avatar for SteelerDawg


joined Mar 2006last seen Apr 2007

Comments made by SteelerDawg

discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for casualguy
COMPUTER problems (not strip club related except when strippers have them)
Maybe I'm just lucky.. but I've never really had any computer problems. Oh, here and there a piece of hardware might go bad, and I've had to use system restore once or twice after being stupid.. but overall no problems. I dunno, maybe its because I've been building my own computers from the ground up these past ten years, installing everything myself.. hardware and software.. that I just don't run into the problems that a prepackaged Dell (for instance) would cause over time. (No, I'm not an IT person.. its a hobby.. though I've built 2 or 3 for friends too)
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for giveitayank
Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
The main reason there's so much outrage against the oil companies and not the car manufacturers is because gasoline is one of those staples of life, it is not a luxury. You HAVE to have gas in that tank, so you HAVE to pay that three bucks a gallon.. or four bucks a gallon or whatever it finally reaches. The average automobile nowadays runs about, what 28K-30K? Right, but the consumer has CHOICES. The consumer isn't forced to pay 28K if he wants a car, he can still go out there and buy a stripped down brand new car for around 12K or even less. Or he can buy a good used vehicle for well under 8K. The consumer can't go out and find gas for 2 bucks a gallon right now, and so the oil companies have us by the juevos. This is one of the downfalls of capitalism, and one of those times when just because you *can* doesn't mean you *should*. So do I begrudge the oil companies those 30 billion dollars in profit? Yeah a little bit. I think they'd do just fine with 15 billion in profit and gas back down around 1.75 where its fair. Abbie, you said their profits are justified because they make something everyone wants? I disagree. They make something everyone NEEDS. There's a difference. If the oil companies were making 30 billion off cabbage patch dolls, I wouldn't begrudge them one penny of that profit. Gas, however, is a necessity and they're taking advantage of it because they know people don't have any other choice. That sounds like gouging to me and I believe that's where the outrage comes from. And what does this have to do with strip clubs?! Well, there's a really great one I just discovered but its 100 miles to the south and by golly I'd rather pay 12.50 for the gas to get there and back over the 25 I had to pay last week! THE BIG OIL COMPANIES COST ME A LAP DANCE & A BEER! CURSE THEM!
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for messaround
I can't really help you with mileage here. Phoenix is pretty notorious for low mileage. Not necessarily air.. but so-called "extras" are more hearsay than anything. Very good 1-way mileage is the norm from my (admittedly) limited experience. Some 2-way mileage is possible, but not as common.. Anyway, your best bets are probably Bourbon Street (my personal favorite).. Christies Phoenix and the Hi-Liter.. 2nd level would probably be Centerfolds.. Bombshells.. Bliss. If you're brave you can try Pantera or the Great Alaskan Bush Company. I've not been that brave..
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for giveitayank
Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
The oil companies are as close to being one big conglomerate without actually being a conglomerate. Can you say "collusion"? If there was actual competition out there, you'd see wild fluctuations in pricing as they competed. Sure, Skippy and Peter Pan compete for the peanut butter dollar.. Some weeks Skippy is 3 bucks a jar.. other weeks its 2 bucks. Some weeks Peter Pan is 3 bucks a jar.. other weeks its 2 bucks. Sometimes I can get a coupon for one or the other. And if I'm strapped for cash, I always can choose the generic or store brand for a buck fifty. That's competition in the marketplace, with profits and fair to consumers who get choices. Notice it doesn't work that way at the pumps. And yeah, I understand about the gas tax issue too, but I was addressing just the one bit.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for Clubber
ATM in a club? Yes or no?
By the way, I'm new around these here parts.. been lurking for a month or so.. and only been a "regular" at the SC's for about eight months. I'm a rookie at all this. Anyway, I've found ATM's to be a necessary evil. Typically I don't use them as I go into the club with all the cash I need... but there are "emergencies" that pop up. ATF doesn't show up until just before I'm ready to leave.. or taking a chance on a new girl at the very end and hitting it off. I do have a strategy with the ATM tho, knowing how weak-willed I can be. I leave my regular card at home. I have an account with Compass Bank that I keep charged up with about 250, and I use that as my SC card. Compass Bank rebates back ALL ATM fees. :)