Hard body strippers

avatar for giveitayank
Which do you prefer?? A stripper who goes to the gym on a regular basis? The ones who lift weights and do cardio training too?? I've seen some to are cut to the hilt!!
Or would you rather buy dances from the 'softer' girls with a layer of fat but, are otherwise thin with an hourglass figure???


last comment
avatar for ppo
19 years ago
thx for the info. posted a note about this hottie on the site.
this dancer is really hot. lexi is my atf.
avatar for ppo
19 years ago
anybody go to platers in detroit during the day? has anybody seen this heavenly creature?
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
You might also try www.theeroticreview.com - they have a regional discussion board for Michigan. The web site is primarily about escorts but people do discuss strippers and strip clubs on them sometimes.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
Google this dude, "Two Sheds", use something like East Lansing as a google term too. He has a website about that region, and is likely to know more.
avatar for ppo
19 years ago
anybody know of a chat room for detroit clubs? this mexican dancer at players is smoking hot i need info.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
PPO, a lot of clubs have web sites that include a club chat section, much of which is about specific dancers. That's probably a better place for your question. She might even answer you.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
It's a tough call. I want info, as much as I can get, on the internet. I want to know if she up-sells, or if her stated price is for real, and if the extras are worth having, etc. etc. But then, I don't want her or the club to get in trouble for it, if for no other reason than simple self-interest, that I would like to go back next week and get some for myself again!

I think it's a constant guessing game, among the levels of explicitness appropriate. Kind of like offensive holding in the line of scrimmage in an NFL game, we all know that it goes on a lot more often than the referees blow the whistle on it. You have to know the game, not just memorize the rulebook, to know which offenses matter.
avatar for ppo
19 years ago
just thought some of the detroiters would like to meet a hottie and give us a report. whats wrong with some info like mileage, not anything that would get her fired. i highly doubt she is that kind of dancer anyway.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Shadowcat is right that it's not cool to go on a board like this and ask other patrons to share intimate details about a stripper. For one thing the chance that any of us know a particular girl is so remote it's just a waste of time. I've seen boards where it's one post after another asking for the scoop on this girl, or whatever happened to that girl. Nobody ever answers. Who wants to read that? However. there's nothing wrong with including stage names in reviews as long as you don't connect them with activity that could get them in trouble. Which is why Shadowcat doesn't. I sometimes include them, but I don't report on getting handjobs.
avatar for ppo
19 years ago
names are mentioned all the time, that is why they have stage names, sorry did not think it was a big deal. just hoping that someone has got close to her and could give me some info. she is a cool looking and acting chick.
avatar for minnow
19 years ago
As Taco& maverick say.
avatar for ppo
19 years ago
lexi at players in detroit is my atf. hard body sexy dancer. anybody out there seen her dance yet. if not you are in for a real treat, classy yet nasty.anybody know anything about her. hottest latina in detroit. please reply. tell me if i am wrong.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
I like curves. I have lots of favorite dancers who go to the gym but none of them are "cut", just in shape. My current fav is Filipino lady and, though she weighs about only about 105lbs, she has what she refers to as a little "Rice Belly" that she just isn't worried enough about to put in the time doing crunches to get rid of.
avatar for maverick69
19 years ago
I'll go along with the softer bodied dancers. A touch of flesh gets me pounding, soft feel of the curves. Something to hold on to for that ride. Nothing wrong with a bit of full figure, as long as she doesn't go fully Rubenesque. Then again to each his own.
avatar for SteelerDawg
19 years ago
I'll stick to the softer dancers or the merely toned.. Not a big fan of the really muscular legs (like racehorses) or the real hardbodies. I like some softness sans flab. Really hate the emaciated heroin look.. where the shoulder blades stick out, the collar bones stick out.. and worst yet when that pelvic bone is jutting out. Yuck.
avatar for giveitayank
19 years ago
I just like a woman, dancer or not, who can beat the shit out of me!!
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
Chandler: As your thesaurus consultant, I would add to my preferred stripper attributes: succulent.

I prefer them soft, obviously not flabby. But at one club I go to, there is a dancer who could probably crack my head with her thighs. Not a sexy look, I hate to say, given all the effort it doubtlessly took to get her there.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
The way some hardbodies move reminds me of leopards and panthers. Elegance, grace and danger, is't that what we all fantasize about? Meow.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago

Excellent comparison...
Moves like a cat. For me, an Asian tiger would be my "cat" of choice!
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Careful or she'll claw you like a cat. Grrrrrr!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
Moves like a big cat ... YES! Slinky, muscular, sultry, without any of that clunky knees-bent-doesn't-know-how-to-walk-in-heels business. It amazes me how uncomfortable in their skins so many people appear.

It is, after all, a visual medium.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I agree with Clubber, I like an almost hard body. By that I mean a girl who looks really fit but not so cut that she could pose for a muscle magazine. Among other things, I like the way a really fit girl moves, reminds me of a wild animal, a big cat. Combine that look with a big smile and a friendly personality and she'll have no trouble emptying my wallet.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
I don't like hard body women. I expect a woman to be soft. Also sweet, tender, luscious - all those things that make women special. I do want her to be in good shape, or as my parents used to say, to have "a nice figure". Whether that's from going to a gym, from moderate eating and remaining active, or from being born blessed and just sitting on her ass all day scarfing junk food makes no difference to me.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
Hard to a certain liimit. I find that the appearance of hardness is, in itself, simply an indicator of health and youthful vigor for me. Any woogly-waggly-ness to the tits or belly is an instant turn off. They have to be firm.
avatar for messaround
19 years ago
I would go with slightly soft - the cardio weight training dancers usually have non-sexy poses and tend not to do anything for me when they flex while they dance
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
If I had to make the choice, I'd say I would go with the softer body. That said, if you had offered an in between option, that would be my choice. Work out and toned, but not a hardbody. Not sure this will make sense, but I do know the type, like my ATF.
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