
Comments by parodyman--> (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    An answer to a stupid question from a stupid man named Shadowcat.
    Prove my point bobbyl. You are so fixated on your fantasy of me being gay it is easily referenced in half of your posts.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    An answer to a stupid question from a stupid man named Shadowcat.
    I cleared my ignore list just to see if Bobbyl had calmed down. My bad. It appears that Bobbyl wants to suck my dick in a bad way. He can't make a post without a faggot parody this or mister gay that reference. I'd like to thank him for the offer of his extensive oral talents yet remind him again that I am married and do not swing that way.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    An answer to a stupid question from a stupid man named Shadowcat.
    Remember folks, this topic was in response to Shadowcat’s mystification as to why I dislike him. Now Shrek wants to know, “parodyman: What makes you think you have worth?” I could give a flip answer like the contents of my wallet or my bank account but in the spirit of participation and honesty how’s this? I measure my worth by the things that I do. (Or don’t do.) So when I look at someone like Shadowcat and see that I have absolutely nothing in common with him I know that I am on the right track. Now let me pose the same question to you Shrek: What makes you think you have worth?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's gonna lose
    Mister Guy, What If someone dosen't like the way Obama has voted on issues in the past. The truth is he has great potential to do a lot of harm. He certainly is not the "answer" everyone has been looking for.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    I think Bobbyl is dead wrong as usual. We forgive others for all kinds of transgressions in our everyday lives. Why not forgive the prostitute too and just accept them as individual people? Bobbyl are you so desperate to feel superior to someone that the best you can do is hate a group for providing a service you so obviously need?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    An answer to a stupid question from a stupid man named Shadowcat.
    It figures. The first reply is from the little boy who lives in Shadowcat's bowels. Bobbyl/Dougster you tape-worm piece of shit go start trouble elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers names, do you try to remember them or not?
    "I remember those that give me a reason that makes me want to remember." - Clubber Can't say it any better!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What the fuck time is it?
    Ask your computer genius son. You know, the one with the "free" Vista updates.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Zombie Strippers . . . TUSCL Banner Ad . . .
    My complete disdain for Robert Englund will keep me from seeing this movie.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Halloween parties in clubs.
    Haloween? If the parties bother you, you are TOO OLD!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    Read the following and tell me Bobbyl is not a fucking psychopath: "MISTERGAY LOSES AGAIN! MISTERGAY WILL ALWAYS BE A LOSER IN THE FLAME WARS HERE AND IN THE GAME OF LIFE!" Back to the ignore list you go fuckwad troll.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    waitress tips
    Often tipping the waitress is one of the best investments you can make. A couple tips and she will alter her routine and let you dictate the service. This is what you want, control of the pacing and the hustle factor. Besides often times the waitress can be more intriguing than some of the dancers. On to business: Shadowcat: “Several months ago there was a waitress at my favorite club that was a 10 in any man's book.” Parodyman-->: I’m sure the entire body of TUSCL members is enthralled with a story about a waitress we will never see from several months ago. Shadowcat: “Jokingly I asked her when she was going to start dancing. She said "I am thinking about it". The next month I was going to the couch room as she was coming out. She had not put her top back on yet.” Parodyman-->: “I’m thinking about it.” Means she did not want to tell a cheap prick like you. Shadowcat: “Great tits.” Parodyman-->: Sentence fragment, but not a big deal we get the picture. Shadowcat: “I would have broken my 2 for $20 rule to fondle them.” Parodyman-->:Broken the 2 for $20 rule? Say it ain’t so John. A move so drastic could kill an old codger like you. Shadowcat: “I said "So you decided to do it". "yes". I was looking fore ward to some action with her but have not seen her since. Damn!” Parodyman-->: Forward mother-fucker not “fore ward” And you haven’t seen her because she is avoiding you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New equipment for a strip club?
    Now if only Shadowcat could find a vacuum that would give senior discounts!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Dain, Or should we call you Paul Reubens? You are talking to missfrankiexxx not Nurse Nancy. Do you ever think you are going to get a positive response to a question like, "Do you mind if a guy whips it out and jerks till cum?" You are nearly as bad as Shadowcat.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    deogol, Bobbyl's exact problem is he is a bottom feeding troll with nothing of substance to offer. I don't even acknowledge him anymore. What prodigy1290 needs is to understand his motivation. Why this particular girl? Is there someone in your everyday life with similar attributes who is more attainable?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    Shrek wrote the following: "Shadowcat: You REALLY need to check your punctuation and spelling before hitting that Post It button! By not doing so you give parodyman more fodder for the grist mill!" My Reply: Shrek, Even with perfect grammar, spelling and punctuation our senile friend would still be a bigotted old fool. A racist, sexist homophobe who has no place in today's society except as something we can look at and judge forward progress. A living "Archie Bunker" if you will...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You forgot your underware
    Waiting for the spring to get a bike!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention 2007.
    Like a circle jerk?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Platinum Plus vs Mons Venus
    I've spent the whole of a minute trying to figure out what "FUCL" is. I wish to hell that Shadowcat could speak and write in English. Pity he hasn't the brain power to communicate.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You forgot your underware
    catman988, Don't drive yourself bat shit with all of Shadowcat's poor spelling and grammatical errors. He is an uneducated hick.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    Ever wonder what would happen if zombies [Alzheimer’s patients] took over the world? Check out another installment of the wit and witticism of Shadowcat… Shadowcat: “Apparently Larry Flynt and his cronies at Hustler have found a Sarah look a like and have already released a porno demeaning here.” Parodyman: Demeaning where? Or did you mean “her” as in Sarah Palin? Shadowcat: “What a sick MF"er.” Parodyman: Shadowcat why is it necessary to point out that there is a difference between an apostrophe and a quotation mark. Are your medications no longer working? Even worse is your denigration of a man who should be held up as an American hero. Although self serving his free speech cases make possible many of the types of freedoms you enjoy today. Parody being my favorite! Shadowcat: “I vote for a president that I think can best represent us to the other countries of the world. Let congress take care of the domestic stuff. John McCain is the best candidate to fill those shoes. Ok he is not young at 72 and it is conceivable that he couldn't not finish a term. In which case Sarah would take over. What has she got? She shares his same views and has more experience than Obama. Vs Hilliary she might be a loser. Bill had a lot of experiences. But do you think that getting A BJ from a chubby 6 in the oval office is a sign of greatness?” Parodyman: I’m not going to try to untangle the shit ball knot of political sophistication you have woven. Let’s just say you are fucked in the head and leave it at that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You forgot your underware
    Now he's offering to take pictures of men sans underwear. I'm gone for two weeks and the biggest homophobe on TUSCL is suddenly flaming? WTF?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Platinum Plus vs Mons Venus
    Shadowcat, Do you need to be reminded that this is TUSCL not the "Old man's guide to homoerotic fantasy?"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Best SC City??
    Vegas or Detroit Area
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Platinum Plus vs Mons Venus
    I haven't been to either. But I'd pick Mons over PP based solely on the fact that the Mons has a better clientelle with the absence of Shadowcat.