She Spiced Up My Sex Life Using an Egg Timer

It is both magical and sobering to be taught invaluable life lessons from a sexy woman young enough to be your daughter. I thought I was supposed to be the wise, sophisticated, worldly one. But Anisa, my live-in cook and housekeeper, a young woman with limited formal education but a sharp mind and a deliriously sexy brown tush, could always run circles around me.
I guess that stood to reason. After all, I had been struggling to grow up the entire time I was middle aged.
To save me from the grim and lonely nightmare of an endless tedium of one-night stands I had foolishly mistaken as my dream come true, this marvelous young Asian flower leapt from my servant’s quarters and became my teacher. She taught me valuable lessons about sex, love, tolerance and sharing ( ).
My lessons began with a simple card game. Anisa quickly showed me that she was really the one holding all the cards.
She loved to play “minum,” an Indonesian card game very similar to the game “Go Fish!” I considered the game terribly dull and juvenile but Anisa loved it, so I played along just to please her.
Anisa recognized that I wasn’t that fond of playing minum. So she deftly devised a way to improve the game. She transformed the game into “strip minum.”
Unsurprisingly, I found playing strip minum with Anisa far more entertaining. But there was still a problem. Minum is an extremely simple game. It doesn’t take very long to play. It doesn’t take much longer to play strip minum. The game was still too short and too predictable.
So Anisa made up a few rules and added a few twists to heighten and prolong the fun.
Playing strip minum now became exhilarating.
Minum became our favorite pastime - a full contact sex tournament card game involving the use of an egg timer.
The game went like this ...
Players begin the game by betting articles of clothing.
Players continue betting items of clothing until they’re nude.
Once nude, a player must wager sexual favors in order to stay in the game. The sexual favors that may be wagered are the following and must be wagered in the following sequence:
PHASE 1: MANUAL OIL MASSAGE a) 3 minutes manual oil massage b) 5 minutes manual oil massage c) 10 minutes manual oil massage
PHASE 2: BODY2BODY OIL MASSAGE d) 3 minutes body2body oil massage e) 5 minutes body2body oil massage f) 10 minutes body2body oil massage
PHASE 3: ORAL SEX g) 3 minutes oral sex h) 5 minutes oral sex i) 10 minutes oral sex
PHASE 4: VAGINAL SEX j) 3 minutes vaginal sex k) 5 minutes vaginal sex l) 10 minutes vaginal sex m) 15 minutes vaginal sex
GLAND FINALE: n) any sex act requested until orgasm
Players continue wagering the same sexual favor until they lose the hand and perform the sexual favor they wagered; they then advance to next wager level.
Except for the final level, the duration of all sexual favors is strictly time-limited (hence the egg timer).
A player may fold and withdraw from the game at any stage provided that all wagers previously made and lost have been fully performed.
If the game involves more than two players, any sexual favor to which a player is entitled may be donated to another player for his or her immediate collection.
Sexual favors won must be collected immediately. They cannot be “banked” for subsequent collection. Sexual favors not collected promptly are forfeited.
Anisa’s game concept and the rules turned out to be sheer genius! The way the rules meted out increasingly intense but time limited intervals of sexual teasing, forced us to stop, wait and eagerly anticipate the next measured interlude of sexual contact.
This drove us both absolutely nuts.
Anisa and I rarely got past level 3.m). Sometimes we didn’t even get that far. We usually got so frantically horny that we ended up ignoring the egg timer and simply continued doing whatever urgently needed to be done until everyone was satisfied and our sanity was restored.
Then one day Anisa announced that one of her girlfriends who lived in Sumatra was coming for a visit. Her name was Sartina (not her real name).
Anisa asked me if it would be OK to invite Sartina to play strip minum with us during her visit. I said it was fine with me but expressed serious doubt that her friend would agree to play strip minum with us, much less play a full contact card game sex tournament involving lots rubbing, licking and fucking. Once her friend heard the game also required the use of an egg timer she would surely conclude we were just a hopeless couple of perverts and flee from our house into the night in search of safety in the darkened city streets.
Anisa confidently insisted that Sartina would join the fun.
“What makes you so sure?” I asked.
Anisa said, “I already told Sartina about the game. She thinks it sounds very sexy.”
“You told her about our game?” I was incredulous. If I had shared details of our sex life with any of my buddies Anisa would have been justifiably enraged. Apparently, different rules of discretion apply to women.
“Does your friend, what’s her name, know you want to involve her in our sex game?”
“No I didn’t tell her that, but I think she will join us if I invite her to,” Anisa confidently predicted.
“Why do you say that?”
“Sartina thinks you’re very sexy.”
“Have I met this friend of yours?”
“No. You never met each other.”
I just stared at Anisa. My implicit question of how a woman who never met me could possibly form an opinion about my sex appeal dripped from my face.
Finally Anisa said, I sent her some photos of you.
“What photos of me?”
“Just you hanging around the house,” Anisa said somewhat nervously.
“Of me In the swimming pool?” I asked.
“Yes, I think I also sent some photos of you in the swimming pool.”
Damn! I thought so. We had moved from the apartment into a home with a very beautiful swimming pool in a backyard that offered total privacy. I don’t think Anisa and I had EVER been in that pool wearing more than sunscreen.
My goofy 20-year old live-in girlfriend was sending naked photos of me to her friends.
“Anything else?” I demanded.
Anisa looked cornered.
“Oh shit! You didn’t send her any of THOSE photos, did you?”
“I told Sartina not to share them with anyone! She promised she wouldn’t!” Anisa insisted.
I dropped the interrogation. I’d heard more than enough. I had a pretty good hunch about at least two photos Anisa had probably shared. One was a selfie Anisa had taken of me eating her pussy. The other photo was taken from the end of our bed using a mini-tripod and a timer. The photo showed Anisa glancing over her shoulder at the camera as she rode my cock cowgirl style.
I really liked that cowgirl photo! Anisa looked so hot in it and the camera angle made my cock look huge! I kept that photo on my phone too. But I damn sure never shared it with anyone!
Sartina showed up as scheduled the following week. She was not as cute as Anisa, but she rated a solid 700 - 720 mh. I might have rated her a little higher but I thought Sartina’s face was a teeny bit jowly.
Before she returned home to Sumatra I discovered that there was a lot of room in Sartina’s cheeks!
On the first evening of Sartina’s visit Anisa suggested we all play strip minum.
Sartina agreed.
I had already made some of my potent margaritas which Anisa loved and which Sartina soon learned to appreciate.
We played on the living room floor because that is where our luxurious silk Persian carpet was.
I had received numerous compliments from prior feminine guests about the very agreeable floor-fucking allowed by this beautiful and luxurious silk carpet.
Anisa was the first to lose all her clothes. She pulled out the massage oil and the egg timer, carefully explaining to Sartina the use of the egg timer in our full contact sex tournament card game.
Sartina was hesitant to take things too far that night. She folded immediately after losing her last stitch of clothing, declining to offer any sexual favors. But she remained with us on the silk Persian carpet, wearing only a smile and guzzling margaritas.
Sartina watched Anisa and me play our game to its climactic, sticky end.
On the second night of Sartina’s visit, Anisa suggested another game of strip minum after dinner. Sartina seemed far more enthusiastic about playing in our card game sex tournament than she had been the prior evening.
Again, I made certain we had an ample supply potent margaritas on hand. I’d gotten a good, long look at Sartina’s birthday suit the previous evening and thought it fit marvelously on her. The possibility of playing a full contact card game sex tournament with Sartina and Anisa all the way to its sticky conclusion had become as intoxicating to me as the powerful margaritas I had prepared in anticipation of that possibility.
Calibrating the potency of the margaritas was an important and delicate task. Insufficiently potent margaritas might fail to fully dissolve Sartina’s inhibitions. On the other hand, too much Tequila could induce unpleasant, unintended side effects. Anisa and Sartina were both petite Asian women. Excessively strong margaritas might get them puking on my luxurious and very expensive silk Persian carpet. While I’m sure the puking would have been immensely colorful, it was not the effect I was looking for.
We began our second full contact minum card tournament shortly after dinner.
Every time our game moved from one phase to the next - from stripping to massage, to oral sex to vaginal sex, I held my breath in anticipation waiting to hear whether Sartina would fold or press onwards.
To make a long story short, Sartina played the game with us to its sticky conclusion.
It was the longest and most stimulating sexual event of my life (and I had been fortunate to have plenty of fabulously stimulating sex during my years).
When the tournament was all over, the three of us, Anisa, Sartina and I, remained sprawled on the plush silk Persian carpet for hours, drunk, naked, exhausted and leaking fluids.
Over the next few months several of Anisa’s other girlfriends were invited to participate in our full contact, egg timer, card game sex tournaments. Some declined the invitation altogether. Others participated but drew the line at nudity. A couple continued to play through the massage phase but then drew the line at oral sex.
A few were more bold and showed up repeatedly to play the game with us to its breathlessly sticky conclusion.
I wasn’t complaining, but I was deeply curious about Anisa’s odd sexual generosity toward her friends and her willingness to share our sex lives with them. I was falling more and more deeply in love with Anisa every day. Did Anisa’s willingness to admit her friends into our sex life mean that she was less serious about our relationship and about me than I was about her?
The question so weighed on my mind that I eventually asked Anisa why she was so willing to invite her friends over and allow, even encourage, them to have sex with me.
Anisa was initially reluctant to talk about it. But with a little prodding she sheepishly admitted how much she enjoyed showing off her “foreign man” to her friends. She said loved watching me getting juicy with her friends almost as much as she loved it when her friends watched me hammering away on her. Anisa confessed that having me eat her “memek” (pussy) and then fuck her while her friends watched was a fantasy she enjoyed almost nightly back when she was still sleeping alone in my servant’s quarters.
Then, with an expression on her sweet face I had never seen before, Anisa added, “Don’t ever play with anyone else except my friends and NEVER do it behind my back! Only with my permission and only when I am around!”
Anisa met Dewi (not her real name) while shopping for cosmetics. Dewi was a stunning young woman working at the Shiseido cosmetic counters in an upscale shopping mall.
Although Anisa and I had no idea at the time, we were about to enter the magical, almost fairy tale “Dewi Epoch.”
Anisa and Dewi hit it off immediately.
Like most young women hired to work in high dollar cosmetics shops, Dewi was drop dead gorgeous. She had a fashionably slim figure and a beautiful face with flawless skin that needed no make up at all. She projected a sophisticated, urbane aura that Anisa admired and envied. Unlike Anisa who was born and raised in a tiny, backward village nestled among terraced rice paddies, Dewi had lived in the big city since early childhood.
Dewi taught Anisa how to select and apply elegant make up, high dollar fragrances, and how to select fashionable, color coordinated clothing and fashion accessories.
Anisa returned the favor by teaching Dewi how to play cards using an egg timer.
The first time I laid eyes on Dewi I was immediately struck by her beauty. When I realized she was going to play cards with us I almost splooged on the spot in eager anticipation.
Our first crazy, egg-timered, card game sex tournament with Dewi was fantastic. I was getting sloppy with not one, but TWO outrageously sexy young Asian women both of whom were in the 880 - 920 mh range.
Dewi and Anisa were well suited to each other. They were within a year of being the same age. They each had a robust sense of humor. They were both very playful. Dewi proved to be every bit as much of a sexual voyeur and exhibitionist as Anisa. The secret file on our computer containing our intimate personal photos and videos soon ballooned to a little over three quarters of a gigabyte.
In addition to joining us for margaritas and salacious card game sex tournaments, Dewi was soon spending most of her free time with us including Sundays, traditionally Anisa’s and my sacrosanct day to lounge around naked in our backyard pool. With Dewi around our naked Sundays in the swimming pool expanded to naked Sundays in the pool, poolside picnic, shooting pool, sucking. fucking, sleeping, watching porn and then sucking and fucking some more.
There was something different about Dewi from the early going. She seemed to immediately feel as comfortable with us as Anisa and I were with her. It soon felt like we had all known each other forever instead of for barely two months. It wasn’t just the glow of all sex and games with Dewi. Yes, there was plenty of that, but there were clearly also strong feelings developing between us.
Within less than three months after Dewi’s initial visit, Anisa asked me if Dewi could move in and live in one of our guest bedrooms. The official excuse was that it would save Dewi her monthly rent and shorten her commute to and from work from about two and a half hours in horrendous Jakarta traffic to only 20-30 minutes.
It was a big step and, despite how I felt about Dewi, I had concerns. But as I contemplated the pluses and minuses of living with two lethally sexy, young Asian dolls who both kept their pussies shaved as smooth as a billiard ball and who shared the opinion that I made “cute noises” when I was splooging, I decided I’d be an idiot to pass this opportunity up.
Our lives intertwined much more easily and comfortably than I imagined possible. Although Dewi had her own room, it was a big house and, in practice, we each slept wherever and with whomever we wanted.
Mindful of Anisa’s insistence that I never fiddle with any of her friends behind her back, once the servants had exited the house for the night, none of the bedroom doors in our home were ever closed regardless of what was going on.
Sex between us was always relaxed and comfortable. There was no tension or competition whatsoever between Anisa and Dewi.
Initially, all of our intimate couplings were strictly two-party events. Since both enjoyed watching and being watched, Anisa or Dewi were often in the room watching me enjoy a “no holes barred” session with the other. This often provoked lust in the woman watching from the sidelines but the lady on the sidelines had always awaited her turn rather than try to jump into the fray.
Then one evening I was on the bed in the master bedroom, on my back with Anisa riding my cock cowgirl style. Dewi was sitting on a couch nearby, watching us and playing with herself. Then Dewi abruptly realized that there was still “one seat open” as she subsequently put it. She leapt onto the bed and sat astride my head facing Anisa, planting her delicate, shaved pussy on my mouth.
All I could see from my vantage point were Dewi’s lovely pussy and ass. My view of Anisa and her reaction to Dewi’a intrusion was blocked. But I heard Anisa make no comment and felt no interruption in her rhythmic rocking on my cock.
My experiences with Anisa riding my joystick while Dewi enjoyed my long, dexterous and muscular tongue (or vice versa) were unquestionably the zenith of my Golden Era!
For a little over two years Dewi stayed with us, she traveled with us throughout Southeast Asia and Australia. We shared our home, our hotel rooms, our beds and each other.
Then one day Dewi announced that she had been awarded the opportunity to manage a Shiseido outlet in Surabaya. It was a very good opportunity for her.
Anisa and I were sad to see Dewi go, but were also very happy for her promotion.
It’s been almost 12 years since Dewi left us to work in Surabaya. She is again working in Jakarta but now for Sogo department stores. She is married with three children.
Anisa long ago became the official and legal Mrs. Hornibastard. We have 10-year old twins.
I am currently in Jakarta with my family. We will meet Dewi and her family for dinner later tonight.
I am pretty sure we won’t be playing cards but I’m tempted to bring an egg timer with me, just in case.
last commentnice!!!!!!
Damn. An SJG-length tome that I had to read though twice!
Wow. 😛
Reverend, I love your stories.
Enjoyable to read.
You are one lucky man to have lived so many great experiences.
^ "PHASE 1: MANUAL OIL MASSAGE a) 3 minutes manual oil massage b) 5 minutes manual oil massage c) 10 minutes manual oil massage
PHASE 2: BODY2BODY OIL MASSAGE d) 3 minutes body2body oil massage e) 5 minutes body2body oil massage f) 10 minutes body2body oil massage
PHASE 3: ORAL SEX g) 3 minutes oral sex h) 5 minutes oral sex i) 10 minutes oral sex
PHASE 4: VAGINAL SEX j) 3 minutes vaginal sex k) 5 minutes vaginal sex l) 10 minutes vaginal sex m) 15 minutes vaginal sex
GLAND FINALE: n) any sex act requested until orgasm"
I stopped reading there. 2 questions...
Does it matter who wins the hand in phases 2 through GLAND FINALE? Sounds like both win to me.
What is the difference between j) and n)?
That's just wordsmithing at a Jedi Master level!
Yes I have been lucky. The 3 most critical factors why I have been lucky enough to enjoy so many outstanding sexual experiences are:
the most important - I spent so many years in Southeast Asia when I was still sufficiently young to take advantage of the situation. ANY guy (no matter how average) from a Western culture can show up in Southeast Asia and have success with the local ladies like he is a rock star. In fact, behaving yourself like a gentleman with the women in Southeast Asia is practically impossible. In fact, as a married man, I actually tried to behave myself at first. I only lasted about three weeks.
I’m getting pretty old now. I’ve had many years (a lot of them spent in Southeast Asia) in which to accumulate these experience.
My personal circumstances probably made me an even more attractive “target” for a lot of Southeast Asian women.
@ Flagooner -
In response to your questions:
In phases 2 through Gland Finale it matters less and less who has the winning hand. You’re going to have a good time regardless. But if you had the winning hand, you get to pick the position.
If you can’t hang onto your load for at least 3 minutes of vaginal sex, there is NO difference between levels j) and n). Some people try very hard to prolong a pleasurable sexual encounter. Even in my youth, my ability to “hang in there” was one of my strengths in bed (or wherever the party was taking place).