avatar for Rhyno7


joined Jun 2019last seen May 2022

Comments made by Rhyno7

review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Rhyno7
Finally Rhyno has come back to HK.
I’ll keep that in mind for the next time I get a chance to go back to HK.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Rhyno7
Tijuana Dream
Once again not a BS review. As far as the money goes I know I over paid, but I don't mind. Something I do mind is haggling prices I feel it Kills the mood. When visiting HK we all know money will be spent. So paying extra to enjoy myself is money well spent.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Rhyno7
Tijuana Dream
Everything I wrote it's truthfull. Idont like haggling or negotiating for a lower price it's annoying to me. I rather pay a bit more for a service and not kill the mood. As far as the border crossing less people travel to ottay since it's farther away from downtown TJ. I rahther pay more for a taxi than wait in those ridiculous lines I've heard about. The truth of the matter is what I wrote actually transpired. If you choose to believe it or not that's a decision you have to make.