
Baseball Lockout

Avatar for shailynn
shailynnThey never tell you what you need to know.

These two sides are further apart than Gammu and 25s political views.

I think Subraman and SJG may get their organization up and running before MLB can come to agreement.


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Avatar for Dennyg

This stinks. I had a spring training trip to Clearwater planned with some club visits at night. Just started researching on here which clubs to go to.

Avatar for mark94

On the plus side, strip clubs in Phoenix will be much less crowded in March.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Sucks if you were going to spring training, it otherwise? It’s a waste of time to worry about. The sanctity or integrity of the 162 game season (if there ever was any - 154 games was the standard for some of the old timers) was cracked a few years ago and baseball was just fine. In CBA years where the start of the season is threatened people seem to forget that they usually thought baseball was too long. 100 games is just fine. Aside from opening day, there’s plenty of golf, basketball and hockey right now. The negotiations should be ignored by the public. Certainly nothing for the public to get angsty about. They’ll get it resolved and baseball will be there when we need it, from July 4 until October, after the basketball and hockey seasons.

Avatar for gammanu95

Good. I'm sick of the snowbirds clogging up the roads and restaurants in FL. They can fuck off back to their shitholes in NY and Chicago.

Avatar for mike710

To answer Scrubs questions

  1. The two sides are meeting every day this week with little or no progress so far. Owners move in small increments toward players demands and players seem to be standing put with demands not moving towards owners numbers.

  2. 1st week of spring training already cancelled with the second week probably being cancelled today or tomorrow

  3. Owners released a statement saying that they have a deadline of next Monday to reach a deal before games start being cancelled. At this point, it's hard to see a deal being reached with the gap in proposals from both sides.

  4. It's millionaires fighting with billionaires for more money. Both sides have some valid points and both sides are being assholes.

Avatar for Muddy

Let’s go already. But their backs are up against the wall now so let’s if it starts wind down to conclusion in these next couple weeks. I definitely missing some games though

Avatar for skibum609

Let us all hope that there is no baseball ever again and that the NBA follows suit next year.

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