
Slavery occurs when some people are exploited by others, for personal or commerc

The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Friday, September 29, 2023 2:00 PM
Title couldn’t say it all. Slavery occurs when some people are exploited by others, for personal or commercial gain… Whether tricked, brainwashed, coerced, or forced… In America today slavery is all around us, “hidden” in plain sight… People can become enslaved making our clothes, serving our food, picking our crops, working in factories, or working in houses as cooks, cleaners or nannies… Victims of slavery in America today might face violence or threats, be forced into inescapable debt, or have their passport taken away and face being threatened with deportation. Many people have fallen into this trap because they were trying to escape poverty or insecurity, improve their lives and support their families. Now, they can’t leave…


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    10 months ago
  • CJKent_band
    10 months ago
    ^^^^^^^ The Undeniably Facts Just Make Way Too Much Sense for You Don’t They? No matter how educated, talented, or cool you believe you are, how you exploit people ultimately tells all..
  • drewcareypnw
    10 months ago
    Who cares? This is a titty board, not a social justice forum.
  • Meshuggah
    10 months ago
    Wait till you see the rest of the world........
  • TheeOSU
    10 months ago
    Founder, dump this anti American commie troll like you did scrub and icey! I have never seen any evidence of slave owners or support for slave owners here. Kick his ass to the curb please!
  • Pussylicker2
    10 months ago
    Broaden your definition of slavery a little, every person, and every animal is a "slave", because it needs food to live, and it has to do something to aquire food. Actually, slavery is a condition in which one human being was owned by another (look it up). Basically, you're full of shit, and should be booted from this site.
  • CJKent_band
    10 months ago
    ^^^^^^^ “I don't get why some of you are so butthurt about the truth.” ~IceyLoco ~May 25th 2020 No matter how educated, talented, or cool you believe you are, how you exploit people ultimately tells all...
  • motorhead
    10 months ago
    CJK per your definition of “slavery” kids could be classified as slaves. And I’m not talking about 10 year olds working in Chinese / Nike sweatshops for $2 per month I’m not OUR children. Communism failed. Get over it
  • CJKent_band
    10 months ago
    Slavery by any name is still slavery. Many Americans believe that slavery in this country ended with the Emancipation Proclamation… Owned: “Mentally controlled and brainwashed serving the self-centered greediness of others. Having your own wants and desires “Paralyzed” to the point of having no free will or desires of your own – entering a state of mental immobility and giving your life over to the owner to be dominated and let them do with you as they want as time and your life rush by never to be seen again, gone forever as you are constantly used by them to satisfy their vicious greed.” ~ Urban Dictionary
  • boomer79
    10 months ago
    If people are forced to do something physically or by coercion something should be done. If people feel someone’s circumstances cause them to make choices that they don’t want the reemedy is to try to give them alternative choices and see what they choose. If you don’t offer them an alternative and you take away the “coerced” option you’re still taking what they consider their best option. Of course there is also the possibility that the actual person doing it feels differently about it than the third party who thinks it’s awful and would choose to do it. In this case they are not a slave.
  • CJKent_band
    10 months ago
    ^^^^^ Capitalists for centuries maximized their profit from slave labor, they exploited them mercilessly. But capitalists realized that “freeing” the slaves into a economically,, socially and psychologically structured“slave working class” was even more profitable, as they didn’t have to provide anything for their “slaves” to survive in their “unproductive” part of their lives; childhood, learning a trade, pregnancy, sickness, old age.etc etc etc Capitalism today is the severe exploitation of workers working in the factories fields, offices all over the USA and the world, where they are economically and mentally forced to work for long hours in extremely harsh conditions to make a living in order to serve the luxuries of the rich-income class. Indeed, they are working as slaves.
  • twentyfive
    10 months ago
    ^ What a dopey Pollyanna
  • CJKent_band
    10 months ago
    ^^^^*^^ “Truth is only harsh if you're unable to face it.” ~ Stewart Stafford ~ Poet and novelist
  • TheeOSU
    10 months ago
    ^ Founder, it's long past time to add cjhomo to the heap with icey tittyfag scrub trucidos and a few others from the past. I really wish you'd consider it.
  • CJKent_band
    10 months ago
    ^^^^^^^ “I don't get why some of you are so butthurt about the truth.” ~IceyLoco ~May 25th 2020 :D
  • 5footguy
    10 months ago
    Slavery IS all around. And the main perpetrator is, as usual, government. Look at what Canada is doing to further repress free speech of its citizens, for example: [view link] And the UK is paving the way to enslave (by putting offenders in jail) those who do not agree with its way of thinking: [view link] All in the name of "safety," of course. And "child safety" at that. Exploit the children to increase their power... wouldn't expect less from the powerful elite. Keep the good topics coming, CJ.
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