
Regular visits to 1club or regular visits to multiple clubs. Which do you like??

Thursday, September 27, 2007 6:09 PM
I know most people have their 1 favorite club, but I have at least 3 favorites. I use to have 1 club that I visted more than others but over the past few months I have been mixing up my visits. If I go to club A. this week, I won't go back to that club on my next stripclub venture even if I had a good time. I will go to Club B. the next time around after that I will go to club C. I haven't had a bad stripclub visit over the past few months since applying this strategy. I use to would go back to club A. if I had a good time the 1st time around thinking I would duplicate my success more than likely the next visit wouldn't live up to the 1st visit. I know there are other factors that determine how good of a time that you will have(ex.If your favorite is working) but for me I think this is the route to take. I have favorites at all 3 different clubs, I no longer worry about how long it will be before I see the ATF in Club A. If she is there when I return good if not I just find somebody else at the club or go visit my favorties at Club B. They will all eventually leave one day anyway, so no use in developing a crush or lust for one girl at a particular club.


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I think this is like the question, do you have one favorite dancer or multiple favorite dancers? I like having more than one favorite. I do have more than one favorite club and I visit all the ones I like. Not every week. I guess I have one that is at the top of the list. I spend the most money at the place I like the best. I think it seems to work the same way with favorite dancers. I have a lot more favorite dancers than I do clubs though. Cover charges and fees can add up fast if clubs don't have a small cover. If one club had everything, it'd be like Walmart and I wouldn't feel a need to go other places. Of course not even Walmart has everything you may be looking for.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I have favorite dancers at different clubs as well. It can get interesting if a dancer from one club decides to try out another club you're visiting. I remember one dancer I used to see at one club, then the next week I saw her at another club (she was surprised to see me again saying I must get around). Then I had to take a trip the next week to another city about 80 miles away and the very second I walked in the door, there she was dancing on a satellite stage. She was surprised and so was I.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    For me, this has changed over time. Before I retired, when I was on the road locally and traveled afar, I visited multiple clubs regularly. Now, however, I visit a single club, but even that one, not regularly. There are a couple of reasons for this. Mainly, convenience. I don't travel near them, I don't go. And then there is the budget factor. I don't have the same disposable income I had before I retired. The above said, I preferred the multiple clubs and used to look forward to visiting the clubs in new areas where I traveled, and the ones in the old areas I traveled.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I have 3 favorites I regularly visit. It used to be 4, but the one closed up, but that was also #4. I tend to visit my second favorite more than my first, but that's largely a matter of geography. But I got favorite dancers at all of them and at the first and third favorites, a favorite dancer is absolutely guaranteed to be there under my normal visit conditions. My number two club doesn't always have a favorite dancer there, but that place has the best dancers of the three clubs and usually I can find someone. I also have had casualguy's experience of seeing dancers bounce around from club to club. But my experience in that department is usually with one of my least favorite dancers. I made the mistake of buying a dance off of her once and she won't let me forget it. She's a terrible dancer and lacks a personality and has become progressively fatter. You'd think she'd get a clue once.
    17 years ago
    I usually only ever had one favorite club or dancer at a time. Having more than one costs more than I was ever willing to spend on strip clubbing.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Have tried one club (lets 90% of time one club with another club 10%) and one favorite, and most of the serious strippers keep a log, meaning the favorite in that situation pretty much knows your entire spending pattern, and if happens to be alot of money, then it can introduce a serious degree of financial dependency and eventually (at times) resentment against a big spending customer. Now I've started doing multiple clubs (3 to 5 different ones) with multiple favorites and trying to introduce some erratic spending patterns - so no ONE dancer can figure what the hell is going on Plus even though these are only dancer/client PL style "relationships, I've noticed strippers (like many chicks) are drama junkies, and unpredictability and erratic behavior is like a drug for them - they actually get high off this stuff. I was actually with one ATF getting accused of having other secret ATF arrangements around town, at a point in time where no such extra AFTs existed -accused by a (model perfect 10 level) dancer who has actually bragged to me about several of her most recent (real life) secret deals around town involving various men
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    If you have three or so clubs that are all good in different ways, it can be a dream situation. For several years, I've juggled one relatively nearby club and two more clubs farther away, all with $10 dances and girl-next-door types, one more upscale club with higher mileage $25 dances, and weekend trips to East St. Louis with cheap pussy-in-the-face stage action at several dives. It's nice to be able to choose which place to head to, depending on my schedule, what style I'm in the mood for, and whether there's a favorite stripper I'm most keen to see. Kind of like Jpac has learned, I tended not to go back right away to a club I'd had a great time at. Let that memory remain longer instead of supplanting it with that of a return that likely wouldn't live up to my anticipation. Hit another club in my rotation instead. Then, by the time I return to the previous club, my expectations are less fixed, if that makes sense. However, if you aren't lucky enough to have more than one good club, or if there's just one that beats the shit of anything else for you, it wouldn't make sense to try to cultivate three clubs just to employ a strategy. In past years, I stuck to a single club that happened to have such a constant influx of hot young pussy, each week was like a new experience in paradise. As long as that lasted, I never felt a need for variety. You play with the hand you're dealt. The strategy comes after the fact to justify the way you're playing it.
  • Crosscut
    17 years ago
    Until recently my highlight club experiences were business trips primarily to Tampa, with San Francisco, Miami or Niagara Falls Canada thrown in as well. Those visits were anywhere 3 to 6 months apart. And although I believe I became a reasonably astute consumer, I found myself unprepared for the outlook adjustment required when I found myself with closer access to a "go-to" club. The past year has led me to employment within reasonable driving distance of Columbia, SC and the estimable Platinum Plus. Initially, the differences were matters of logistics lack of nearby hotel room for OTC, stuff like that. However after two or three returns, I began to sense an entirely different dynamic to my visits. First: budgeting. My sporadic business trips had programmed me to think in terms of cash availability of $1000 per trip (usually two days). I was a Boy Scout in the strip club, Always Prepared. Occasionally it paid off.  However, I unconsciously adopted a scarcity mindset during my SC ventures. Not unlike the way the body stores fat in anticipation of lack of nourishment, I knew that my time in Tampa, Vegas, etc was limited, inspiring an inclination to indulge liberally. I rarely drank when I was clubbing, and I never spent money I hadn't allocated for the purpose. No, problem. BUT with a "go-to" like PP within an hour and a half, I found my visits becoming far more frequent, while my desire to consume remained somewhere near "Blind Dog in a Butcher Shop" levels. An adjustment was required, but it came naturally as I adjusted to more frequent exposure. (make your own joke here) BUT the big curveball arrived in the form of a dancer for whom I was simply not prepared. I thought I had seen and heard it all, but this one brought something new to the game. Sincerity. Yeah, she was pretty hot too, but I had never encountered a dancer more skilled in enabling me to believe that my presence was the highlight of her day, week, month, career. You name it. To this day, I wonder if it was actually the girl herself or what up until then would have been beyond imagination, a continuing semi- regular relationship with a dancer. That all went away---which will not surprise regular readers of this board. However, it was a previously unthinkable aspect of consistently attending sone club (and one favorite). In the words of Inspector Clouseau: "All part of life's rich pageant." The poster formerly known as FantasyCamper
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    How 'bout irregular visits to multiple clubs???
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Irregular visits to multiple clubs spending irregular amounts on a combination of ATF types, semi-reg ATF, and various random girls in the clubs - that w/b SC nirvana and something I'm working on. Problem I've had: 1. spending very large amounts on ATF types, so then you end up avoiding the club at various times because they learn to expect continued big spending 2. invariably do 5 or 6 dances or 15 minutes with various new random dancers -which is not very smart because one or 2 can tell what you need to know 3. never liked hanging at the 2 dollar pervert tip rail, but actually its a good way to get a sense of the girl and her PD potential
  • Crosscut
    17 years ago
    David: #2 mirrors my behavior in what I called my "Blind Dog in a Butcher Shop" phase. A habit based in the extended gaps between my club visits. As with you, the first step was "awareness" The other thing I noticed was after a particular week when I was based in Columbia and had multiple consecutive days to visit PP, familiarity brought a certain calming effect, and I became much more circumspect in my consumption. I'll be going back next week after a month layoff. I'll probably be like a sailor on leave again. the poster formerly known as fantasycamper
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Another problem with #2 above, spending too much on random first time dancers, can make the dancer think you really clicked in terms of the client/customer arrangement. For example spending 160 bucks for 15 minutes (which I did the the other day) on a random dancer. From prior experience, when you enter that club again and that girl is there -she is going to for many weeks or months harass you for dances, and try to make you explain why you are saying no. This blonde dancer (a Debby Harry type in her prime, 8 level in my opinion, some might say 9, mid-20s age) turned out to be an OK grinder, however a somewhat difficult/cold personality, with a heavy stripper persona she couldn't unwind in the 15 minutes private dance, and interestingly enough a college grad but obviously with somewhat low EQ (people skills) and really not a good seller or customer reader, couldn't follow up or didn't care to follow up the conversational points, and she also (strangely enough) had this apparent sort of "no discuss rule" when I brought up that I in fact had a daughter just entering college, even though SHE brings up her college degree and major. Now I even detected the personality issues on the pre-dance initial conversation, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt anyways and decide to spend the dollars. Turns out I've (foolishly) never actually bought less than 4 dances from any new dancer, and yet I hear many people have a rule of a 2 dance max and a 3rd dance only under special conditions - with a new dancer. I can see that rule making sense
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    BUT the big curveball arrived in the form of a dancer for whom I was simply not prepared. I thought I had seen and heard it all, but this one brought something new to the game. Sincerity. Yeah, she was pretty hot too, but I had never encountered a dancer more skilled in enabling me to believe that my presence was the highlight of her day, week, month, career. You name it." I've have one just like that now and although very tempting to focus just on her I'm avoiding anything exclusive. The "highlight of her day" thing rings a bell, and the entire approach has such a level of authenticity and veracity even for the most cynical among us, its very hard not to appreciate the energy level these girls have in making a customer feel welcome
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    It's been a long time since I had just one favorite club. I go for the girls, not the club. I have a couple of dozen favorite ladies spread out around a bunch of clubs in two different states. Where I go depends on who I want to see, what area I am in and what day of the week it is.
  • Crosscut
    17 years ago
    David You and I may be kindred spirits
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    my choice of clubs has always been tied to my business trips for the most part. Over the years I have found favorite clubs in each city I traveled to. In certain cities clubs would fall out of favor, or be replaced by clubs I had read about here. As anyone can see from my reviews, my club visits are pretty much limited these days to places like Pompano Beach and Tarpon Springs FL. I have found it much more fun to concentrate efforts and resources on clubs with the most return. The old days of visiting 4-5 clubs in each city just doesn't interest me anymore.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Like clubber said.... For me, this has changed over time. While living in the midsouth, I did regular visits to multiple clubs. But, living in the north, I tend to regularly visit 1 club when at home. However, if I am travelling through club areas I have visited, I do have my favorite clubs listed in my G.P.S. for a stopoff. And I do have my favorite "long distance" clubs, such as: Cleveland area - Fox's Den; GiGi's; Ambers; & of course Bugsy's in Elyria. BBF in Indy. Hip Hugger in Kokomo. PP in Columbia. Christie's in Memphis.
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