
Comments by motorhead (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    IF you were to open strip club, where would you set up shop?
    On my Facebook news feed today for my new hometown of Dayton, Ohio there was an article about a businessman interested in converting an existing building to a strip club. A former Vice cop posted that there were at least a dozen clubs in Dayton but he and his partner shut them all down There a 2 or 3 clubs in the suburbs but no clubs in the city. The Dayton MSA has over 800,000 people including a large Air Force base and two large universities. I would certainly think it could support a few decent clubs.
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    a year ago
    Could tuscl use a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer?
    ^^ Yep. You’re spot on that comment. Both sides are more than guilty of that.
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    a year ago
    Could tuscl use a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer?
    …and if you want more proof I mentioned before I like perusing college catalogs to keep up on curriculums. All students at Cal Tech, for example, need to take course work in DEI. Keep in mind the next time you drive over a bridge designed by a civil engineer who couldn’t take a class in harmonic excitation because a DEI course was required instead
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    a year ago
    Could tuscl use a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer?
    ^^ It’s everyone’s first hand experience. Just look at the VP, Biden’s cabinet, and any recent Democratic nominated Supreme Court justice and tell this isn’t DEI in action. Can you honestly say the most qualified person was nominated?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Born in NYC, conceived at Woodstock.
    What is the best bumper sticker you've ever seen?
    Not exactly a bumper sticker - but I’m amazed how many women (but not being sexist) with either “teacher” or “nursing” license plates are horrible drivers. Excessive speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of lanes, impatient merging etc. I thought these were supposed to be “responsible” professions I remember seeing one nurse just driving like a crazy lunatic. And assuming she wasn’t rushing to the ER, all I could think of was - “saving people from dying during the day - trying to kill people at night”
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Girls suddenly comfortable with kissing
    Kissing was pretty much required to earn me as a regular. The strategy was simple. Concentrate on the non extras clubs to avoid what many have mentioned. Often prettier girls worked there anyway. Prearrange the visit. Arrive early and be the first to take her to a room. Once you establish a reputation as a big spender and what’s required, word gets around and it’s freely offered. All things go in cycles. Back in the 80’s I clubbed a lot in Indianapolis and every club operated the same way. For a mere one dollar bill you got an extended stage side DFK. Then Rock Hudson died and the whole world became phobic of bodily fluid transmission and kissing disappeared. I figured it would eventually gone back
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    a year ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Wildcards in sport
    Venus Williams was issued a “wildcard” exemption to allow her to play in the US Open (tennis) despite her being over 40 and 500+ in the world rankings
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    a year ago
    Songs that make you want to jump off a roof
    I didn’t really appreciate glam metal / hair bands at the time, but as compared with today’s music referenced above - it’s great. I’m a big fan of power ballads
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    a year ago
    Songs that make you want to jump off a roof
    Never could figure out how a Neil Diamond song - a guy who personifies NYC and Brooklyn - became a thing in Boston
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    a year ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Wildcards in sport
    I can stream some international television stations. Generally I don’t watch anything - but I have tuned in for some sports like the Tour de France and the The Open (golf). I enjoy watching the commercials. Except for the weird accent of the actors 😊 and different brands, one almost wouldn’t notice a difference between America and the UK. I used to think we were different but then I watch the commercials and we are all the same. But then I read about words that have a totally different meaning. I love this kind of stuff.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Using dogs to connect with strippers
    “You know I've noticed how much many strippers I've met absolutely love dogs” — It’s almost as if strippers crave some affection they never got as kids. Wonder if anyone has everyone thought of that before?
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    a year ago
    Digital currency
    Not sure i would care. I reached into my wallet and pulled out $5 cash to play in the lottery pool last week at work. That was about the first time I’ve used cash in 6 months. I haven’t hit a club post COVID - but I see a fave OTC and use CashApp or ApplePay
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    More Trump Indictments, now Fulton County GA
    Continued … *. In 2020 the newly ejected black activist county prosecutor reopened investigations and spent 5 months looking at the incident again hell-bent on bringing charges and still couldn’t find sufficient evidence of wrongdoing — Try another example to make your point
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    More Trump Indictments, now Fulton County GA
    ilbbaicnl, You sure picked a bad example to make your point. Of all the cases of LE overstepping, the Michael Brown incident wasn’t one of them. * The Grand Jury did not indict - the Grand Jury lasted 3 months when most are done in a week or less * The Obama administration justice department conducted an investigation that lasted over 6 months thoroughly looking for a violation of Brown’s civil rights and the police were cleared *. In 2020 the newly ejected black activist county prosecutor
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    a year ago
    What's the strip club capital of the not Florida south?
    ^^ Yeah I was talking long ago. Our plant in North Carolina closed 20 years ago But I was trying to get what the OP meant by “remnant cultural vibe”
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    a year ago
    How bad it's getting in some clubs
    Pretty dancers with relaxed rules (that does not mean extras are necessary) will always be in demand. The problem is there are too many overweight, overly inked, overly pierced ordinary looking girls
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers forcing tips/extorting you
    Almost no one on TUSCL is in their 20’s because they aren’t yet earning the $350k required for admission. When founder deleted the photo section and the glossary, he also deleted the requirements needed to become a member in good standing. 1. Minimum annual income of $350,000 2. White, three-piece suit. (Two recommended. 3.LDK’s are strongly discouraged. (If you must, you cannot ever admit it) 4. Must own a verified original copy of “The System”. Available on Amazon for the low price of only $39.95. Remember, Prime gets you free shipping. 5. You are not permitted to enjoy any strip club song newer than “Du Hast” 6. Minimum weight requirement 250 pounds. Or at least weight NOT proportional to height. (Shadowcat gets an exemption for seniority) 7. You are only permitted to shop for groceries at the Piggly Wiggly. It’s an automatic expulsion for anyone caught with a Kroger, H-E-B, Ralph’s or Publix shopping bag. Eating a Cuban from the Public deli is permissible. 8. And finally, never, ever ask “where is Tiffany (or Heaven or Amber) working now.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    What's the strip club capital of the not Florida south?
    What is “the remnant cultural vibe” of the south? Is it “slow paced” (the kind word for laziness) We used to have a plant / warehouse in Winston-Salem, NC (now closed and for good reason)and no matter how hard you begged, pleaded, cajoled the plant manager even on a “hot rush” order, it was “we’ll get it out in 2-3 days”. The south just operates on a different pace than the Midwest or North. Helluva nice people but fast isn’t in their vocabulary. Had a friend whose car broke down on I-75 in Kentucky. (And that’s not even remotely the Deep South). It was a simple repair that any Midwest repair shop would have had it done that afternoon. They were like “what’s the rush. We’ll get it done when we get around to it. Gotta go hunting today and fishing tomorrow. It will be the end of the week”
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Super hot dancers that apply: Do clubs make them jump through all the hoops?
    Icee’s “10” was my “0” So hard to say anymore what’s a Ten And just google most beautiful women in the world - most aren’t my dimes
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    a year ago
    Ké lo ké?!?!?!!
    HK general manager got assassinated
    gammanu - why do you have shit on every thread. This Hatfield & McCoy feud is getting old as dirt
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    a year ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Why are men so bitter girls can make money for being female?
    “But plenty of times fans won’t let famous people live their lives. That could be a bitch.” — I agree with that to some extent - but these are college kids at LSU. There could be a handful of crazies, but I don’t think most college kids “are in awe” of their fellow classmates. I know it’s different times, but I was in school when my team won the NCAA basketball tournament. I had classes with some players. A couple lived on my dorm floor. Everyone just went about their daily lives. Nobody bothered these guys or gave a shit that a couple were going to be first round draft picks in a few months. They were just another kid in your class. Livvy is cute but not all that. I think she could be just trying for more attention
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Why are men so bitter girls can make money for being female?
    Not sure where this topic came from - I’ve never, ever felt an ounce of bitterness for a female earning. I don’t understand the simp culture where a guy would spend on Only Fans. I’ve spent well into 6 figures for real interaction in clubs so it’s not me being cheap but with this phenomena, I blame the simp guy not the female. However, I do think a girl like Olivia Dunne is being a complete hypocrite. She worked hard to create “her brand” and build a net worth in the millions at age 20 without even having to get naked. But now she cries foul because she’s become “too” famous and won’t go to class
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club tours
    Yeah, my first visit to the Flight Club near Detroit. It was a Saturday afternoon so it was slow. The first dancer that approached me asked the typical “Have you been here before?” question. When I said no, she gave me a tour. The FC is fairly large, with an upper level. No pressure for a dance. I think she was just legitimately bored and welcomed an opportunity to pass some time.
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    a year ago
    Spread Love & Benjamin$
    Georgia/ ATL Clubs?
    “and I figured I go shake some ass while out“ Did someone mention “waisting my time” ?
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    a year ago
    Mom & Pop strip clubs and interactions with their owners
    I’ve never seen Alan at the Flight Club but I’ve seen enough photos I’m sure I’d recognize him. He does have that sleazy look to him….he’s straight out of Hollywood central casting for a strip club owner