Salvaging Lap Dances
Start off a dance, it's not good. I always getting this sinking feeling like fuck I just burned X money. What do you do next? Write it off? Give her the same attitude back? Me I just start talking, distract, loosen her up a little, you know try to butter up, make her laugh. It never turns into a GREAT lap dance all of a sudden. But I usually do get it a little better.
How do you salvage a dud?
How do you salvage a dud?
To answer your question, if it's clear that a bad attitude is the problem, I might be extremely rude and ask her to stop mid-song.
If she's inexperienced and has some promise, I might try to slow her down or give her some gentle instruction. I've had one girl who new at a club give me a very low contact dance, but the 2nd time I saw her it was much higher contact. Girls learn the official club rules and later they learn the real club rules.
At any rate, I pay for exactly one dance and don't give a tip.
“I’m walkin’ here”
None of this works, I'll admire her body while thinking of who else to try after this one and done.