I’m pretty sure I found my strip club Kryptonite. It get me every time, although it worth noting I am a low IQ, bumbling idiot. You’ll see me getting $50 dances with wicked witch of the west just so I can get me a free t shirt. My question is does this charade work on you? Does it sucker you in? And do you actually wear the free t shirt? I do use them.
I've gotten club t-shirts twice in my life. The first was at The Crazy Horse Saloon in Atlanta. Closed but has since reopened as Rumors. The shirt was "free" with the purchase of 2 $10 dances. I would have bought the dances anyhow. I wore it a couple of times to that club and once to another club where the DJ publicly accused me of being rude. It because a rag after that.
The other I got from Follies for just being a regular customer. I had the shirt altered to add a caption "Vagina Inspector". I wore it a few times to Follies. I still have the shirt.
The only give away I've ever kept was a free flashlight from Oz in Clearwater. I thought that it was finally something practical. I kept it in my laptop bag and the first time I tried to use it the batteries were dead. Replaced the batteries and tried to use it a bit later but the batteries were dead again. Turns out the on/off switch was too sensitive and always turning on by itself. Threw away after the second batter drain.
Like shadowcat, I’m interested in the dances and not the shirt (or cap, or towel, or w/e) – like most people I assume, I’m not interested in walking around w/ the name of titty-bar on-me announcing-it to the world. It also feels outdated and something that was more-popular back in the 80s and 90s and why it’s not that common for me run into this these days.
I rather they do dance, VIP, or even drink, specials, rather than giving out stuff I find useless.
i still have some rhino (and other) shirts left. early on i collected a few logo items. but i do wear them and use as rags. now i don’t pay for logo items anymore.
I have a Cadillac Lounge T-shirt that has sat at the bottom of my drawer for roughly forever at this point. I don’t even know why I don’t just throw it away. It’s not as if I would ever wear a stripe club T-shirt out anywhere.
This hss been covered before but hell, what hasn't been covered before?
Anyway I was gifted with a t-shirt by a club upon entry because they were promoting an event. It's a non flashy low key design and I've often worn it in casual settings over the years. No shame. They didn't skimp on the quality, It's obviously excellent and has held up through countless washings.
Another club was offering a free t-shirt with a dance but I passed on the offer because I wasn't interested in the girl that approached me with the offer.
@Muddy: "And do you actually wear the free t shirt? I do use them."
I have a drawer full of them from Godfather when my wife and I used to go there. I don't think any of them have ever been worn. I should probably donate them to some of the homeless folks downtown.
I am probably on an island here, but I don't like feeling like a walking billboard for any company. I won't even buy clothing that has prominent designer logos for that very reason. About the only promotional T-shits I own are for events or festivals I attended.
last commentThe other I got from Follies for just being a regular customer. I had the shirt altered to add a caption "Vagina Inspector". I wore it a few times to Follies. I still have the shirt.
A spearmint rhino shirt
I rather they do dance, VIP, or even drink, specials, rather than giving out stuff I find useless.
Reason for the thread boardroom cabaret had shirt giveaway, I could always use some extra shirts for whatever, beat up, jizz rag etc.
Anyway I was gifted with a t-shirt by a club upon entry because they were promoting an event. It's a non flashy low key design and I've often worn it in casual settings over the years. No shame. They didn't skimp on the quality, It's obviously excellent and has held up through countless washings.
Another club was offering a free t-shirt with a dance but I passed on the offer because I wasn't interested in the girl that approached me with the offer.
I have a drawer full of them from Godfather when my wife and I used to go there. I don't think any of them have ever been worn. I should probably donate them to some of the homeless folks downtown.