
Sex with Robots

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Just saw a post on the MSN homepage about sex between humans and robots could become a reality within the decade. OK, fine - that topic has been addressed in some sci-fi movies I saw as a kid. But the world population is around 6.7 billion people - let's assume half are females and then let's throw out another billion people for being too young, too old, too ugly, whatever. That leaves about 2 billion females in the world to choose from. Why do we need robots? Hey, I would rather go to strip clubs and interact with REAL women (even without sex) than have sex with a machine.


  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I totally agree david120!

    Sex with robots, even if they're fleshy feeling, just can't be the same thing as a live woman. I go 'Rosie Palm and her five sisters before I go to robots!
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Depends on the robot.
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    A robot that I can't distinguish from a real woman would be very appealing. So we have a room full of women at the strip club where 50% are robots and 50% are live human beings and it is impossible to what is human and what is machine.

    Take the machine and work on the program, if need be. No guilt about making a mistake or threat of disease or concern for her well being or threat of her acting like a nut case due to whatever. The robot wins hands down!

  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I don't believe a robot will look exactly like a human female in only 10 years. Of course who wouldn't want a robot servant to clean the house and take out the garbage and cook, etc. Then after it's done, you could check out it's sexual functions. Or better yet, have the robot do all the work while you and your human girl have all the fun. The next thing you know, someone will make a female robot brain that behaves too much like the real thing. Seems like that would be pointless to have a robot that behaves just like a person unless there's a shortage of people.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I can think of a lot of other applications though. Might be a bit scary having an army of robocops with guns. Might be useful to send robots to war but then what if the robots start taking over or just killed everyone without mercy when the enemy tried to surrender? Terminator 4 coming soon to a street near you.
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    There IS a shortage of people with brains and beauty and personality and availability. And, even if one of those people plop into your lap their needs may be very different than your own. Just think you meet Ms. Perfect but her need is to have children. No problem? Congratulations, you may have won the lottery. Now, let's hope she doesn't get run over by a car.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I don't want a "robot" but I do want a compliant, cooperative, friendly, never-on-the-rag, programmable, perfectly beautiful real woman, and if you have to make her out of silicone and gears instead of flesh and blood I might get one anyway ...
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Ever since the first time I heard Donna Summer's "I Feel Love" 30 years ago, I've wanted the image of euphoric machine sex it conjures to come to life - or simulated life.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Sex with a robot would be, to me, on a level with virtual sex. Unless and until one (myself) can NOT distinguish, in any way, between sex with a real woman and a robot or virtual machine, there is nothing to think about.
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