
New question...

Thursday, July 13, 2006 8:41 AM
In a previous reply to a post, Book Guy stated he kept some money in the same pocket as condoms. The question is, do you take condoms with you always, sometimes, or never.


  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    chitownlawyer's post about getting condoms, ""free monthly "ration" of twenty four"" reminded me of an old joke, but can't remember it all. Any help out there? It was about the packages of condoms on a shelf. Like a package of seven, a weeks supply for the younger set. Three or so for a months supply for the younger married couple. It was humorous, but can't remember it. The mind goes quickly as I get older!
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Chandler, it might be a function of bigger cities v. smaller towns and rural areas. It might also be a function of the fact that I was a prig who was pathologically afraid of being detected doing something naughty when I was a teenager. In high school, my girlfriend actually bought them most of the time, along with some really vile contraceptive jelly. In college, you could get a free monthly "ration" of twenty four at the University Health Service. Needless to say, for most of us, that was plenty. They were a brand called "Peacock" that I have never seen in a commercial setting. We used to go on Friday afternoons after Happy Hour and pick them up in a group. There was some analogous monthly contraceptive package that the co-eds could also get.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Recently a dancer offered me "full service." She quoted the price, then added, "and I provide the condom." I wasn't sure if that was said as an inducement ("but wait...there's more!!") or as a condition of the transaction.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Chitown, I meant that I keep them in my car instead of bringing them into the club, not that I use my car for long-term comdom storage all winter and summer. I keep them in a shoulder bag along with toothbrush, contact lens case, etc., and leave that in my car. Also, I didn't go through the same difficulties getting condoms in roughly the same years. That sounds more like my older brothers in the 60s. I guess the change came earlier in the bigger midwestern cities.
    18 years ago
    Once I was taking a dancer into a private room and she asked if I had one. When I said no, she said she'd get me one and she did. Didn't charge me anything for it either.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    Condoms......hmmmmmm......no. I might bring in one some day for pure comic effect. I can't even imagine the look on a dancer's face if I whipped one out during a steamy dance. She could be deeply traumatized. I'd better not risk it.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    No condoms, but I do carry a small tube of lube when I visit one particular lady.
  • SteelerDawg
    18 years ago
    That's why whenever you buy tampons for your SO, you should also buy a nice tube of KY.. So the clerk knows you ARE getting some tonight damnit!
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    When you could first get them off the shelf, rather than having to ask for them behind the counter. When those of us who were raised in small towns no longer felt it necessary to travel to the next town over to buy them...while the guys from that town went to the drugstore in our town. When you no longer waited for the sales girl to go on break so that you could get them from the male pharmacist. When gay men started using them too. (somewhat paradoxical to consider) When buying them ceased to be considered a sign of being immoral, and started to be considered a sign of being responsible. When society made a little baby step toward thinking of sex as a normal part of adult life, and not the stuff of off-color jokes. It amazes me how much more readily available condoms are compared to my teen years in the late 70s...and I think it is a step forward.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I know when I will need them, and buy them accordingly, usually no more than a couple of hours in advance. I would be reluctant to store them in my car...not just for reasons of discretion, but also because I would be concerned that they could be damaged by the extremes of temperature that we have in the Midwest.
  • awboy
    18 years ago
    Always pack a couple in with me, but I keep them in a seperate pocket from my cash. My ATF always has one available when I come in, but I still like to be prepared in case she is not there and another dancer really gets me up for it.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Generally you know the club and if you are going to have the opportunity to need one. Since I use a special size I gnerally have two tucked inside my money clip when I hit a club. If it's the lame air dance club, I don't bother. If it's an I have no idea type I come packing lol
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    For me, if needed ITC, the dancer or my bartender friend has helped out.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I always keep them in my car, never take them into a club. The few tiimes I've needed one in a club, it's been easy to come by.
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    Always...never can tell when you'll need it.
  • trojangreg
    18 years ago
    I always have one on me. The clubs I frequent have excellent VIP service. Do not want to be caught unprepared.
    18 years ago
    Never. Haven't used one in years.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Always. Or, unless I forget them. And then, there are extras in my car. I rotate them regularly, to keep them supple and young, like old milk in the fridge, or like ATF strippers.
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