Miss Zimbabwe 2023
Social media is in a tizzy over it but it is an excuse to rate this chick. Brook Bruk-Jackson.
Good lord is she gorgeous. I don't give a fuck what country she's from that is a WINNER. She'll probably lose to some trans dude to finals but hell I'm rooting for her.
Good lord is she gorgeous. I don't give a fuck what country she's from that is a WINNER. She'll probably lose to some trans dude to finals but hell I'm rooting for her.
It's also interesting that over on the Taylor Swift thread you stated that she's "not your type", yet I'd put this woman in the same type as Taylor Swift. I'm not saying you're wrong. It's subjective.
Would I kick her out of bed? Of course not. Would she be my first choice?... no.
She was BORN and raised in Zimbabwe. It's not like she travels around the world looking for contests she thinks she can win based on having a different look than others in the Country.
And yes, she IS stunningly beautiful, even if the carpet doesn't match the drapes. Being preferential to brunettes, I imagine she would be even more attractive with her natural hair color.
Yes, I understand that 98% of Zimbabwe is black, so I suppose I'll get some pushback due to the %s not being so severe in the US.
female (? Lol) population there, so why not.
Next you’ll be telling me theres a woman from Saturn representing Mars in the Miss Universe contest.
Bro, there have been times where people insist "so-and-so" is hot as hell, and I take one look and my gut immediately ranges the 45+ year old woman somewhere in the range of negative 2 to negative 4 out of 10 when you factor in the likely upkeep cost.
Also, as others have mentioned, most folks will universally agree which women are 6's and 7's out of 10, but the 8-10 range becomes increasingly personal.
“Only in America.”
Next topic please.
These contests are so much about getting clicks, publicity and attention. But once again the most important question is, will she be working the SCs I frequent.