The First Ever TUSCL Southern Convention

convenes on Friday, October 26th and ends Sunday, October 28th.
This is a 'non-TUSCL-sponsored convention, for legality purposes only!
It has actually been set up by TUSCL's only housemom 'Shadowcat' and assisted by your very own Bones.
The Cat and Bones will be at Platinum Plus in Columbia, North Carolina, in the mid-afternoon on Friday. We have encouraged as many TUSCL brothers and sisters to attend if possible. Of course, we will certainly welcome and non-TUSCL clubber and convinse him/her to join TUSCL.
Most of the 'select' dancers at PP have been informed of this TUSCL gathering, therefore, a good selection of ladies to entertain us all should be available.
Shadowcat will be handing out 'strip club music/comedy' CDs to attendees and some dancers. Candy will be supplied to dancers by the "Candyman"!
'Dick-stiffiner' tablets will be available at the convention at no extra charge. Protection must be supplied by attendees, at their on cost.
A short 'prayer' will be given prior to the festivities, to hope for cheap LD prices, quality dances, and safe behavior in and out of the club. A discussion of "Opening Minutes" will be open for past and new issues.
A discussion of "Closing Minutes" will be brought up Saturday evening toward the end of the convention, for discussions on convention outcome and future business.
If anyone is still sober enough, they will be asked to say a short 'closing prayer' for our forgiveness and safety back home!
Thank you and good luck!!!
P.S. I'll be on the road tomorrow (Wednesday) morning around 7AM and arrive in Columbia about 6PM. I'll be performing reconnaissance of the PP and their competitive clubs all day Thursday.
last commentBones7599 Would love to come to first TUSCL South Convention and meet you, Shadowcat and others but I have to work Wed. thru Sun. in Columbus, Ga. I know everyone will have a great time and I will look forward to some detailed reports next week. Hopefully you can revisit Nikita's in Wellford and provide an update on this club. It used to be a little gem but recent reviews have not been favorable. By the way, Columbia is in SOUTH Carolina so as not to confuse any wouldbe attendees. Have a great weekend.
Once again I have to correct my younger friend. I as well as TimboATL will be in the club Thu Afternoon. and maybe FONDL. I will leave early Sat afternoon. The offical start time for the convention is Oct 26th at 1:00 P.M. I have burned 45 CD's. That is 15 sets of three or 4 hours of strip club music and humor. Just for you old guys, in volume 3 I slipped in a copy of "Stripper" by David Rose. LOL. Anybody know any strip club games? I was thinking about maybe we all chuck $5 into the pot and the one who get the worst dance or maybe the worst looking dances wins it all.
There will be a follow up topic next week to let all of you non goers know what you missed. Bones said that he will probably be last as he has to go to Memphis to kiss his S/O's ASS.
Sorry guys. Why I typed (and even proof read) Columbia, North Carolina, is way beyond me!!! I guess because I used to be stationed at Ft. Bragg at one time.
Normally, Shadowcat would not have planned to be at the club on Thursday, except he knew I was coming in a day early...... to hit on his sweet little TART! LOL wink
Anyway, he is correct and he will provide a follow-up topic next week on the hot action, while I am (WWWHHHAAATTT???), kissing the SO's ASS? Well, probably other parts too!!
snowtime - Thanks for responding. We'll miss ya'! Am sure we'll have other opportunities.
Got 3 photographs of my massage tech in her bikini and 1 cellphone photo of her by OUR table!! :-) Come on guys, give me a chance. I'll bring NUDE photos of her next time!
Headed for dreamland, as I have an early rise (pun?) for a long long drive in the morning.
Wish I could make it guys, sounds like a party. Unfortunaely I have a skewed sense of priorities and need to "work" Friday. In 11 years 10 months and 29 days I'll have a slightly more flexible schedule.
I'm going to try to make it over to TSC either Friday or Saturday evening. Any recommendations on which day will be a better choice? Safe travels everyone.
Game On eta Friday 10/26/07 13:00. Let's have a party.
stoliO: If you want to meet any of us, better make it on Friday. Otherwise it makes no difference. It will be loud, crowded and every ROB within 100 miles will be there. 2 for $20 after 8:00 will be tough to get but it can be done if you have the patience.
The convention preview was great on Thursday afternoon with 5 delegates spreading their cash and other things. I didn't see much of Bones, he couldn't stay out of the couch room. I bet there will be even more fun today.
For those of us poor saps that were unable to make the convention... we need DETAILs! The more details the better... at least I can maybe enjoy the festivities vicariously! If there are (and I DO hope there ARE) details that are better left unpublished, I think most of you know my email address - PLEASE! (oh, and Bones, you could send a pic of your masseuse to me, too!)
That's the thing about Bones. He calls you and invites you to spend the afternoon with him at a club and then the second you get there, off he goes for dances. He's done this to me a couple of times. Fortunately, I haven't met him at Bugsy's yet because considering his frequent trips to the champagne room with Evilcyn (I hear they may be naming it after him), he might be gone for a couple of hours.
Some of the guys down in South Carolina this weekend may actually never see Bones.
Bones, TimboAtl, Trojangreg & Shadowcat are all out of money. Someone please send a care package to PP in Columbia asap. That is all the details I can give at this time. I HAD A BLAST.
jealous jealous jealous ... :( ...
You guys are a BLAST! I love ya all!