
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Suffering from Pervertism...
    Well put lopaw! Alright young ladies, listen up! Is it at all possible to inject 'testosterone' into young ladies..... so we can keep our lopaw happy???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    harrydave - What the fuck is this "Healthy Families Act"? I don't know about families, but when I'm in a strip club getting my dick hard, that increases my blood flow! Isn't that healthy? LOL Anyway, harrydave has done a lot of appreciable research for all of us on this Ohio issue, and I commend him for his diligence! Thank you. I signed a petition for the coalition of strip club owners and dancers seeking to repeal the law, while in Club 2K in Newark, Ohio about 6 weeks ago. According to what I have read, the state has to look over the signatures and addresses to make sure each person signed is a registered state voter. Well, too bad for me, because I have been back here only 7 months, unemployed (or temporarily retired by choice), and still a resident of Tennessee. If they can prove 200 and some thousand signers, then the vote goes to the public. I'm glad to see this 6' bubble rule was amended, that was entirely fucking crazy! Ohio already has a 'no touch' rule, so I don't know how much more it can change, but the sentencing of violators scares the shit of me! Here I come Indiana and Kentucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Female squirting orgasms. Fact or fiction?
    YES, very very real 'shadowcat'. True story: While I was dating my second wife (rest her sole), we would do a lot of petting and foreplay, but she never allowed me "inside" (so to speak) until we got engaged. One evening we were in her house, with fireplace going, soft music playing on the tape deck (I don't think CDs were that popular back then). While we on the floor, I was going 'down on her', working my tongue and lips all over her clitoris with a probing finger inside, searching for the G-spot (yes, there actually is a G-spot!). Evidently I had found it and she just PEAKED out 'with a long slow scream' and starting squirting all over my face and mouth! This was the first time I had experienced it myself. There was no smell or taste of urine. She had never 'squirted' for anyone else before me, and it really scared her! Over the married years, she squirted several more times, whenever I spent a lot of time on her, but she had to be TOTALLY relaxed for it to happen. The only other time I had another woman 'squirt' on me is my current S.O. She was so frightened and apologetic. I told her not to worry about it, it was a natural, but rare function, that is meant more to me that I got her so relaxed and so rapidly into a maximum orgasm. I think what you see in "staged" porn is all faked, and water is probably used (preplaced inside the vagina)! Let me just say this...... if a woman is willing to taste my semen, I am certainly not going to "squabble" over my woman squirting!!! This should be the "ultimate" test for men to see how well they perform orally on their S.O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    arbeeguy - check to see if you have "shadowcat" accidently ingnored. I think you have to be on your homepage of this site to ignore or remove names from ignore. Founder: Can we get "spinner" added to our glossary of terms?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best club that nobody ever heard of?
    Raincoat - Your thread brought back memories for me. I remember, about 25 years back also, that while traveling on TDY for the military, I happened by sportsbars that had lingerie shows in the New Orleans area, Chicago area, and Memphis area. I don't think back then the girls were required to wear pantyhose, but they did receive tips. I had one a "worn" lingerie outfit one time in Metarie, LA. Dump it before going home of course.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Totally private rooms
    casualguy - Yu ar corect abot Penthouse Key Club, ass thay du ave camras in der pri-vat rooms.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Suffering from Pervertism...
    Doug my friend. LOL. First off, it is definately not perverted to be interested in girls, women, sex, at any specific time, even if it runs 24 hours a day. As a non-professional psychologist, you are just going through that stage of life (male menopause) where we question our stamina, physical atttractiveness, and medibolically speaking, our testosterone levels. Now, with that bullshit aside, can you just imagine adding "Blue Magic" to all that, for recreational purposes??? You'd feel like a 'firecracker' ready to explode at any moment! At my age, women & sex enter my mind...... um, lets see.... mmm.. about 16 hours a day (based on allowing 8 hours sleep, at which time they may still be on my mind). NOPE! Ya' ain't got no problem son! This being said by a 60 year old sick dawg!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    harrydave - You hit the nail right on the head my good friend. Those petite little tarts are so light & (usually) tight and like you, love shifting them which way I want. shadowcat - For Christ's sake! Take that tart out and have fun! We can fend for ourselves, just leave a tab open for us! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic
    I'm not saying we should excuse the dude who stole 160K at all. All I'm saying is that if I were a judge, found this to be the dude's first felony, no other criminal records, having a gaming problem & was sent to rehab, paid the money back, I would show leniency in sentancing. Being a "felony" class crime, any jail time would have to exceed 12 months. I would place him on 3-5 years probabion; 500 community hours of work; and a fine of $16,000 (10% of what he embezzeled). chitownlawyer........... give me a hand here would ya' please? It's all fine to say a thief is a thief is a thief. You can't judge a book by it's cover. He may never steal again. Then again, he may. How can we judge something like that? That's like saying: A smoker is a smoker and always will be a smoker!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Totally private rooms
    The only clubs I can think of that I have been too that has a "totally private room(s)" are: Penthouse Key Club in Wellford, SC. - Individually enclosed rooms (with a closed door). They are similar to adult bookstore arcade peep booths, but without glory holes. Each room as a coin operated musci box inside for the dancer to select her music. Very classy club so the booths are small but clean. Skill level left up to the dancer. Nikita's Playroom in Wellford, SC. - Individually enclosed rooms (with a closed door). Small 6'X 4' wooden cubicles with one cushioned easy chair. Extras available, but high priced. Club 2K in Newark, OH. - Individual 'champaigne room', (with a closed door). Spacious, clean, has a small stage and pole, a TV, and a long comfortable couch. Downside? The door has a window in it where club employee passing by can view inside. chitownlawyer - When FONDL uses the term "totally prive rooms" I took that as completely enclosed with a door, unlike rooms with curtains, etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oct 26 1:00 P.M.
    Hey 'evilcyn'. If you read this entry.... would you and your S.O. want to join all of us at Columbia, SC Platinum Plus? If you guys can make it down there, I'll help out with the lodging.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I've asked MsChick06, who posted her own topic, to join us during the meeting, either as a dancer or customer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OK OK, I'll take you up on that offer my friend! Especially if she is better than J---! Does M.H. play with it before she swallows? LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic
    Having worked in the gaming business for for almost 14 years, I have seen gamblers with problems. I emphathize with them, it can be readily addicted, especially if you begin with winning from the casinos. It gets into your blood and think you can't lose, then you go deeper in debt to try and recoup your losses. Casinos are required to keep records of wins and losses, especially over $10,000, because they have to report those to IRS, if won or lost within a 24 hour period. My suggestion is to try and verify if he does have a gaming problem. If so, then give him morale support, especially if he will seek professional help, and since he has repaid all that he stole. I don't know what 'chitownlawyer' might say, but since this dude has repaid what he has embezzeled, the judge would probably take this in account on his sentencing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any customers going to Greenville, SC this weekend?
    Sorry MissChick06, I won't be able to make it this time. Would have liked to have been with you during your debut. However, some of us TUSCLers are going to be holding a TUSCL South Chapter Meeting at Platinum Plus in Columbia, SC beginning October 26th for 2 to 3 days. You are more than welcome to join us, either as a dancer or fellow TUSCLer, if you might be able to fit it into your travel plans. Good luck in Greenvile!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strippers with kids
    ozymandias - That was really funny! Very appropriate for this topic! Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How old is you vavorite dancer/s?
    Don't worry about it Brother. Just teasing you up a little. :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How often do you think dancers confuse you with someone else?
    Well evilcyn.... good to see you back on the board. I thought you might be having computer problems. You're not only good with faces, but your good at EVERYTHING you do! Licks
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat - I don't believe any damage was done to her name or identity. No details were ever exposed other than being a dancer. I don't think I could compete with you, even for the honeymoon, but can you take a video of it??? :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strippers with kids
    I suppose one way for a dancer to quit talking about those 'fucking' rugrats is to ask her, "Do you have any naked pictures of them?" LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How old is you vavorite dancer/s?
    My youngest (vavorite) dancer was probably 18. My oldest (vavorite) dancer I would guess to have been in her 50s, but I do recall her looking more like thirtish. Hey Founder...... can we get spell check on this site? LOL Maybe grammer check also?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How often do you think dancers confuse you with someone else?
    I don't think it happens very often. Sometimes, I think dancers use this as a ploy to get your ego going. It would be hard for a dancer to confuse me with any other customers, only because I'm OLD, UGLY, STINK, & WALK WITH A LIMP.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip clubbing and the weather. Go or not?
    Weather pretty much is not a factor in my decision on clubbing. My larger 'HEAD' tells me to stay at home inside where it is dry and safe. My smaller 'HEAD' directs me to go out to a club and get some relief. Besides, if the club is in the same vicinity of the storm, maybe they have no electricity! Now, wouldn't that be 'COZY'? I have been in clubs where electricity has gone out for awhile. It was during the summer (HOT) and the customers & dancers (in dance attire) waiting outdoors. Other times, the dancers would sit with me inside the club, which usually turned out to be to my advantage and $$theirs$$! :-) :-) :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever been flashed while walking to your car after leaving a strip club?
    Never experienced any flashers myself OTC. Ever thought it might have been a set-up to get rolled?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    trailer12b1 - Like minnow says, ALWAYS test drive the dancer to determine her SKILL LEVEL! Throughtout my clubbing experience, I've been in VIP rooms that turn out to be mini-bordellos. Then again, I've been in VIP rooms where I have only got AIR dances. All clubs are different and have/enforce different policies. The cheapest VIP room I have encountered is Brad's Brass Flamingo (BBF) in Indianapolis - $50 for 30 minutes. The most expensive VIP room was at Dancer's in Indianapolis called "Goodfellas" which cost $325 for 60 minutes. Evilcyn's club has a Champaigne Room that runs from $40 to $100, based on 20/40/60 minute segments. But, the dances still cost $10 in the room. To specifically answer your question as to which club has the most worthwhile VIP room and why? My vote goes to BBF for economy and darkness and Dancer's for luxury and brightness. You get interrupted in BBF by a housemom and waitresses. You only get interrupted my your OWN SELECTED waitress at Dancer's and no bouncers came in there the entire hour I was there! But, again, TEST DRIVE for SKILL LEVEL before committing.