
Comments by herbtcat (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Ponder this fake strip club scenario
    Agree most of PO's writing is incoherent, but this time I think I can translate: Kobe crashed his BSD (Big Swinging Dick) party at a Deja Vu.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Germany Travel - Frankfurt
    I've been to Frankfurt twice and it's the best option for a 1s time visitor. You can find ample info on the FKK scene, clubs, prices, girls, services, etc. online. Do a search for FKK Frankfurt and you will find what you need. There is also a guy running a FKK tours and trips service. He has a bus that takes 6-8 guys from thier local hotels to various FKKs in the area, with a different club each of the 7-10 day tour. Each passenger books on thier own. You don't need to find 7 freinds to go with you. It may be a good idea if you don't want to do all the research yourself. But honestly, there's no added value other than that. PM me if you want his link. (I am not affiliated with this service.)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: PITA website security
    The need for these stems from a company's very real fear of being slammed with bot traffic during a DDOS attack. The idea is to jam a website (and the computers behind it) with so much traffic that it can't handle the volume and it crashes or slows to a crawl. The fundamental problem is that current methods to authenticate that you are "you" when interacting with a web or mobile site are decades old. A malicious machine can be programmed with a script that creates fake user names or emails and passwords and the script can be put on auto run. The CAPTCHA and pick a pic methods are much harder for an automated script to use successfully. As the world of tech advances, new methods for authenticating users (i.e.: ensuring that you are you and not someone pretending to be you) are emerging. These will be behind the scenes and seamless to the user. There are several new ideas out there, but none of them has scaled to widespread use - yet. Think of the movie Minority Report, where every location has multiple scanners that can read eye prints. And then remember that even with that type of (creepy) technology, criminals were still able to defeat it.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Thursday afternoon
    Hmmm.... your first review, though you've been a member since 2016. It's very light on details and so not very useful. Here's what you need to add: Were these VIP dances, 3 for $60, 15 minute teasers, or standard booth dances? Also, I've always been asked to hand the cash to the dancer, who then activates the machine with a magnetic fob before putting the cash into the slot. I've never seen or heard of a PL inserting his own bills into the machine. Please clarify... Please add other details as well: What did each dance session cost and how long were they? Since you did not get any "extras", dancer names and shift (day or night, weekday or weekend) should be provided. What was the drink experience, now that DV has a new pay for drinks policy? You used the ATM - always a bad idea but you did it. Where is the ATM located, did it work properly, and what, if any, were the surcharges for using it?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    New definition of hell:
    @gammanu95 LOL! Can't argue with that! Fortunately, I have total confidence that if she did have (another) kid, it would not be mine. And I have my local DNA lab on speed dial, too.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Tijuana Dream
    Agree with @mongo1964. Several things wrong with this.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Florida cops arrest man who said he stole pool floats to use for sex
    First, this guy looks like he stepped in front of an Ugly stick - multiple times. Can't see why women are not lining up to bang this Romeo. (Not that I am so handsome, but I do, at least, comb my hair.) Second, I'm just fascinated by the visual of this guy pounding his pud into an inflatable duck, while riding a bicycle. Third, can you imagine the 55 gallon tubs of lube he had to buy? Which leads to: Fourth, what exactly is the friction coefficient of a pool noodle? :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Being offered Extras/OTC
    Before reading this I would have told anyone that they will only see $1k+ (let alone $5k) offers for extras in the (now) ROB clubs in San Francisco (and one piano bar I visited in Pairs in 2002, where taking the 23 year old blonde Russian super-babe back to my hotel would cost about $800 Euros. Ridiculous price but she delivered equally ridiculously service!). If I got that offer today, I'd probably keep laughing until she was too old to be fuckable anymore.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    New definition of hell:
    LOL @Bharlem81 The initial hell was realizing I'm am asshole for not remembering a woman I fucked. (Not that there aren't many others aspects of my life that make me an asshole...) The final hell was realizing WHY I didn't want to remember. And to be fair, I wouldn't say she was "gagging". I have a fairly big ego, and an even bigger wallet. But... let's just say she had some unused capacity, but not too much. :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    She Spiced Up My Sex Life Using an Egg Timer
    "GLAND FINALE" That's just wordsmithing at a Jedi Master level!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “Anyone can have a child and call themselves "a parent " . A real parent is some
    …. said virtually every stripper I've ever met. :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    New definition of hell:
    Please note I do not claim that anyone other than me is responsible for my actions or this situation. And it's not a brag; I have dozens of better stories to brag about! (Ok, THAT sounded like a brag. :p ) Heaven would have been found if she was a 19 year old Asian spinner who does not snort coke and who had a horny, bi, friend (or sister!) who insisted on joining the fun. I have already been back to that club. She was there but fortunately, she ignored me. Finally, I fully admit my weaknesses. Fortunately, some of those weaknesses often lead to DT BJ's at a generally reasonable cost, like it did yesterday at the club where I originally met the subject of my story.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Package with Round-Trip to the Strip a Good Deal
    This review is a little light on VIP costs and details of the VIP dance. You note four VIPs consumed but no meaningful details about what happened, VIP pricing and any negotiated or volunteered tips provided. Also, you note money spent is $300-$500. Is that what you spent, what each of you spent, or the total spend by the group? Without this additional context, your review is meaningless.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    South Dakota
    Good time. Spent more than anticipated
    Don't know why anyone else isn't bitch slapping you for using your card. Please log on to your card account NOW check what was charged. You may be unpleasantly surprised... Then: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use a card in a club again!! You might have been lucky this time, but in far too many clubs, especially when you've have a few drinks, you will find massive additional charges you did not authorize or even know about. And good luck trying to dispute those charges with the bank. The will show you all the evidence from the club: your signature, your ID info, possibly your thumbprint and maybe even a video of you in the club handing over your card. Other than that, thank you for a very good review.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers Are Turning To Old-School Union Tactics To Fight For Fair Wages.
    @Subraman Agree with you that the "practical" impact reflect the short time impacts from the changes to employees. My prediction is that the clubs will need to change as noted to combat those trends. Changing to employees, and the double down impact of employees unionizing (note that there is already a union in SF, I believe) while maintaining status quo otherwise, will lead to spiraling death to CA clubs as - The best dancers flee and - The # of customers coming to the club per day will drop and - The TIME and money spent by each customer will reduce as well So the club owners MUST rethink how they offer services and how the monetize them based on a much higher operating margin. Essentially with employees rather than IC's, the cub will need to spend maybe 30-50% more of each dollar they earn to cover higher costs. If top line revenue does not increase, or declines, they will chase cost-saving efforts into the ground.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers Are Turning To Old-School Union Tactics To Fight For Fair Wages.
    My observations and predictions of the employee reclassification impact in Los Angeles clubs, especially DV in North Hollywood: 1. Not all clubs have made the switch - yet. For those that have not, they are just a "white knight" legal firm away from being forced to through litigation. 2. For those that have switched, I have anecdotal reports from about 4 dancers at clubs that thier "take home" pay has dropped 30-60%. 3. Here's how one dancer told me the new pay scheme works at DV NH: - She must work at least 4 days a week, and at least 6 hours per scheduled shift. - She must bring in a minimum of $200 in net dance fees (the cub's cut) for each day worked. If she can't do this too often, she risks being fired (presumably because the club's "costs" to pay her minimum wage + "burden rate" [payroll taxes, back office, etc.] plus make a fair profit are about $200). - Her take on per dance fees is much smaller now (club takes $12-15 on booth dances and $78 on half hour dances). This makes it easier to hit the $200/shift min, but leaves far less for her as earned tips. - The Vu offers a 30 minute VIP dance session. The cost for this for DECADES was $150 everyday except Thursdays. Thursdays were "hundred dollar half" special day. The cost for half hours went up to $200 in November, 2018, but the Thursday special remains at $100 (I assume to be competitive to other Valley Clubs where half hour dances range from $200-350). - With the half hour changes, dancers push very hard for half hour dances on any day except Thursday, as it's the fastest way to hit the $200 minimum. However, many (most?) dancers are extremely reluctant to do half hours on Thursdays as they make almost no money doing it ($122 vs $12 on Thurs). - In my last 4 or 5 visits to DV NH, mostly on day shift, the average number of dancers on shift between 4 pm and 8 pm has declined from around 8 to 4-5. Often there are not enough dancers to get on stage for 10-15 minutes. As a result, the DJ seems to call stage maintenance two to three times an hour, rather than once an hour. - The waitresses (who have always been "employees") appear to be much more flirty, especially on stage and as a result are now making pretty good tips. Note that DV does not allow a waitress to do lap dancers (exception is the new non-nude balloon dance) and they cannot switch roles from day to day. - As of 6/1/19 DV NH no longer offers free non-alcoholic beverages. Your 1st drink is paid with your cover fee. Additional drinks are $5, $7, or (I think) $10. My prediction for how the clubs with employee will ultimately modify thier business model to ensure thier continued survival: 1. The cover fee will evolve into an hourly club fee. PL will need to clock in when they arrive and will be asked to pay an hourly rate ($5, $10, ??) until they leave. They can either pre-pay or start a credit/debit card tab. The clubs will have to drop excessive ATM fees and will need to ensure card charges are billed in an innocuous name (i.e.: "DV Billing Corp"). 2. Dance prices will increase and the customer will need to enter some type of token at the booth (ala a players card at a casino) along with the dancer. Tracking a PL's dance volume will enable the club to offer special treatment/deals to high dollar rollers and possibly rewards to dancers who dance for them. The PL "token" will not be tied to any personal info. The PL will need to remember his "code" from visit tp visit. Privacy still remains critical. 3. PL's will get a final check when ready to leave the club and can pay by card or cash, bitcoin, or other methods. Bottom line: the clubs will need to make up for the additional costs of maintaining employees (vs IC's) AND the loss of top line revenue from losing best dancer talent in 2 ways: - Increase money charged to customers (drinks, time, seating preferences, type of dance selected, etc.) - Increase the number of customer in the club through advertising and offering of better/elite/VIP services. The overall effect on PL's is that your total send may not change much, but more of that spend will go to the club. From that it's easy to predict that ITC extras will die and OTC will be much more available and preferred from a subset of dancers as a necessary risk to earn the same or better pay.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is rubmaps down ?
    It's up for me at 9:14 PT.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Being white in a black club, and club recommendations for AC
    IMO this is really a non-issue. The rules for a white guy in a black club are the same as for any guy (PL) in any club: Don't be a dick. Enjoy the show, buy a drink, tip the waitress and don't try to avoid eye contact with another PL's just because he might be a "scary black guy" - he's not. He's just a PL wondering which dancer he can try to fuck, just like you. Don't get into an argument with a dancer or staff and don't say stupid shit that might make you look like a racist dick.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Am I weird for getting turned on after a cute guy tells me " you're so adorable
    Question for you, Nicole1994: If you thought the guy wasn't "cute", and was in fact not attractive to you at all (like Nick Nolte's mugshot ugly), would you still have been turned on by his comment? Curious if the context of the comment (i.e.: how you perceive his looks) changes your feeling about the content of the message.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Well worth the trip. And long live the swedes...
    I read it as $150. No problems with your code. And for COI, that's a reasonable (but on the high side) tip for VHM - IF it was sans hat.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    I’m Not That Crazy About Blow Jobs
    @Warrior15, @flagooner used the wrong joke: Q. What's the best part of a blowjob after you're married? A. The three minutes of silence. For the rest of us: A BJ is like pizza. When it's good it's really great. And when it's bad it's still pretty good. :p
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Got robbed, literally.
    That's fucked up. Glad you found our early enough to shut down the cards.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    The Most Magical Moment
    @reverendhornibastard The only thing that could make that more magical is if her name is Yuni.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Slow and old
    Forgot to say thanks for the review. :)
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Slow and old
    It was THE place at one time. But not so much anymore... I think the club enjoyed a sort of renaissance when the movie "Rated X" came out in 2000 about the club and it's owners (brothers), but that has faded over time to what it is today. As I recall from my last visit (around 2013), the cover at night is $40. Yikes. This has never been a low-cost extras club. But it was still at that time, packed with dozens of acceptably hot dancers who put out full menus, although at stupid-high rates. If the dancer sees you as a non-local, or worse, a noob clubber from the sticks attending a business meeting or conference, it's not unusual to see HJ starting at $500 and UHM as high as $2,000. However, a more experienced PL could negotiate down quite a bit, although still high rates compared to other clubs. During that visit, I found a 19 year old spinner Latina who offered me HJ, FIV and FS for $700 (talked her down from $1200). Yes, I was thinking with the wrong head, and I agreed. We went into the room and, just before I paid her, she told me to put on blue rubber gloves from a dispenser on the wall, while she was putting on a pair as well. I laughed at first, but she insisted. So I bailed and found a willing dancer who was older and a bit bigger who provided a rather nice HJ in the porn theater for $60. IMHO, SF is now dead for extras. And San Jose is even worse.