Drew, from my perspective this thread isn't about a wall, it's about the adminstration's policies of letting anyone and everyone in without vetting them for criminal records, diseases,…
Was flipping thru the channels last evening and even though the Republican debate is of zero interest to me, Nikki Haley caught my attention. Dang, for a 51…
“The democrat party will not do this because they have a plan” … always with the elaborate conspiracies. Maybe the democrats let the starving assed Mexicans in…
Tatas is one fuckin retard and a shitty liar. Illegal aliens overrunning this country is the death knell. You don't succeed by importing the useless with their hands…
lol I'm stunned some of y'all are still down with cause, cause the cause sure ain't down with you. Wait until they come to YOUR neighborhood, you'll flip…
Instead of the usual way both parties propagandize immigration, my suggestion is lock up our legislators , for intentionally refusing to do their duty.
"But we need more data and facts to understand how current numbers are trending vs. historical, and what unique events are happening today to explain the numbers. "
^"For awhile now [he has] been trying to find some kind of article" that supports his blatant and incessant lying. wld4cock is utterly deranged and whole-heartedly committed…
^ zero will be expelled; people being apprehended are being released into this country and Biden should be charged, tried and executed for treason. Drew they didn't emigrate…
You don't need numbers or stats or historical perspective... just look at the streets of New York, Chicago, LA, San Fran and even places you'd never expect like…
a theory here: i'm guessing that these migrants are going to team up with blm, antifa and other similar groups to be libtard and government foot soldiers. let's…
Blaming liberals or conservatives for immigration is baloney. People move around, and unless you’re North Korea you can’t keep people out 100%. If there’s something they…
Is anyone else noticing that when liberates cannot shift blame, they claim it to be a bipartisan issue requiring firm action and that both parties share equal responsibility?…
^ What are you 12 years old, your age is obvious to anyone with a lick of sense, you’re not a conservative, you’re an anarchist, with suicidal tendencies.…
“Republicans have been battling this issue for decades”. Sounds like it’s their problem too, and they’ve been not solving it for decades. Either they don’t want…
last commentLol What are your you talking about muddy? The border is secure,just ask the bride of fester.
What's really surprising to me is a leftist talking head on leftist cnn is actually questioning her as opposed to nodding and agreeing.
I got a better idea how about we shut down the government and furlough all the workers that work in homeland security and make the rest of them…
^ this makes no sense.
How about we take the money being used to put-up illegals in hotels and finish The Wall (there is more to it than…
As Adam Carolla says, leave your back door wide open every night when you go to bed and see how that works out for you.
“Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.” - G Patton
Maybe the old warmonger’s quote will turn a few right wing heads, you guys seem to…
Drew, from my perspective this thread isn't about a wall, it's about the adminstration's policies of letting anyone and everyone in without vetting them for criminal records, diseases,…
Massive stupidity and hypocriay being contributed by the leftists and liberals in this conversation.
A wall, floating buoys, and increased patrols are a small part of stopgaps…
Why don't we electrify the Rio Grande and anyone making it across is shot on sight.
^ Machine gun nests every mile across the Rio Grande, with clear lines of fire, Brilliant!
Was flipping thru the channels last evening and even though the Republican debate is of zero interest to me, Nikki Haley caught my attention. Dang, for a 51…
"The democrat party will not do this because they have a plan to use asylum and voting rights for illegals as a means to perpetual power in all…
Of all the political topics that get the least amount of intelligent discussion, illegal immigration is probably at the top of the list.
Every time there is a…
Except for the f rating, wild4testes is a delusional kool aide drinking leftist shill.
“The democrat party will not do this because they have a plan” … always with the elaborate conspiracies. Maybe the democrats let the starving assed Mexicans in…
Tatas is one fuckin retard and a shitty liar. Illegal aliens overrunning this country is the death knell. You don't succeed by importing the useless with their hands…
lol I'm stunned some of y'all are still down with cause, cause the cause sure ain't down with you. Wait until they come to YOUR neighborhood, you'll flip…
The MS-13 gang is here due to illegals flooding the country and every single person they kill we're killed by democrats; all of you.
Also we all see what they are trying to do. Change Texas demographically so it turns blue then Dems will never lose the presidency again. IDK how the…
Instead of the usual way both parties propagandize immigration, my suggestion is lock up our legislators , for intentionally refusing to do their duty.
^ Yes let us equate the murderer (democrats) with the victims (Americans) of scumbag illegals flocking here.
What "cause" ? That Dems are intentionally encouraging and allowing illegal immigration to get more blue votes?…
I swear this fool is the reincarnation of randumb 'rumdummember'
"But we need more data and facts to understand how current numbers are trending vs. historical, and what unique events are happening today to explain the numbers. "
the terrorist government of Biden admitted to 210,000 last month. 210,000 too many,
We should just vote in Ali-G: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie5H8Ki3x8A
MS-13 started in LA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS-13
Started by illegal aliens from El Salvador, to protect illegal aliens from El Salvador.
@rattdog - numbers from government, obviously. Federal, state or local as the case may be depending on the stat. They are the ones tracking it.
For awhile now…
^"For awhile now [he has] been trying to find some kind of article" that supports his blatant and incessant lying. wld4cock is utterly deranged and whole-heartedly committed…
^ Name one lie, or be known as the liar yourself
wild4testes, anyone with half a brain, which you obviously come up short on, can see that all you know is the party lines that kool aide…
@ski: "Started by illegal aliens from El Salvador, to protect illegal aliens from El Salvador."
I guess that is technically true, but it's misleading. They emigrated as children…
@skibum - Those are 210,000 migrant apprehensions. A key question is: how many of those have…
^ zero will be expelled; people being apprehended are being released into this country and Biden should be charged, tried and executed for treason. Drew they didn't emigrate…
You don't need numbers or stats or historical perspective... just look at the streets of New York, Chicago, LA, San Fran and even places you'd never expect like…
a theory here: i'm guessing that these migrants are going to team up with blm, antifa and other similar groups to be libtard and government foot soldiers. let's…
“ Drew they didn't emigrate as children. Their thieving cheating scumbag parents snuck in so they could raise criminals on the taxpayer dime”
Not correct. Their parents came…
All of this back and forth is exactly what the political parties want, these fuckers need to be locked in a room and work out an equitable solution…
^ +1
Blaming liberals or conservatives for immigration is baloney. People move around, and unless you’re North Korea you can’t keep people out 100%. If there’s something they…
Is anyone else noticing that when liberates cannot shift blame, they claim it to be a bipartisan issue requiring firm action and that both parties share equal responsibility?…
^ What are you 12 years old, your age is obvious to anyone with a lick of sense, you’re not a conservative, you’re an anarchist, with suicidal tendencies.…
Typical libs. Now, they want to say both sides are to blame and must be held accountable. They want them locked up in s room…
Wrong on all counts, you ignorant, impotent, deaf, blind, demented old loser.
You can't beat me, just take your medicine and fuck off.
^ calling me names doesn’t change the fact that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, like I said you act like a twelve year old…
“Republicans have been battling this issue for decades”. Sounds like it’s their problem too, and they’ve been not solving it for decades. Either they don’t want…
@drew: are you serious? Liberal presidents, congress, and courts. Don't get stuck on stupid.
@25IQ- demented old man truly has the mind of a child…
And since we are talking about. BULLSHIT:
It’s sad that you are so threatened by opinions other than your own that you can’t make a point without calling someone stupid. Maybe try focusing on…
^ he’s 12 Drew, and a spoiled, bratty, 12 year old at that. What else would you expect from a child, but a temper tantrum.
Yes, 25IQ, we all know about your temper tantrums. "Wah, wah, ban the trolls or I quit". The trolls weren't banned and you were too weak…
^ Last word goes to the 12 year old
Comments like this reinforce that skibum is truly the dumbest low information voter on TUSCL.
^ I just took a shit that was smarter, tougher and better looking then you homo. Do you take it up the ass from illegals like a…
^*last three presidents
Simple fix. Kick all liberals out of the country.