Comments by SteelerDawg
discussion comment
18 years ago
Maybe I'm just lucky.. but I've never really had any computer problems. Oh, here and there a piece of hardware might go bad, and I've had to use system restore once or twice after being stupid.. but overall no problems. I dunno, maybe its because I've been building my own computers from the ground up these past ten years, installing everything myself.. hardware and software.. that I just don't run into the problems that a prepackaged Dell (for instance) would cause over time.
(No, I'm not an IT person.. its a hobby.. though I've built 2 or 3 for friends too)
discussion comment
19 years ago
The main reason there's so much outrage against the oil companies and not the car manufacturers is because gasoline is one of those staples of life, it is not a luxury. You HAVE to have gas in that tank, so you HAVE to pay that three bucks a gallon.. or four bucks a gallon or whatever it finally reaches. The average automobile nowadays runs about, what 28K-30K? Right, but the consumer has CHOICES. The consumer isn't forced to pay 28K if he wants a car, he can still go out there and buy a stripped down brand new car for around 12K or even less. Or he can buy a good used vehicle for well under 8K. The consumer can't go out and find gas for 2 bucks a gallon right now, and so the oil companies have us by the juevos. This is one of the downfalls of capitalism, and one of those times when just because you *can* doesn't mean you *should*. So do I begrudge the oil companies those 30 billion dollars in profit? Yeah a little bit. I think they'd do just fine with 15 billion in profit and gas back down around 1.75 where its fair.
Abbie, you said their profits are justified because they make something everyone wants? I disagree. They make something everyone NEEDS. There's a difference. If the oil companies were making 30 billion off cabbage patch dolls, I wouldn't begrudge them one penny of that profit. Gas, however, is a necessity and they're taking advantage of it because they know people don't have any other choice. That sounds like gouging to me and I believe that's where the outrage comes from.
And what does this have to do with strip clubs?! Well, there's a really great one I just discovered but its 100 miles to the south and by golly I'd rather pay 12.50 for the gas to get there and back over the 25 I had to pay last week! THE BIG OIL COMPANIES COST ME A LAP DANCE & A BEER! CURSE THEM!
discussion comment
18 years ago
I can't really help you with mileage here. Phoenix is pretty notorious for low mileage. Not necessarily air.. but so-called "extras" are more hearsay than anything. Very good 1-way mileage is the norm from my (admittedly) limited experience. Some 2-way mileage is possible, but not as common..
Anyway, your best bets are probably Bourbon Street (my personal favorite).. Christies Phoenix and the Hi-Liter.. 2nd level would probably be Centerfolds.. Bombshells.. Bliss. If you're brave you can try Pantera or the Great Alaskan Bush Company. I've not been that brave..
discussion comment
19 years ago
The oil companies are as close to being one big conglomerate without actually being a conglomerate. Can you say "collusion"? If there was actual competition out there, you'd see wild fluctuations in pricing as they competed. Sure, Skippy and Peter Pan compete for the peanut butter dollar.. Some weeks Skippy is 3 bucks a jar.. other weeks its 2 bucks. Some weeks Peter Pan is 3 bucks a jar.. other weeks its 2 bucks. Sometimes I can get a coupon for one or the other. And if I'm strapped for cash, I always can choose the generic or store brand for a buck fifty. That's competition in the marketplace, with profits and fair to consumers who get choices. Notice it doesn't work that way at the pumps. And yeah, I understand about the gas tax issue too, but I was addressing just the one bit.
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19 years ago
By the way, I'm new around these here parts.. been lurking for a month or so.. and only been a "regular" at the SC's for about eight months. I'm a rookie at all this.
Anyway, I've found ATM's to be a necessary evil. Typically I don't use them as I go into the club with all the cash I need... but there are "emergencies" that pop up. ATF doesn't show up until just before I'm ready to leave.. or taking a chance on a new girl at the very end and hitting it off.
I do have a strategy with the ATM tho, knowing how weak-willed I can be. I leave my regular card at home. I have an account with Compass Bank that I keep charged up with about 250, and I use that as my SC card. Compass Bank rebates back ALL ATM fees. :)
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19 years ago
Blue Ridge Foothills
Humm.. I think the nearest strip club to where I live is within 2 miles. And that particular club is pretty much smack dab in the middle of neighborhoods. In fact the closest 5 clubs off the top of my head here are all adjacent to neighborhoods... perhaps fronting to a major street, but just a wall away from housing developments in back. So it probably wouldn't bother me too much, I'm kind of used to it.. (assuming it wasn't ultra-loud and ultra garish)
discussion comment
19 years ago
Just to clarify.. when I talk of gouging and collusion, I'm not referring to the pumps themselves and the cost per gallon of gas. What I'm talking about starts right around when the oil gets pumped out of the ground. The whole industry from top to bottom is based on gouging and collusion. (dont get me wrong, from a strictly capitalist point of view, EVERY industry is based on gouging.. I mean, you're trying to maximize profits so the goal is to charge as much for something as possible). What has OPEC been all these years but one big collusion. Supply and demand yes.. but with the oil industry its too easy to artificially control the supply and play it off against the demand. (See: Enron, California power industry). Typically in a real competitive industry, if supply dips, new suppliers come out of the woodwork to join in the fun, keeping prices stable or even reducing them.. and the consumers get more choices. Do we see this in the oil industry? Nope! Do you remember when there used to be 10-15 big players in the oil industry? Now they've all merged and taken over each other.. There's what, 2 now? 3 maybe, I forget. That can't be good for Mr. Consumer.
And yes, those gas taxes are certainly regressive. I'm not sure who drives more, the upper class or the lower class or whether that's a moot point. But the lower class does drive.. and they'll be much more likely to be driving an '88 Hooptie getting 12 miles to the gallon and not a nice fuel efficient '06 model.. so by common sense its GOT to hurt them.
I'll finish with profit.. I read an article last year after oil hit $60/barrel. The article noted that this was a 40 percent increase, but meanwhile the cost to pump each barrel remained unchanged. So that was pure profit! I'd call that an insane profit. So what happens with this profit.. I'm betting a buttload goes to insane executive bonuses. Are they funding new refineries with these profits? Nope.. no new ones built for 30 years.. Are they funding finding new sources for oil? I haven't heard of anything recently.. Are they funding research into alternative fuels? Perhaps, but if they were truly interested in doing it, they would have already done it. They're tinkering right now.. and what's their biggest achievement? Some fuels that are merely 85% based on oil.. which doesn't seem like much of an achievement. (Oh and by the way, high gas prices will NOT force people to work on alternative fuels. No one will seriously work on a real alternative until all the oil is GONE.) So where's all this profit going, beyond some very deep pockets?
Anyhoo.. that's my last major comment on this oil discussion, tho I find it very interesting, I know its off-topic. Yes, I'm admittedly cynical in my views of the oil industry.. No, I'm not anti-capitalist. I love capitalism, it makes the world go 'round. But I'll always speak up for something I call compassionate capitalism.. and the concept of "just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD". Gouge and play games with the supply all you want with Xbox 360's.. but don't hit the poor where it hurts on the essentials.. water.. food.. power.. gasoline.. heating oil.. etc.
discussion comment
19 years ago
Yeah good luck on that being Ann Margaret that moves in!
(Actually.. better luck.. Jessica Alba in all her Sin City glory)
On tipping.. usually I do tip out of force of habit (cuz I'm tipping the bartender and the waitresses).. and usually just how the bills fall. (ie.. if I get three $5 dances, I'll give a 20 and not get change.. three $10's and I'll give two 20's.. etc.).. although if its an air dance or the girl is constantly staring at herself in the mirrored wall over my shoulder.. then I'll refrain from tipping.
Also, I kinda like it when they acknowledge the tips too.. use it as kind of a litmus test. A girl that starts to give me change or asks if I want change will definately increase chances of becoming a regular..
And the girls that ASK for a tip? Hate that.. it's only happened to me once, but I didn't care for it.
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19 years ago
Not me.. closest I've come to injury was from this one dancer who had on these big oversized earrings.. big like hoop earrings, but in a star shape.. metal.. sharp triangular points.
She nearly put my eye out twice.. and she kept getting her own hair caught in it.
Bit of a slapstick dance.. shoulda been filmed in silent black and white with a nice piano in the background.
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19 years ago
Luckily the clubs I frequent aren't THAT dark so I don't have to use a blind man's strategy with my bills.. Typically I keep my 20's in the front left pocket, in folded stacks of 100.. so I can feel how much money I have left pretty easily, and also so I'm never flashing more than 100 at a time..
All the smaller bills go in the right pocket for paying for drinks and stage tipping. I *rarely* sit at the stage, (no one really does 'round here).. but when I do I usually just keep all the 1's sitting out for convenience. Otherwise, I always pull out the buck or two on my way to the stage when I'm sitting elsewhere.
discussion comment
19 years ago
My ATF was wearing a purple bikini type thing the first time I saw her... and.. this might shock everyone.. really tall heels.
One thing that threw me for a loop the last time, was that I saw her in street clothes for the first time. (I know this might sound weird to you guys with all your OTC experience) I was kind of hoping she dressed slutty or stripperish all the time.. y'know.. to kinda help keep that line between fantasy and real life from getting blurred.. buuuuut she came out to say goodbye (for the 2nd time) dressed in regular ol'slacks and little white t-shirt.. and it was like.. wow, holy shit... curse that infernal woman!
discussion comment
19 years ago
I've never been anywhere close to being offered a HJ in any of these clubs.. so I don't even have a point of reference.. but then again, I'm fairly new at this.. less than a year, so I have a ways to go yet. So much to learn!
discussion comment
19 years ago
Blue Ridge Foothills
We've got kind of a similar but different situation here 'round these parts. Seems Scottsdale had a couple strip clubs no one cared about. (no one, meaning in city government and the city council). Skin and Babe's Cabaret. Not sure where Skin is, but Babe's has been there forever.. south Scottsdale on a main road and next door to a nice college hangout bar, and probably some ATV offroad store. Lot of car lots around the area.
So everything's cool, until a certain someone who lives in Paradise Valley decides to buy into these two clubs. You might have heard of her.. Jenna Jameson, porn star extrordinaire. She started adverting her name in association with the clubs and all hell broke loose and fire and brimstone from the city council was amazing. There's been a running battle for the past year, with the clubs being completely harrassed and under the microscope, interfering with day-to-day operation. All of a sudden there's a morality battle over clubs that have existed for I don't know how many years.
It's kind of an interesting case.. from the outside looking in because I've never been to either club.. but I can see where if it were one of my favorite clubs, I'd be PISSED. Now here's the bit that should scare everyone around these parts.. This thing is on the ballot in Sept... if it passes the girls will have to keep more clothes on, and stay 4 feet away. I wish I lived in Scottsdale so I could vote on this. It's one of those "slippery slope" situations where if they pass this thing in Scottsdale, who know which other cities in the area will start going "hmmmmm"..
The anti-smoking bills started that way (the kind where you can't even smoke in bars).. and that scares me.. and I ain't even a smoker.
discussion comment
19 years ago
I've never taken Viagra.. the stuff seems too much like voodoo to me... sooooo no.. Plus the prospect of walking around a club for three hours with a boner isn't too thrilling.
As for a "strip club equipment" kit.. I try to go as commando as possible.. as light as possible. Wallet with ID, cash, an ATM card and a stripped down keyring (the one I peel off the rest of the keys to give to valets and car mechanics)
Fewer things to lose/get stolen.. what with the booze and the haze of lust.. less things (especially those damned keys) to make things uncomfortable for the dancer during the dance. (actually those keys cut both ways, so its for my comfort too)
discussion comment
19 years ago
Wow Shadow..
There's the difference between a rank amateur (ie: me) and a true professional! I don't think I've ever had the energy to do that much prepwork for much of anything!
discussion comment
19 years ago
I would probably be interested in dating one or two of the dancers I've encountered. But I know there's not a snowball's chance in hell of that ever happening, so its not something I ever even consider or pursue. I'm more into the personalities than the looks, so I usually end up spending all my money on one certain girl at each club. Take a lot of shit for that. Most of my friends tend to sample 7 or 8 girls with a dance or two each on a visit, whereas I invariably spend 6-8 dances with one girl.. with maybe one or two singles with new girls just to sample.
And assuming there's a bizarro world where the snowball survives, I don't think I'd be too concerned with the psycho factor.. couldn't be any worse than my -ex.. and there's plenty of psycho's outside the club.. maybe more since non-dancers are probably more suppressed.
discussion comment
19 years ago
That's why whenever you buy tampons for your SO, you should also buy a nice tube of KY..
So the clerk knows you ARE getting some tonight damnit!
discussion comment
19 years ago
Well kids, as of this afternoon I now have a point of reference. I guess I joined the ITC HJ club.. unsolicited, quite unexpected.. happy ending to a 10 dance VIP session. 15 bucks a dance, 150.. plus a 30 dollar tip.. which is probably what I would have paid without the handy.. but 180 for whole experience. Very interesting.. I never would have expected the *ahem* equipment to function fully in public like that.. yeah I consider a full VIP room public.. but she was bound and determined to reach an amicable conclusion. Good for her!
discussion comment
19 years ago
I'm no chubby chaser, but I do like a little bit of a shape. I hate that heroin chic look to be sure. And if a white girl's got a sista's ass? Oh my, that can be quite nice.
But yeah, I have noticed the 'looks better naked' thing. Seems that some women think ultratight clothes are always sexy.. they are, up until there's spillage.. then it just looks sloppy.
discussion comment
19 years ago
I'll stick to the softer dancers or the merely toned.. Not a big fan of the really muscular legs (like racehorses) or the real hardbodies. I like some softness sans flab. Really hate the emaciated heroin look.. where the shoulder blades stick out, the collar bones stick out.. and worst yet when that pelvic bone is jutting out. Yuck.
discussion comment
18 years ago
Humm.. I always heard "86" was an old telegraphers term. 86 being the code for "ignore or eliminate the previous message"..
discussion comment
18 years ago
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Whoo.. you think being an average-height good-looking fellow is such a chore, try being an average-height ogre-ish type fellow. There's a hopeless feeling and then there's a HOPELESS feeling.
Its like my dad told me.. he brung me up on his knee and said, "If you want to catch a woman you're gonna need one of three things. You're either going to need to be incredibly rich.. or incredibly good-looking.. or incredibly funny. Son, now listen close cuz I want to teach you a few jokes..."
Oh don't get me wrong.. women folk love me. I'm so "funny" and I'm such a "great" guy. Wow, few guys are as "nice" as I am, and I make such a great "friend". Meanwhile there's zero play. Makes a person want to invite Mr. Bullet into Mr. Brainpan sometimes. :)
discussion comment
18 years ago
I don't tip at all for the music.. though any country is a complete bummer. I just don't think the two mix... grinding one's goods to Johnny Cash? Ehhhh. Pass. Now, a girl is more likely to catch my eye for lapdances on the floor if she's actually dancing TO the music (instead of IN SPITE OF) and having fun up there. I've seen girls dance exactly the same to Promiscuous Girl as they do a Zeppelin song.
It's kind of interesting to see you guy's tastes in music at these places. For myself, I've gone into a club and then never gone back just because the music mix was bad.. in this case it was all metal. And one of my favorite clubs is getting less of my patronage because they completely took any rap/hiphop out of the mix. I prefer a nice combo of about 25% rap/hiphop (not that Miami rump shaker stuff.. I'm talking Kanya West, LL Cool J, etc).. 25% modern/alt (Tool, Nickelback, Foo Fighters, etc).. 25% Hard Rock/Metal (Korn, Disturbed, etc) and 25% other (the stray techno, Enigma, Moby, Fatboy Slim, etc). That pretty much mirrors my tastes in real life. But at least some Hiphop has got to be in the mix. It's just too hot seeing naked chicks dancing to that stuff.
By the way, in the VIP room with the right girl, an Enigma song is the hottest thing to get a dance to. Pure sex.
discussion comment
18 years ago
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
I'm not real up on web-browsing via cell phones... the screens are just too small, and I'm not using my minutes for internet access. I remember it used to be that cells could only access cell-enabled websites.. that is, like a stripped down version of CNN or ESPN that would be more optimized to the small screen. And if I remember right, RSS was just a web protocol. "Really Simple Syndication" or something like that. Just a way to move content around without any bells and whistles.. Like a newsportal on the web would probably subscribe to an RSS from the AP, UPI, BBC, etc..
Anyway, that's a regular cell phone.. You might want to look into a larger smartphone.. like a Treo or a Blackberry type. Much bigger screens.. I have no idea how it handles web browsing though..
Another option would be something like a Dell Axim pocket PC. That runs a mobile Windows OS and does have built-tin WiFi (802.11b).. so it browses the web much like your home PC or lap... but you do need to be in a hotspot, which nowadays is just about any hotel, starbucks, barnes & nobles, etc...
discussion comment
18 years ago
I hate going to clubs at night.. simply too crowded, and generally everything just gets more expensive. I'm really only a regular (of sorts) at two clubs here, one of which gets so busy at night that people are waiting around outside for people to leave to get in. I don't want to have to tip a bouncer just to find somewhere to sit. I prefer weekend afternoons.. when its usually medium busy.. and if its too dead there's always some sports on a big screen to keep my attention until things pick up.
Now I might hang out there into the night depending on how things go.. don't mind the crowd starting as long as I've already got my li'l piece of the world staked out.. but once night shift starts (usually 7), I go from participating to mostly just observing. I'm far less likely to get any dances once night hits. The dancers seem to get more of an attitude that rubs me the wrong way.. which is something I thought was just me, but I've had more than a few dayshift girls make that comment about the nightshift girls.. meow.
And yeah, I've noticed holiday times are pretty dead too..