OTC strippers and escorts with boyfriends/husbands

avatar for rickmacrodong
Do OTC strippers and escorts often have boyfriends/husbands

Do the boyfriends and husbands know about their OTC and work?

Why do they choose to stay with the bfs/husbands and cheat or sleep with other men

Are they using their partners for financial reasons or as a babysitter or just as a relationship to post on social media

I was told by another user here, if i meet OTC with a stripper and her boyfriend is in the apartment in the other room, I should “bang her with the door open in order to emasculate him and show him how useless he is”

Also, would you say Strippers are more open to doing OTC with toys than actual traditional OTC. Since technically using toys may not be considered cheating the way traditional OTC is. She would be using the toys, you are merely there to assist


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avatar for mike710
3 years ago
I dated an escort for a few years. I met some of her clients and didn't think a whole lot about it. I just looked at it as she did what she did for a living. I had no intense feelings for her but we enjoyed each other's company. A fuck buddy that you actually enjoy spending time with is a nice find.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
"Do OTC strippers and escorts often have boyfriends/husbands*

These are women who are hot or talented enough to make money off sex appeal and possibly taking the occasional dick. Some can make an entire living off it. So yes. But each girl is an individual, so how she handles her home life is her own thing. Just respect it if she gives you a view into things outside the club, and try not to be a sucker.

Your stuff about the toys is putting too much thought into it. She's either going to show or not then figure the rest out as you go. And she'll let you know what her boundaries are.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
Do OTC strippers and escorts often have boyfriends/husbands

Do the boyfriends and husbands know about their OTC and work?

Why do they choose to stay with the bfs/husbands and cheat or sleep with other men

Are they using their partners for financial reasons or as a babysitter or just as a relationship to post on social media

I was told by another user here, if i meet OTC with a stripper and her boyfriend is in the apartment in the other room, I should “bang her with the door open in order to emasculate him and show him how useless he is”

Also, would you say Strippers are more open to doing OTC with toys than actual traditional OTC. Since technically using toys may not be considered cheating the way traditional OTC is. She would be using the toys, you are merely there to assist
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "Do OTC strippers and escorts often have boyfriends/husbands"

I can only speak to strippers who work predominantly in low to medium mileage clubs. IME yes, most of them have SOs. Girls who are attractive enough to earn a living on the poll aren't likely to stay single for very long.

As far as how they manage their domestic situations, I never ask. Whatever I hear is volunteered. It's amazing how much some of these girls will share after a few drinks and a little rapport building. I've also witnessed some girls engage in Mission Impossible type efforts to mask what they were doing with me OTC.

My takeaway from all of it is that many of them hide the full extent of their earning activities from their SOs. Maybe there's a willful ignorance aspect to this on the part of the SOs, idk. I'm sure they must get suspicious, but perhaps they don't want to question too carefully the inflow of golden eggs. Again Idk.

I'll let others speak to escorts and strippers working in brothel clubs since that's a very different dynamic. There's really no hiding what a girl is doing in those cases. My guess is that most of them have SOs too, but those are guys who are OK with the undeniable knowledge that their girls have lots of other cocks shoved into them regularly.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Jackslash that situation was a case where someones boyfriend knew what they were doing and were apparently ok with it. They met at her apartment and boyfriends was in the other room playing video games

Using sex toys isnt the same as having sex with someone. Assuming its brand new toys, there shouldn’t be any risk of infection either. And if the woman is using them herself that’s like you just watching her masturbate in person.

Rick, youve only been to low or medium mileage clubs but found OTC options there?

I have heard some escorts require condoms only allow bareback with SO
Or, some reserve things like anal only for their SO
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
The OP needs to get a life. Another fucking troll. ^ Pathetic cock sucker.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
^^ Fucking loser.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
What the hell skibum. Why are you so angry? And what makes you think i suck cock?
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Bye cacaplop.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
1 review 230 comments. You're about as mysterious as the sun rising in the east. Everyone should ignore this piece of shit and for those who recall the Desires board and continue to respond.........
avatar for jmiddle30234
3 years ago
One of my new favorites is married with a kid. She talks about her husband before we go to vip. It’s a little strange for sure. Husband doing this or that. I asked what he does she said house husband. She is also entering pre law at a local university. But you have to wonder.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Cacaplop? Hes still posting on here... he writes caca in his posts. Not sure what your issue is skibum. Nothing here is trolling, curiosity isnt trolling

Idk what the desires board is, nor does 1 review and 230 comments imply anything suspicious or wrong.
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
While I suspect skibum is right, there's so much noise here that I'm willing to respond to anything that looks like signal 🤣

Most attractive strippers have boyfriends, OTC girls included. IME, the boyfriends almost never know about the OTCing -- on her side, our logistics challenges will be all about getting around that. Again IME, these relationships are almost always unhealthy, however much they loved each other at first, now there's lots of verbal abuse, resentment from him about her job and suspicions of infidelity, resentment from her about his infidelities, resentment from her that she's the breadwinner, and on and on. Never met a stripper in an "open relationship". She OTCs in the context of a broken relationship, usually, but there's codependence and other issues preventing a breakup.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Subraman if the stripper is the breadwinner why stay in the relationship instead of being friends with benefits or something?

One dancer claims she does otc but its only private dances otc. She keeps mentioning examples of how people pay her otc just for her to go to dinner or restaurants with them. Supposedly they pay hundreds just for her company

She allows pussy touching but no fingering ITC

Advises against escorts due to disease risks supposedly

But doesnt seem to be available for otc
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
It's just a job.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
And op is am obnoxious troll
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The women always have guys that they know and can pull the strings of.

But unless they say they are married and they live with their husbands, the women can be gotten to.

And even if they do live with husbands, they can still be gotten to. But you don't want to make that kind of trouble for yourself.

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
SJg, gotten to means slept with?

Icey its a job but for many people, even the standard grinding lapdance with pussy grabbing, ass and boob grabbing is a problem in the relationship

Let alone escorts and otc strippers who are actually having sex

Im not a troll icey
avatar for max_starr
3 years ago
In my experience many do have an SO or husband. I have found plenty on social media and a lot give no indication they are dancers and some have a boyfriend or SO. One girl I know from years ago was married.
I make it a policy to not recognize or even look at them if I see one out in town and they give me the same curtesy. I don't call or incessantly text them and most respect me too. Its one text and wait a day for a response.
My latest favorite latina has a boyfriend, pretty good looking one at that but she treated me the best of anyone lately. She explained that she knew I was married and she wouldn't call me or bother me and I told her same for me that the only text I would send would be "are you working?"
She only would respond if she was going to work or had no plans and wanted OTC.
She went back to Texas and hooked my up with 2 of her really good looking friends which I really appreciated and those two were also very discreet.
Someone asked me to post pics or it didn't happen and frankly I'm not going to post pics that can be google searched and lead back to these girls social media accounts.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Max, your stories just continue to display that dan bilzerian lifestyle you are living!
So is that latina dancing secretly from her husband? Otc secretly too? WHy does she do it? Does she not like her husband much? Is it mostly for the money? What are you paying her for otc. Why are there so many with husbands who still offer otc. Is the otc stuff usually done secretly from husbands?
I imagine they have to be extremely careful with otc done bareback especially if husbands don’t know cause then they could catch something and husbands find out about it
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Max, the numbers ive gotten from dancers, they havent told me to not text too much or not to text certain things but they haven’t mentioned their bfs. But i did note certain times she replies immediately to texts, other times she doesnt reply at all. Even if i just ask if shes working. I doubt she is playing text games and intentionally ignoring, cuz its business and money for her. I suspect something is going on with her bf which is why she only sometimes replies to texts
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
The backdoor I'm seeing is Non monogamous open relationships. He's free to fuck on the side, she gets a boyfriend and can make her money.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "Subraman if the stripper is the breadwinner why stay in the relationship instead of being friends with benefits or something?"

Why does anyone stay in a relationship dipshit? In order not to be alone.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Rick I meant why not do an open relationship or something. I mean if they’re doing otc or even stripping secretly that’s cheating.

Why were you so offended? Its just a question
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
JamesSD is the stripper free to fuck on the side too?
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
WhilecI am completely opposedcto "whoring out" a wife or girlfriend, the idea its "emasculating" is a newfangled millennial concept (this "cuck" concept). Thats like saying a pimp is emasculated. Most of these guys want the their woman to bring home easy money. They view the customer paying for they get for free as emasculated.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
They view the customer paying their woman as the one who is emasculated.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "WhilecI am completely opposedcto "whoring out" a wife or girlfriend, the idea its "emasculating" is a newfangled millennial concept (this "cuck" concept)."

Quite the opposite - it's as old as the concept of male pride itself. A generation ago most men could not live with the thought of their women being touched by other men at all and even less with the notion that it was because they couldn't man up and provide. Also the distinction between "pimp" and "boyfriend" was much clearer, but nowadays it's much hazier with this new breed of men who seem to be ok with being supported by their women, even if it involves the girls getting naked and rubbing on other guys for money.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "Rick I meant why not do an open relationship or something. I mean if they’re doing otc or even stripping secretly that’s cheating. Why were you so offended? Its just a question"

I'm not remotely offended. I called you a dipshit because you asked a stupid question.

Ah ye ol' "open relationship." It's not quite as rare as the unicorn who pays $600 for LDs in his hotel room, but it's talked about on here far more than it's seen in the real world. Most people just don't want that type of relationship.

Cheating often takes a backseat to eating, especially when there are kids and loser SOs to support.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Dave the thing is a pimp isnt committed to a woman. I heard pimps actually didnt even fuck their own whores. A pimp is basically what the clubs themselves are.

If the man has freedom to fuck around then its more an open relationship. But if the mans not allowed to fuck other women while the wife is, thats kind of like cucking.

If the wifes allowed to fuck hundreds of men why cant the husband also do so?

Mr Dugan are you referring to that ibbaicln dude paying $600 for LDs?

And i see, well it is an unequal relationship if the wife can fuck around and the man is expected to stay committed. I would date/marry a stripper or escort but it would only be if she was super rich, or if she made decent money and it was an open relationship.

Rick, a lot of the guys in these relationships with strippers escorts also seem to be stepfathers to the stripper/escorts prior kids. That’s another thing that was traditionally seen as unmasculine. Do you think strippers and escorts seek out weaker more desperate men for their long term relationships. I guess if they’re cheating with otc, it doesn’t really matter.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Rick my eyes have been opened. I didn’t realize how common cheating is and that strippers cheat. Of course escorts are different
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Rick if the strippers are the breadwinners why not leave, why support the low income SOs? Just cause they need someone committed to them?
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