Happy indigenous people day!

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Nuff said:-P


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Don’t you mean “Happy Syphilis Day” ?

The woke professors at Sarah Lawrence and Mount Holyoke will make sure they tell their students the “terrible Europeans” brought measles, mumps, and smallpox to the New World - but they won’t tell them that Columbus and his crew brought back Syphilis to Europe.

Then it spread like wildfire throughout Europe, Asia and North Africa in the great outbreak of 1495.

Syphilis cases are on the rise again since reaching a low in 2001. Cases in the US have doubled in the last 5 years.

Be careful out there mongering.

That's the problem with a partial genocide. If you're gonna do something like that, you really gotta wipe them all out and then tell the story as though they welcomed the newcomers and eagerly integrated into the new society. If you leave some around to tell the tale, eventually the populous will become sympathetic.

And a little related cause I like movie quotes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?…

"Okay guys, one more thing, this summer when you're being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth Of July brouhaha, don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes."

avatar for caseyx
a year ago
Happy Columbus Day!

The discovery of the New World by Europeans was one of the most consequential events in the history of the world. It spurred massive change, changed the mindset of the people of a continent from stagnation to optimism and exploration and spurred massive development. For the natural world, the Columbian Exchange triggered radical changes in the distribution of species around the world. All because Columbus (and his backers, etc.) were motivated to find a new trade route.

Was everything about the the discovery of the New World rainbows and unicorns? No, just like everything else in human history. But absolutely worth celebrating.
avatar for caseyx
a year ago
I'm a white male who doesn't like paying taxes either!
I celebrated Columbus Day by Walking into Walmart, enslaving all the meek workers, killing the rest, and then looting the store.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
I'm cool with it, that the Italians need to have a holiday and a parade. It should be Sophia Loren's birthday. If you don't agree, you probably have a low T problem.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
We could have just waited for the Russians to make it to Alaska. Without all the we're lost in the middle of the ocean drama. Then ricks would be using vodka-soaked ass tampons (asspons?). Would that be so bad? Are whiskey asspons so much better than vodka asspons, that a guy deserves a whole holiday?
Columbus was a man of his times. They were often dark and brutal times when slavery, torture and conquest was the way the world was run - everywhere, not just Europe. He was also a brave, driven visionary who changed the world.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
One thing when people act as if colonial explorers were somehow exceptionally evil, I know right away they are not good with history. If they did they would know how horrible it was all over the world, in nearly every culture for thousands of years. It makes the early settlers seem like nothing in comparison. Most of these folks never researched anything they just bought leftist talking points they were fed wholesale. It's important stuff to know because they would know just how great we really have it in America. Again if you don't like it, the door is that way, feel free to use it. Anytime you want. Somalia would love to have you.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Also one thing to note, disease from europeans killed off most native americans during this era. Often times before they even made contact. Something around 90%. Smallpox was devasting. It's not like early european settlers wiped out an entire continent of native americans by going around shooting them all. That's bullshit. Also note the violence that did occur wasn't always one way. Read up on the Apache or the Comanche. This is just what happened. It's not a football game where you root for one team or the other it's just what happened. You don't always have to try to get up on a fucking high horse take the moral high ground when you talk about history.
^ Yes. The misconception or revisionist history the Native people were living in peace and harmony with nature is completely wrong. The we’re in a constant state of war, engaging in conquest, and subjecting rival tribes to slavery and genocide.
The Extremaduran conquistadors were brutal killers, trained and battle hardened from an early age. They were serious hard asses with nothing to lose. MS 13 with less tattoos.

Even the conquistadors were stunned and terrified by the demonic (in their eyes) sacrificial rites of the Mesoamericans. The Romans wrote of similar displays among the primitive people of Germany, Gaul, and Britain 1500 years earlier.

Life was ROUGH all over, but it was capital G Gnarly in certain parts of the Americas. Of course the locals that the Spanish cut their teeth on in the Caribbean were mostly pushovers.
The only true indigenous human are from Africa; humans migrated from their across the globe. So the "indigenous" people of North America didn't originate here, they wandered here. I'll stick to Columbus Day. It took brass balls to cross the Atlantic with no clue how long before they'd hit land, of course not the land the expected. Those who walked here, not as much of a big deal.
Tonight I was at a SC and I got 3 LDs from 3 Cuban strippers. One named Nina, one named Pinta, one named Maria.

My Columbus Day was officially celebrated.
I got a “hate” vote from someone named “bostonbum”. Been a member for 10 years with zero comments and 3 reviews.

To quote CJ KENT

“I don't get why some of you are so butthurt about the truth.”

Given the Boston moniker, he/she probably is one of the Mount Holyoke profs I spoke of.
I saw a photo of a statue of Columbus defaced with red paint and a sign that read “stop celebrating genocide”

Something I’ve never understood is that somehow a group of people believe that Columbus “intentionally” brought diseases to the new world. Wokesters are the dumbest smart people around. It was almost 400 years later until Pasteur developed the “germ theory” of disease.
Snowflakes just need something to rage against. Their disregard for their precious American heritage is another symptom of their complete failure as citizens. I also need to point out that anyone who believes "Aristocratic white men who didn't want to pay their taxes" is a complete fool who knows nothing of American history. Has anyone heard the phrase "No taxation without representation?"
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Well documented that the indigenous people of the Americas did as bad to each other, as what Europeans did to them. Rare people in history, George Washington for one example, who where more ethical than the typical ethics of their time, and thus moved humanity in a more positive direction. We should keep the holidays for such people.
Never, in the history mankind, has a nation accrued as much wealth and as much influence as the United States of America; and used it to do so much to spread peace and prosperity around the globe.
Columbus's voyage to and discovery of the New World is a pivotal event in creating the most benevolent country in the history of the world. His namesake holiday is well-deserved.
I like way too many of these comments.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Also it's not lost on many of us who know the game. In NY who votes against Dems? It's all the blue collar italian neighborhoods in Staten Island and Long Island. So it's fuck you and your icons. That's all this shit is.
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