
TUSCL convention is now only 1 month away. Oct 26th.

Atlanta suburb
Bones and I have already made our hotel reservations for the 25th and 26h. TimboATL has emailed me that he has also made reservations for those 2 nights. I saw shekitout last week. I know that he and Pop will both be there. They live in Columbia. I don't really know rob0411 but he says that he will be there. I am reasonably sure that magicrat and trograngreg will be there. After that I have a whole lot of maybe's and I will try to make it's. Kick off time is 1:00 P.M. on the 26th at Columbia SC Platinum Plus and will go until....Early birds will find Bones and I getting a head start on the 25th. I have really been plugging this event to the dancers. I told them that there would be 5-15 old guys there with lots of money to spend. To find us just ask a dancer or waitress to point out the candy man or look for me. I will be wearing black shorts and a T-shirt that reads "My father only wanted a blow job." Come and see why this club is in the TUSCL top 10.


  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    TaraAngel: I noticed that you just registered today. I am going to guess that you are a dancer in Atlanta (Tara). At least a dancer. It is for anyone that wants to attend but it is tailored for male strip club customers. The TUSCLers. The guys that write the reviews and post on here. If you are thinking of driving there to work the convention, it is probably a bad idea. The club has plenty of dancers and as a newbie not knowing me, you would have a lot of competition. I don't think that it would be worth your while for 1 or 2 nights. Now if you are looking for a new place to work and want to check it out. Do so. No table dances here. Lap dances are the scene and the competition is tough. You gotta give good mileage to make it here.
    17 years ago
    Tara, let me elaborate. We're a bunch of old guys (some older than others) who have been talking to each other here for years and most of us have never met. Shadowcat was kind enough to offer to set a meeting for anyone who can make it. The actual date came about because at one point I mentioned to Shadowcat that I'm planning to be passing through the area on that date and hoped to meet him, except now I'm not sure I will be there and will thus feel like a total shit if I miss it.

    So if you'd like to join us as a fellow customer we'd be more than happy to have you do so. But it's probably not worth your while to do so as a dancer. In spite of what Shadowcat says, some of us (like me) are pretty cheap.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: You better feel like a total shit if you miss it. Bones asked me why I chose a Friday for the event because he and I both know that weekend nights suck. I explained your problem. Dude it has been over two years since you have been to a strip club and yet you continue to post like an expert. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy your posts but get a little tired of hearing your stories about your ATF of 8 years ago. I want to hear about new meat. I will forgive you if you miss the event but don't expect me to host another event based on your schedule.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I was there starting about 6PM on Friday. It was pretty good. The music volume was reasonable I thought. I told a dancer and she thought they would probably turn it up unreasonably loud later in the night. Even at 9 PM, it wasn't as bad as I remember with the crowds or music volume. I probably would have been happier here than at the sister club in Greenville Saturday night since the dancers I know disappeared. I actually recognized a lot more in Columbia than I did in Greenville this weekend. Would have never expected that. A dancer at Heartbreakers even recognized me. I remembered. She thought she just saw me last week in Greenville. I think she was right. Heartbreakers had their air conditioning set about 61 degrees I think and I put in my ear plugs there because the music was deafening. Much louder than Platinum Plus that particular night.

    I might be able to visit but it depends on work and if other demands pop up or not. Seems like there were a lot of dancers there at 6 PM. I wasn't left alone more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time it seems. If Clemson loses a football game and South Carolina doesn't, I'll be back on the weekend since Greenville Platinum Plus sucked tonight.
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, you know I'll be there if at all possible, I'd love to meet you and Bones and whoever else can make it. But in fairness to me, I never asked you to set this up, you did that on your own. I appreciate the jesture and hope I can make it. But that's something over which I have no control, family obligations come first.

    And as far as by being an expert even though I haven't been to a club in 2 years goes, I'm of the opinion that the more things change the more they stay the same. When I was traveling on business I'd often hit a club, then not visit again for several years. And I never noticed any changes, it was like they were all in a time warp. I know I'm in the minority here but I don't think there have been any significnt changes in strip clubs in 20 years or more. You go in, buy a beer and naked women try to extract money from you. It's been like that for a long long time. The players change but the game remains the same.

    As for me talking about my ATF, I'd do that anyway because I enjoy it, she's very special to me. And I still see her regularly, just not in a club anymore. And I'm glad of that, I'm glad that she's moved on with her life. I'd rather get a massage than an LD from her anyway. You should try it sometime.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I didn't mean to sound so harsh. I was just feeling a little frustrated.

    CG: Did you hear about the USC fan that was in a Greenville club boasting about his wife just having a 25 lb baby boy. "He is going to be a USC football player" 2 weeks later he was back in the same club. The bar tender wanted to know how much the baby weighed now? "17 lbs" he replied. The bar tender asked, "How is that possible if he weighed 25 lbs at birth?" The fan replied "We had him circumsised!" GO COCKS, GO.
    17 years ago
    No problem Shadowcat, we all get that way sometimes. Just one other thought - as I'm sure you've noted, I happen to think that most of the characteristics that we attribute to strippers are the result of the fact that they're young girls and they're human. I don't need to go to strip clubs regularly to be an expert on human nature and young girls. In fact I often think that we'd have a better chance of understanding them if we forgot that they're strippers and just focused on the fact that they're young girls and often from poor backgrounds.
  • trojangreg
    17 years ago
    Shadow: There is only one USC that counts The University of Southern California. The USC that you are talking about cannot hold a candle to the Trojans. Hmm one is a cock and the other is a Trojan. Well maybe they do kind of go together. See you on the night of the 26th if you can wait for me to get there. By the way late night action at The Goldrush has been fantastic if you need a local fix before the meet.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Greg: It took me a long time to realize that they were talking about South Carolina. I guess it is better to be a game cock than a lame cock. I just might take you up on that trip to the Goldrush. I'll email ya.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Well, being born & raised in Columbus, Ohio, I suppose (sports-wise), you can call me 'Buckeye Bones'. I, of course, live here temporarily for now, I watch every Saturday OSU (Ohio) game, either at my daughter's house on a 60" Sony, or at a sports bar. 5 - 0 GO BUCKS!!!

    I am so much looking forward to seeing and playing with my old TUSCL buddies at the PP. In addition, I am excited and looking forward to meeting TUSCLers I haven't had an opportunity to meet! NOONE, and I mean NOONE can have too many friends!!!

    "Blue Magic" (the REAL stuff) will be available for all who want to participate in 'extra-curricular activities' with the dancers.

    I am thinking about making 8" X 11" cardboard signs, each having the numbers 1 through 10 on them, so after receiving lap dances and upon returning to our tables, we can throw up the appropriate sign!!! LOL
    This will either get us kicked out of the club or get us SUPER GOOD dances from most of the ladies! :-)

    TaraAngel - If you decide to "cum" to our TUSCL convention, I'll buy you (1) 2fer LD from the dancer of your choice!

    See you all soon!!! DA BONES
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I forgot to mention, I'll be wearing a black T-shirt with a pole dancer and the words, "I SUPPORT SINGLE MOMS".
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