, and courts. Don't get stuck on stupid.

    @25IQ- demented old man truly has the mind of a child and wants to point fingers lol. The emporer has no clothes, indeed!
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    And since we are talking about. BULLSHIT:

    1. No catch and release.
    2. No sanctuary states and cities.
    3. If a mayor or a governor refuses to work with ICE, arrest them for aiding and abetting, obstruction, and all the rest of it.
    4. Detain illegals in at makeshift prisons at the border, not sent to 5 star hotels on the coast.
    5. Dems are the party of illegal aliens, defund ICE, tax the middle class to pay entitlements for illegals, and sanctuary cities.

    …all armchair pontification from someone who had no authority, no influence, and no hand in politics, setting or enforcing policy. Your list is hot air and will go no further than a titty bar site.

    The definition of bullshit!

  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    It’s sad that you are so threatened by opinions other than your own that you can’t make a point without calling someone stupid. Maybe try focusing on writing a cogent point?
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ he’s 12 Drew, and a spoiled, bratty, 12 year old at that.
    What else would you expect from a child, but a temper tantrum.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Yes, 25IQ, we all know about your temper tantrums.
    "Wah, wah, ban the trolls or I quit". The trolls weren't banned and you were too weak to quit. But your pissy little bitch melt-down was fun to watch.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ Last word goes to the 12 year old
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    >zero will be expelled; people being apprehended are being released into this country

    Comments like this reinforce that skibum is truly the dumbest low information voter on TUSCL.

    DHS Conducts Dozens of Removal Flights Every Week
    Release Date: April 27, 2023
    DHS conducted over 1.2 million expulsions, removals and returns in first half of fiscal year 2023

    U.S. to restart deportations to Venezuela in effort to reduce record border arrivals
    October 5, 2023
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    ^ I just took a shit that was smarter, tougher and better looking then you homo. Do you take it up the ass from illegals like a good little progressive bitch? What kind of absolute moron believes anything from a government agency under the last two presidents? You're such a little faggot. Cannot wait until the government shuts down and your free internet is cancelled SJG.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    ^*last three presidents
  • bang69
    10 months ago
    Simple fix. Kick all liberals out of the country.
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