Social media is in a tizzy over it but it is an excuse to rate this chick. Brook Bruk-Jackson.
Good lord is she gorgeous. I don't give a fuck what country she's from that is a WINNER. She'll probably lose to some trans dude to finals but hell I'm rooting for her.
last commentIt goes to show how subjective this all is. Obviously, she's a beautiful woman, but I don't find her off-the-charts hot.
It's also interesting that over on the Taylor…
She does not really represent Zimbabwe. The demographics are : African 98% (Shona 82%, Ndebele 14%, other 2%), mixed and Asian 1%, white less than 1%
Truly I expected a beautiful black woman...and she does not represent that country...
Zimbabwe is attempting to appropriate Western culture with a blonde haired, light eyed beauty queen. Boycott Zimbabwe! What do they have to Boycott? Blood…
I get a little tranny vibe looking that that chick? Just me?
Certainly seems like it would be an obvious example of discrimination, to deny a white contestant from winning a contest, unless it was a Miss Black Zimbabwe contest.
Only 6% of US population is Asian. Less than 15% is Black. So, using the anti-Zimbabwe-contest/winner as logic, does that mean only white/Spanish people should win…
She’s one gorgeous African woman. Proud - like a zebra.
They made a tranny Miss Netherlands. They only represent 0.0000001% of the female (? Lol) population there, so why not.
Next you’ll be telling me theres a woman…
So, a white, native-born Zimbabwean cannot represent her homeland? No one finds that totally fucking racist? Alberto Fujimori was President of Peru for 10 years, despite appearing to…
She’s very pretty
At least, I think, she isn't a penis-woman.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Or something.
Bro, there have been times where people insist "so-and-so" is hot as hell, and I take one look and my…
What did Yogi Berra say when he heard the Mayor of Dublin Ireland was Jewish?
“Only in America.”
A white woman as Miss Zimbabwe?? Pass…..
Next topic please.
She’s very pretty but if you look at just the face shots together of all the contestants, imo there’s another contestant with a prettier face. These contests are…
Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) has a white population from the days when it was a British colony. If the judges of the beauty contest chose her, then…