
Recap of the TUSCL convention.

Atlanta suburb
A huge success. Everyone had a great time. The girls were very friendly to our group. I introduced some of my favorites to the guys and those that made new friends introduced them to me and everyone else.

I actually did get some time to spend with Bones. He and I were staying at the same hotel and we had breakfast together Fri and Sat mornings. We shared some great expierences. Both strip club and personal. Things did get a little tense today when we both wanted the same dancer.lol. But it was my turn. He suggested that the 3 of us go to the couch room. Sorry buddy I told you before that I ain't doin that!

I went into the club around 2:00 P.M. on Thu. Bones and TimboATL were all ready there and they had girls sitting with them. Later we were joined by shekitout and Pop, who both live in Columbia.

On Fri, after breakfast Bones and I went to the club. Around Noon. During the afternoon we were joined by TimboATL. StripShopper, JGB133, Trogangreg, Pop, and a TUSCLer from NC. Sorry, I rember your real name but not your handle.

Today, Sat Bones and I hit the club around 11:45 A.M. Only two dancers working but that is all we needed. We knew them both in a good way. More dancers came in as the afternoon went on.

TimboATL was like a kid in the candy store. He had to try every dancer once.

Pop is a regular and stayed with his favorite dancers.

StripShopper did his shopping for price and got the price that I get.

JGB133 Hooked up with a dancer he remembered from the past and spent most of his time with her. BTW she was chandlers favorite when he visited the club.

NC guy sampled many different dancers.

Trogangreg was the only guy there for the first time. He went ape shit. This is not like Atlanta, he said. When are you coming again next month? I would like to spend a week here.

Bones! What can I say. He had to make two trips to the ATM. One yesterday and one this morning.

My self? I have never had better mileage on any trip here. I may need to make a trip to the STD clinic. She twisted my arm or whatever.

I had several guys ask when we were going to do this again. I'm up for it but lets wait until spring. The dancers appreciated it too. The good witch of the south said that she like all of us. Called us (gentlemen). Ok who is the ass hole that behaved himself? The others appreciated us too and I made brownie points.

I got the impression from the guys that 1 for $20 or 2 for $30 was the going rate. I still maintained my perfect record of 2 for $20 anytime with my favorites. Sorry Greg. She is a cutie, isn't she?

If you guys want to do this again, Let me know what month and what days are best for you. Keep in mind that day shift is best and Fri and Sat nights suck. A review will follow after my dick gets some rest.


  • snowtime
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat: Sounds like everyone had a great time as I knew you would. Hope I can make the next one. I too would like it to be early in the week as I have not enjoyed the few weekend visits I made. Will try to make your Nov. visit, post your dates when known. Am looking forward to you detailed review of this past weekend's convention. Seems like everything was normal at PP but I noticed in a review this week that six dancers were arrested/ charged. Was this true and if so what was the effect?
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    jealous jealous jealous
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I ditto Book Guy's sentiments!
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    snowtime: I just submitted my review and answered your question. You can probably read it tomorrow.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Well.... what can I say? Shadowcat, AKA The Candyman (to the dancers) just about covered it all!

    I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all my TUSCL brothers Thursday & Friday. I know, as a result of TimboAtl, Trojangreg, & myself, them girls really raked in the 'dough' those two days!!!

    Candyman... remember when you told me that the Good Witch from the South told you that you were "BIGGER" than me? HAH!! You cheated, by popping 'Blue Magic' before going back there with her!!! CHEAT! CHEAT! LOL Funny thing is that, when she accidently kicked my knee during a dance, it almost tore 'his head' off!! LOL All jousting aside, we had a good time.

    I'll mention this in my upcoming review, but I have to give "Pebbles" my coveted title of "Dancer of Choice" during this visit. Oh, there were some great dancers, but "Pebbles" is so damn cute and teasing! That name fits her to a "T"!

    I remember Saturday afternoon before The Candyman and I departed, we had Pebbles sitting between us in the main club and we both got up at the same time to take her back to the VIP room. LOL For sake of arguements, I told The Candyman to go ahead, kinda' like.... age before beauty?? LOL

    Candyman - Thanks for the CD packet. It sure came in handy driving 9 hours back home! Think I'll let Cyn have them to listen to.

    For all you other horny guys that attended ...... a big hearty thanks for making a show and making this convention/meet a success. As far as the next one, spring sounds good to me! You can pretty well count on me being there!

    Two trips to the ATM was correct. I even brought a huge stash of cash with me. But, I was paying for everything in cash, gasoline, food, hotels, drinks, and 'da' girls of course. Altogether, I did spend less than IRS would be interested in, but a bit more than I hoped for. LOL Was it worth it? HELL YEAH!!

    As far as reading that review about some dancers being busted, none of the PP dancers ever mentioned it to me. Tally Ho!
  • pop
    17 years ago
    It sure was a good idea and a good time. I'm just sorry I couldn't hang around longer and truly enjoy the festivities. Great reviews by all.
    17 years ago
    I almost made it but was done in by the weather. As Shadowcat knows, I was planning to stop by for an hour or two on late Thursday afternoon. Left my house early Thursday morning in the rain and it took me 4.5 hours to go the first 150 miles after being stuck in humongous traffic jams trying to get by both Baltimore and DC. By the time I got to the NC-SC border I had already driven over 500 miles in pouring rain, it was getting dark, visibility was terrible, and I was exhausted, so I reluctantly gave up and stopped for the night. And then continued on to meet my ATF the next night for dinner and 4 (out of a planned 10) days of fun. At which point my visit was shortened by a very blessed event which came a week early, and everything went perfectly and all was right with my world. Thank you God for a perfect 10 days. I just got home about an hour ago. Sorry I missed you all, hope to make it next time.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    FONDL - shadowcat did inform me that you were on your way, during the convention, but wasn't sure you would make it.

    Next time for sure.
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